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Same question you asked me.

10 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

Do you know anybody from the forums in real life?

I've met one person in real life, but only once. I've not interacted with anyone from the site IRL much else.

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On 9/4/2017 at 3:38 PM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:


Do you prefer printed or cursive handwriting?

Printed. I have trouble reading and writing in cursive. However I always appreciate beautiful cursive handwriting.

How do you feel about Camilla beating Lyn?

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4 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

When I can. My schedule is quite hectic, so my playing schedule is irregular. 

What great historical buildings have you visited?

more than i remember

usa - everything in washington d.c., statue of liberty

london - big ben, buckingham, globe theatre (didnt catch a play,) shakespeare's haus

france - effel tower, versailles, louvre

italy - roma colosseum, leaning tower, everything in the vatican

drink an arnold palmer lately?

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9 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

what are these ambitious plans you speak of

Simply put, I plan on pursuing the path of an entrepreneur to increase my wealth furthermore. Of course, I ought to refrain from explaining such plans further.

What are you sentiments regarding the so-called "waifus"?

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6 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Do you play Smash, and if so, who do you main?

I do play smash and I have leant towards Robin for my main although I used to main Pikachu when I played Brawl/Melee.


Do you find yourself questioning what the true meaning of love is?

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2 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Do you find yourself questioning what the true meaning of love is?

Most certainly, for I never find such a thing to be the slightest bit appealing but the common majority adores it ever quite so. In fact, I must conclude—love is simply a idea form from lust and hormones to pass down one's genetic code. Simply put, it is quite akin to animal breeding and a most curious form of "survival of a fittest" built from human culture and cognition.

Might you be one to consider "real life" to be most underwhelming?

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Just now, Clarine said:

Most certainly, for I never find such a thing to be the slightest bit appealing but the common majority adores it ever quite so. In fact, I must conclude—love is simply a idea form from lust and hormones to pass down one's genetic code. Simply put, it is quite akin to animal breeding and a most curious form of "survival of a fittest" built from human culture and cognition.

Might you be one to consider "real life" to be most underwhelming?

No, I find real life to be the most overwhelming thing of all.  Perhaps that might be because I'm considered a little...well "different" to most people.


If you had to choose between the family that gave birth to you but neglected you at every turn and a family that raised you with love and care like you were their own which family would you honestly choose and why?

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 Do you believe in love?

On 9/1/2017 at 7:09 AM, henrymidfields said:

Do you know any member here through real-life?


On 9/1/2017 at 7:22 PM, Clarine said:

I, for one, can take flattery most excellently! Of course, one such as myself simply cannot condone an individual coaxing me with such a thing for their own ulterior motive.
My, referring to me as a goddess is... most flattering to say the least. Very well, you have my gratitude.

Mind you, I truly cannot agree to such a statement, for I believe the highest form of flattery towards an individual is "loyalty". In fact, I have come to believe that imitation just happens to commonly be a manifestation of envy or a lack of originality. Would you not simply agree?

I suppose it depends on how you look at it. If you're like me, the very fact someone's envious of you is precisely the point; the very action shows that someone wishes they were you. Well... then again, that also depends on the context of said imitation, but otherwise so.

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1 hour ago, TheSilentChloey said:

If you had to choose between the family that gave birth to you but neglected you at every turn and a family that raised you with love and care like you were their own which family would you honestly choose and why?

Most easily, my choice shall be the latter. After all, I am not one for loyalty and those that I deem to be more useful and redeemable are those I value more. Of course, my own family is one I truly wish to replace with one that is far less disappointing but let us not digress into such a topic.

Are you one to prefer love to money or perhaps the contrary?

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2 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Most easily, my choice shall be the latter. After all, I am not one for loyalty and those that I deem to be more useful and redeemable are those I value more. Of course, my own family is one I truly wish to replace with one that is far less disappointing but let us not digress into such a topic.

Are you one to prefer love to money or perhaps the contrary?

Personally I would prefer love to money (I'm not like Anna).


Which type of Music do you prefer?

7 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

Whats your favourite kind of coffee?

I can't stand coffee to any degree, mostly I find that a cup of tea is far better.

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5 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Most easily, my choice shall be the latter. After all, I am not one for loyalty and those that I deem to be more useful and redeemable are those I value more. Of course, my own family is one I truly wish to replace with one that is far less disappointing but let us not digress into such a topic.

Are you one to prefer love to money or perhaps the contrary?

I love both, but I give this to love. Some good lovin'  is never a bad thing.


Whats your favourite kind if tea, then?

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5 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

Whats your favourite kind if tea, then?

Simply said, I am especially fond of black tea. Do excuse me, for I wish not to discuss this any further—for my current request for a new cup is pending. If one must know, my "help" left the estate to run some "errands" and as such, there is currently nobody present to prepare my tea.

7 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Which type of Music do you prefer?

I believe I alluded to this already but I am one to listen to classical, jazz and video game or soundtrack scores.

Do you deem yourself to be pessimistic, optimistic or simply realistic?

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3 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Simply said, I am especially fond of black tea. Do excuse me, for I wish not to discuss this any further—for my current request for a new cup is pending.

I believe I alluded to this already but I am one to listen to classical, jazz and video game or soundtrack scores.

Do you deem yourself to be pessimistic, optimistic or simply realistic?

I think I would fall onto the Optimistic side of the sale, although I am more realistic than optimistic.


My question is thus:

If there was something that you could change about the world and the way it is what would you change?

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9 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

If there was something that you could change about the world and the way it is what would you change?

Oh? Very well. One such as myself do wish to make the world more interesting. In truth, a single change may simply be far too mediocre for my tastes.
If one must know, I would wish for the fact that "magic not existing" to be changed to the contrary. Such may sound most absurd but such would be my choice—or at least create the illusion in society of sorcery being a reality practiced among a minority. I suppose I can also state that I wish for the world to instead worship me as a queen or goddess to be my change but such may simply be deemed as "cheating".

And just how emotional would you describe yourself to be?

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1 hour ago, Clarine said:

And just how emotional would you describe yourself to be?

I can be a little too emotional at times.  Sensitive would be the word that I would put here.


If you have time to relax what's the best way to spend it in your opinion?

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2 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Which Fire Emblem class would you want to be? 

I'd say a mix between Awakening's sorcerer class and tactician.  Or the DLC Witch class from Fates.


Which weapon would you prefer to use magic or swords?

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16 hours ago, Clarine said:

Simply put, I plan on pursuing the path of an entrepreneur to increase my wealth furthermore. Of course, I ought to refrain from explaining such plans further.

What are you sentiments regarding the so-called "waifus"?


why so silent

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3 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

If you have time to relax what's the best way to spend it in your opinion?

That would be enjoying a most excellent cup of tea. After all, such is how I normally relax. Do excuse my dreadfully short answer—there simply is no way I can possibly elaborate upon this.

What topics do you find to be ones in which can be most interesting if one is to ask you a question regarding such topics?

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9 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

I feel like there is little that I need to say.

Do you like Animals?

i have more in common with animaux and kids than with adults my age. lately i've been playing with the stray kittens in my complex

why don't you allow any fun

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1 minute ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

why don't you allow any fun

Oh my, one simply must not assume that I cannot condone any forms of fun. Such an image in my signature is merely a... jest, if you may. After all, I believe such is a representation of how many views my sentiments.

And just what does your location of "Under Lachesis" insinuates?

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