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My computer is old, and cannot display your name. So, may I ask what it is and what it means?

On 7/9/2017 at 2:24 PM, はたの 秦 こころ said:

Highest place (geographically) you have visited yet?

I don't know. I haven't had the chance to climb many mountains, so I guess it would be anywhere in the Pennsylvanian Appalachians.

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8 hours ago, はたの 秦 こころ said:

Opinion of this game?

Didn't complete the game before my first PS3 died and I lost the data, but I made it to the other planetoid and completed the first dungeon there. The child arc at the beginning was cute, though it was too long for the gameplay it offered- as the children don't exactly have much variety or anything else. The whole time elapse with the characters going their separate ways at the end of the arc was interesting, but I feel the plot once you get past Richard's civil war was wasted potential. Too much friendship and idiocy in not seeing someone was clearly possessed as well. Sophie's outfit was an eye roll from me, and Cheria was, as others have criticized her, not really necessary, she contributes little to the plot besides being a friend of Asbel and Hubert. No terribly unlikable characters or anything though.

In combat, the game really shines, I played mostly with Asbel, but did try Hubert a few times- he is more technical than Asbel and harder to use. Never tried the mages, but I should when I play the game again. The CC system works better than traditional TP does, and attributes replacing elements was a unique twist. I played mostly on Moderate and even normal battles could be difficult at times, bosses were very nasty (I went to Easy vs. the one boss in the icy place, and expended lots of Gels and Life Bottles for every boss) and often took several tries (though until I read about it online, I neglected accuracy boosts). Coming off Symphonia and Abyss, the dungeon design was atrocious, with flat and boring layouts, and no brainer puzzles (but I did like the riddle in each town). Titles actually had value in this game, unlike most others. The Eleth Mixer's twist on cooking was novel, as was the use of books in the mixer.

Overall, quite good.


As for asking something: Absolute favorite of the six Pokemon listed on your trainer card?

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A game you really dislike, but think has a great soundtrack?

11 hours ago, はたの 秦 こころ said:

Any videogame character you wished for more good fanart?

Satsuki Yumizuka, there's not a lot of her our there and I'm not impressed by a lot of what I've seen.

9 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

My computer is old, and cannot display your name. So, may I ask what it is and what it means?

I don't think something like that should really be tied to the age of your computer. It may be that you just don't have the right fonts for it installed. What OS and browser are you using?

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Didn't complete the game before my first PS3 died and I lost the data, but I made it to the other planetoid and completed the first dungeon there. The child arc at the beginning was cute, though it was too long for the gameplay it offered- as the children don't exactly have much variety or anything else. The whole time elapse with the characters going their separate ways at the end of the arc was interesting, but I feel the plot once you get past Richard's civil war was wasted potential. Too much friendship and idiocy in not seeing someone was clearly possessed as well. Sophie's outfit was an eye roll from me, and Cheria was, as others have criticized her, not really necessary, she contributes little to the plot besides being a friend of Asbel and Hubert. No terribly unlikable characters or anything though.

In combat, the game really shines, I played mostly with Asbel, but did try Hubert a few times- he is more technical than Asbel and harder to use. Never tried the mages, but I should when I play the game again. The CC system works better than traditional TP does, and attributes replacing elements was a unique twist. I played mostly on Moderate and even normal battles could be difficult at times, bosses were very nasty (I went to Easy vs. the one boss in the icy place, and expended lots of Gels and Life Bottles for every boss) and often took several tries (though until I read about it online, I neglected accuracy boosts). Coming off Symphonia and Abyss, the dungeon design was atrocious, with flat and boring layouts, and no brainer puzzles (but I did like the riddle in each town). Titles actually had value in this game, unlike most others. The Eleth Mixer's twist on cooking was novel, as was the use of books in the mixer.

Overall, quite good.

Graces was a decent game but still probably my second least favorite Tales game after Zestiria and tied with Xillia.
The beginning is really slow. I'm not fond of the child generation. 
However the story become more and more exciting when the second part starts as where King Richard rules.
After the fight against him, the story becomes rushed and also a bit confusing. It starts when you reach the second planet (forgot its a name) to heal Sophie and meet a certain green haired chick. 
The character cast was not really interesting for the most part.

  • Asbel is a dutyful warrior, as most Tales protagonists are.
  • Sophie is the "true" main character actually. Most of the story she's part of. Her robot design makes her really sweet but it's too much for me. She kinda steals Asbel the spotlight.
  • Cheria is plain boring.
  • Richard is one of my absolute favorite antagonists in the entire series. 
  • Hubert became from a trousers pisser to a tsundere - kinda hilarious. No, seriously I can't stand him and I hate that most people ship him with Pascal. Now I'm thinking about it his appearance and character somehow reminds me on Machias Regnitz from Trail of Cold Steel.
  • Pascal, on the other hand, a super fun character personality and gameplaywise. Her charm made me smiling the one or other time.

Gameplaywise it was one of the easiest games aside of one certain lategame battle. Played it on normal except for the mentioned boss.
The dungeons were indeed boring aside of one of the extra dungeons. It features my favorite puzzle in Tales.
However I have to admit most Tales games have no really creatively designed dungeons aside of Abyss.

11 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

My computer is old, and cannot display your name. So, may I ask what it is and what it means?

Aww, sorry, but as for hardware questions I'm really the wrong person.

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Favorite kind of fruit?

On 11-7-2017 at 0:57 PM, MediocreLee said:

Least favorite gaming console/handheld you own?

I only own three (DS, 3DS, Wii U - used to own a GBA too, but my little brother broke it), but out of those three Wii U, at least temporarily.

I have to travel a lot, so I can usually only play it on the weekends, which is a problem I don't have with the DS and 3DS.

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On 7/10/2017 at 10:11 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:



Eirika's route or Ephraim's? Use whatever criteria you want: gameplay, overall feel, Lyon's depiction, etc..

I actually haven't finished Ephraim's route yet. I can't say.


Favorite sport that involves horseback riding?

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19 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

A game you really dislike, but think has a great soundtrack?

I try not to hate on games too much. And while I don't remember the soundtrack that well beyond a few of the major battle themes, I'll say Final Fantasy VIII. Man with the Machine Gun, Don't Be Afraid, and Force Your Way are great, but in gameplay, plot, and characters alike FFVIII has issues. A forced romance (Rinoa should get strangled by a boa), enemies that get stronger than you when leveling, junctions being a bit tedious to stock up on and discouraging magic use, high school garbage with Seifer, and Squall being stupid in the ending like Chrom is in Awakening (it's debatable who made the worse decision). There are still some good things about it though. (And it's still better than Chrono Cross, which I don't really recall the soundtrack of at all. Though for CC I spoiled myself long ago on what the Frozen Flame is thinking I'd never branch out and get as Sony system).


As for my question:

2 hours ago, Gemma said:

who is your favorite painter?


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What prompted you to choose that username? (It's an awesome username, by the way.)

20 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for asking something: Absolute favorite of the six Pokemon listed on your trainer card?

That would be Weavile, my all-time favorite Pokemon. Darkrai and Garchomp come second and third, respectively.

19 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

I don't think something like that should really be tied to the age of your computer. It may be that you just don't have the right fonts for it installed. What OS and browser are you using?

17 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

My computer is old, and cannot display your name. So, may I ask what it is and what it means?

Aww, sorry, but as for hardware questions I'm really the wrong person.

Er, my question was less of me and my computer and more of asking what your name means. So, if I could reword my question it would be "Why did you choose your username?" My apologies for the mix up, though by now you have another question and so you need not answer this one.

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Any ability or skill you wish you had?

On 7/11/2017 at 5:26 AM, Robert of Normandy said:

Same question.

I'd have to go with my Vita, it just doesn't get much use..though I like it mostly to play PS1 Classics.

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4 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

What prompted you to choose that username? (It's an awesome username, by the way.)

Thank you for the comment.

When I played Devil Survivor 2, I was fascinated by Alcor/Al Saiduq/the Anguished One, who for millennia had been watching humanity grow and develop, taking in the beauty of it all from a place beyond the human world. Around the same time, I played Radiant Historia, and I became fond of Lippti and Teo- the twins who reside in the place between the various timelines- Historia. Here they can offer advice to the time-traversing users of the White and Black Chronicles, but they cannot directly interfere or say too much (at one point they try to tell Stocke something important, but magic momentarily paralyzes them for their indiscretion). I'm considering changing my avi to Teo at some point actually. These are the main two sources of my inspiration.

Basically I want to be these characters and those like them in other video games. I deeply wish I could be like Alcor and watch humanity in all its intensity from a distance for a very long time. I'm a scholarly introverted type, who happens to be working towards a Masters Degree in History, which I guess is rather appropriate. I don't actually participate much in humanity actively up close and personal, but I love it nonetheless and never want to cease witnessing and cherishing it in all its depth.


The question: What gaming systems do you/have you owned?

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8 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Favorite playable character from DeSu 2 in the Septentrion story?

Well the AO ranks up there as being no. 1 both in character (as largely explained in my prior post) and in gameplay for me. You'd think his balanced stats would be a bad thing, but apparently his turns come a little sooner than everyone else's all being equal. And any chance of getting 2 turns to everyone else's 1 outweighs stat leads, because every PC has two demons backing them- and most baddies can be torn through with 2x Holy Dance/Deathbound/Multistrike (and Alcor can toss in a -dyne or Megido if he must). Having the highest HP, MP and natural Null Curse are boons too.

The rest of my top 5 based on their character in no particular order would include: Jungo, Otome, Daichi, and... Yamato (if only he wasn't arrogant/ignorant he could achieve his ideals). Though I did have to really think about it. Most of the characters are good, or at least okay. If there is anyone who I don't like so much, well Ronaldo is sadly a mess, and like in FE, it's a case where you wish Supports affected the character in the main plot.


Question: How'd you learn of the Hittites?

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