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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 74


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And yeah, maybe Lethe herself wouldn't make a big deal now. But we're not talking about what the characters say, but what they're backstory says. Lethe is the older of the twins. You know why this is because you seem an intelligent fellow which why I'm questioning if you're seriously arguing this.

I still think it's ridiculous to call one twin 'older' and one twin 'younger' when the gap is an hour at most. If you met a person and you were born within an hour, it would be more accurate to say that you're the same age than that one of you is older and the other is younger.

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How is it more accurate to say something that is incorrect than something that is correct? Age is judged by birth.

Of course, we could go back to conception. Then it's rather difficult to say which is the older twin (for fraternal twins). And for identical twins, they'd have to be considered the same age, obviously. But then there's stuff like someone being born two weeks earlier but premature so they would be older but really younger (no longer talking twins).

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Are you seriously going to argue this? Have you ever been around twins? The older one LOVES pointing out that he/she is a few minutes older than the other making them the technical "older sibling". So yes, they're twins and the same age, but one will always be slightly older than the other.

I can attest to this. Not ALL older twins will be immature and bratty about it, but you can be damn sure they'll point it out in the right situation.

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