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Return of The Emblem Chapter Two: The Trail


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Caine attacks Gytha! Rolls 3,6,6 (ffff-)



DMG -16 KO

Gytha 0/15

The two faced off. Caine rushed in without words hoping to catch Gytha off guard, and it seemed as though he did, a clean critical strike. "Heheh. You're pretty good, girl, but nothing's going to stand between me and that emblem, now if you'll excuse me, I've got another woman to kill, and an item to collect." he said as he began making his way toward the wagon. "Boris, cover me!" he shouted.

Archer A attacks Domovoi! Rolls 2,3,2



DMG -1 hp

Domovoi 5/12

Archer C attacks Nanahm! Rolls 6,6,3



DMG -7 hp

Nanahm 4/18

Archer D attacks Amon! Rolls 4,2,4



DMG -4 hp

Amon 5/9



Shadrak held his head in frustration at the what was going on around him, as he tried to make sense of what all was going... and who was right and who was wrong... and then it struck him; If those bandits had never brought the poor girl into this... she wouldn't be dead... it's their fault that she died in vain for a lie... it's their fault her life was wasted for naught... I'll show them.


Shadrak heals Domovoi! +4 hp

Domovoi 9/12

Shadrak +3 points

Amon uses Vulnerary! +10 hp

Amon 9/9

"What the ...? You're turning on us? Huh. You've got balls, shaman. Alright then. He's with them now so he gets to die with them." Caine announced as he picked up the pace aiming to reach the wagon.


Caine 12/12 (Aggressive)

Shaman A 0/9

Shaman B 0/9


Boris 15/15

Mage A 0/9

Cleric A 0/9


Uller 12/12

Mage B 0/9

Cleric B 9/9


Archer A 5/9 (Aggressive)

Archer B 0/9

Archer C 9/9 (Aggressive)

Archer D 9/9 (Aggressive)

Edited by Phoenix
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As he fought the archer, Synthia had healed him but more surprisingly, a shaman on the other side healed him as well. Apparently he was defecting because there was no reason for an enemy to heal him like that.

"Don't think I'm gonna trust you," he said at the newcomer, his eyes narrowed at him before spinning his lance briefly and piercing the throat of the archer who wounded him.

Link to Roll: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2906655/

Domovoi: (5,4,5) Auto hit! 4+5-1= 8 damage. Archer A 0/9 HP. Archer A KO'd.

Domvoi gains 5 points.

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Gytha coughed, blood running into her mouth. That lunge forced the enemy's blade into her middle. Oh great... Gytha thought to herself, Now I need to somehow get the blood out of it. That might stain. And there's a hole in me shirt. Fantastic. They warned me about going inland. This is what happens when yer off a ship for too long. The mariner glared as the man spoke about his intent to kill Raquel, spitting out the sharp-tasting, red liquid from her mouth to the ground. "I'm not yer only obsticle," she replied with determination, holding her wound. Blast... I can't fight like this. It was his speed. Blast it, I need to be faster! Though I know someone fast... I don't want to stay here like this.

"Amon! Help me t' th' cart!" she boomed over the battlefield, sputtuing out blood as she did so, "Move fast -- this'un's quick, too!"

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Amon was still deep in his thoughts until Gytha called to him. He immediately snapped out of hit and turned to run to her. When he arrived, he saw who she was talking about. Caine was heading for the cart. Amon placed Gytha's arm over his shoulder and began heading over.

Meanwhile at the cart itself ...

Caine arrived and moved around to the back preparing to skewer Raquel as soon as he saw her. Peeking into the back of the wagon he looked around. "Come out, girl, I'm just going to take the emblem ... whether or not you live to see tomorrow is up to you." he said in a soft yet threatening voice as he leaned further in. Suddenly he heard a shriek and began pulling his head out in a bit of a panic. That shriek wasn't from a human! As he came out a gunshot went off and the shot barely graced his ear! He fell onto his rear and rolled back onto his feet holding his sword up.

"No one told us that bitch was packing ... and what was that sound in there?" he said panting a bit.

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As they approched, Gytha muttered, "To the cart's side. I need t' get patched up and ye don't need extra weight yer not used to when yer fighting this'un. I'll be fine if I can get a healer t' help. Don't let this'un see ye, though. Raquel sounds like she can defend herself. Besides..." her eyes focussed onto the enemy around the bend of the cart, "I want t' flay'im meself."

OoC: Disky, could you please use your troubador's special skill on Gytha? You can revive a character who has 0HP to 10% of their maximum HP (rounded up; in Gytha's case, she'd have 2HP). This takes a turn, though, and can only be used once every 3 player phases. It gives 3pts (since it's counted as annother kind of heal). If you don't want to, that's your choice, but I would appreciate it.

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Amon guided her there and then carefully sat her down. "Alright, I'll be careful ... but I'm not certain I can take him alone. I'm going to need some help I think." he said looking around to see if anyone was close.

Suddenly another shot fired and grazed Caine again! He stumbled out of the way so he wouldn't be lined up for another shot. He couldn't tell how many guns the merchant had ready back there and he didn't want to find out yet. " ... screw this. I'm gonna have to get some grenades from the saddlebags." he said as he began running past Amon and Gytha.

"Did he say grenades?" Amon muttered. Without a second thought, Amon took off after him with his knife at the ready!

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Veronika noticed Gytha fall down and the man who bested her say something about grenades and she moved tow3ards him, sword at the ready. She was intercepted by a cleric on the way however, who she quickly sliced in two.


(2,1,3)= Hit. 5 damage

(3,5,4)= Hit. 9 damage. Cleric B dead.

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John was still hurt, but stubbornly decided to give it another run at the archers. He prepared to strike once more:


Auto-Hit 5+6-1=10 ArcherC HP: 0/9

The archer gave a shout before falling dead. 'Was it the that attacked me earlier?' John wondered. 'Oh well, one less archer either way...'

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What's this? A shaman defected? That was a surprise, but as long as he was helping Synthia couldn't complain. As Shadrak healed Domovoi she took the opportunity to run over to her next patient, Nanahm.

Mage skill activated

-2 skill

+2 magic

Nom's HP: 8/18 (healed 4)

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4,4,2 = 10-9 = Hit! 8-2 = 6 points of damage!

4,6,5 = 9-6 = Hit! 11-4 = 7 points of damage!

Uller 3/9 HP

Axel 5/12 HP

An ambush had occurred, just as Axel had predicted. Unfortunately, a stray bolt had knocked him off-balance, so by the time he got his senses together, the fight was almost concluded. The lancer went after one of the leaders, a man with sticky fingers, and stabbed him with his lance. Unfortunately, he, too received a heavy blow, but it seemed that he was in better condition after the exchange.

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Caine attacks Amon! Rolls 2,6,1



DMG -9 hp KO

Amon caught up to Caine but before he could launch an attack of his own, Caine swung around wildly and caught Amon off guard causing a serious enough wound to stop the Rexian in his tracks. Amon fell back as Caine went running off again. "Back off desert rat!" he said as he ran for the horses in that were hidden behind some trees a fair distance away.

"Urgh ... c-crap ..." Amon muttered as he held his side.

Archer D attacks Nanahm! Rolls 3,3,6



DMG -6 hp

Nanahm 2/18

Caine 12/12 (Aggressive)

Shaman A 0/9

Shaman B 0/9


Boris 15/15

Mage A 0/9

Cleric A 0/9


Uller 3/9

Mage B 0/9

Cleric B 0/9


Archer A 0/9

Archer B 0/9

Archer C 9/9

Archer D 9/9 (Aggressive)


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Chelsea saw her chance and ordered Nesha to gallop to where Gytha was. When she reached her, the troubador dismounted her horse , pulled out her staff and crouched so she could look at her comrade. "Give the fallen another chance to fight!!!"- Chelsea recited as a warm glow surrounded Gytha. "With this you can fight again, but please take it easy. I cannot use that skill again for a while."- Chelsea told the mercenary.

Gytha Revived! 2/15 HP

3 points received!

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"Thank ye," Gytha replied. She could feel that her wound was no longer as bad as it had been. The bloodflow into her lungs had stopped. Though she did want to cough the rest up before attempting an attack. So, she did, spitting out...a good deal of blood. That was quite the speech, still. Lady can make a big deal out o' somethn' -- that's fer sure. Not a bad thing. Little strange, though. I wonder if that's how a lot of people around here talk. thought Gytha.

She was more tired than usual. That was likely due to the bloodloss and to the wound not being quite healed. I could, but if I want to be my best, I want to be in better shape before I fight anything.

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"You don't need to trust me, just know that the enemy of your enemy is currently your ally." Shadrak said to the Wyvern Rider, before running up to the downed Mercenary trained women, though it seemed that a Troubador had gotten their first she was still and bad shape. He held out his Heal staff and let the light splash over her.

Gytha: +4 HP, 6/15.

+3 points; total: 27.

"Ask questions later, we need you in fighting condition now." He said, surveying over the battle field.

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"Thank ye," Gytha added to the shaman, feeling better than before, now standing up to stretch a bit. "Though I should prolly wait til I have a bit more strength. What I'm planning is a bit reckless as it is," she responded to the man's comment. I won't go charging in like before. This needs to be different. Sighing, though she saw the need to fight. Then even moreso.

Maw was under the cart, laying there, being a cat.

"Amon, blast ye!! I told ye not t' attack 'im!" Gytha roared, charging in, scooping up Amon and throwing him to the healers. She called to them, "Catch'im and patch'im! I'm going for his attacker!" With that, the mariner charged, aiming to impale the enemy.

Mercenary skill active! -2HP, +1 skl, +1str

(4+3)-10 = -3 = miss!

The thief avoided the attack, however. If it had landed, it would have been the end for the thief, certainly. "Balst ye, ye speedy demon!!" Gytha bellowed as her sword cut through the air. He was quick to retaliate.

(6+4)-6 = 4 = hit! (4+2)-2 = 4

Caine 12/12

Gytha 0/15


"Urk...Blast it..." grunted Gytha as she fell to her knees once again. He's too fast... Blast him... Even after pulling that extra focus...

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Nanahm went in for a SURPRISE ATTACK only to have been completely outsmarted and stabbed. Perhaps he shouldn't have jumped at the guy's weapon. Who knows, either way, he regrets nothing, until it somehow turns supremely embarrassing.

(Nanahm attacked, 2-1-4, forgot to document it but if you think I'd fudge this massive failure on my part, GTFO)

(Nanahm gets hosed http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2907489/)

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Shadrak was barely able to cacth Amon, due to both the suddiness of the throw, and his lack of upper body strength, but he managed to pull it off. After setting him to the ground he looked at the other healer. "You watch him, I'm gonna go help her." He said as he quickly turned and darted after the headstrong woman. He cursed under his breath as she went down, but still ran after Caine...

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Caine attacks Veronika! Rolls 1,6,3



Veronika 5/12

Archer D attacks Domovoi! Rolls 3,2,6



DMG 0 (tink)



Shadrak attacks Caine! Rolls 6,5,1



Caine rolls 1,1,3



DMG -4 hp

Shadrak 8/12

Caine doubles! Rolls 3,4,2



DMG -7 hp

Shadrak 1/12

Caine 12/12 (Aggressive)

Shaman A 0/9

Shaman B 0/9


Boris 15/15

Mage A 0/9

Cleric A 0/9


Uller 0/9

Mage B 0/9

Cleric B 0/9


Archer A 0/9

Archer B 0/9

Archer C 0/9

Archer D 9/9 (Aggressive)

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This situation was turning pretty crappy, several of their group had gone down already. Attacking their leaders like this was suicide. People needed to think before they acted and maybe wait to get healed again first. She had no time to spare for the shaman that defected, he wasn't one of Raquel's mercenaries, and frankly, she wasn't going to help someone being stupid. He should've stuck to healing, in her opinion. Instead, she ran over to and healed Veronika, who she guessed had a better chance against speedy enemies like this.

Veronika's HP: 8/12 (healed 3)

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Chelsea carried Amon, with much difficulty, and placed him on Nesha's saddle, securing him so he did not fall. She then got on Nesha and ordered her to approach the shaman. Nesha galloped at high speed, and when he got to him, Chelsea took out her staff and tried to heal some of the shaman's wounds.

Chelsea healed 3HP!

Shadrak 4/12 HP

Chelsea gained 3 points

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5,5,6 = Hit! 9-4 = 5 points of damage! Axel is defeated! - 5 points

Boris 15/15 HP

Well, one of the wyvern riders swooped in, taking out the thief he injured. Jerk. Axel moved on to find another target, but his arm called it quits when another one of the leaders caught him with his blade. After staggering back, the soldier retreated to the wagon, using it to steady himself.

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It seemed the others were going down. Cursing and swearing beneath his breath, Domovoi charged at an archer and tried to stab him, but the archer fired a successful shot at him.

Link to Combat: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2907670/

Domovoi: (1,4,3) Miss!

Archer D: (1,4,5) Hit! 4+3-5= 2 damage! Domovoi 3/12 HP.

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John turned around and went after the last remaining archer.


4+6-7=3 Hit 5+5-1*3= 27 ArcherD HP: 0/9

The attack was a success, the final archer fell down dead.

(+5 points, 35 total)

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