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Tales of Bravery

Crimson Red

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So, I'm making a Fire Emblem-Tales crossover hack. I actually started this a while ago but it's one of those secret things I tried to publicize as little as possible.

Although it actually doesn't have a ton of progress or anything.

Now, when I say a crossover hack, that means it's going to include aspects from both series. Since it's a hack OF Fire Emblem, most of it is going to be Fire Emblem-ish, but it's not going to completely be Fire Emblem. It is going to have Tales characters, for the most part, with a few Fire Emblem characters, and a few OCs.

You'll find out more through screens/videos/patches/asking questions.

Also, I will be releasing a patch after every chapter. Yes, everyone one, much unlike any of my previous hacks (where I would add a patch only after the whole game was complete or update with patches over various intervals).

Some random details:

- This hack was originally called "Tales of Eborakia", named so because the continent that everyone eventually fights on is called Brachia, and the area of the final battle and final boss is called Eborakum

- The alternate title of this hack is "Tales of Fire Emblem" (the "Fire Emblem" has a place in the story)

- Characters are more likely to be in this game if they are from games I have played, mainly Tales of Symphonia... lol.

- Not all characters from a series will make the cast

- I started working on this maybe two years ago, IIRC, but never really did anything with it




Note: These downloads will always contain the latest version. Check the most recent posts to know what the version number is, or just download it and read the README.

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Edited by Luffy
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I haven't been so enthusiastic for a hack before. Hopefully a patch for this comes out soon =D

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^You'll have to be a Tales fan to appreciate it to its max capacity...

Didn't CrypticGirl or someone like that make a hack called Tales of the Emblem with a fe8 base which is pretty much what you just here? (or maybe I'm wrong...)

You could be trolling me here but since I'm not sure I'll just answer your question, yes CrypticGirl did, but that was a reskin hack off of FE8, this is a totally custom hack off of FE7 with better portraits, sprites, a completely different storyline, character set, etc., and each character in the game also has their own class (so Kratos won't be a Hero that can somehow use axes, for example). Nothing against Crypt's hack (we're acquainted and I had always hoped for the best in her hacking endeavors), this one just has more ambition (because it'd be a waste to not be ambitious...).

P.S. Armads is locked

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I know you played Tales of Vesperia, but that's it... ._.

Yeah I do need sprites but I'm kinda picky about sprite quality

But I'm hoping that constant patches and screens and videos and stuff will motivate people to help out XD

I only have battle sprites for Yuri (although I can probably get some for Judith, who is a lance user, which is great, because this game doesn't have enough "lance" users...), so that means I only need a Yuri portrait, but I already have one Yuri portrait, so you'd have to outdo it for me to accept yours. Now if only I could find that Yuri... *shrugs* who knows where it is...

Alright, I found it.


This is my Cless portrait that has to be outdone, or else I'm using it lol


I also have an epic Zelos and an epic Genis that I can't spoiler because they'll be in screenshots eventually =P

I also have a Chester

and I'm slowly but surely spoiling which characters are going to be in this game

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I think this Yuri is better XD


I've got a Judith, if you need her. I can touch it up, if need be

Just FYI, I have played ToS, TotA, ToL, ToP, ToE, and ToS2, on top of ToV, so, I know more about Tales than you'd think XD

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Just FYI, I have played ToS, TotA, ToL, ToP, ToE, and ToS2, on top of ToV, so, I know more about Tales than you'd think XD

Really? Wow. I've only played the Aselia games. Oh well, at least my knowledge of Aselia is top quality. XD

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Yes, you do know more about Tales than I had thought. >_> I had no idea you were such an awesome Tales fan. I mean, I usually get along pretty well with Tales fans, yet we troll each other so much, that...

jk jk

Yuri looks like a girl (hint: eyes, maybe mouth) with lilac hair that has too simple shading compared to the other sprites and yeah, Judith needs to be touched up

I'm being a critic but that's because your sprites won't get better if I compliment on how the customness of each is pretty well done so yeah, don't get pissed bud :P

Anyhow after some edits I'd gladly accept them as I'm not going to be super picky, I mean I'm willing to accept my Cless which isn't very great so I should be willing to accept any decent sprite lol

Since I can't play any console Tales games aside from the Wii, I haven't played TotA, ToL, ToE, or ToV (I REALLY WANT TOV T_T T_T T_T), but I have played ToI, ToG, ToD, ToH... haven't beaten them all though XD. And I played ACS too but that's a Tales fan-game

By the way this game will have a few non-Tales cameos because there are some people who are awesome and deserve to be in a Fire Emblem game but that I can't make their own hack for so yeah. And this hack will not be NEARLY as serious as Tactics Universe (but it'll still have a plot).

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Critique all you want; those sprites are old as sin. Like, half a year old now. I NEED to retouch them. And Yuri always looks like a girl XDDDD

I shall get to fixing them.

Get a PS3! They're making a translation patch for the PS3 Vesperia Sucks that you can't play ToV. It's my favorite.

Jealous that you've been able to play ToG, though.

GLAD it's not as serious as TU. Crossovers shouldn't be super serial XD

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Responding to Seph's post in no particular order of statements~~~

I beat ToG twice, even though it's in Japanese. Because it's that awesome. So yeah, I don't blame you for being jealous. ToG is on my top-games-ever list. Which has been growing very fast lately.

I'd like to play ToV but I'd like to play it in English, even if that means not having Flynn (who is awesome). We had an Xbox 360 twice at our home, but both times it was my brother's (each brother had one here), so yeah, I didn't have time to buy the game and play it (they leave/RROD comes too quick). >_>

Yeah Yuri looks somewhat girlish, but deep inside, he's a wolf. :P

GLAD it's not as serious as TU. Crossovers shouldn't be super serial

You mean serious? Or is there another alternate meaning to the word 'serial' that I'm not thinking of?

Will there be any Tales characters in this hack that will have more varied weapon expertise (example: Sword + Anima) like how Kratos and Zelos wield Swords and Magic?

I'm using some patch that allows one to use strength and magic in its most basic form by switching between the two stats. I forgot what it's called/where it is though, so I'm screwed in that matter. But anyway, to answer your question, yes. "Mage Knights" like Kratos will use swords/anima. Most other characters will be limited to one type simply because that's how they work (Lloyd-Swords, Genis-anima, Presea-axes, Chester-bows, for examples), but the OCs will generally use multiple types to counter balance this (Tales lacks horse-riding guys and armored dudes so expect paladins and generals as well as dark-magic users, since Leon will probably be the only one to use dark magic...).

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You mean serious? Or is there another alternate meaning to the word 'serial' that I'm not thinking of?

It's a reference. There was a senator, or someone, on TV, and he said he was super serial about a certain issue.

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^^Oh XD

Yuri can use axes? I mean, I didn't play ToV, but that still blows my mind... And I can't say I believe you... >_> Raven kinda surprises me too, Estelle not so much (although I recall her being more of a sword person).

Rita's not going to be in this game so :\

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I'd love to play the other Tales games, but alas, my experience is all of Iselia and TotA. . .

. . .with that being said, think you have room for a foot spear/anima unit?

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^You'll have to be a Tales fan to appreciate it to its max capacity...

You could be trolling me here but since I'm not sure I'll just answer your question, yes CrypticGirl did, but that was a reskin hack off of FE8, this is a totally custom hack off of FE7 with better portraits, sprites, a completely different storyline, character set, etc., and each character in the game also has their own class (so Kratos won't be a Hero that can somehow use axes, for example). Nothing against Crypt's hack (we're acquainted and I had always hoped for the best in her hacking endeavors), this one just has more ambition (because it'd be a waste to not be ambitious...).

P.S. Armads is locked

Oh ok, I was sorta confused there but I see your point

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But Estelle also knows healing magic IIRC

Regardless she won't be in the game (portrait/sprite/limited number of character issues)

. . .with that being said, think you have room for a foot spear/anima unit?

Maybe, if I can get a good portrait and sprite sheet for Jade. Idk though, it's not Jade without indignation, and I don't have an indignation spell sheet... XD

Yuri can use axes, I can vouch for that.

Well, I've never seen it, and don't have sprites for it, so meh, I can't really include that... :\

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Indignation runs across the series, so if you can get a generic animation for it, you have several more black mages available.

If you could reprogram a pegasus knight to use anima only, you have Arche.

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Arche would probably want a custom animation.

Actually, a lot of people use dark, though most are bosses. Anise and Arietta, and I suppose Emil would too, even though he uses swords. >_> ToS2 kinda sucked IMO.

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