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ITT I Play FE8

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I got to chapter 16 with nobody supported but Neimi and Colm to C. Maybe something else reached C, but I don't think so. The only support of decent speed on characters I used every chapter was like Eirika x Seth, but he spends so much time blasting away miles from anything and I don't like having him slowed down by carrying her.

Kyle and Forde is also respectably fast. As is Forde and Franz.

Ridiculous. Once Ross promotes, I may as well say 'I beat Sacred Stones', because he'll kill everything that moves and will basically never die.

You could say that now. You have Seth, after all.

Edited by Anouleth
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Kyle and Forde is also respectably fast. As is Forde and Franz.

I don't like using them. Bad enough I've got Seth rushing through everything and I was slow enough to promote Tana at 20/1 in mid chapter 15 and she was given energy ring + angelic robe + dracoshield way back as soon as I could and is now almost as much of a god as Seth. Moreso even on some maps.

If I used a bunch of cavs as well then my foot units would be useless.

You could say that now. You have Seth, after all.

True. Though I was thinking that the reason for saying it when he promotes is because when he promotes will be around the end of the game anyway.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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On Chapter 7, I like to have Vanessa fly and drop Seth on the road right to the boss by turn 2. She'll be out of ballista range and she can pick up Eirika while Seth murders the archers with his javelin. Seth then ORKO's Murray, you get the Knight's Crest and a much lower turncount.

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I find it unfair to be compared to you, dondon.

Yeah because DA125 is using growths

I myself gave up ever trying to match dondon in turncount. Although his chapter-by-chapter turncounts do give a good target to aim for. Having a target turncount to strive for is helpful to push myself into playing more ruthlessly and efficiently.

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Chapter 8: IT'S A TRAP!

Starting Units:

Eirika, Franz, Gilliam, Natasha, Joshua, Lute, Ross, Neimi, Colm, Ephraim, Kyle, Forde

Right... This should be second nature by now. Get your ass to the throne. Also, Tirado. Don't worry about him, base Seth can 3HKO the guy with an armorslayer. Josh can also do it if his str is at least 11(which usually takes until Lv13. I just got lucky with his str.)

Also, to the people that say my TC's are far behind dondon's. Firstly, two things: One, I'm trying out some new guys. Two, I don't aim for lowest turncount possible.

Before I started the chapter, I used my NiteCrt on Gilliam. He is now a Lv1 General. I also replaced his lances with axes.

I moved my units up, as usual. Ross and Neimi destroyed the soldiers, then Gil went forward to kill an armor knight, claiming his door key. Next turn, Gil opened the door, while Colm, Neimi, Ross, and Lute followed. Franz, Josh, and Eirika went all out on the sword dudes and the archer. On T3, I had Franz pick up Eirika, then sent Josh and Natasha to hold back an armor dude and a fighter. Eph finished Forde's soldier, then Eph was also airlifted. After Gil massacred the rest of the treasure room armors, Josh then took out an armor that he provoked the last EP, and Ross killed the longbow guy.

On turn 5, some reinforcements showed up. I had Eph finish off the mage, the sent Josh and Natasha towards Eph and friends. As for the thief, I had Franz chip him for Colm, then sent Ross to kill the mage on T7. On that EP, most of my northern force got mugged by the loldiers and mages(Neimi lost 3/4 of her HP against an armor). Luckily, I was able to destroy the rest of the enemy army near the throne(Lute took on the knight, Ross and Neimi killed mages, and Colm/Gil/Franz took out the archers). I ripped the wall leading to the chest room on turn 10, allowing Franz to attack an armor, and going into the actual chest room. As for Tirado, I had Gilliam and Ross chip him before giving the BK to Eirika. I then claimed the last of the swag before seizing.

Turns Taken: 13

Eirika    	01  09  22  10  12  16  10  05  03  05  Seth C
Ephraim   	01  11  29  13  14  15  10  10  03  08  
Franz    	01  09  27  12  08  11  06  10  03  09  
Gilliam   	02  02  42  20  13  13  09  23  08  16  
Ross 		01  07  31  17  08  14  14  08  03  08  
Neimi    	01  06  20  08  08  09  07  04  03  05  Colm C
Colm    	01  05  21  06  05  13  09  05  01  06  Neimi C
Lute    	01  06  19  11  07  09  11  04  07  03
Natasha   	01  03  20  04  04  08  08  02  08  04  Josh C
Joshua  	01  10  29  12  16  17  07  05  03  08  Natasha C
Kyle    	01  08  28  10  08  07  06  12  01  10  
Forde   	01  08  26  08  09  09  07  08  02  09  


Note that Ephraim path won 7-5. I may do Eirika's route at some point in the future, but this playthrough will be focusing on Ephraim's travels. Why? Because I fucking said so.

Swag: Seraph robe, Elysian whip, Silver sword

Edited by DA125
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A Quick Review on my Party so Far:


Tier: 1 Lv: 9


Weapon Rank: Sword C

The first half of the twincest is doing alright for herself. While I'm not too impressed with her HP/def(which is to be expected, given her shitty HP base/def growth), she has really nice spd(almost as high as Josh's), and is doing okay on her str. My one complaint with her is that she's going to be gone for 7 chapters, which cuts in on her leveling speed(thank god she gets 6 free levels)and support accusation. Sadly, that's the price I gotta pay for going on Ephraim route.


Tier: 1 Lv: 11


Weapon Rank: Lance C

'Hi! I'm Ephraim, and I'm the most broken piece of shit in this game if not for Seth'. That about covers on how godly he actually is. Good offense with his Reginleif combined with innately good durability makes him one of the star players in Eph route. Other than no mount(until C17), I see no fundamental flaws with Eph. Just use him and watch myself succeed... In America! Also is in a pedo relationship with Myrrh (*wink wink*).


Tier: 2 Lv: 1


Weapon Rank: Sword A/Lance A

The Jeigan Oifaye strikes back! Even though he hasn't gained a level yet, he is still mega useful because of mount + good bases/growths. He's mostly used to charge into enemy groups I want dead fast, as well as other major purposes.


Tier: 1 Lv: 9


Weapon Rank: Sword D/Lance D

He's not as good as Seth, but then again, who is? He's still good because he can form rescue chains and he has nice offense and durability.

Gilliam Bojangles

Tier: 2 Lv: 2


Weapon Rank: Sword E/Lance A/Axe D

Well, he's durable and hits like a Freightliner, but that's about it. His 5 move WILL become problematic in some of the later chapters(as with 16 con, no one except Franz can carry the fucker), but he has WTC and a schmexy 23 Def w/ 55% growth to make up for it. His res is also a problem as many magic users later on will be able to down him in 3-4 hits, same with his spd not being adequate for doubling...


Tier: 1 Lv: 7


Weapon Rank: Axe B

Thankfully, Ross wasn't that hard to get out the suck that was journeyman. These days, he hits hard and doesn't afraid of anything. He could use a skill book or two, though. And some Dracoshields. Probably has the best overall offense in the party... so far.


Tier: 1 Lv: 6


Weapon Rank: Bow D

Your standard archer. Her durability is pretty awful for a melee unit(and I thought I was done bashing Eirika for being flimsy), and her offense is little better; in fact, the only thing saving her from the bench is her Colm support and the fact she doesn't take counters. Sadly, she's the only bow user I have until I get Innes.


Tier: 1 Lv: 5


Weapon Rank: Sword E

He's a thief, there's not a whole lot to say about him. It kind of sucks that his combat blows harder than the Detroit Lions right now, but he can steal, which is a plus.


Tier: 1 Lv: 6


Weapon Rank: Anima C

She's Lilina, with 10 less mag growth, but 10 more spd growth. And she doesn't get fucked by Ephraim at the end of the game(unlike Lilina, who gets some with Roy). Her durability could be a good deal better, though(but then again, what king of mage has good durability aside from Pent and Canas?). Nice mag, though.


Tier: 1 Lv: 3


Weapon Rank: Staff C

Healer. Nuff said. She has good resistance, luck, and magic, but that's about it. Too bad healers take forever to level.


Tier: 1 Lv: 10


Weapon Rank: Sword C

There isn't much to say about Hat, other than the fact that he doubles sound itself and hits pretty hard for someone who is supposed to be of the Nabarl archetype(as in, low str but high skl/spd). His durability is slightly worse than Ross's, and isn't as good as him offensively because of no 1-2 range(Ross can use hand axes, while Josh is sword locked).

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Tier: 1 Lv: 7


Weapon Rank: Axe B

Thankfully, Ross wasn't that hard to get out the suck that was journeyman. These days, he hits hard and doesn't afraid of anything. He could use a skill book or two, though. And some Dracoshields. Probably has the best overall offense in the party... so far.

The bold is only because you haven't been giving Seth levels.

In general, Seth should have a higher level in tier 2 than most of your tier 1 units should have in tier 1. Like, when Seth was level 8 (tier 2) for me I only had a small number of units above level 8 tier 1. Seth's growths are quite good, so he'd have better str and spd than Ross if you'd been leveling him.

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The next person that says "In America" will be punished by being accidentally dropped down Niagra Falls...

...In Canada.

Also General Gilliam? Come on, why the living hell wouldn't you pick Great Knight? +1 Mov, D Axes, he's not a doubling champ anyway and at least he can pick up a unit and carry them somewhere to safety on the same turn. I see almost 0 advantages to General aside from:

- Gimmicky Big Shield

- The extra Spd, which I think is negligible when you have to ALWAYS be carried

Edited by Tyranel M
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If he really is going for what makes the game easier, his Seth is about 5 levels too low.

And seriously? "Casual efficiency" is like, QE's RD log. Not this one, where the difference compared to proper efficiency is over 200% of the turncount.

Edited by dondon151
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This is a casual efficiency playthrough. We can't all be low turn count gods like you.

He's going for what'll make things easier, but still be a little fast paced in terms of turn counts.

But he's not even slightly fast paced in terms of turn counts. In addition, he is walking around with a promoted Gilliam in Chapter 8. The game is already thus going to be very easy (as if having Seth didn't do that in the first place) no matter what he promotes Gilliam to.

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Not true. His Gilliam lacks something to break the game.


I did mention that in his Pre-Split review, that his movement is bad.

Well, he's durable and hits like a Freightliner, but that's about it. His 5 move WILL become problematic in some of the later chapters(as with 16 con, no one except Franz can carry the fucker), but he has WTC and a schmexy 23 Def w/ 55% growth to make up for it. His res is also a problem as many magic users later on will be able to down him in 3-4 hits, same with his spd not being adequate for doubling...

So no, he's not a gamebreaker. If he had 7 movement, then he'd break the game. As it stands, he's a 5 move promoted unit with 16 con(meaning only unpromoted Franz and Forde can carry the fucker). He's lucky to reach anything in chapters where movement is everything, much less anally rape anything; not with 13 spd/30% growth, he won't. And I don't care how good his atk is, if he can't double without Garm(which he won't get until much later as his axe rank is still D, and yes, I want Gil to S rank axes.) Thank god he can still tank, so he's still useful in those defensive chapters.

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Not true. His Gilliam lacks something to break the game.


I said 'easy', not 'fast', the two being separate. For example, Wolf and Sedgar make FE11 quite easy, but they're not so good for actually going fast. While Reyson is not such an easy character to use in FE9, he makes the game much faster.

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Note that I will also be using this file for Creature Campaign, but I won't write logs detailing stuff any further than the goat demon.

This probably explains some of the odd character promotions, like Natasha becoming a Bishop (Slayer), Cormag as a Wyvern Lord (I dunno why...), Lute as a Sage (5 MAG) or Gilliam as a General (4 DEF). In CC you have more time to reach these caps, unlike the incredibly short main game.

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I said 'easy', not 'fast', the two being separate. For example, Wolf and Sedgar make FE11 quite easy, but they're not so good for actually going fast. While Reyson is not such an easy character to use in FE9, he makes the game much faster.

Alright alright I get the point. My apologies.

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Chapter 9: Fort Rigwald

Starting Units:

Ephraim, Seth, Franz, Gilliam, Ross, Neimi, Colm, Josh, Natasha, Lute, Forde

New Units:

Tana, Amelia

This chapter shouldn't be too hard, the only(slight)problem being trying to recruit Amelia and keeping her alive at the same time. Also, Gheb is a joke. No ranged weapon to speak of and is sword weak.

Notice: To rescue Tana, keep her where she is. She CAN take hits from that mage, but not indefinitely. It's like trying to rescue Lilina except a bit easier(as Tana doesn't get doubled by said mage.)

I sent all my units into the fort, using Lute to kill an armor(and an archer on the EP, if you want to get technical). Gil and Seth then attack some fighters(Gil whiffed on the second hand axe strike). Fortunately, Lute kills this guy on EP, then Gil and Seth counter the cavaliers(Seth also gets hit by an archer. Not that it matters.) On turn 3, I finish the remaining cavalier with Neimi and the archer with Ross, then I send Seth further south. He kills a loldier and nearly kills a cav. Gil takes out the HvySpr cav while Ross finishes the sword guy. By turn 5, I take out more cavs(using Ross, Seth, and Lute), while Gil pwns the door key loldier(and by extension the Ridersbane knight). Seth opens the door on turn 6, allowing Gil and Franz to go in and kill off the armors. On turn 7, I stomped more mooks, recruited Amelia, and had Seth and Gil kill more mooks. Over turns 8 and 9, I took out some cavalier reinforcements, mostly because I just wanted to get through the chapter quicker. I sent Colm to get the ocean seal and a few other goodies(I also sent Ross, Franz, and Forde to guard him, aswell)

On turn 12 was when some problems arose. Three cavaliers spawned from the southeast corner, while another douche spawned from the northeast. I incurred around a three turn penalty getting rid of those guys(and I had to reload saves several times because Hat got raped due to the RNG hating me.). By turn 17, I managed to reach the boss, and I started, you know, pecking at him. I killed the douchebag with Seth, then seized on T18.

Turns Taken: 18(not the best in the world. I bet myself dondon cleared it in like 9-10)

Ephraim   	01  12  30  14  14  15  11  11  03  08
Seth 		02  03  32  15  14  13  14  12  08  11  Eirika C
Franz    	01  10  28  13  08  12  07  11  03  09  
Gilliam   	02  03  43  21  14  13  10  24  08  16  
Ross 		01  10  33  19  09  14  15  09  03  08  
Neimi    	01  08  21  09  09  11  07  04  03  05  Colm B
Colm    	01  05  21  06  05  13  09  05  01  06  Neimi B
Lute    	01  08  20  12  09  10  12  04  08  03
Natasha   	01  05  22  06  04  08  09  03  09  04  Josh C
Joshua  	01  11  30  12  16  18  07  05  03  08  Natasha C
Forde   	01  08  26  08  09  09  07  08  02  09
Tana 		01  05  21  08  10  13  08  06  07  05
Amelia  	00  01  (cannon fodder)  

Remind me again why Ephraim route is harder than Eirika's. Hopefully, I'm not biting off more than I can chew. Oh, and Seth gained two levels. Go Seth.

Also, Tana. She looks promising enough, though only Anna can tell.

Swag: Red gem, Speedwings, Restore, Ocean seal, Axereaver, 2500G, Killer axe

Edited by DA125
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Chapter 10: Turning Traitor

Starting Units:

Ephraim, Seth, Franz, Gilliam, Tana, Ross, Lute, Neimi, Josh, Natasha, Colm

New Units:

Duessel, Cormag

Survive chapter. To win, either survive for 10 turns or kill the boss. Also, you can get a free NiteCrt if you save all the manly one's peons.

Note that in order to recruit Cornmug, you need to talk to him with Duracell or Fugly

And welcome back, Turn-By-Turn format.

T1: I send all my units westward. Nothing special.

EP: Gil and Josh take care of some mooks, with Josh leveling up.

T2: Gil and Josh take out more mooks. Everybody else hides behind them, except Seth, who goes up a bit further to take out a fighter.

EP: Seth weakens several mercs and a myrm.

T3: Neimi removes said myrm, and Eph/Josh/Franz/Lute kill off the enemies. The rest of the force moves forward.

EP: Nothing significant, other than a ballista missing on Natasha and Seth getting attacked by mercenaries.

T4: Seth goes up to protect Duracell's men, Gil attacks a merc, and Tana goes east to recruit Cormag.

EP: One of the wyverns attacks Tana. Ross and Gil get assaulted by mercs.

T5: Tana recruits Cormag. Cormag then retaliates on one of his own subordinates. Gil kills the Killer bow guy after Hat and Ross polishes off a merc.

EP: Wyvern 2 hits Tana, Lute gets hit by a ballista, and Gil rips apart a cav and several mercs.

T6: Eph talks to Duessel, while Josh and Gil kill more shit. Cormag kills the other douche.

EP: Josh kills another motherfucking merc.

T7: Ross and Franz start dealing with the reinforcements. Cormag also helps out, while Tana makes a beeline for village 2. Duessel visits village 1 for a HeroPrf.

EP: Ross, Cormag, and Franz continue to get attacked by the reinforcements.

T8: Ross and Franz kill more shit, while Cormag goes for the ballista with the secret book. Gil and Hat kill more mercs.

EP: Neimi gets attacked. Whatever. Same with Franz.

T9: I visit the last house, have Cornmug kill the secret book fleet, and attack the boss with Gil and Lute.

Turns Taken: 9

Ephraim   	01  13  31  15  15  15  11  11  03  08
Seth 		02  04  33  15  14  13  15  13  08  11  Eirika C
Franz    	01  12  30  15  08  12  08  12  03  09  
Gilliam   	02  04  44  21  15  13  10  25  08  16  
Ross 		01  11  34  20  10  14  15  10  03  08  
Neimi    	01  09  21  09  09  11  07  04  03  05  Colm B
Colm    	01  05  21  06  05  13  09  05  01  06  Neimi B
Lute    	01  10  20  14  09  11  12  04  09  03
Natasha   	01  05  22  06  04  08  09  03  09  04  Josh C
Joshua  	01  13  31  14  18  20  07  07  04  08  Natasha C
Tana 		01  06  21  08  10  14  09  06  07  05  
Duessel   	02  08  41  17  12  12  08  17  09  15
Cormag  	01  10  31  15  09  10  04  13  02  11  

Note that I used my dracoshield on Hat, as I felt his def was lame.

Oh, and if anyone is finding this uninteresting, please tell me and I'll liven the playthrough a bit.

Swag: Torch(staff), Hero crest, Secret book, Elysian whip, Lancereaver, Killing edge, Horsepwnzor, Knight crest

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