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[FE11] Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon Drafting Tourney #VII


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Sho is next. You (elcipse) and I are done, and can start the runs. I am waiting until MONDAY to start, due to FE7 SUYO run, a previous Marth solo that is at 20x, and some trips over this weekend. So I will start Monday morning.

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Keys yes, Warp Hell no.

Penalty for Warp is +20. Because, as someone on GFaqs pointed out, you can warp Marth to the top of 23, kill the Bishop, and take in 2 turns. +4 is 6, still faster than possible. so +20 REALLY messes with any get through quick schemes.

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I will assume JBCWK's previous post still applies, and he wants Est.Thus, Elieson said Arran, and so, Lancey gets Samson or Jeorge.

13th: Marth, Jagen, Gotoh, Frey, Wendell, Hardin, Palla, Jake, Xane, Elice, Tiki, Bantu

Eclipse: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Cain, Castor, Rickard, Radd, Roshea, Matthis, Astram, Ymir, Macellan

Sho. M: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Abel, Caeda, Navarre, Vyland, Gordin, Midia, Horace, Lorenz,

JBCWK: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Barst, Lena, Wolf, Catria, Bord, Norne, Boah, Linde, Est

Elieson: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Julian, Ogma, Sedgar, Caesar, Beck, Tomas, Maria, Dolph, Arran

Lancelot: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Draug, Merric, Cord, Darros, Roger, Athena, Wrys, Minerva

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I will assume JBCWK's previous post still applies, and he wants Est.Thus, Elieson said Arran, and so, Lancey gets Samson or Jeorge.

13th: Marth, Jagen, Gotoh, Frey, Wendell, Hardin, Palla, Jake, Xane, Elice, Tiki, Bantu

Eclipse: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Cain, Castor, Rickard, Radd, Roshea, Matthis, Astram, Ymir, Macellan

Sho. M: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Abel, Caeda, Navarre, Vyland, Gordin, Midia, Horace, Lorenz,

JBCWK: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Barst, Lena, Wolf, Catria, Bord, Norne, Boah, Linde, Est

Elieson: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Julian, Ogma, Sedgar, Caesar, Beck, Tomas, Maria, Dolph, Arran

Lancelot: Marth, Jagen: Gotoh/Nagi, Draug, Merric, Cord, Darros, Roger, Athena, Wrys, Minerva

Lancey gets the doublepick, so he gets both Samson and Jeorge

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Last is not to be used, unless we determine that he's free for all. I hope to God that if its free, the freebie is Jeorge.

I'd hate to have my freebie be Samson, since I got Arran already...that'd be a fun one.

Anyway, I've decided to start my run.

I'm gonna complete my prologue, since I can only use Marth and Jagen until Chapter 2 anyway...

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I just read a previous draft tourney's run information, and they didn't count the prologue towards the game's total turncount.

Same thing for here?

And I vote that Jeorge get's discarded from the tourney, as he didn't make anyone's cut...obviously, no one wants him. (or his silver bow and steel bow)

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I just read a previous draft tourney's run information, and they didn't count the prologue towards the game's total turncount.

Same thing for here?

And I vote that Jeorge get's discarded from the tourney, as he didn't make anyone's cut...obviously, no one wants him. (or his silver bow and steel bow)

Prologue traditionally doesn't count, unless you stall like mad or something. This is because it really sucks if all you have is Marth and Jagen.

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Prologue traditionally doesn't count, unless you stall like mad or something. This is because it really sucks if all you have is Marth and Jagen.

Dammit. So true. It is a pain in the arse. I still feel like i'm doing well though.

I did keep track of it all though...for the helluvit.

P1: 5

Marth gains a Res point on his first lv. up. Damn

P2: 4

Marth kills all but the archers. Easy as beans

P3: 7

Stupid mage made me restart once. Not complaining though, better lvls this time. Trades to empty Frey and Cain.

P4: 7

Killed Gordin. Tried to kill Frey, but he wouldn't die.

Chapter 1: 5/5

Got the money on turn 1, and MARTHRUSHED to the castle. Jagen followed, and killed an axe and the hunter. Gained a lvl too (from his experience in Prologue). Skipped Wrys, as why should I care. This level was a Marth rush...which sucked. He attacked the boss, killed him on the counter, and siezed on turn 5. Dammit Jagen is starting to get targetted now...

Chapter 2: 4/9

Ridiculous rush with Marth and Ogma and Jagen. sent the axemen and Draug to the top to die, and only Bord/Cord died. Mad props to Ogma for dodging death many times. He'd have prolly died if I didn't recruit Castor though. Darros never caught up to Marth...so he'll just not exist. Decided to make Caeda my shopper now, since I should probably get some equipment stock just in case.

Turn 3: Placed Jagen in front of the boss w silver lance equipped. He missed. Next turn, he attacks and Jagen crits him. Marth skips the village with 5k Money in order to sieze, but trades for the Steel Sword before finishing. Ogma gains a decent level too.

Killed Bord

Killed Cord

Gonna post Stats now, since I have more than 1 person (well, I'm not countting Jagen, since he's got basically Bases anyway). Ogma got a nice lv. up in ch2...giving him a Def point is always nice. Too bad this is pretty much only Marth.

Oh yea, and know what sucks? Having my team having to have 3 Sword-only units (and Jagen) until chapter 4. Then I could reclass, but I probably won't. I get Sedgar in ch5, but he's banned to Bows and Swords too. Not getting Axes any time soon unless I reclass Jagen....hmm, I'll do that probably, to Dragon Knight. Spread some Vulns. around and reclass him to offense, because i need him to keep up with my MARTHRUSH that seems to be happening. I doubt Julian will be superhelpful...but then again, Marth gained a Res on his first lvlup...Who knows?

While typing this, I'm regretting not getting that free Heal from Wrys...but the 1 turn is more important to me than 800 Gold. I think everyone will be so overlvl'd that Irons and Steels will suffice, and I can splurge on a few extra Heals. Gonna miss using that Hammer though...T.T

Entering Chapter 3
Funds:  6400 (I think)
Name 	Lvl  HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  Class
Marth   9.54  26  10    0    8   12   12    9    1    Lord
Ogma    6.00  24   6    0   12   13    4    7    0    Mercenary
Jagen   2.60  23   7    1   10    8    2    9    6   Paladin

Oh yea. I don't care who dies. Meatshielding is allowed, and unless I need them, they're meat. I'm having trouble killing off units though, because I want exp more than I want them to die. I basically just let range units finish my others and let my team kill who's in the way. Seems to be fun.

Edited by Elieson
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Prologue 1: 5 turns

Standard Marth stuff.

Prologue 2: 6 turns

Marth solo. Healed in front of the soldier on the seize spot. Marth's levels are not disappointing.

Prologue 3: 7 turns

Marth moves as far as he can every turn, while Jagen clears the path.

Prologue 4: 7 turns

Sacrificed Frey as the decoy. Also skipped the Steel bow village and let Jagen pwn most enemies up north with a javelin.

Ch. 1: 7 turns

Jagen+Silver Lance bum rush. Marth and Draug get leftover pirates. Wrys was recruited.

Ch. 2: 7 turns

More Jagen bum rush to the west, with Marth and Cord. Castor was killed, Darros was recruited on Turn 2 by letting him recruit himself. Draug stays east to get the kills for himself. Took time to get the village and killed the boss with Marth.

Ch. 3: 8 turns

Ignored the west and went south. Marth got the village and Cord and Darros tried getting leftover fighters from Draug and Jagen. Gordin and Lena were killed off by Navarre's boys. Recruited Navarre for his sword and he's kinda badass. The boss was killed by a combination of Silver Lance, Marth and Cord. Jagen also went south to buy more axes.

Ch. 4: 8 turns


Draug to Fighter

Darros to Knight

Jagen to Dracoknight

Everyone went west, while Barst, Julian and Bord go east to get killed off. When the eastern forces caught up, Draug, Cord and Darros were left to kill them off. Skipped the village with money and Merric gets the boss kill.

Ch. 5: 8 turns

Hey guess what? More death fodder. Abel gets killed by Wendell and Vyland got killed by the archers. Straight-forward Marth rushes to the gate, ignoring everything on the way. Wendell was recruited just for his equipment and the armory was visited for more javelins and steel lances.

Ch. 6: 8 turns

Dracoknight!Jagen tanks so much in Normal mode.Anymore, more death fodder by Sedgar, Hardin, Roshea and Wendell. I let the theives open the chests, so I kill them to get the treasure. Merric critted the boss with Excalibur.

Ch. 6x: 13 turns(even though gaidens don't count in drafts)

Darros and Merric go south while the others go north to get Athena.

Ch. 7: 7 turns


Athena to Pegasus Knight

Cord to Hunter

Went straight down and took down any pegasus knights in the way. Ignored killing Minerva and her Whitewings, since I need Merric to kill the boss. Jagen blocks the Ridersbane cavalier's fort and Cain and Wolf are killed off by the other cavaliers and knights. Reinforcements were killed off as they came and Marth and Merric team up to kill the boss.

Ch. 8: 7 turns

Brought Caeda to recruit Roger. Marth is just uber pwn like that and clears off the cavaliers at the start. Used an unarmed generic to distract Roger and Caesar died to the horsemen. Darros clogs the with the horsemen with Roger, so I can give Roger a couple kills. Athena, Jagen and Draug went to the forts where the knights spawn to get a little more EXP. Marth takes care of the boss with his Rapier, along with Merric helping him.

Ch. 9: 5 turns


Roger to Fighter

Marth heads straight down, with everyone else. Darros opens the door with a door key and I kill offf the pirates with Roger. The boss was kill off with a combination of Merric and Athena.

I'll post the rest of my logs and stats later.

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Chapter 3: 6/15 Turns

Rushed Julian to the mainteam, but he never caught up. Skipped the Devil Axe, and parked Julian on the village. The 2 enemy thieves made it to him, and he crit'd them both, and gained a level in the process.

Marth, Jagen, Ogma rushed to the boss, and Jagen's Silver proved most useful, as it hit him for 13 twice, bringing him to roughly 8 (after he heals). Ogma finished him off with the Steel Sword (yea, it was 8 HP). Marth seizes for the win.

Didn't recruit Navarre. Caeda shopped and bought some Hammers and a Steel Axe (and 1 more Iron Sword by accident).

Still trying to ditch alotta units.

Chapter 4: Reclass'd Jagen to Dragon Knight. ...still in the works. My battery died T.T

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The best place to ditch units is in the upcoming chapters.

Finished my own draft tournament. LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!

Prologues: Marth went nuts, level-wise. Cain, not so much. I did manage to get the latter's Lance rank up to D.

(in case anyone was curious, turn counts were 5, 8, 13, and 13, or something to that effect)

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         6.07   22    7     0     4    11    10     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      1.00   22    7     1    10     8     1     9     6
Cain      Cavalier     5.88   24    8     0     7     7     4     8     0

Chapter 1 - 6/6

Marth solo. Cain and Jagen cleaned up after him. The former needs to cooperate a little more!

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         7.72   23    8     0     5    12    10     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      1.77   22    7     1    10     8     1     9     6
Cain      Cavalier     7.35   26    8     0     8     8     4     8     0

Chapter 2 - 4/10

Jagen hit a critical on the boss, ending the chapter early. Castor shot at Caeda before she talked some sense into him.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         8.81   24    9     0     5    12    11     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      2.25   23    7     1    10     8     1    10     6
Cain      Cavalier     7.62   26    8     0     8     8     4     8     0
Castor    Hunter       3.40   Base everything

Chapter 3 - 6/16

Silver Lance did a lot of work here. Marth and his Steel Sword took off most of the boss' health. Cain finished him. Jacked Navarre's Killing Edge, and will be using him as bait in the next chapter.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord         9.36   25   10     0     6    13    12     9     0
Jagen     Paladin      2.60   23    7     1    10     8     1    10     6
Cain      Cavalier     8.49   26    8     0     9     9     5     8     0
Castor    Hunter       4.10   21    7     0     3     7     3     4     0

Chapter 4 - 7/23

Reclassed Jagen to Bishop, Castor to Mercenary, Lena to Pegasus Knight, and meatshields to something squishy.

Castor sat on the nearby fort, while Lena recruited her brother before dying. Caeda did some shopping, then escaped north with Julian. Everyone else ran towards the boss. Took an extra turn because of the way some of the enemies were positioned. Reset once because Castor blocked everything with his face.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        10.06   26   10     0     6    14    13    10     0
Jagen     Bishop       3.25   23    1     4     8     5     1     5     8
Cain      Cavalier     9.66   27    9     0     9     9     6     8     0
Castor    Mercenary    5.76   20    6     0     7    12     3     6     0
Matthis   Cavalier     I think he was at base

Chapter 5 - 5/28

Reclassed Castor to Pirate.

Sent everyone that wasn't a Skittle west, then north to draw the reinforcements. Marth and Castor made for the throne while the rest of Marth's group dealt with the northern guys. Got a bunch of Javelins and the Barrier.

Roshea pulled a critical out of nowhere and made life easier for me.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        10.55   26   10     0     6    14    13    10     0
Jagen     Bishop       3.65   23    1     4     8     5     1     5     8
Cain      Cavalier    10.39   28   10     0    10    10     7     9     0
Castor    Pirate       6.15   23    7     0     1     9     3     6     0
Matthis   Cavalier     4.77   22    6     0     3     7     1     8     0
Roshea    Cavalier     3.50   Base

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Ch. 10: 13 turns

I'm pretty much forced to head throught the fort, so I can get Maria, but really Minerva. The theif was killed off, archers were eliminated and Marth rushes to Maria with door keys ready. Roger, Darros, Cord and Wrys stay behind to fend off reinforcements. Draug sneaks his way to the shop for more door keys and armory for more axes. Minerva Hammers the boss and Marth seizes.

Ch. 11: 11 turns

Minerva flies up, but out of ballista range to take care of the cavaliers with a hand axe. Maria becomes ballista fodder. Everyone move up and kills off any opposition. Athena flies to where the mercenaries are and starts bringing the hurt to them. I lured out the horseman and sniper out seperately with Minerva, then gang up on them with everyone else. After reaching the inner area, the rest was easy.

Ch. 12: 10 turns


Spirit dust and speedwing to Merric


Darros to Pirate

After taking out the knights in the starting area, Marth, Merric, Minerva, Jagen and Wrys go through the chest room, while the others

wait for the reinforcements to kill. Midia and her troops are killed off by the archers and mage. The general in the chest room was killed by Minerva with a Hammer, then I opened two chests with Marth and Jagen for a Master Seall and a bullion. The sniper was killed by Marth and Merric, while the cavalier group by Minerva. Marth kills the boss and Jagen flies over to get the boots.

Ch. 12x: 12 turns


Darros to Knight

Draug to Pirate

Straightforward chapter. Took time in sharing kills with low-leveled dudes and visiting villages. Killed Horace.

Ch. 13: 5 turns


Minerva to Paladin

Jagen to Swordmaster

Darros to Pirate

Athena to Myrmidon

Another bum rush. Needed to get lucky with the ballista hit rates. Astram is obviously killed off and the boss falls to the Levin Sword by Marth and Jagen.

Ch. 14: 7 turns


Jagen to Dracoknight

Minerva to Dracoknight

Athena to Pegasus Kinght

Darros to Knight

Opened the bridge with Darros, then Athena, Draug and Minerva go towards the chest room for the bullion, while the others take care off the middle room,except for Marth, who's pissed at Jiol and rushes for revenge. I killed Catria and Palla, since they're not in recruitment range of Marth.

Ch. 15: 5 turns

Marth runs up to the throne as fast as possible, when Minerva-Pure water takes out the surrounding mages and bishop on the throne. Gharnef is walled away from me by unarmed generics. The others tried to get kills from the dracoknights.

One more post, then stats.

EDIT: Fuck it, gonna merge updates.

Ch. 16: 10 turns

Marth goes west by himself to get Samson, while Athena, Jagen and Minerva fly around to help him and the others go through the prison room. The horsemen are decimated by Draug's hand-axe and the paladins move towards Marth's group. Used Athena to buy some more heal staves and door keys. Draug Hammers the boss.

Ch. 17: 3 turns

Marth opens the door, Minerva flies in to hack the Swarm bishop on turns two, and Merric and Wrys provide support. The others go west to gain EXP. Marth gains vengence on the boss and seizes.

Ch. 17x: 16 turns

I only opened one room, which was the first one on the left to get the longbow. Minerva almost died to a Sniper+fire dragon, but dodged the sniper, which made me very happy. Darros was left behind to fight the paladins. Etzel was killed and Draug Hammers again. Also Athena promoted.

Ch. 18: 7 turns


Darros to Fighter

Marth leads the way, making his way towards the throne. The others clear the path for him. Est is ignored. Down south, Marth sits on a fort, with a Levin sword to at least chip then the team caught up to clean up. Athena criticaled the boss with a javelin and Marth seized. Draug promotes.

Ch. 19: 5 turns

The second turn was hecktic, since a mage ninjas you from the treasure room. 2-ranging the heroes was Merric and Cord's job, while Minerva gets the Starsphere. Also killed the thief with the Lightsphere. Athena kills Tiki with a Silver Lance and Marth seizes. Roger promotes.

Ch. 20: 6 turns


Darros to Knight

Athena, Minerva, Marth and Draug cross the river to kill the generals. The rest of the team head towards the bridge to confront the paladin squad. The northern paladin forces were easy too. Camus was killed off by Draug and Athena with Ridersbane. Lorenz was recruited, because why not? I'm just gonna bench him the whole game.

Ch. 20x: 18 turns:

Roger, Athena, Cord and Samson go west, Jagen, Minerva, Merric, Wrys and Darros go north, and Marth goes towards Ymir by himself. Enemy forces were easy to clear, and Marth goes on a mad run around the map, opening chests.

Actually, I'll post my final stats after the final chapter. I'm almost done anyway.

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Chapter 6 - 10/38

I remembered what happened the last time I used Rickard. I won't make the same mistake twice.

Julian recruited Rickard, who grabbed the Bullion. Cain went into the northern room and murdered everything. Matthis and Roshea cleared the way for Marth, who ran towards the throne room. Unfortuately, Jagen couldn't heal everyone fast enough, so I had to wait a turn to heal a ranged attacker, then another turn because Marth missed while the boss didn't. Castor had just enough Strength and Speed to ORKO the dudes with bows.

After Rickard made me rich, sent him north to kill all three thieves (one was in OHKO range). Thanks to a spare Vulnerary from Cain, he did just that, and gained two levels, one of which was a really good one. I'll take the extra turns for a chance at mini-Julian!

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        11.79   26   10     0     7    14    14    10     0
Jagen     Bishop       4.33   23    1     4     9     5     1     5     9
Cain      Cavalier    11.84   28   11     0    10    10     7    10     0
Castor    Pirate       6.75   23    7     0     1     9     3     6     0
Matthis   Cavalier     5.93   23    6     0     3     8     2     9     0
Roshea    Cavalier     4.70   23    6     0     6     7     4     8     0
Rickard   Thief        3.07   17    5     0     3    10     1     3     0

Chapter 6x - 18

Reclassed Roshea to Archer.

This was Matthis, Roshea, and Rickard's self-improvement map. I'm glad to say that they kinda got the point. If Rickard keeps getting lucky, it might be enough to warrant the Seraph Robe.

Marth stole the boss kill.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        12.53   27   11     0     7    14    15    10     0
Jagen     Bishop       5.21   23    1     4    10     5     1     5     9
Cain      Cavalier    11.93   28   11     0    10    10     7    10     0
Castor    Pirate       7.37   23    8     0     1     9     4     7     0
Matthis   Cavalier     7.39   25    7     0     4    10     2    10     0
Roshea    Archer       7.39   24    7     0     9     6     4     8     0
Rickard   Thief        5.06   19    6     0     3    10     3     3     0

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Might as well get this party started...

Prologues (5,6,12,13)

Killed Frey, Decoyed Cain

After prologue stats

Name  Class Lv    Hp  Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth Lold  4.74  21  6   0   5   9   9   7   0   D
Abel  Cav   6.72  23  9   0   8   10  3   8   0   D D
Jagen Pala  1.06  base
Gord  Lame  1.70  base

Chapter 1 5 turns

All but Gord who killed thief rushed to seize. Shiida got Strenght :lol:

Chapter 2 5/10 turns

Gord used baits for training, others rush. I will not reset to boss crit for 4 turns...

Chapter 3 5/15 turns

Shiida got Nav. Shiida, Gordin and Nav played around with Nav's boys, others just bossrush. No crit this time either...

These guys are alive Draug, Norne, Ogma, Barst, Julian.

Name  Class Lv    Hp  Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth Lold  6.58  21  8   0   7   9   10  7   0   C
Abel  Cav   10.41 25  9   0   9   12  5   8   0   D C
Jagen Pala  2.05  +1 Def
Gord  Lame  3.40  19  5   0   3   6   4   7   0   D
Shiid Peg.  4.84  17  5   0   8   14  12  7   6   D
Nabar Myrm 4.37  20  5   0   9   11  8   6   0   C

Chapter 4 6/21 turns

Reclassed Jagen to Draco, Nab and Gord went for Cav.

Pretty basic. Jagen being able to solo Horseman makes this too easy...

Chapter 5 4/25 turns

Boooooooooss Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush.

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Chapter 7 - 7/45

Sent everyone down south, and had Roshea snip at the flying units. Cain on Steel Lance was strong enough to punch through the armors. Matthis and Castor were on clean-up duty. The boss went down to Armorslayer (Marth), Fire (Jagen) and Steel Lance (Cain).

Castor hit D in axes.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        12.95   27   11     0     7    14    15    10     0
Jagen     Bishop       5.47   23    1     5    10     5     1     5     9
Cain      Cavalier    13.40   30   13     0    11    11     8    11     0
Castor    Pirate       7.95   23    8     0     1     9     4     7     0
Matthis   Cavalier     8.28   26    7     0     5    11     2    10     0
Roshea    Archer       8.40   24    8     0    10     6     4     9     0
Rickard   Thief        5.36   19    6     0     3    10     3     3     0

Chapter 8 - 6/51

Sent Jagen and Caeda to the market, and everyone else towards the boss. The sheer number of units meant that I was able to kill off most of my generics. Cain hit twice with the Steel Lance, and Marth hit twice with his special sword to end the map. Radd improved himself in the arena.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        13.57   28   12     0     7    15    16    11     0
Jagen     Bishop       5.93   23    1     5    10     5     1     5     9
Cain      Cavalier    13.82   30   13     0    11    11     8    11     0
Castor    Pirate       8.70   24    8     0     1     9     4     8     0
Matthis   Cavalier     8.87   26    7     0     5    11     2    10     0
Roshea    Archer       8.78   24    8     0    10     6     4     9     0
Rickard   Thief        5.36   19    6     0     3    10     3     3     0
Radd      Myrmidon     2.26   19    4     0     8    10     1     6     0

Chapter 9 - 5/56

Reclassed Roshea and Radd to Cavalier

If Marth can make it to the throne in four turns, I don't see it.

Radd had fun with the axes, while Cain, Matthis, and Roshea flattened everything between Marth and the throne. Castor played catch with a bunch of pirates.

Fun fact: If Cain had one more STR, he would've ORKO'd the boss with a Steel Lance.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        14.40   29   12     0     8    16    17    12     0
Jagen     Bishop       6.17   23    1     6    10     5     1     5     9
Cain      Cavalier    14.10   31   14     0    12    11     9    11     0
Castor    Pirate       9.74   25    9     0     1    10     4     9     0
Matthis   Cavalier     9.07   27    7     0     5    11     2    11     0
Roshea    Cavalier     9.22   27    8     0     9     8     5    10     0
Rickard   Thief        5.66   19    6     0     3    10     3     3     0
Radd      Cavalier     3.12   22    7     0     1     6     1     9     0

Chapter 10 - 9/65

Reclassed Roshea to Archer.

Cain and Matthis did a wonderful job taking out the horse guys. The thief decided to run out the door nearest me (WTF), so Rickard got a free kill in. Castor and Roshea cleared a path so Rickard could get Physic.

Once I hit the boss, let Cain play with him for a bit before yanking him in range of my Master Seal. Marth killed the boss, while Radd got the last blow on the Master Seal.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        15.11   30   13     0     9    16    18    13     0
Jagen     Bishop       6.66   23    1     6    10     5     1     5     9
Cain      Cavalier    15.10   32   15     0    12    11     9    11     0
Castor    Pirate      10.01   26    9     0     2    10     4     9     0
Matthis   Cavalier     9.67   27    7     0     5    11     2    11     0
Roshea    Archer       9.78   25    8     0    10     6     5     9     0
Rickard   Thief        6.39   20    6     0     3    11     4     3     0
Radd      Cavalier     4.10   23    7     0     2     7     2     9     0

Chapter 11 - 10/75

Reclassed Castor to Mercenary.

Marth, Jagen, Cain, and Matthis went towards the boss, everyone else went south. Fed Rickard kills, with Castor and Radd as meatshields. Caeda visited Anna's house, then recruited Jake.

This would have been 9 turns, but Cain missed (not to mention ate two criticals from the Killer Bow dude). I think the stat gains more than make up for it.

Name      Class       Level   HP   STR   MAG   SKL   SPD   LUK   DEF   RES
Marth     Lord        15.79   30   13     0     9    16    18    13     0
Jagen     Bishop       7.37   23    1     6    10     5     1     5    10
Cain      Cavalier    16.01   33   15     0    13    12    10    11     0
Castor    Mercenary   10.60   24    8     0     9    14     4    10     0
Matthis   Cavalier    10.13   28    7     0     5    12     2    11     0
Roshea    Archer      10.83   26    8     0    11     7     5    10     0
Rickard   Thief        8.09   21    7     0     4    12     4     3     0
Radd      Cavalier     4.75   23    7     0     2     7     2     9     0

Edited by eclipse
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