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What do you think of the 90's?

Favorite magic trick?

Stuff like where the guy makes an object disappear in his hand or something, and he regurgitates it.

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How tall are you?

That question insults me IRL, but that's not your fault. I'm 5 feet and half an inch. Apparently that's too short for a 16 year old.

Favorite forum (FftF, general discussion, etc)?

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Favorite hour of the day?

2 PM. On school days, this means schools's over. On other days, it means I have a lot of the day still left.

Least favorite FE game and why?

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I remember you saying that you have heterochromia. What colors are your eyes?

Picture thread is your friend, or would be if I wasn't wearing sunglasses in the one on the front page. One is brown, the other is a different shade of brown. It used to be more noticeable, but now it's hard to tell.

Why 2F4F4F?

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Which one? One's Prankster with all status moves (sub-seed-cottonguard-encore), another I'm still testing out moves (currently Energyball-shadowball-stunspore-something I can't remember) with Chlorophyll for when I don't feel stally, one replaces the emcore in the first set with gigadrain and skips leftovers, and there's a lot more. I think the one I used in-game is Infiltrator. The first one I use the most, though.

Favorite song?

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Least favorite FE game and why?

In a fashion two questions, but anyways XD

Mmmm, I guess Sword of Seals so far. Why? Because in comparison to the others, the story seemed forced IMO at some points, the first "final boss" is not that difficult to defeat, as well as the last one; aside from it, even if supports are used, there's no actual end for other characters that are not Roy and his girl (I mean there aren't many endings like in other games, then again FE9 and 10 followed the same formula) and personally I expected something more from it.

Favorite song that is a movie theme?

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I find them awesome! :awesome::ph34r:

Out of the other two Anima types, which do you prefer: Fire or Thunder?

Thunder, it's so fun to sadistically fry your opponent and laugh evilly at it! Fire is just... Will o' Wisping.

So, most annoying status effect?

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Coffee or tea?

Why to you keep the _ in your name, out of curiosity? xD

It's because the first time I signed up for anything using this username, the site didn't allow the use of spaces, so I went along and used an underscore instead.

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Who else but the GREAT KNIGHT KIERAN!?!?

Who knocks me out with 24/7 lulzy moments. Alan and Cain are just a bit behind, and Forde as well.

Most annoying chapter of any game?

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