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Favorite Tolkien character(s)?

On 12-8-2017 at 10:46 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

What are your top 5 Roman sites/monuments/places you'd recommend to visit?

Hmm, that's a tough one... (I'm really bad at picking favorites.)

It also depends on how you define "Roman". The Romans had an empire that (at its height) stretched across large parts of Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa, and which existed for over 2000 years. But Rome itself has a long post-Empire history of being the Papal capital. So do we define "Roman" as "of the Roman Empire" or do we define "Roman" as "of Rome"?

Going by the latter definition, I'll say the Coliseum, the Forum Romanum, the Pantheon, Saint Peter's Basilica and St Paul's Basilica, probably.

If we're going by the former definition, I'll need to give it a lot more thought... There's a lot of things to take into consideration!

On 13-8-2017 at 3:09 PM, Natalie said:

Eh I'm feeling the pressure. I was trying to avoid being asked anything. We never looked at the actual legal side of things but I'll give it a go.

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I mean, Harold II was apparently chosen to be the next rightful King by the Edward the Confessor, but if I remember correctly his coronation wasn't recognised by the Pope or something. Which meant that the William of Normandy could say that his crowning was illegal. He also didn't have a very strong claim to the throne, but neither did William of Normandy, and there were actually much closer relatives to Edward the Confessor.

Supposedly William claimed to have God on his side and this was thought to have made his claim to the throne stronger. Defeating Harold II probably 'proved' this and thus his claim was considered true, even if Harold's illegal crowning was just Norman propaganda.

So in my opinion based on these vague points (because we only really looked at the events at school, rather than the actual legal side) William of Normandy was possibly more likely to be the rightful King of England due to 'God being on his side', and invading and defeating Harold II. But neither of them were actually the rightful blood heir.


I'm sorry for being so stupid I'll go back to my hole

I was just curious! No pressure at all. I don't think there's anything stupid about not knowing the details of some thousand year old legal question.

I just like asking people about my favorite topics, even if they know little about them. Besides, it's your fault for telling me you know everything about 1066.

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Are there any SF members you want banned? Or if I already asked you that question but forgot, what 5 characters that aren't in Fire Emblem Heroes are you hoping will be playable in it?

4 hours ago, Natalie said:

What new FE characters (or game characters in general) would you like to see in the next Super Smash?

Honestly, I don't want any new FE characters in Smash. 6 characters for FE is going way overboard (especially when it's outnumbering Zelda characters, and this is coming from someone who dislikes the Zelda series due to me constantly getting lost/stuck in the puzzles, not knowing what to do next, and not wanting to resort to a guide in an action based game while playing the game at the same time), and unless they remove Lucina and maybe one of Robin or Corrin, I really don't think they should add any new FE characters. Though if they did add the FE Switch protagonist or whoever's the most recent FE lead in the newest Smash, I wouldn't find that too unreasonable, so long as they remove 1 or 2 of the 3DS FE characters.

As for other game characters, Toad really should've been playable in Smash by now, especially with how long a history he has with the Mario series, arguably being one of the top 6 most reoccurring/important Mario characters, and starring in games like Wario's Woods and Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. Takamaru (from The Mysterious Murasame Castle) is a old retro Nintendo character I was really hoping would be playable in Smash, due to being a samurai and having tons of cool weapons at his disposal (despite being a sword user, he actually uses projectiles in his original game more than you'd think due to them being safer than sword slashes and enemies being plentiful, fast, and dangerous). I'm also hoping King K. Rool (from the Donkey Kong Country series) will be playable since he's quite a funny villain visual and movement-wise, and he's really important in the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy. Dillon (from Dillon's Rolling Western) was another character I really wanted to be playable since he looks really cool and he could've introduced a lot of interesting mechanics like turret making and resource gathering to make turrets.

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Okay, last post until my interview is over. 

Favourite dessert?

3 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

Favorite Tolkien character(s)?

I was just curious! No pressure at all. I don't think there's anything stupid about not knowing the details of some thousand year old legal question.

I just like asking people about my favorite topics, even if they know little about them. Besides, it's your fault for telling me you know everything about 1066.

Sam, Gandalf, Bilbo. I also really like Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, but they're in LotR so little that I can't really class them as true favourites. 

If I say anything else on the matter I'm going to die of embarrassment and dig myself deeper into this hole.

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9 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Can I assume by your signature that you're an artist?

Oh my, me—an artist? Certainly not! I cannot express such interest in this line of profession. I would rather pay another competent artist to illustrate images for me rather than vex myself with a rather tedious trial of drawing. I, for one, do believe I can illustrate images to a degree and easily edit virtual images but I commonly lack the patience for the former.

Might I ask, what are the origins of your username and perchance, might it be your real name?

Edited by Clarine
Do excuse me, your interview escaped my mind. You may ignore this question if you so desire.
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v this question.

On 8/12/2017 at 3:55 PM, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite video game boss fights?

Hm, what stands out to me are the fights with the harpies and Gyalva in Ys: Oath in Felghana.

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What is the furthest you've ever been from your home/hometown?

8 hours ago, Natalie said:

Do you enjoy art? If so, favourite artists?

Alas, this is a question for my sister! No, I'm afraid I don't particularly enjoy art. Yes, some artworks are quite neat and I do understand why one would like art, but it has never been a particular interest of mine. And as such, I cannot name a favorite artist (except for maybe Leonardo da Vinci, though I like him more for his contributions outside art rather than his paintings). However, I guess I can mention my favorite painting instead: the Wanderer Over a Sea of Fog.

3 hours ago, Natalie said:

Sam, Gandalf, Bilbo. I also really like Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, but they're in LotR so little that I can't really class them as true favourites. 

If I say anything else on the matter I'm going to die of embarrassment and dig myself deeper into this hole.

Naw, they're all cool. Though, I do wonder why one would like Tom Bombadil, as he has almost no role in the story...

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11 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Favorite video game boss fights?

Such Boss Fights in my list normally includes those which implements multiple "phases", an intense atmosphere and perhaps even a "Boss Rush".

- I do believe the final boss known as the Titan Dweevil from Pikmin 2; this boss utilises multiple music segments segments depending on which of its attacks it chooses to use in which corresponds to the main hazard elements of the entire video game. And of course, since the video game revolves around "collecting treasures", the boss uses four of these for its attacks which has their own health and is disarmed once defeated. Essentially, it is a creative use of using everything you have learned throughout your adventure as long as one does not use an exploit.

- Curiously, I am rather fond of the Mecha-Bowser fight in Super Mario Sunshine as it serves as a mildly relaxing, if not amusing, fight as you are introduced to a rather simple mechanic of riding a roller-coaster. I for one am not truly certain as to why I am fond of this boss.

- I do see the Boss Fights of Paper Mario: Color Splash to be well-designed, only if the battles never always revolve around "Things" cards and of course, if the difficulty is increased dramatically. As such, one would be fond of seeing "Boss Rematches" to be implemented once all the Bosses are defeated.

Perhaps I ought to explore more video games to expand this list, boss fights tend to be mediocre to me as they tend to either be far too easy to defeat or are simply tedious. Most boss fights tend to be ones I wish not to fight again.

You profile image is of Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, no? If so, what are your favourite three aspects of the television show?

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@Clarine:  And just what might your favourite thing regarding chemistry be?

My lady and the other hearers may well be disposed to call me insane (or masochistic), but my favourite thing regarding Chemistry (to quote Lady Clarine) is creating and solving stoichiometry equations (and I do not jest). Another thing that I am partial towards is watching chemical reactions as they occur.

So please you, Lord Reimu, I would fain know who this "Reimu" figure is.


@Clarine: Was the formal speech to your satisfaction, madame?


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1 hour ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

I'm assuming you like quizzes, so what's your favorite quiz show on TV?

I am not as fond of quizzes as one may assume me to be. As such, I tend not to watch television quiz shows. If one must know, I am more fond of game shows in which challengers are to enter a scene similar to dungeons in which they are to complete puzzles and trials to accomplish an ultimate goal. In fact, I am certain I would be able to complete any of them, excepting those requiring a most absurd amount of upper body strength, of course.

33 minutes ago, Ottokar said:

@Clarine:  And just what might your favourite thing regarding chemistry be?

My lady and the other hearers may well be disposed to call me insane (or masochistic), but my favourite thing regarding Chemistry (to quote Lady Clarine) is creating and solving stoichiometry equations (and I do not jest). Another thing that I am partial towards is watching chemical reactions as they occur.

Oh my... Apologies, I do not quite comprehend what you are truly saying, perhaps browsing without my morning cup of black tea is ill-advised. Regardless, I cannot truly say my passion lies in chemistry—in both psychological and study of substances. One could perhaps say the singular aspect I am fond of regarding the latter definition of chemistry is based upon the many possibilities in which chemicals and react, especially with organisms. Simply put, my favourite thing are the medicinal possibilities of chemistry. I truly doubt I can be deemed a lady of science, mind you.

You are fond of figurines, no? And just how many do you own?

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What made you join SF?

9 hours ago, Randoman said:

Are there any SF members you want banned?

No, I can't think of any. I believe the ones that deserve to be banned have been banned already (as far as I'm aware, at least).

5 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Naw, they're all cool. Though, I do wonder why one would like Tom Bombadil, as he has almost no role in the story...

you talking shit about my buddy tom bombadil m8?

fite me irl

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1 hour ago, Hattusili I said:

What made you join SF?

I am certain there are two types of answers I can bestow to you, a dreadfully short one and the other which you may deem satisfactory.

The common majority... fascinated me, if one can even say it that. After all, I did wished to communicate with another human that does not act like a complete troglodyte which is unable to use most of their brain. Needless to say, my expectations were never truly met but rather drastically lowered the longer I spent on the internet. As a conclusion, many are simply far too ignorant and narrow-minded to accept an individual genuinely being refined and mannerly and rather insist such traits are solely exclusive to fictional characters. If I may say, such is why I have obtained quite the knowledge as to what to expect from vocal minorities and perhaps common individuals. Oh my, might I be digressing? I saw the Fire Emblem community as... a slightly intelligent society. That is if I am truly call the community one. If one must know, I still find the majority to be most abhorrent, although Serenes Forest earned my mildest respect; that is an honour as not many websites can truly impress me in the slightest. As such, I find Serenes Forest to be the most appropriate place for me to alleviate my ever so present boredom... without feeling like Fernand, humourously put.

Simply put, I was bored. One does not need to be a detective to know that was the so-call short answer.

If you can be a family relative with any Fire Emblem character, whomever would it be?

My apologies, perhaps I can return once I devise a more interesting question.

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Are you a Star Wars fan? If so favourite movie in the series?

10 hours ago, Clarine said:

Might I ask, what are the origins of your username and perchance, might it be your real name?

You guessed right. I'm evidently so boring that I couldn't come up with an actual username. 

I'm at such a loose end today that I couldn't resist posting on here even if I said I wasn't going to...

9 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Naw, they're all cool. Though, I do wonder why one would like Tom Bombadil, as he has almost no role in the story...

4 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

you talking shit about my buddy tom bombadil m8?

fite me irl

WAT. You'd better take that back @Rex Glacies! It's two against one and I throw a mean punch. 


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45 minutes ago, Natalie said:

Are you a Star Wars fan? If so favourite movie in the series?

You guessed right. I'm evidently so boring that I couldn't come up with an actual username. 

Forgive my frequent posting, for I simply lack anything to do this week.

I am afraid I cannot express my interest for such a thing. However, I do believe my father is an absurd fanatic for this franchise, possessing many series of merchandise which easily includes a large collection of figurines, apparel, toy cars and his many Star Wars-themed mobile phone cases. Truly, one cannot believe MY father is a geek; he even owns a large collection of super heroes collectibles which can easily shame the collection of many. I digress, he constantly wishes me to join his geek side in which I shall remain... true to myself. Might I ask, did I executed a Star Wars jest correctly? After all, such interests are rather unbecoming of someone of my status, no? Regardless, I truly doubt I would ever be interested in these forms of media.

Fret not, for I was not particular original with my username either. Truth be told, I merely stole the name of a video game character!

As to discourage you from posting any further until your interview reaches its conclusion, I shall bestow you this question:

What are your final sentiments regarding answering a most absurd amount of questions during your interview?

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In playing new games, have you ever gone backwards in terms of release dates? (eg, LoZ Twilight Princess to Wind Waker, FE Radiant Dawn to Path of Radiance, or Pokémon XY to BW/DP)

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What makes you like Pokemon X and Y so much?

11 hours ago, Clarine said:

You profile image is of Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, no? If so, what are your favourite three aspects of the television show?

Correct! He is Bill Cipher, the insane dream demon from that show. As for my favorite aspects of the show...
1. The story. I feel it is rare that TV shows, especially animated ones like Gravity Falls, can have such a good plot. As such, it was a pleasant surprise that it actually had a story, and a good one at that. Plus, I always had an affinity for the unnatural and mysteries, so that was an added plus.
2. Comedy. Everyone loves to laugh, and Gravity Falls provided many times for that. Whether it was the show making fun of certain conventions, someone acting in a weird way, or anything else, I always enjoyed the comedy in the show.
3. Characters. I tend to pay attention to story more than characters, but the characters in Gravity Falls were all rather appealing, and I loved their relationships with each other, especially the realistic representation of family with Dipper, Mabel, and Grunkle Stan.

6 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

fite me irl

Right after I get those Dutch waffles.

2 hours ago, Natalie said:

WAT. You'd better take that back @Rex Glacies! It's two against one and I throw a mean punch. 

What? Huh. It appears Tom Bombadil has more fans than I thought. I just didn't care for his what I feel was 8+ chapters that had little to do with the actual story.

As for that mean punch... good luck. I doubt it can reach all across the Atlantic.

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3 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

Have you any self claimed targets you haven't reached yet?

I am afraid not, excepting my primary goal of essentially upgrading my estate to one befitting of royalty. Admittedly, I am not truly one for targets and as such, not much tends to motivate me. Perhaps my goal of devising a "signature appearance" for myself may be a valid target, such would require collaboration with many individuals to ensure nobody else in the world shall be wearing the same attire as me. It is apparently clear such would cost far too much for any normal citizen to pay but truly, I do believe my problem lies upon the fact I know not of where to start.

@Rex Glacies Oh my, I do not believe I gave that television show much of a chance to prove itself to be worthy. I confess, I do find the main theme to be well-composed and many scenes I have seen slightly piques my interest. Truly, one know not of how to react to... that mecha fight against monsters, was it? My apologies, the television show tends to escape my mind.

Very well, what are your views regarding this so-called "Illuminati"?

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Would it mind you, if I voted you for the next interview?

3 hours ago, henrymidfields said:

In playing new games, have you ever gone backwards in terms of release dates? (eg, LoZ Twilight Princess to Wind Waker, FE Radiant Dawn to Path of Radiance, or Pokémon XY to BW/DP)

I played Radiant Dawn before Path of Radiance, and Pokémon X was my first... but also only Pokémon game I've played yet.

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Are there any places in Germany that you'd like to visit but haven't visited yet?

8 hours ago, Clarine said:

If you can be a family relative with any Fire Emblem character, whomever would it be?

Hmm... I don't know. Probably someone who's open, friendly and caring. I could simply list one of my favorite characters, but I'm sure I'd rather not have relatives like Arvis and Zephiel!

So I suppose I'll go with... Pelleas? Maybe Rebecca? I don't really know, honestly.

3 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Right after I get those Dutch waffles.

What? Huh. It appears Tom Bombadil has more fans than I thought. I just didn't care for his what I feel was 8+ chapters that had little to do with the actual story.

As for that mean punch... good luck. I doubt it can reach all across the Atlantic.

It was pancakes. Though I wouldn't say no to waffles either.

Okay, so

Natalie and I will go to the US, punch you in the face and then eat American pancakes with you.

Then you come to the Netherlands and eat Dutch pancakes with me.

Tom Bombadil may not have much to do with the story of LotR, but the Tolkien legendarium is far bigger than only LotR!

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15 hours ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

How pleased are you with the government in the country you live in?

Not overly pleased - I find many of the government's recent measures concerning. However, I am thankful that we don't have Donald Trump for our leader.

Question: What's 9 + 10?  Which Fire Emblem character do you hate the most?

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What country do you live in Favorite color?

4 hours ago, Clarine said:

@Rex Glacies Oh my, I do not believe I gave that television show much of a chance to prove itself to be worthy. I confess, I do find the main theme to be well-composed and many scenes I have seen slightly piques my interest. Truly, one know not of how to react to... that mecha fight against monsters, was it? My apologies, the television show tends to escape my mind.

Very well, what are your views regarding this so-called "Illuminati"?

Yes, I would recommend watching it, especially if you like mystery and a well written story. The main theme is rather good as well, I agree. As for the "mecha fight against monsters"... I don't even remember when that happens. Well, a couple of scenes like that do happen, but they are the exception, not the norm. Regardless, if you are thinking about watching it, I'll simply state that the first season is closer to "normal" in terms of cartoons, but the second season is the one that really sets the series apart from other TV shows (though that's not to say that the show is ever normal to begin with!).

As for the question, the Illuminati is a powerful organization that was in all actuality formed over 1000 years ago and has secretly been masterminding all events in human history, especially since taking control of America in 1776. They have manipulated many a person into keeping their secrets and have silenced numerous others in order to remain in the shadows. All politicians, company CEOs, and anyone else in a position of power are members, and year by year they are growing closer to taking full control of the world and instigating a New World Order.


In all seriousness, it's a bunch of hogwash. Sure it's fun to speculate and easy to blame another, largely inhuman entity for things that go wrong, but the odds of everyone in a position of influence being in a secret organization bent on taking control of the lowly masses is slim to none.

3 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

It was pancakes. Though I wouldn't say no to waffles either.

Okay, so

Natalie and I will go to the US, punch you in the face and then eat American pancakes with you.

Then you come to the Netherlands and eat Dutch pancakes with me.

Tom Bombadil may not have much to do with the story of LotR, but the Tolkien legendarium is far bigger than only LotR!

It was pancakes. Alas, curse my flawed human brain for failing to remember the simplest of things!

Alright though. Provided you guys pay for the pancakes and my ticket, I'll gladly be punched.

I see. I have not yet ready any other parts of the legendarium, so I wasn't aware he was more important. My apologies.

Edited by Rex Glacies
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10 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

Are there any places in Germany that you'd like to visit but haven't visited yet?

as for cities:

  • Hamburg
  • Dresden
  • Würzburg


as for special places:

  • Bodensee
  • Chiemsee with visiting castle Herrenchiemsee
  • Schwarzwald (again)
  • Walhalla
  • some other castles in Bavaria

Favorite places in PA?

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16 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

What makes you like Pokemon X and Y so much?

Back in 1996-2000, Pokemon was considered to be alternate version of our real-life world, which I found was a very unique form of worldbuilding. The only other two RPG series that actually built up from our existing real world as a starting point for setting was Shin Megami Tensei/Persona, Yokai Watch, and maybe Earthbound. Back then, we had Kanto (which was quite generic, thinking about it now) and Johto (which was actually Japanese, and even better, actually interacted with Kanto). I expected this to continue, with a (then) possible 3rd installment onwards possibly featuring maybe Hawaii or San Francisco. To my disappointment, it was the RSE we all know, which undid a lot of the previous OTL-based worldbuilding, and went for something culturally more generic tropical (It doesn't even have any resemblance of being connected to the previous two regions!), and could have been all easily avoided/justified by actually having Alola, or Poke-Guam/Sapian, or even Poke-Queensland as the Gen 3 region - places that the Japanese audience would have heard of.

Kalos was a huge step in the right direction, because it restored a lot of the worldbuilding that I found unique in Gen 1-2. The region as a whole actually looked like Poke-France, and Game Freak did a great job in designing the region, despite the inspiration not being within their cultural home turf. Even better, they implicitly confirmed that Gen 1-4 regions actually forms Poke-Japan, through the Tourist trainer class and them owning exclusively Gen 1-4 Pokemon.

Usually the trait/consistency in worldbuilding is probably not something people would consider important with Nintendo's games. (*)  I, however, consider Pokemon to be the biggest exception, because of what was unique back then, and how the later regions are all proverbially built up from the previous ones.
(*) The setting for Zelda may be becoming more important since Aonuma took the helm, however. FE's worldbuilding would be important within their continents, but there's still not much in terms of consistency between the different continent.

For your vacation which do you prefer: Beach resort, mountain getwaway, theme park, city glitter, or a cultural excursion? And why?

Edited by henrymidfields
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