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Tales of Bravery

Crimson Red

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She'd use axes since her weapons are kinda shaped like the ends of some axes... it's a stretch...

but she won't be in the game

Remember though, the weapon types are going to be real vague. Well, at least axes, because that one will be used for "stretcher" weapon types. Like if Colette were in the game and labeled as axes, it wouldn't say "Iron Axe", it'd just say "Iron Blade", which fits as a chakram could have a blade made from iron. The weapon icon but just be an iron ore, a generic icon. That way it'd also fit for say, Marta's weapons, or even Regal's (Regal = graves, Iron Blade = greaves with blades wrought from iron on them).

I might just say "Iron" though. Regardless, that should explain the unique weapon types thing and how I'm going to solve it.

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If there is no Jade I will be a very sad panda. Jade is awesome and deserves to be in. His Pac-Man belt says so.

Also, will there be a ton of prfs? Because every character had one weapon that was designed for them, so I'm wondering. Also will the main characters (I'm assuming Tales of...) get additional animations for using legendary weapons. I honestly just imagined Lloyd using Falcon's Crest as his critical. I'm just fan-boying out now.

Good luck on it. I'm looking forward to see more.

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Yeah I'd be screwed if I listened to the whims of everyone... lol. Jade will probably be in though.

There will not be a ton of proofs because there's only so many weapon locks... Mystic Artes (as they will be referred to in this game) will be proof weapons with custom animations. I've already done Lloyd, his critical is just a higher level tech/arte, not Falcon's Crest or Divine Justice.

Mystic artes are planned to have 10 uses for each character (I'd make it 5 but the anims will take a lot of work so I want people to see them). Granted those 10 uses will be for about half the game so it should be used sparingly.

I'd LIKE to make it so that one can only use a mystic arte once a battle, but there's no way to do that without ASM hacking (or at least I haven't thought of an easy way to do it...). >_>

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^^only way I can think of on 1 use for mystic artes would be to jack up the weight, but then you'd be screwed unless there were def and res bonuses without asm anyway

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How would making the weight really high help stop abusing mystic artes?

Anyhow, I was thinking that mystic artes should be uncounterable (meaning that when it's used, the enemy can't counter after being hit, and likewise the player won't counter with a mystic arte and "waste" it when a generic enemy attacks them and the mystic weapon is equipped). The only problem is that final bosses would be too easy to beat (just spam mystic artes that can't be countered >_>). Bleh...

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Yeah I'd be screwed if I listened to the whims of everyone... lol. Jade will probably be in though.

There will not be a ton of proofs because there's only so many weapon locks... Mystic Artes (as they will be referred to in this game) will be proof weapons with custom animations. I've already done Lloyd, his critical is just a higher level tech/arte, not Falcon's Crest or Divine Justice.

Mystic artes are planned to have 10 uses for each character (I'd make it 5 but the anims will take a lot of work so I want people to see them). Granted those 10 uses will be for about half the game so it should be used sparingly.

I'd LIKE to make it so that one can only use a mystic arte once a battle, but there's no way to do that without ASM hacking (or at least I haven't thought of an easy way to do it...). >_>

When you say once a battle, are you meaning once per chapter or once per individual fight, like what Eclipse does?

Edited by Lord Glenn
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once per "chapter", although I'm not going to technically call them chapters here lol.

I can do what Eclipse does, and having heavy weight would make it so that one's AS would never be great enough to double, it's just that it could be spammed and that kinda ruins the fun (where as in Tales game you have to build up some kinda power bar, typically, in order to use mystic artes/hi-ougi's/blast caliburs).

The final boss will likely just have his critical as his mystic arte. Likely. But that kinda messes up me adding in cut-ins...

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^Considering the fact that it's for FE8 and I don't want to port it myself to FE7 (mainly because even though I could probably steal how to do it from your notes, I still suck at anything associated with 'ASM'), no. :(

@eclipse don't know how to do either of those (and I'm assuming you mean only one mystic arte can be used overall, not per character... yeah, can't do that either though...)

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Have the Mystic Arte as a one-use "weapon", that cannot be countered, but cannot kill the opponent? I don't know how that would be implemented, but I think that would be the best way to put it in.

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You could give them their mystic artes half way through the game, or something. Make them one use weapons, and then implement a conditional event every 4-5 chapters that checks to see if they still have it or not, and if they don't, it gives them a new one, kinda like a recharge.

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I'm not sure if you remember my Cless mug from way back, but although it sucked, I'm making a bunch of edits to it at the moment.


This is how it looks so far.

If you'd like me to continue editing it, I will, but if you got a different Cless mug ready that's fine as well. If I remember correctly, SquareRootOfPi had a pretty good Cless mug if you want someone to ask.

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Was just a suggestion :P

I was just answering that suggestion, and didn't say "hell no" or anything, so the above comment is silly

Also I might (key word: might) have time to finally write the events for the first 'episode' (nothing else better to call it) today. Wee.

EDIT: I take that back, I have too much to do, I doubt I'll get to it.

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:( No responses >=(

Nah, I'm not actually thatangry.

I came because of good news...

The first Tales of Bravery patch is out!

Play now, comment now, tell everyone now! But don't tell me of bugs now! XD


Download Mirror

Due to the system I will be using, these links will always have the latest patch. I hope. Meaning that I won't have to update links on forums anymore, but just let you know that there's a new release. Which saves me a LOT of work.

Videos and screenshots up tomorrow once I get some sleep.

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... No comment XD

So Blazer, how far is this patch up to? Got to Ch1 and... Nothing

You don't mind If I add some of my screenshots of epicness for your showcase right?

[spoiler=EPIC DURBANS]lawlv.png

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