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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Did a bit of math, Kolbane's speed growth is 55%, and he starts at level 2. Assume his first speed level is at 10, the chance of not rolling speed for 8 levels is .45^8 =0.0017 = 0.17% chance of happening

that sucks man ouch

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Well, up to Chapter 14A now and... this could be a problem. Ancient Blade = S rank weapon (I somehow missed the Ancient Lance), no one's even reached A rank yet - despite Kolbane and Renair being just shy of level 20. Oh well, maybe I'll just chuck Halberdier Seren at those three and see what happens, she's been massacring everything else (I thought Soldiers were supposed to have "no exceptional abilities"? So did she miss that class or something?). Or maybe Amelia can Thunder nuke 'em. But what a climax chapter!

On another note, there was a slight graphical issue with Chapter 13A; the scenery turned bizarre while the twins had their first "They're getting closer brother!" line, although it fixed itself once the scene was over. It's probably already been pointed out to you; if not, then I'll upload screenshots... just as soon as I figure out how.

The only other annoyance was a lack of visual clues to where the poison traps were in Chapter 11A - I saw one activate itself on an enemy (cavalier?) on the first enemy turn, so I was at least alerted to their presence, but there was nothing foreshadowing the one that got Chester! Or maybe I'm just blind...

Good to see that you're throwing in little surprises for the chronically suspicious; Anna and her locked, empty rooms!

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Just keep ancient blade around it'll come useful later you don't need it right now

Veritas is a good weapon for 14A if you didn't miss it back in 9A, it's especially potent if you have a promoted Kolbane though, since his speed is usually high enough to double, but if you don't it's not the end of the world just team up or something

Even though it doesn't look like it from her bases, Seren's best nonHP growth is strength, after all.

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Veritas is a good weapon for 14A if you didn't miss it back in 9A, it's especially potent if you have a promoted Kolbane though, since his speed is usually high enough to double, but if you don't it's not the end of the world just team up or something

Didn't miss that one, in fact I don't think I've even used it yet - I try to save non-replaceable weapons until I really need them. Same with the Partisan (although that was more me taking a few chapters to figure out that only Juan could use it, seeing as it was listed as "C" rather than "Prf"), and I've still got some twenty Golden Edge uses left. I have nearly finished with the Xiphas though. As for Kolbane, he's 2 EXP from level twenty and promotion, so that's no issue. He's also one of the few characters (apart from Seren, Amelia and Renair) who can guaranteed double at this stage, but a little extra speed never hurt...

...I'm going to stop rambling now and let you actually have some peace.

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Same with the Partisan (although that was more me taking a few chapters to figure out that only Juan could use it, seeing as it was listed as "C" rather than "Prf")

The other Wyvern Rider that you get (better version) if you took the fighter route rather than the mage route. (Forgot name for both.) She can use it too.

I believe it's locked to Wyvern Riders classes.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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...7 turns. Wow. My finish time was much worse, although that might have had something to do with Chester being a reset magnet and having to wait for most of the enemies to be cleared out before he could start out on the grand chest tour... and don't think I failed to spot Mr. 'Plunder Our Own Treasure Vaults' sneaking about with his VIP card. I haven't actually gone looking for a secret shop for Ch. 14A though, mainly because when the map's perfectly symmetrical, nothing looks especially suspicious.

So, all in all... 35 turns. I'm not proud of that, but then, I'm a defensive/completionist player. But the epic ending scene cheered me up. If this is what Ch. 14A looks like (and 14B is similarly climactic), then one can only imagine how impressive the finale will be!

On the other hand, saved all the villagers in Ch. 8B (not that I likely needed to in order to get that Psychic staff, but you never know), and am now cringing at the twelve turns limit for Ch. 9B. Still, it all depends on just where Farrel is going to show up. (I like that design decision; beat chapter in x number of turns or we set stupidly powerful enemies on you. Better than a generic "No, we were too slow!" scene and game over when you actually get beaten in gameplay... or just hare it for the boss and beat them before the nuisances actually catch you).

One question; was there a hidden purpose to the westernmost house in Ch. 7B (the one you had to fly to, that stated "locked")? Or was that just to mess with 100% completion obsessive heads? (If there is a hidden purpose, then don't state what it is please. I'd rather figure out just what it is myself...)

One glitch; Ch. 8B, the wyvern riders that pop up as you approach the boss. One of them managed to land in a tile already occupied by Seymour (I was heading for the ballista archer). Probably bad luck... or something fishy going on in a Hector/Florina introduction fashion...

Edited by Wayward Winds
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...7 turns. Wow. My finish time was much worse, although that might have had something to do with Chester being a reset magnet and having to wait for most of the enemies to be cleared out before he could start out on the grand chest tour... and don't think I failed to spot Mr. 'Plunder Our Own Treasure Vaults' sneaking about with his VIP card. I haven't actually gone looking for a secret shop for Ch. 14A though, mainly because when the map's perfectly symmetrical, nothing looks especially suspicious.

So, all in all... 35 turns.

i think the average is around there (idk exactly what it is but it's between 20 and 30 so there's not a lot ot be ashamed of)

i also skipped all the treasure that isn't named "dragonpike" and basically just blitzed the three dragons

iirc my record for all treasure collected is 15 turns

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...7 turns. Wow. My finish time was much worse, although that might have had something to do with Chester being a reset magnet and having to wait for most of the enemies to be cleared out before he could start out on the grand chest tour... and don't think I failed to spot Mr. 'Plunder Our Own Treasure Vaults' sneaking about with his VIP card. I haven't actually gone looking for a secret shop for Ch. 14A though, mainly because when the map's perfectly symmetrical, nothing looks especially suspicious.

So, all in all... 35 turns. I'm not proud of that, but then, I'm a defensive/completionist player. But the epic ending scene cheered me up. If this is what Ch. 14A looks like (and 14B is similarly climactic), then one can only imagine how impressive the finale will be!

On the other hand, saved all the villagers in Ch. 8B (not that I likely needed to in order to get that Psychic staff, but you never know), and am now cringing at the twelve turns limit for Ch. 9B. Still, it all depends on just where Farrel is going to show up. (I like that design decision; beat chapter in x number of turns or we set stupidly powerful enemies on you. Better than a generic "No, we were too slow!" scene and game over when you actually get beaten in gameplay... or just hare it for the boss and beat them before the nuisances actually catch you).

One question; was there a hidden purpose to the westernmost house in Ch. 7B (the one you had to fly to, that stated "locked")? Or was that just to mess with 100% completion obsessive heads? (If there is a hidden purpose, then don't state what it is please. I'd rather figure out just what it is myself...)

One glitch; Ch. 8B, the wyvern riders that pop up as you approach the boss. One of them managed to land in a tile already occupied by Seymour (I was heading for the ballista archer). Probably bad luck... or something fishy going on in a Hector/Florina introduction fashion...

When I first played Ch 14A, I got about 34 turns with all treasures, 24 with some.

9B is fairly strict with its limit, so you can dwadle for too long. Also unlike other chapters, 9B has an auto game over if the turn limit is reached.

There is a purpose.

So both of them ended up on the tile?

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Also unlike other chapters, 9B has an auto game over if the turn limit is reached.

Ouch! Okay, I think I'll be leaving Katrina out of this one, the customary rearguard can actually be on the front lines for once.

So both of them ended up on the tile?

Pretty much. I'm afraid I forgot to take a screenshot though. Graphically, it was basically the wyvern rider's sprite behind Seymour's, with just the head and little else showing. It didn't really matter seeing as the wyvern moved out of the tile normally the moment the enemy phase started, it just looked odd. I believe Seymour's status window (health display) was prioritised when selecting the tile.

It's probably a one off; I suppose moving the spawn points a bit further up would prevent a repeat, but it's your hack. I'm surprised than anything, because in base Fire Emblem the AI seems to seek the nearest empty tile for these movement based spawns (whereas a tile spawn such as on a fort can just be blocked by parking someone on the spawn point). Maybe I've overestimated Intelligent Systems, maybe they just have redundant spawn destination tiles until there's no way you could have blocked them all.

...But seeing as you'll clearly be more knowledgable in programming than me, I'll lay off the needless speculation. I personally don't see the glitch as a serious issue (it doesn't break the game or anything, it just looks odd), but I thought it might be worth reporting anyway.

...Next time I see something, I'll screenshot or save state.

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...I think I've figured out why Ch. 9B is supposedly so difficult. You take one look at the 12 turn limit, panic, and do an all out charge. Thirty seconds later, someone kicks the bucket (usually Kolbane for some reason). Well, I finished in 8 turns with no casualties, everyone recruited, a total enemy kill for what was on the map at that point, and I even managed to get the Cooked Meat. The trick is NOT to rush, turtle for one round (picking off at most the nearest Soldier). Then on turn two, you can stragically neutralise most of the starting enemy mob that's now conveniently in range of every weapon the p'ed off player has. After that's gone, enemies only trickle in and it becomes a bit of a cakewalk. Because the map is small by comparison to most in Do5, it's easy to cross quickly - a fact that may not be apparent at first glance.

Pity I didn't deploy Katrina, but I forgot Merchants don't give penalties for being forced to retreat. You essentially gain nothing for not deploying them.

In short, IMO it might be worth adjusting the reinforcements - one Soldier suiciding onto Driscoll and one Wyvern Rider suiciding onto Crowe per turn effectively meant turns 5 - 8 were nothing but moving towards the boss with everyone else. It didn't really match with Do5's difficulty everywhere else...

...Or maybe I just got lucky...

Possible (minor) glitch for Ch. 10B; Chester pops up to do his start-of-chapter talk even if he's not deployed.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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...I think I've figured out why Ch. 9B is supposedly so difficult. You take one look at the 12 turn limit, panic, and do an all out charge. Thirty seconds later, someone kicks the bucket (usually Kolbane for some reason). Well, I finished in 8 turns with no casualties, everyone recruited, a total enemy kill for what was on the map at that point, and I even managed to get the Cooked Meat. The trick is NOT to rush, turtle for one round (picking off at most the nearest Soldier). Then on turn two, you can stragically neutralise most of the starting enemy mob that's now conveniently in range of every weapon the p'ed off player has. After that's gone, enemies only trickle in and it becomes a bit of a cakewalk. Because the map is small by comparison to most in Do5, it's easy to cross quickly - a fact that may not be apparent at first glance.

Pity I didn't deploy Katrina, but I forgot Merchants don't give penalties for being forced to retreat. You essentially gain nothing for not deploying them.

In short, IMO it might be worth adjusting the reinforcements - one Soldier suiciding onto Driscoll and one Wyvern Rider suiciding onto Crowe per turn effectively meant turns 5 - 8 were nothing but moving towards the boss with everyone else. It didn't really match with Do5's difficulty everywhere else...

...Or maybe I just got lucky...

Possible (minor) glitch for Ch. 10B; Chester pops up to do his start-of-chapter talk even if he's not deployed.

Cooked Meat?

Why do I keep missing everything

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Cooked Meat?

Why do I keep missing everything

It's a stat boosting item, essentially a renamed Body Ring (raises constitution). A Mercenary who starts by the top right village of 9B carries it; you have to steal it from him seeing as it doesn't just drop. And he's one of the enemies who actively hunts you down, so you have to be careful not to just kill him with counters as he lurches out of the night. I found a Torch staff works wonders for keeping track of him.

(Spoiler references Renair's possible promotion, just in case readers haven't been browsing the rest of this thread and don't want to be (possibly) spoiled)

...I don't remember seeing that particular item on Route A, but there were a whole heap of other stat boosters. Now I just need to decide who to feed it to. I was planning on giving it to Renair, but if she does promote to a wyvern user later (not that I necessarily trust the Dev. team on that little reveal), then that would be a mistake (Higher Con = Lower Aid for Flyers, I guess the poor beast has enough trouble keeping in the air, without you making its rider heavier). I guess I'll hold off for a bit.

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