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Mapping Competition

Chocolate Kitty

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So the rules for this are fairly simple, follow the guidelines and that's about it. :P Ask for clarification if needed.


-Make your maps original, don't copy/steal someone else's design.

-Stick to the tileset given, no color swaps.

-Stick to the size given, I may or may not check this. Honor system.

-16 colors and hack box sized :P

Tileset, FE6: 66006768

Size: Min 28x28, Max 32x32.

Requirements, as selected by (Feaw):

- sea + rivers 50 tiles

- a good portion of mountains 50 tiles

- shops, houses, forts, arena, at least 2 villages and a castle

- forests and cliffs

Provide your size for this round.

Tileset Link

Mappy Link

Due Date: January 30th

Edited by Hero of Time
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If it wasn't settled already, I would have pointed out that 1) this map is larger than the previous round's, 2) it has water, mountains, and snow variance (arguably three of the harder parts to maps), and 3) most people are likely back in school now (high school, college, etc.). Yes, these points don't apply to everyone, but I'm sure that having larger maps as well as harder requirements may cause a ton of people not to be able to enter, myself included. (Look, I'd love to spend every waking minute spriting, dev planning, mapping, etc., but being a senior in college kinda kills my free time - course work, senior thesis, job searching, etc.)

Anyway, that being said, good luck to those that are going to enter.

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Ugh, Feaw, you bastard.

This is a ridiculously large map, and it requires mountains, snow and water. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.

The only problem I have is that it uses Ilia's tile set. All of the white is making it hard for me to tell some of the tiles apart. Why not Sacae or Bern or something?

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yeah, what feaw said lol

Oh, just to note, I won't be online to check this very often, so I'll let feaw sort of "run" the contest in my absence(enforce the rules, etc.). I'll be on only to add all the entries and create the poll. And of course close it too lol.

I'll be on full time Feb 9

Edited by Hero of Time
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