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(FE7) Yet another Draft: FE7: Take Two


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Ch29: Cog of Destiny (7/160)

Hector and Oswin stay at the start to deal with the Wyverns that appear. Pent and Louise go north. Bartre takes the generals. Heath goes west and Sain and Harken head towards Linus. Everything in this chapter gets absolutely annihilated, to call the enemies weak would be a compliment. Heath gets the Warp Staff and buys a whole lot of Silver Weapons and THUNDER TOMES (I forgot to buy these last time I drafted Pent, and hated myself). Basically, everyone gets a whole lot of experience from piss-weak promoted enemies. Sain doubles Linus with a Steel Lance, leaving him at 3 HP on the next player phase for Harken to finish. Pent and Louise mop up the last two enemies and the chapter ends.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  01.00  39  11  16  14  10  18  10     
Bartre  18.86  60  27  16  25  12  20  10
Oswin   12.94  50  27  17  18  14  27  11          
Sain    19.52  50  25  15  24  20  12  05          
Heath   10.89  54  17  20  16  11  16  06
Pent    13.15  38  21  21  20  19  13  17    A Louise  
Louise  09.83  32  15  15  19  20  09  12    A Pent   	
Harken  17.57  46  25  23  19  14  16  11  

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Yea. It's really awful. I think Bartre stole all his rng luck or something.

Ch30: The Berserker (5/165)

Heath rescues Hector and Pent warps him as far as possible. Heath carries Hector next turn then drops him. Heath attacks the boss with the Brave Lance, counters again and finishes him on the next player phase. Hector seizes.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  01.58  39  11  16  14  10  18  10 	
Bartre  19.98  60  27  17  26  13  21  10
Oswin   12.94  50  27  17  18  14  27  11          
Sain    19.71  50  25  15  24  20  12  05          
Heath   13.06  57  20  21  19  13  17  06
Pent    14.30  38  21  21  21  19  14  17    A Louise  
Louise  09.83  32  15  15  19  20  09  12    A Pent   	
Harken  17.57  46  25  23  19  14  16  11  

Ch31: Sands of Time (12/177)

I'm not even sure how to summarize this chapter, because I'm fairly sure that barring huge RNG screwage from a Luna Druid, it is literally impossible for you to lose. The enemies are so bad that they all just fall over dead. Basically just got EXP, left Denning to kill for the last turn so I could abuse reinforcements. Matthew gets the Body Ring for Athos. Stupidly easy chapter.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  05.00  43  13  17  17  11  19  12 	
Bartre  18.86  60  27  16  25  12  20  10
Oswin   16.01  53  29  17  21  15  28  12          
Sain    19.52  50  25  15  24  20  12  05          
Heath   16.10  60  21  23  20  13  17  06
Pent    17.01  39  22  22  21  20  14  20    A Louise  
Louise  12.42  35  16  15  20  21  09  12    A Pent   	
Harken  19.96  48  25  23  19  14  16  11  

Ch31x: some shopping shit (6/183)

Buy an overabundance of weapons, hit the arena with Heath and Hector, call it a day.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  06.53  44  14  18  18  11  19  12 	
Bartre  18.86  60  27  16  25  12  20  10
Oswin   16.01  53  29  17  21  15  28  12          
Sain    19.52  50  25  15  24  20  12  05          
Heath   17.57  60  21  23  20  14  18  07
Pent    17.01  39  22  22  21  20  14  20    A Louise  
Louise  12.42  35  16  15  20  21  09  12    A Pent   	
Harken  19.96  48  25  23  19  14  16  11  

Ch32: Victory or Death (6/189)

Heath rescues Hector and gets warped forwards. Oswin and Sain go north, Bartre and Harken west, Pent and Louise down the middle. Heath moves forward, chugs a pure water, gets Physiced by Pent. Eventually, Heath gets close enough to drop Hector, and goes after Limstella with the Brave Lance. Limstella suicides on the enemy phase, and Hector seizes. Recruited Renault on the last turn for his Fortify.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  06.91  44  14  18  18  11  19  12 	
Bartre  20.00  60  27  17  25  14  21  11
Oswin   17.36  54  29  18  22  15  28  13          
Sain    20.00  51  25  15  24  20  12  05          
Heath   20.00  60  22  24  22  15  19  08
Pent    20.00  40  24  22  21  21  14  23    A Louise  
Louise  13.48  36  17  15  21  21  09  13    A Pent   	
Harken  20.00  49  25  24  20  14  17  11  

Ch32x: The Value of Life (1/190)

Warp Bartre in, crits Kishuna with the Killer Axe.

   	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  06.91  44  14  18  18  11  19  12 	
Bartre  20.00  60  27  17  25  14  21  11
Oswin   17.36  54  29  18  22  15  28  13          
Sain    20.00  51  25  15  24  20  12  05          
Heath   20.00  60  22  24  22  15  19  08
Pent    20.00  40  24  22  21  21  14  23    A Louise  
Louise  13.48  36  17  15  21  21  09  13    A Pent   	
Harken  20.00  49  25  24  20  14  17  11  

Final Chapter: Light (5/195)

Part 1: 4 turns.

Uhai: Bolting'd by Athos, lured out, Luna'd by Athos and finished by Louise.

Generic Snipers: Killed by Pent and Sain.

Kenneth: Speared by Heath.

Druid and Sage: Speared by Heath.

Brendan: Killing Edged by Harken, then Speared by Heath.

Warrior: Brave Sworded by Harken.

Darin: Tanked by Hector, then Thundered, Rienfleched, and finished by the Wolf Beil.

General: Luna'd by Athos.

Ursula: Speared by Oswin.

Jerme: Speared by Oswin.

Lloyd: Damaged by Swordslayer Bartre, then finished by Sain and Louise.

Linus: Critted by Swordslayer Bartre.

Nergal: Warped Athos up, Luna critted.

Part 2: 1 turn.

Athos doubles the dragon with the body ring, and scores a crit on the second attack. Cya later.

Will update with final stats and thoughts shortly.

Edited by Silvercrow
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lol integ. Also Heath's line fucking sucks. Fuck you Heath.


Great Lord   7.79  45(+.5)  14(-8)  19(+1.75)  18(+1.25)  11(+.5)  20(-1.5)  13(+1.75) 

Dear Hector,

I am writing to tell you that I have a sincere message which I think you should consider carefully. I've thought about it for a long time, and I've finally come to the conclusion that there is only one thing I can tell you about this.

Fuck you.

Love, Silvs


Seriously what the fuck, -8 str? Are you kidding me? I think this might be the worst Hector I've ever had. Barely did like 5 damage to Darin with the Wolf Beil in the final chapter. Absolutely terrible.


Warrior   20.00  60  27(-1.5)  17(-2.95)  26(+8.2)  14(-1.1)  21(+2.9)  11(-1.25)   

Now this... this is impressive. Bartre going from a base speed of 3 to capping it at 26. Honestly, that's just ridiculous, and the RNG kept him good. He was fast for the entire game after like... chapter 13, was pulling doubles with VERY high strength and an impressive defense. Honestly, he was great, able to handle combat in nearly any situation after he promoted. Definitely a worthwhile draft with that RNG blessing. He was also one of the few characters I had with very good availability, so it would be hard to complain in any case.


General   19.17  56(-2.1)  29(+2.4)  19(-.7)  22(+5.3)  16(+2.85)  29(-1)  14(-.7)   

Oswin was great. An earlygame powerhouse rivaling Marcus in combat (although not in movement, unfortunately...) who was very useful in the early rout/defense chapters. Unfortunately, his movement is majorly limiting, like all knights, but his fantastic combat made up for it. He was outshone somewhat later, but was still a highly effective combatant in the last few chapters. Overall, happy to have drafted him.


Paladin   20.00  51(-.4)  25  15(-3.3)  24(+1.8)  20(+2.8)  12(-3.6)  05(-3.6)   

He had somewhat of a rough start, since Hector, Oswin, and Bartre were all quite overleveled when he first joined. Having a mount is a great way to fix that really fast, though, and he was essential for faster clears of 17, 17x, 18, 19... etcetc the list goes on. He was my only fast movement user until Heath, and even after that was a great combat unit all the way through to the final chapter. Sain definitely kept up the trend I always get of strength knights being vastly superior to the speed knights. Go strength knights.


Wyvern Lord   20.00  60  22(-4)  24(-1)  22(-.5)  15(+2)  19(+0)  08(-1)   

I came into this draft not really liking Heath. I came out of this draft not really liking Heath. Even with Afa's drops, he was screwed in almost everything (thanks for the LUCK). As a draft he was great, since he was my only flyer and definitely shaved turns, but compared to any of the Pegasi sisters he just doesn't match up. Still, was essential for more than a few chapters, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Probably noticeably better with hard mode bonuses, I guess.


Sage   20.00  40  24  22  21  21  14  23    A Louise 

Pent was, as always, fantastic. It's really impossible to be disappointed in him since he's not a growth unit, anyway. Didn't bother calculating his deviation from averages since he's not a growth unit, aka who gives a shit? He's still my preferred first pick.


Sniper   14.63  36  17  15  22  21  10  13    A Pent   

Eh, she wasn't terrible. Exclusive access to really great weaponry meant that her rather pathetic strength wasn't an issue, and her Pent support was of course quite welcome. Her avoid was high enough that her crappy HP was never an issue, and she was more or less guaranteed kills as long as she used the Silver/Killer/Brave bows. Killed a handful of people in the final chapter, as well. I'm still not sure whether or not Wil would have been a better choice. I mean, Wil sucks, but his stats would probably have been better than Louise's by the time she joined anyway, and he would have been around for longer. Who knows...


Hero   20.00  49  25  24  20  14  17  11   

As always, fantastic. Can't go wrong with his bases and weapon ranks, and in normal mode he just plows through absolutely everything. While he didn't do anything terrible special, he was certainly a great help as a reliable combat unit and was a worthwhile choice. Still a shame about his availability, but nothing that can be done about that.


Eh, I lost, but I can deal with losing by 9 turns (Paperblade hasn't been adding +1 to defend chapters, the game would count his total as 186), most of which were by virtue of not having Florina or Ninils. I'll have to remember to go for Florina earlier next time, if I can. She's just fantastic. Really glad to have finished more than anything.

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My highest rank was this run, too. :(

And yea, ridiculous Oswin and Bartre, shitty Hector and Heath.

My thoughts exactly - whoa there Oswin and Bartre, what the **** Hector. Seriously, 8 points below avarage strength??? Messed up for sure.

Edited by Malik Maxwell
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Whee, I'm actually updating!


Chapter 14 - False Friends - 13/47

Poor Erk. He never stood a chance.

Hector marched right to the boss, killing everything along the way. Marcus ran down to get Priscilla because hooray! Healer! and met Hector in the climactic battle in the center of the map to make sure he didn't die from myrmidons. Only really notable event besides hooray! Healer! was that one damn pirate decided that he needed to heal himself, which meant ONE pirate on a ROUT map was sitting pretty in a fort that I couldn't get to.

But it was still good.

  	level  HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS
Hector  11.06  29  12  06  08  05  11  03 	

Chapter 15 - Talons Alight - 8/55


Sealen aggro'd on turn one. Marcus promptly killed him. That was hella anticlimactic.

But so was the rest of the map, tbh.

Nobody got any levels.

Edited by Spectakitty
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