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Favorite fatality in Mortal Kombat?

15 hours ago, Emerson said:

Favorite thing about your favorite game?

I think default is my favorite, but it looks the best of the colors besides the default imo. The default, red and black/white ones are used very commonly from what I've seen, and I dislike the green, blue and yellow recolors.

I do also just really like the color pink.

Favorite game in general?  Well the story of Suikoden II is by far my favorite as it's engaging and has a different story for JRPGs, even in the standards of JRPGs now.

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Favorite candy bar?

47 minutes ago, ExaltedViolinist said:

Technically, it's an era amongst others in geological history.

30 minutes ago, Hattusili I said:

History (in the broad sense) is: 
1. prehistory;
2. history (in the narrower sense); which is:
a. protohistory; 
b. history (in the narrowest sense).

Huh. I've been told that "history" refers specifically to recorded human history, while everything else was "pre-history." Yikes, looks like I've been bamboozled!

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If you were trapped on a desert island what would be the one thing you took with you?

35 minutes ago, Hattusili I said:

Favourite season?

Winter. I like to wear at least four layers and run about in the snow.

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Favorite ice cream toppings?

12 minutes ago, Hattusili I said:

Over the whole, do you prefer FE3's music or FE12's music?

FE3's, but they're both quite good.

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Do you like sweet potatoes?

1 minute ago, Natalie said:

Do you prefer a drink to be hot or cold?

Depends on the drink. Coffee and cocoa shoudl be hot, most everything else I prefer cold.

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What do you like the most: tea or fruit infusions ?

1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

Do you believe in love?

I do! It's something I have only ever felt once (never acted on it; had many crushes though), but I do understand what it is and I strongly believe it exists.

1 hour ago, Hattusili I said:

I'm guessing you're French Canadian then? I really wouldn't have guessed from the quality of your English.

Thank you! I appreciate the compliment. :3 And what I meant by that is, while I am very good at reading, writing and speaking in English, understanding and interpreting sometimes make me miss the point entirely. When I watch a show in English, for example, understanding the plot, analyzing interactions and such is more complicated than simply knowing what each character is saying. It's something that we are all able to do naturally in our native language (French in my case), but struggle with when it comes to subsequent languages.

Maybe it's because of the attention I give to a game... Honestly, I played Awakening three times and still I don't think I could tell you what the political plot is. I've been giving Echoes a lot of attention, however, and I can say that I am already noticing an improvement compared to my previous Awakening playthroughs. Might be because back in the days I didn't really care all that much for the conflicts in Awakening.

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12 minutes ago, ExaltedViolinist said:

What do you like the most: tea or fruit infusions ?

I don't like tea and I don't know what the other thing is.

Favorite kind of sausage?

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Can you explain how Oboro has been transformed into a dog?

2 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Favorite candy bar?

Huh. I've been told that "history" refers specifically to recorded human history, while everything else was "pre-history." Yikes, looks like I've been bamboozled!

Hmm..don't really have one since it's been a while since I've eaten a candy bar, but let's go wiiiiiith Twix.  (Unless Reese's count, then Reese's. xP)

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14 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Who do want to be in the next gauntlet?

Honestly, I don't care anymore. I guess an Alm vs. Celica gauntlet would be cool but after 3 gauntlets of BS I just don't care. 

Do you like pulled pork?

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Ever eaten sweet potato fries!?!?

1 hour ago, MediocreLee said:

Can you explain how Oboro has been transformed into a dog?

A little bird by the name of Chen gave me this avatar so I'm showing my appreciation :D:

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Ever eaten sweet potato fries!?!?

1 hour ago, MediocreLee said:

Can you explain how Oboro has been transformed into a dog?

A little bird by the name of Chen gave me this avatar so I'm showing my appreciation :D:

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Aren't sweet potato fries the flipping greatest!?

3 minutes ago, Natalie said:

Have you ever eaten cheesy sweet potato fries? 

Unfortunately no....

*quickly looks up recipes*

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Opinion of rainy days?

22 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Aren't sweet potato fries the flipping greatest!?

They are. Sweet potatoes deserve more appreciation.

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11 minutes ago, Natalie said:

Opinion of rainy days?

They're okay. The mud that comes after is not, though.

Have you ever had fried green tomatoes?

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What languages do you know/would you like to learn?

6 hours ago, ExaltedViolinist said:

What are some of the scents that always make you joyful or nostalgic ?

Hmm... that's a hard one, especially since I don't usually pay attention to smells. But one that stands out would be the salt-tinged smell of the ocean. Its a nice smell that brings me back, and just reminds me of good times with my whole family.

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2 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

y u  ignore my question? :[

Because I'm dumb!

But I prefer Salsa 600%. Queso isn't always spicy, but Salsa is SUPER HOT!

Dipper or Mabel?

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Tell me what you like about Oboro?

10 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Have you ever had fried green tomatoes?

I haven't, but my general opinion of tomatoes is that they're gross unless in a sauce. 

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