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7 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite and least favorite Fire Emblem characters?

Well, my favorite character in the series is Ike. ... I know, bit of a cliche choice, but you can't help what you like, I say.

My least favorite is a little bit harder since there are definitely a lot more FE characters I hate than ones I adore. To start off, Eliwood. His character is fine, if a bit boring. My problem with him is his stats. Every time I use him, he becomes the most worthless of the three lord characters. Roy is similar, but at least gets a sweet weapon to back him up.


Makalov is another character I loathe, since he is a bumbling fool with all the traits of Joshua from Sacred Stone (whom is a character I love), but none of the charisma or likability. Also, he's overly weak in battle. Every time I see him Path, I have his sister go and murder him because karma and I'm a horrible person.

But I think my least favorite character is Corrin. He's a boring lord and is too mary sue-ish for my taste.


If you were given a genie, what would your three wishes be?

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Same question. (If you were given a genie, what would your three wishes be?)

6 hours ago, Clarine said:

Very well, I know not of what to ask you so I shall ask:
And just what might be a fact regarding yourself that I might deem to be most interesting?

Hmm... a fact that would interest you? That's difficult, as knowing you you don't find many things interesting... I think. Well, I suppose I could go with something personal, but instead I shall hope that the fact I have ten toes, but nine toenails, might satisfy your curiosity.

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10 minutes ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

What do you think of the Buckingham Palace as a building?

I say, such a dwelling is one befitting of me—so I say. However, I know not of the full layout and interior, for I have never truly stepped inside such a place myself. Now I must know, just how can I possibly obtain the ownership for such a home? Oh, I digress, the building is most impressive. After all, I must confess, I am still trying to find a reason to justifying donning a regal crown.

1 minute ago, Rex Glacies said:

Hmm... a fact that would interest you? That's difficult, as knowing you you don't find many things interesting... I think. Well, I suppose I could go with something personal, but instead I shall hope that the fact I have ten toes, but nine toenails, might satisfy your curiosity.

How curious, yet I recall reading of this prior to you mentioning this now. Oh how this is becoming ever so more curiouser.

If I may ask, might an individual such as yourself find having servants (such as butlers or maids) under your command to be most strange, if not unsettling?

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14 hours ago, Clarine said:

Such would simply be my private chamber, garden or perhaps even my parlour. I say, such a question was not very interesting.

so says the hellish noble who refrained from answering the actual interesting question :^)

15 hours ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

How does it feel to live under Lachesis?

absolutely wonderful. all my meals are free, although served in a wine glass and doggie bowl

do you own a tophat and / or monocle? (this question was for rex)

edit, i think we all posted at the same time so see below

when did you realize i asked you the six W's (this question is for clarine)

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Well, my first wish would be to know the exact date and time of my death. (Yes, I did get my first wish from you. ;))

My second wish... would be that the Guardian Grarl monster in Yu-Gi-Oh wouldn't have an completely useless and unplayable effect. 


And my third wish would be for a refill on my Mountain Dew, because I just ran out.


What is one place you would like to visit/live?

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6 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

so says the hellish noble who refrained from answering the actual interesting question :^)

do you own a tophat and / or monocle?

when did you realize i asked you the six W's (this question is for clarine)

Hold your keyboard, you shall not insinuate such a thing. My mind goes to no such places and as such, a lady such as myself shall never possess these deviant thoughts.
I was merely being curious, such was all.

It is abundantly clear your question was addressed to Rex Glacies but I shall answer this anyway; I do not own any top hats or monocles.

Six Ws? I am afraid I never noticed such a thing.

If dinosaurs are to be recreated in the modern world, might an individual such as yourself be terrified or perhaps fascinated?

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15 minutes ago, GuardianGrarl said:

What is one place you would like to visit/live?

i've already visited new york city / france but those are my top two places i've thought about living. nyc for career, france for retirement. preferably the hamptons / le midi, respectively

tell me about the most fun time you had this year

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8 hours ago, Aya Shameimaru said:
  1. Bringing back my mum back to normal health condition as 2.5 years ago.
  2. A happy life.
  3. Getting rid of Kim.

Oh... I'm really sorry to hear about that. 


14 hours ago, Clarine said:

If dinosaurs are to be recreated in the modern world, might an individual such as yourself be terrified or perhaps fascinated?

Terrified. Definitely terrified. I've seen the Jurassic Park movies and frankly, that's as close to a T-Rex as I ever want to be.


What the was the first Fire Emblem game you played and when did you play it?

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16 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

tell me about the most fun time you had this year

Goodness, if I am to say, I actually do not believe I experienced any events throughout the year that I could perhaps deem as "fun". Such only highlights my most mundane lifestyle, no?

And just what are your sentiments regarding the occult?

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A place you'd like to visit?
My apologies if this might have been asked before

17 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Which Fire Emblem location would you want to visit, and why?

Sacae from the Elibe games
More because the whole idea of wide plains where the people can be one with nature is intriguing 

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19 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

A place you'd like to visit?
My apologies if this might have been asked before

Fret not, one expecting another to read through everything regarding myself would be most unreasonable.
Of course, there are no places I truly wish to visit. In fact, I find the majority of the world to be unspeakably boring.

Might you be an individual to partake in "cosplay"?

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In general, do you prefer Eastern or Western culture?

23 hours ago, Clarine said:

If I may ask, might an individual such as yourself find having servants (such as butlers or maids) under your command to be most strange, if not unsettling?

Very much so! As a member of the working middle class, and simply an aspect of my personality, I always strive to help others in any and all tasks that need done. I mean, if even one other person is working or cleaning or what have you, then I feel uncomfortable and want to help them out. So if I had servants doing work - my work - it would be very unsettling, and I myself would want to be helping them out.

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On 9/7/2017 at 9:04 PM, Clarine said:

Do excuse my most perplexing question but how would you describe your height in comparison to the denizens of your local area?

Your question has caused no offense.

I am of average height, so I tend to be slightly taller or shorter than my acquaintances.

If you were given three wishes, what would you do?

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7 hours ago, Clarine said:

Goodness, if I am to say, I actually do not believe I experienced any events throughout the year that I could perhaps deem as "fun". Such only highlights my most mundane lifestyle, no?

And just what are your sentiments regarding the occult?

As in magic, or supernatural forces... well, I believe the universe is to big to not to have some kind of supernatural elements, though those elements are far beyond me. Like anything if used for helpful purposes, I'm not against it. If used for harmful purposes, not a big fan.


Any places you lives besides the one you live at now?

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1 hour ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

describe your ideal night out

My, I cannot quite formulate a perfect "night out". Perhaps I can deem a night under a starry sky with soothing music and tea being served to be one that is acceptable. After all, life in this world is dreadfully mundane, if not entirely monotone as of now.

@GuardianGrarl, I say, your genies wishes are far from ambitious. Of course, from what a deduce, you do not appear to be the most ambitious.

@Rex Glacies, if I am to not know any better, I could most easily misinterpret that as an indirect request to "help" me. Pay no mind to this, I am merely jesting.

And just how would an individual such as yourself would react if extraterrestrials are to land on this planet and directly converse with its denizens?

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7 minutes ago, Clarine said:

My, I cannot quite formulate a perfect "night out". Perhaps I can deem a night under a starry sky with soothing music and tea being served to be one that is acceptable. After all, life in this world is dreadfully mundane, if not entirely monotone as of now.

@GuardianGrarl, I say, your genies wishes are far from ambitious. Of course, from what a deduce, you do not appear to be the most ambitious.

@Rex Glacies, if I am to not know any better, I could most easily misinterpret that as an indirect request to "help" me. Pay no mind to this, I am merely jesting.

And just how would an individual such as yourself would react if extraterrestrials are to land on this planet and directly converse with its denizens?

Considering the fact that I have Guardian Grarl in my Yugioh Deck and have Jill on my Fire Emblem teams, ambition is not one of my strongest points. XD

If aliens were to appear, I would mostly likely be jealous that I didn't get to interact with extraterrestrial life forms. I think that'd be sweet. We could exchange beauty tips. 

Something you find adorable? (Badass, if your not into the whole 'cutesy' thing. But why would you not be?)


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11 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

Something that you find obnoxious? 

Let us not discuss this with the greatest of detail, for I wish not to vex another with my seemingly overwhelming negative sentiments.

To list a few, such would include:

- General modern culture (especially many so-called "memes" and trends)
- Poor grammar
- General foolishness
- Sports
- Common traits, behaviour and individuals
- Lecherous behaviour, especially if such is directed towards me
- And perhaps the most curious: anyone that opposes my orders or instructions

I ought to refrain from expanding such a list, lest I desire to risk offense.

@GuardianGrarl. If I am to say, I do believe an extraterrestrial's cognition of beauty would easily differ to those of a human. That is if the majority of North America does not declare war upon their race during their arrival. One wonders if such individuals would enjoy my ideal blend of black tea.

Are you one to become emotional most easily?

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2 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

In general, do you prefer Eastern or Western culture?

no preference. i value individuals, and respect their culture, whatever it might be. my best friends are a multi-cultural group, yet we bond over things from many different cultures. you could say i prefer an "accepting" culture of inclusivity

i want to know of your hopes and fears, your nightmares and dreams

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