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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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[spoiler=leaking renair's promote][01:36:32 p.m.] Guillermo: DAN WHAT DOES RENAIR PROMOTE INTO

[01:36:34 p.m.] Guillermo: ffs

[01:36:39 p.m.] Dan: dunno guess

[01:36:44 p.m.] Guillermo: im staff ;n;

[01:36:53 p.m.] Guillermo: technically

[01:36:58 p.m.] Joe: HEY GUILLERMO

[01:36:58 p.m.] Guillermo: super super technically

[01:37:03 p.m.] Joe: I'm supposed to give you a stern talking to

[01:37:14 p.m.] Guillermo: i dont really do anything just

[01:37:19 p.m.] Guillermo: sort of sit there BUT STILL

[01:37:26 p.m.] Guillermo: does renair promote into a dildo

[01:37:30 p.m.] Dan: yes

[01:37:34 p.m.] Dan: you guessed it right

[01:37:39 p.m.] Guillermo: dude im jesus at this

[01:38:06 p.m.] Guillermo: brb leaking

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tell your sister to do my programming homework (and do it right) and i might otherwise wait until June before I fix anything

I'm aware of most of the issues the picture has, I just can't be fucked to do anything right now. School just started this week (I literally cranked out this pic on the last day of break, haha) and I'm getting homework due already on the first week of college. It'd probably be a much better result if I fix it in 5 months once I'm on summer break, instead of doing constant maintenance anyway (as I'd most likely be a better artist then). Sadly, I'm not getting paid for this, and I don't have unlimited time so school is more important right now.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Just finished route A... there is not much else I can say. The difficulty was okay, the sprites were AMAZING and Potions are a lot more useful than in regular FE games (I mean, it heals 15 HP and has 5 uses, TOTALLY worth an item slot) and the balancing is well done. Every character feels unique Stat-wise. Except for Ilanice and Annelise, they feel pretty similar.

So yeah, here's how my units turned out, and some short comments about them:


Average Sword user.... now with some strenght! My Kolbane was kinda meh, so Renair was my main sword user (Not that I had much of a choice, you have to use her every chapter) And her Prf weapon was quite useful.


Oh, hi Arthur. Enjolras saved my units many times (Mainly 'cause I only used Amelia for anima user, and I didn't use Adrian). Again, I have to use him whether I like it or not, but I'm okay with him.


Pretty much Hector with a magic axe. It's al I have to say about Arcus.


This guy is truly a powerhouse, he destroyed EVERYTHING in his path, and has an excellent WindXWind support with Crowe, which makes him even more of a beast.


Doubles everything for massive damage, if not ORKO everything like Driscoll. His only downside is his Luck and being a bow user. Really helped against bosses and annoying Cavaliers that nobody else could ORKO (Not counting Amelia, she couldn't double them some times). My favorite character.


Troubadour. Really useful. Has supports with good units such as Arcus orJuan.


Not the fastest mage, but she did a pretty good job doubling and ORKOing enemies.


Average Thief, only that he was actually helpful in battle.


My second favorite, I mean, look at that Con and Defense! And her portrait is amazing too. One of the few times a Peg Knight was actually useful to me (The other times were FE2 and 12's pegasi). I wish she had more backstory.


Great healer.


Slow healer.


Seren got Defense scewed. Still pretty good, she could still take a couple of enemies at once.


His name is way too generic. A Winged tank. His movement makes him better than Arcus.


Mist? Quite speedy and Dark Magic helped her dealing damage. I'll give her more Exp next time.


Your portrait is pretty cool... I think he needs some defense.

Pretty much the onl units I used (I stopped Kolbane and Ilanice after a while)

Edited by Angel Wings
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Renair not capping speed whaaaaat

That is one of the weirdest Renairs I've seen oh god

Don't think Marius needs more defense though. He has more defense than Lowen at the same level and a higher growth. Cavs aren't really that tanky of a class. Sure, they're more durable than say, myrmidons, but they ain't armours or dracos. 13 is fairly average for him at that level, and is actually probably the higher ones discounting, again, armours and dracos, for a level 15 unit in this game.

My second favorite, I mean, look at that Con and Defense! And her portrait is amazing too. One of the few times a Peg Knight was actually useful to me (The other times were FE2 and 12's pegasi). I wish she had more backstory.

Her backstory will come soon enough. The chapters of this patch is just not the time for it yet.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Don't think Marius needs more defense though. He has more defense than Lowen at the same level and a higher growth. Cavs aren't really that tanky of a class. Sure, they're more durable than say, myrmidons, but they ain't armours or dracos. 13 is fairly average for him at that level, and is actually probably the higher ones discounting, again, armours and dracos, for a level 15 unit in this game.

Well, it just feels weird to have the red cavalier with its defense being similar to Anelisse's (Even with that Lv difference) . I usually pick units based on portraits reliability, and I kinda expected too much of him (He usually took hits, but unlike Juan, Marius had problems with counter attacks, like missing hits and the fact that he can't double any enemies, making it hard for him to get some experience from killing stuff ) I also expected to find a Hammerne, so I could abuse the Training Lance.

Also, I think the cavaliers (Well, Marius, I haven't tried the green guy) should have some advantage over Juan (No weakness to arrows, swords and the Training Lance aren't quite enough, and Wind magic, while potentially OHKOing Juan, it still takes half or even more of the cavaliers' HP, making them an easy target for a generic Cavalier to just kill them)... dunno, maybe Juan is just better and there isn't much to do about it.

Her backstory will come soon enough. The chapters of this patch is just not the time for it yet.

That's good to know :)

I also noticed there hasn't been any foul language for the last two chapters It's like it suddenly stopped being Dream of Five.

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Annelise is fairly tanky for a peg (think Farina with 1 less base def but 5% more growths and joins a lot earlier). She may also have been defense-blessed as well (cbf to check tho but her defense is comparable to Feuilly's at similar levels). Annelise also has a major hp deficiency compared to the cavs. Your Juan is also insanely speed-blessed. On average and at similar levels Marius and Juan should actually have similar skill and speed, but Marius is slightly stronger and Juan is slightly tankier and Marius has more accurate options. It's all just a matter of RNG. I suggest checking out the averages sheet posted in OP if you haven't done so.

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Annelise is fairly tanky for a peg (think Farina with 1 less base def but 5% more growths and joins a lot earlier). She may also have been defense-blessed as well (cbf to check tho but her defense is comparable to Feuilly's at similar levels). Annelise also has a major hp deficiency compared to the cavs. Your Juan is also insanely speed-blessed. On average and at similar levels Marius and Juan should actually have similar skill and speed, but Marius is slightly stronger and Juan is slightly tankier and Marius has more accurate options. It's all just a matter of RNG. I suggest checking out the averages sheet posted in OP if you haven't done so.

My Annelise is pretty average.

+3 more Speed than average for Juan... that's impressive.

Well, at similar levels that is. Juan joins earlier and enemies are somewhat easier to double... i guess his problem with speed isn't as noticeable as Marius', who's got to keep up when it comes to speed (or mainly, level-ups).

It is truly a matter of RNG and experience management (I had to stop using Juan for some chapters because I needed some exp for Enjo, it could have made more of a difference, even if Juan wasn't as blessed ) And I regret using Kolbane.

So yeah, I kinda wasted a lot of experience...

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Don't think Marius needs more defense though. He has more defense than Lowen at the same level and a higher growth.

To be fair though, basically everyone in this game (including enemies) has higher bases than their obvious original-game equivalents. Like, Renair's bases are comparable to like a lv. 8 or so Lyn, Chester would make Matt and even Legault look pretty bad if he landed in Elibe, etc.

Juan is merely a reliable unit that reliably 2HKO's things and doesn't die.

This sounds weird to me. Like "hi I'm Juan and I 2HKO stuff and can take a few hits and also I'm a flier and in the final game I'll have good availability, I'm decent I guess".

Edited by zahlman
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nope I don't good luck on the later bosses he can't promote within the span of this patch

My Annelise is pretty average.

+3 more Speed than average for Juan... that's impressive.

Well, at similar levels that is. Juan joins earlier and enemies are somewhat easier to double... i guess his problem with speed isn't as noticeable as Marius', who's got to keep up when it comes to speed (or mainly, level-ups).

It is truly a matter of RNG and experience management (I had to stop using Juan for some chapters because I needed some exp for Enjo, it could have made more of a difference, even if Juan wasn't as blessed ) And I regret using Kolbane.

So yeah, I kinda wasted a lot of experience...

Earlier units will most likely surpass joining units if you've been consistently using them especially if you're the type to drop units who don't get good levels. Thing about earlier units, though, is that they're more likely to be at the mercy of the RNG, so I tend to actually drop Juan after a while if he doesn't get speed, especially since he's not one of those units whose personality/backstory I'm fond of enough to earn a permanent spot in my party. You scored an especially awesome Juan, so that's that.

And hell, I consistently get game-breaking levels of Kolbanes (4-5 stat levels are common with mine) and then Astra over there gets like no levels for him, for another example. It's really just the RNG.

Now Arcus is just a pain with 5 move.

Just like every other unit that isn't mounted, isn't it?

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Hey guys, been playing this hack recently and loving it so far. I have a question though, what do each paths when you choose in chapter 6 like gives you in regards to units/ items. Or more specifically, which would you guys would say is the "harder" out of the two. Thank You! Keep up the good work.

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Musain is harder, I found, especially the final chapter. (Again, my opinion)

Onduris (B) gives more loot and gives you a Sword/Lance Lord, Nomad, Dracoknight, Cleric, Soldier, Pirate, Dancer, Mercenary and Myrmidon.

Musain (A) gives you and Axe Lord, two Cavaliers, a Mage, Pegasus Knight, Shaman, Cleric, Soldier and Bard. You also get a route exclusive Mage Knight after you finish the route.

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I guess it kinda depends on the type of stats RNG landed you with? I had superKolbane with a crapload of str/spd/def so Onduris was basically cakewalk, but nobody other than the mages themselves had res so Musain felt more challenging to me personally.

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Nope, instead you get much more loot.

Well fuck my ass. I've been playing the wrong route this entire time. Who wants an 'exclusive' mage knight when Lia does the job better and usually lands a nice stat spread at lvl 20 AND you have 10 levels to abuse her healing+movement range?

Leofrec's beard... gave me a hard-on almost as epic as Fargus'

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