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Return of The Emblem Chapter Two: The Trail


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Synthia was still fast asleep in the back when they left, and remained so until the cart hit a rather large bump in the road. She slid off the crate she was leaning on and met a painful landing on an open-topped crate full of two dozen vials of Holy Water, fortunately none of which broke. She brushed herself off, flicked the dirt from her hair, and sighed. No one else had sat back there, so she had no one to talk to. She could hear them all chattering on top and wasn’t entirely pleased she’d been forgotten.

It was then that the shaman from before climbed in. Of all the people she wouldn’t mind seeing, he was not one of them. However, he looked either exhausted or angry, maybe both, she couldn’t tell which.

Curious, she asked, “So, what’s got you so riled up?”

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The hillside paths of Neviskotia where the small town of Ohka lay had always been a harsh and rugged land. Small foothills, each lashed by the snow-laden wind until only those few plants rugged enough to survive poked their way up from the stone-laden ground, like the unwanted stubble on a soldiers chin and only now starting to give way to the tender shoots of springtime grasses. Droplets of spring dew lay heavy in the air causing a thick mist to smother the sky over the land. Small pathways lined the edges of the foothills, each weaving in and under the many drumlins, seeking protection in the shadows of the hills from the dew-laden air descending from above. Down one of these drumlins traveled a lone female figure. Simple clothes covered her lean body, lined with markings of tribal origin. Blonde hair, cut short on her right side, clung damply to her lean body as hazel eyes, moist with dewdrops, squinted hard into the mist. A few moments later, a second figure, tall and covered in a thick cloak, became visible down the road, only visible as an outline in the mist. The woman stopped, her hand raised high into the air until the second person, a man, was within shouting range.

<"Excuse me, is this the way to Sergei?"> she called out in the traditional Neviskosian tongue, her voice fighting against the wind as it howled overhead. The man did not hear. She waited a moment longer before repeating her question.

<"Excuse me, is this the way to Sergei?">

This time, the man gave a small cry back before he stopped. A single arm slid out from under the cloak, pointing down the road in the direction the woman had been heading.

<"Yes, just follow this road and you'll make it."> he called back in reply.

"Spasibo." cried out the woman, wiping the dew from her face. With a smile, Robin passed the man by as she continued on her way down the road. With a quick glance back, she called out once again in thanks to the man. Off in the distance, she could see a faint glimmer of light, far away and nestled between the hills. Her hometown of Ohka glimmered like a torch, burning its way through the heavy mist like a guiding star overhead. A brief flutter passed through her chest before she turned her back to Ohka. She was on her way to Sergei!

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"Nanahm..." Shadrak said barely looking up to meet Synthia's eye. "He killed an innocent with no sense of remorse... she wasn't supposed to get involved, the people we're fighting..." he straightenned his posture and looked at synthia more directly as he took a deep breath, his hands flowing to match. "They're monsters. They would trick simple innocents to their death for their goal... they have to be stopped. The precious item they're after... they can't get it, at any cost." He finished, his posture getting more and more relaxed as his anger left him. Yes, the object must be kept safe, if this all turns out to be true it will be amazing to be able to study it first hand.

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“Uh huh. When was this?,” Synthia asked, feigning disinterest. She didn’t think anyone had been fighting in Ursaea, unless he meant in the battle where they met him… that’s what it sounded like actually, in which case she didn’t really understand what his problem was.

She sighed and rubbed her eye, still a little sleepy. “If Nanahm killed someone employed by those ‘monsters’, I wouldn’t blame him for not knowing. Like you just said, they tricked innocents, and it’s their faults whoever this was happened to be put in danger.”

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Shadrak sighed with a shake of his head. "When you guys met me... but uh... I guess you wouldn't understand unless you were there..." He said before returning his focus to Synthia, and he noticed her rubbing her eyes. "You fealing ok?" He asked her, sounding only slightly concerned. He stretched his back a bit, and re-adjusted his staff on his back so that it wasn't pushing into his back so hard. No one will understand with out being there... Truth rest her soul, she did not know...

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She first considered calling him an idiot, she had been there after all, but decided against it. If she was too rude to him now she’d have no one to talk to for several hours, and that was enough incentive to restrain herself. “I’m fine, just sleepy. I was actually napping before that stupid bump woke me up… ,” she mumbled. Deciding to change the subject, she added, “I’m not looking forward to the few days it’ll take to get to Europa, especially at the rate Raquel seems intent on traveling. You ever been there?"

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Shadrak nodded in response to her question. "Once or twice, but it has been a very long time. I did a lot of travelling through Ursium when I was little, but I spent most of my life in Neviskotia, where Elder Magic isn't under much scrutiny, like it is here or in Kigen." Oh Kigen, may I never grace your soils ever again. His disdain of Kigen was apperant on his face before he took another breath to relax his nerves. "Why aren't you looking forward to Europa? As far as I remember it was pretty nice place..." Then again, that was a LONG time ago... things might change...

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She didn’t really have an opinion on Neviskotia, besides the obvious fact that they and her country were enemies, but she’d heard some awful things about Kigen, mostly relating to their treatment of women. She would not want to visit there, and understood Shadrak’s distaste if he had. "If that's your reaction to Kigen, I guess the rumors about the place are true, huh?" With that out of the way...

Ah, misunderstandings, how nice they were. “No, no, I am looking forward to getting there, it’s a beautiful place. I’m not looking forward to the trip there. Especially since our driver probably won’t be keen on stopping anywhere along the way.”

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Shadrak nodded again, his expression reading as 'yeah, it's just going to be great... not'. "Yeah, they have a ton of strict rules there... it isn't great unless your a native male." He said, leaning back against his seat. "So, where are you from?" he inquired. Might as well, we're going to travel together for awhile, best make friends with who I can...

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Annoyed, that she wasn't receiving an answer, Chelsea climbed into the carriage and told Nesha to keep on marching. He whined in annoyance, but nevetheless, did what his master told him to do.

"So um....hi again."- Chelsea said cautiously to the dark mage.

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“Ursaea, I-“ Synthia started, and then she was interrupted by the troubadour climbing in the cart. She looked at her confused for a moment. “Didn’t you... have a horse? Why are you riding in here?”

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Shadrak turned to the troubadour, just as confused as the mage. "Yeah..." he said before dismissing the notion, it wasn't all that important. Oh hey, all the staff users together, I guess this is an excellent time to get to know each other, seeing as we're all in seperate groups in combat... if other groups have been set up besides me and Veronika... "Wait... Raquel has put you two into combat teams right?" He asked, looking at them with a semi-concerned, semi inquisitive expression.

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Nanahm grew careless on top of the moving vehicle as he nodded off. He was rather relaxed when suddenly the wagon hit a small bump in the road, throwing him off balance, making him fall off the edge! Using his super ninja alertness skills, he... landed right on his arm, waking up just before impact. Oh for Raguni's sake, of all the stupid oh damn the wagon is moving without me! he thought as he clambered to get back on the wagon. This time he opted to take a seat on the inside of the vehicle, even though it seemed to be a bit more crowded, it was definitely a lot safer. So, he took a seat where he could, as far away from the shaman as he could, not making any needless eye contact with him. Nanahm tried to shrug off the pain in his arm, but he kept rubbing it, making it all the more obvious.

"I just dropped in, and boy is my arm tired... hahaha..." Smooth, as usual.

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“Well, it’s more like I was asked to be in one,” Synthia said to the shaman, shaking her head a little. “Gytha asked me and Amon to be on her team. I figured it’d be easier to keep them from killing themselves if I was near them anyway.” She left out the part about regretting her decision slightly, as she really had no solid proof it’d been a bad decision yet. They’d need to fight once or twice together first.

Then the healer looked bewilderedly at the fighter, as he was just climbing in the back. “That was a… really bad joke,” she muttered. It was obvious something had happened to his arm, the way he was rubbing it, but she decided to ask anyway. “Did something happen to your arm, Nanahm?”

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"Yes... Synthia" he started, forgetting her name for a second, "I landed right on it as I fell off the top of the wagon... don't give me that look, there's no safety railing up there and ow." he winced, "OK, I underestimated just how much I hurt this thing. Not to be rude but could you patch this up? I'd be... ever so grateful!" he finished, his head turning as he smiled (which turned out awkwardly).

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Shadrak nodded at Synthia's group. When Nanahm walked he just ignored him, hiding a smile as he turned to Chelsea. "and you?" he asked her, once again adjusting his staff as he idly scratched his shoulder.

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The urge to facepalm was great, but with great willpower Synthia was able to resist. “Perhaps I should talk to Raquel about adding railing,” she said, her voice deadpan. She found her staff and began healing his arm. “I’ll patch your arm up, that’s what I’m here for anyway…”

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Somewhere down the road miles from Ursaea, Rodrigo and a couple of others were being held hostage by Caine's forces. The man cooperated for the moment, figuring he could simply spring a trap of his own once Raquel's group was ambushed. That would be suitable ... possibly. It probably depended on his timing, but they only seemed to have one archer so if her party was well defended, they would be alright. The cavaliers had him slightly worried however.

Caine had the carriage flipped over and set ablaze for some reason and kept Rodrigo, Mister Blue, and another person tied up and sitting on their knees on the side of the road.

"Caine, why did you light the carriage on fire?" Boris asked unamused.

"Just in case. I wanna make damn sure they spot this and come to this location." he clarified.

"That smoke trail is over five hundred feet high. You think they're the only ones that are going to show up?"

"Give me a break. I'm a little upset here and a good fire lightens the mood. Just make sure everyone's ready. I wanna make sure they don't get the jump on us." he said crossing his arms.

"... our days are numbered." Boris muttered dejectedly.

"Calm down. When they show up, we present the hostages and the choice; either the fire emblem, or their lives. Simple enough. They won't want Rodrigo's death on their hands." he said confidently.

An hour and a half later ...

Raquel and Co.

Amon eventually spotted something in the distance. Pretty far off no less. "Rising smoke. Who would be burning something way out here?" he muttered mostly to himself.

"... what. The. Heck. Is. That?" Raquel blurted out looking at the rising smoke in the distance. "Did something explode over there or is someone just burning things?"

Looking back at the wagon at large, she addressed them all.

"Guys, there's a pretty big fire up a ways on the main road. It's ON THE MAIN ROAD so going around it is just a waste of time. What I want you all to do though is keep your eyes peeled, for both anyone that might be injured ... and hostiles. It's odd that bandits would be around in a region like this since the patrols come through so frequently, but it's possible. In fact, is there anything you need to buy or sell really quick? If we get into it with bandits, it wouldn't be a good time to swap for something new then." she explained.

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"I am afraid to say that I do not pertain to a combat group, That is to say Raquel never put me in one. Anyways I came to ask you about dark magic. Such as.....how doe-"- Chelsea was cut off by the smoke and Raquel's announcement. She looked at Shadrak apologetically and said. "Sorry-dorry looks like we are gonna have to be careful, so I'll talk to you later."- She then exited the carriage and whistled for Nesha. He stopped and galloped over to his master's side. She pulled out a heal staff and a light tome from her bag, got on her horse and followed the carriage closely behind.

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"Thank you!" He said, smiling more comfortably at Synthia, but then he realized something as Chelsea said it. He didn't have a team, and damn, he'd need all the healing he could get. So he got up and rushed to see Chelsea on her trusty steed trotting behind the carriage. "You said you weren't in a group, right? That makes two of us! I could use healing since I'm a bit reckless, and you could use a target, I think it would work out!" He said, optimism practically oozing from him.

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Shadrak wonderred why the cart had slowed, he was about to ask before he heard Raquel. Muttering a curse and a prayer, he stepped outside the carriage, Flux in hand, and began scanning the area for his squad-mate, as well as for someone to help fill the whole in their small team. Where's Veronika... and who looks like they can take a hit, personally more interested in who can take a hit right now...

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"Yeah I like that. Let's be comrades in arms, then um...Nanahm was it? My name is Chelsea, and this is my horse Nesha. Say Hi boy."- Chelsea smiled gesturing to herself and Nesha.

In response Nesha snorted and ignored Nanahm. Chelsea pouted at Nesha then turned to Nanahm with an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry he doesn't like strangers too much, especially if they're men."

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Smoke was always bad at sea. Why would it be any different on land? Gytha nodded at Raquel's orders, standing up and stretching in preparation. "Aye, Raquel," she replied, keeping a watch for a few moments before remembering something. "Amon, how're yer eyes?" she inquired, weighing out a descision she was trying to make.

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Ever since getting out of the town, John had Gil fly a not that high, to ensure he wouldn't miss out the wagon on sight. With not much happening for a while, John got a little surprised when he noticed the smoke in the distance. Looking down he saw the wagon slowing down so he did the same before descending to ground level.

After hearing what Raquel had to say, John thought the situation a little. 'Bandits, huh? That may mean we might encounter them and have to fight. Hmm, a fight...' He then realized. 'Wait, looking back at the previous battles... I always got very injured back there. Maybe I should not go that aggresive next time. Or perhaps...'

Dismounting from Gil, he approached the wagon. ''Excuse me... Raquel?'' He said. ''I was wondering if I could buy something. Do you happen to have armor for mounts?''

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Niles walked along the road, staring at the sky. Large grey smoke had begun to form, and it didn't look good. He was trying to take a shortcut through the woods he knew about to reach Europa quicker, hoping to be there soon, but he'd still end up taking a few days with it.

Niles walked out of the woods, back onto the main road. The smoke seemed to be coming from not far head, and he headed towards the source of the smoke. He noticed a large fire and some men walking back and forth. "Um, 'scuse me. Can I get past? Your carriage seems to be in the way, and I have packages I need to deliver to Europa."

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