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16 minutes ago, Clarine said:

With enough determination, I believe one such as yourself may qualify as a lawyer. But of course, I cannot ascertain to the fact if you would be able to survive through the so-called emotional trauma and stress within the life of law.

One can call my hair straight lest such happens to be near my ears—they are... as one might say, shaped quite like drills or rings. If I recall correctly, I read a trope page documenting such a thing during the recent years and as I was blissfully unaware, such is actually commonly characteristic of noble anime characters. The coincidence was truly amusing, I say! But if I must say—alongside this trope being relevant to me and my common attire choice, the most vexing individual to meet would be an anime fanatic. Initially, I was fond of styling my hair quite like this as it is mildly easy to maintain while remaining elegant.

My goodness, the X-Men are simply and collectively known as X-Men, similarly to each member. One could compare it to "mankind" in which refers to the whole human race.

Would you wish to own your own pet baby dinosaur of the herbivore variant?

Two stipulations;

1. Has to be a triceratops.

2. Has to allow me to ride it into battle.

If not, I would rather be eaten by my own pet. At least then, I could say I was the first man to die by their pet dinosaur.

Best Superhero of all time?

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8 minutes ago, GuardianGrarl said:

Two stipulations;

1. Has to be a triceratops.

2. Has to allow me to ride it into battle.

If not, I would rather be eaten by my own pet. At least then, I could say I was the first man to die by their pet dinosaur.

Best Superhero of all time?

Is that so? Very well, I would find witnessing an individual riding a triceratops into a battlefield to be most interesting. But of course, I truly doubt one can survive a storm of bullets. And if I am to say, I do believe a triceratops' lifespan would exceed that of a regular human being. I suppose if one is to advance technology enough to reconstruct a dinosaur, then we should be able to at least increase our lifespan, no?

I confess, I was truly expecting a remark upon my hairstyle—such a coincidence is far too curious for my liking.

As for the "best" superhero, I shall amusingly vote for Spiderman—the iconic hero that possesses the ability to talk to the audience beyond the comic book. Hold, might Deadpool also possess such an ability?

If you are to be a superhero, what might your powers be—both desired and realistically?

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4 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

talented enough to win my own airship, only to lose it in a bet with a diva

bun, pixie, or ponytail

An airship alongside an attractive complexion? Please, I shall believe it when I see it.

If you would excuse me, I shall choose the ponytail. Mind you, the three of these choices are not to my taste—especially the former two.

Just how involved are you with the so-called "otaku culture"?

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Do you prefer bright cloudless days or more cloudy and more mellow days?

On 9/16/2017 at 9:28 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:

ur swords got a nice length eh. but is it thicc tho

Cant have that nice length without a good thicc to go with it

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2 hours ago, Trisitei said:

Do you prefer bright cloudless days or more cloudy and more mellow days?

Oh? I would prefer the latter, bright skies are not something I truly am fond of. But I suppose if such might interest you, I am curiously fond of fog. The visual appearance of such is... strangely soothing.

Are you trained with anything that might be deemed a weapon?

Edited by Clarine
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Which universe would you want to live in (Fire Emblem, Pokemon etc.)?

22 hours ago, Clarine said:

What decided you to choose the username of "Slade"?

I really like Slade Wilson's character and he's been a favorite of mine growing up.

The Forest is full of contract targets...

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5 hours ago, Trisitei said:

Game genres you're fond of?

Video game genres that oftentimes interests me includes platformer, real-time strategy, role-playing games and perhaps specific visual novels and puzzle video games.

Just what do you deem to be the most interesting aspect of yourself?

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In risk of stroking your ego even more but  If you were to become a deity with God-like powers of creation, what might be the universe or world you would make?

On 9/17/2017 at 0:10 AM, buttmuncher.ops said:

@Rex Glacies this question from the previous page was meant for you amongst all the quick posting earlier. since jingle asked clarine a question, i'll use this as my question for you since it's been unanswered

On 9/16/2017 at 10:04 PM, Clarine said:

If you are to truly become a real necromancer, what might you use your powers for?

Oh! I didn't notice it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Well, numerous things. Mainly I would bring back numerous of the wise deceased, such as Abraham Lincoln, Paul the Apostle, or Leonardo da Vinci to see and hear their perspectives on the modern world. However, it would more be in an attempt to use my powers and their wisdom to lead people to great change and fix many of the problems of the world. But if people are too stubborn, or begin to hate the undead I have brought back, I will bring back... less... favorable figures from history, as well as magnificent armies, and instead use my power to conquer the world and fix it myself.

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1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

In risk of stroking your ego even more but  If you were to become a deity with God-like powers of creation, what might be the universe or world you would make?

Oh! I didn't notice it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Well, numerous things. Mainly I would bring back numerous of the wise deceased, such as Abraham Lincoln, Paul the Apostle, or Leonardo da Vinci to see and hear their perspectives on the modern world. However, it would more be in an attempt to use my powers and their wisdom to lead people to great change and fix many of the problems of the world. But if people are too stubborn, or begin to hate the undead I have brought back, I will bring back... less... favorable figures from history, as well as magnificent armies, and instead use my power to conquer the world and fix it myself.

I say, the latter is far more likely to be true. After all, humans are generally far too presumptuous and see such entities as monsters.

My world if I am to ascend to be a goddess of some kind? How kind of you to ask! I would wish for a world that is void of boredom and overly mundane structures. As such, there shall be many strange and curious creatures of all sizes, shapes and abilities. Needless to say, this world shall be one containing strong magic in which the denizens can learn to channel for their own uses. One could compare it to a fantasy world but if I may elaborate—this one shall still contain the elements of this real world but mixed alongside many fictional elements. I confess, I might be responsible for many statue fountains or churches in which would serve as worshiping grounds for my passive religion. Oh my, if you might ask, I would also wish to interact alongside the denizens of this worlds, perhaps I can even assume my own mortal-esque form for my own amusement.

Before I forget, this world shall also be void of overpopulation and as such, the living denizens would be far more valuable and significant. Perchance I can even devise an afterlife feature for this world. In fact, I may even allow acceptable individuals of this world to migrate to my fantasy realm to live a new life.

What do you believe is the cuisine choice you indulge in the most throughout your life?

Edited by Clarine
Forgive me, was I too carried away?
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17 hours ago, Clarine said:

Just how involved are you with the so-called "otaku culture"?

less than 1%. i usually don't explain myself since you're good at reading between the lines; but i spend less than 8 hours a week watching annie may (used to be more) and the only figurine i own is of jessica rabbit (was a birthday gift)

don't know the names of any longhairstyles to continue with ;/ initially you were fond of "ojou ringlets," but what's your preferred hairstyle now?

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8 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

don't know the names of any longhairstyles to continue with ;/ initially you were fond of "ojou ringlets," but what's your preferred hairstyle now?

Goodness, I believe you have mistaken. These ringlets are still present as of now. Without such features, my hairstyle would be most dull, no?

If one does not mind me asking, just how would you describe your ideal "date"?

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1 hour ago, Clarine said:

Goodness, I believe you have mistaken. These ringlets are still present as of now. Without such features, my hairstyle would be most dull, no?

If one does not mind me asking, just how would you describe your ideal "date"?

there's no such thing as a dull hairstyle, in my opinion

ideal date involves lots of laughing, smiling and fun having; the where, when and what doesnt really matter. some of the best dates happen at an amusement park, or on a simple walk (personally, i find the word date old-fashioned, but i know you enjoy formality :^)

opinions on everyone's favourite princess, yona ojouhimesama

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4 hours ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

How long could you live without internet?

I believe I can survive a long time without access to the internet. Without satisfactory entertainment however, I would merely have to resort to slumbering for most of my days.

If you would excuse me, I must ask—how do you define your term of "sexy"?

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Do you read books often?

8 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

kill, marry, spend a night with: elizabeth swann, tia dalma, angelica (apparently she doesnt have a last name)

... I've never been asked this type of question before. But I suppose I'm obligated to answer.

As I am forced to, I'll have to kill Tia Dalma. She was never an interesting character, and kinda strange, especially with the whole Calypso arc.

Again, as I am forced to, I would marry Elizabeth Swann. Now that's one heck of a woman.

And finally, due to being the last one left, I would spend a night with Angelica. Mind you - I would not do anything "provocative" of that sort; just spend the night with her.

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5 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Do you read books often?

No, my dear pirate. I confess, this is primarily due to my indecisive nature in regards to choosing novels to read.

If you are to own a pirate ship, what might you wish for its name to be?

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3 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Do you bike/cycle at all?

No, I do not. If I may, I believe I can simply justify such using two words: sheltered life.

How do you entertain yourself during the most mundane of situations?

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If you could only play three video games for the rest of your life, what would they be?

8 hours ago, Clarine said:

If you are to own a pirate ship, what might you wish for its name to be?


Aye, that be a difficult task, matey. I suppose a name of "Rex Glacies" might be too arrogant, arr. So mayhaps it be "Aurum" or "Argentum." After all, that be a pirates main goal - booty! Er, and the rum.

Ahoy! That be it - "Lusicar!" It be a mix of "luce" and "sicare," which mean "light and "to cut." Aye, it t'would be a ship to "cut the light" of hope from ye faint-hearted landlubbers and put instead the darkness of fear. I mean, all me names have to use Latin, savvy? I lack creativity of naming beyond the deceased languages, I see.

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