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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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enemies levels have been raised a bit (it's still relatively low but not as much as the current patch) every since we did a modification of the exp thing that causes enemies to give otherwise way too much exp

What was the reasoning for using Normal Mode instead of Hard, if you don't mind me asking? I can't think of any advantages to using Normal off the top of my head, since the autolevel formula between the two difficulties is the same apart from the bonus Hard mode levels.

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Well then, let me give you the whole scenario. A save state is the only thing that gave two of my characters a chance.

At some point I decided that I didn't want to bother with Driscol the fighter and that first dark mage you get, so I put all of their inventory into my box... little did I know I was soon not going to be able to trade or choose a formation before the chapter started.

On a side note, I put all of Garath's inventory into the box as well, making the side quest where I had to save him way harder than it should have been!

Anyway, Driscol and that mage enter the map together at the bottom right, no weapons or anything. Died.

Had a save state to in previous chapter, bought them an axe and flux, they still eventually died because I didn't have enough gold to also buy them potions!

Now... The only chance I would have had would be to have maybe rushed down there with the initial group, but with their stats I don't think that was even possible haha

Anyway, you may be right and they could have survived, but after trying a few times I decided they weren't worth it.

Oh and Asher died by me just making a mistake, also someone I wasn't going to use anymore, left him dead.

VERY outdated strategy

The tl;dr of that is abuse Juan like no tomorrow (have him airlift people out, hits be damned - you DO have Lia, right?). Arcus can probably carry Asher out of there. The Ilanice/Amelia and Crowe/Chester sections are the only ones that are still relevant. I think it's still possible to save everyone in that chapter, even on a 0% run. Whether I can pull this off. . .remains to be seen.

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VERY outdated strategy

The tl;dr of that is abuse Juan like no tomorrow (have him airlift people out, hits be damned - you DO have Lia, right?). Arcus can probably carry Asher out of there. The Ilanice/Amelia and Crowe/Chester sections are the only ones that are still relevant. I think it's still possible to save everyone in that chapter, even on a 0% run. Whether I can pull this off. . .remains to be seen.

Woah woah woah, wait a second

Those little villages gave you stuff?? So the rule that only red buildings give you items doesn't apply?

And it definitely sounds like you had it harder!

Maybe I can do better next time

My Amelia was super strong at this point of the game though and she easily destroyed the top of the map, so Asher should have lived, I just overlooked something.

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You're implying there's grinding but you get by just fine killing the shit in your way.

more like I'm implying the game design is bad and unenjoyable for the average player (oh gosh I came out and said it)

but there's not much merit in just telling you that, especially since it's just an opinion, no matter how many people share it. plus your audience might not be "the average player" and you might not give two shitz if people enjoy the hack or not *shrug*

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You don't need a Door Key to finish 13B, there's a clear path to the boss. You'll just miss out on a chest, maybe two.

14B I agree would benefit from a droppable Door Key considering how far Chester has to run back.

will do, probably a better idea than making chester fly around the map

Gosh I have to be doing something wrong here, cause it doesn't seem like anyone else is having these problems.

Anyway, I'll throw out there what I don't like.

Loved everything about the beginning and still love the story.

Problems I started running into...

-Enemies' stats increase but their level stays very low, so I get little exp.

-Not enough gold, or not enough weapons and equipment given to us. I did miss 15,000 gold from chests, but still feel like I wouldn't be at all satisfied with that. I'm really struggling with my equipment lol

-Not enough promotion items. I had 4 people maxed at 20 and zero promotion items for far too long... Especially a mage promotion

Now, I realize this is probably on purpose just to make it a little more difficult, which I guess is fine.

I wouldn't really consider this game hard, I just don't like these things lol.

But if it's what you want, it's your game

as i've said before, level does not indicate strength of the enemy, i get what you're saying about lacking exp, but to be fair, aren't you properly leveled to fight the enemy units? because I only pay attention to the levels of the characters after every chapter and adjust the enemies' stats accordingly

15000 gold can do a lot, considering that an iron weapon ranges from 400-500 in price and a rapier costs 1500 last i checked. I give the player a chance to obtain enough gold, whether they actually get it is up to the player

i've already addressed this, but there will be more promotion items after the route ends. There's a promotion item in chapter 10 of each route, but they are hidden. There are promotion items in ch 12 13 and 14. You get 4 promotion items before the route, and like 10 promotion items after the routes. Spread your exp more so you don't have so many level 20's early on.

What was the reasoning for using Normal Mode instead of Hard, if you don't mind me asking? I can't think of any advantages to using Normal off the top of my head, since the autolevel formula between the two difficulties is the same apart from the bonus Hard mode levels.

hard mode actually screws the stats of promoted enemies and makes them very difficult to kill

I tried playing through the hack in hard mode to see if there are any differences and things like this happened in ch12a

not fun at all

maybe this calls for less quantity of enemies (quality > quantity), more available units to use per chapter, or increasing the level cap/adding a 3rd tier instead of making the game seem more dull and tedious by having to slowly kill a ton of enemies to level up


the problem in this hack with quality>quantity is that it will then require me to make enemies that are then 4hkoed or more. Early on in the game, you 3hko and once you get to the middle or late game, you will orko or 2rko most enemies. By lowering the amount of enemies, it will cause me to buff defences and speed more, and as many people have stated in the past, they don't want to be bogged down by having to hit the same enemy more than twice. Perhaps in the old patch you 3hko things more than you should (which is why i have fixed this) but in the new patch there are many adjustments. which is why 2hkos will work now and why the enemy density is so high. Also more available units i would do, if the game didn't try to kill itself after going over 50 enemy units. To add more player units, I would need to either have more enemies, or increase the enemy durability. Which, as I've stated, most people do not want.

more like I'm implying the game design is bad and unenjoyable for the average player (oh gosh I came out and said it)

but there's not much merit in just telling you that, especially since it's just an opinion, no matter how many people share it. plus your audience might not be "the average player" and you might not give two shitz if people enjoy the hack or not *shrug*

This hack isn't made for the average player, so oh gosh i came out and said that.

Like I have many times before, this is for the greater than average fire emblem player that knows how to manage their resources well.

and more black characters in the game

#huehuehuehue too soon?

why only more black characters

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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I was throwing back to that guy that complained like... 2? years ago about the lack of black people in dream of five. He had like 2 accounts that contained the 'n' word in them, and both were banned for trolling. That's why I said too soon silly.

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as i've said before, level does not indicate strength of the enemy, i get what you're saying about lacking exp, but to be fair, aren't you properly leveled to fight the enemy units? because I only pay attention to the levels of the characters after every chapter and adjust the enemies' stats accordingly

15000 gold can do a lot, considering that an iron weapon ranges from 400-500 in price and a rapier costs 1500 last i checked. I give the player a chance to obtain enough gold, whether they actually get it is up to the player

i've already addressed this, but there will be more promotion items after the route ends. There's a promotion item in chapter 10 of each route, but they are hidden. There are promotion items in ch 12 13 and 14. You get 4 promotion items before the route, and like 10 promotion items after the routes. Spread your exp more so you don't have so many level 20's early on.

I am properly leveled, my strong characters roll over everything really. Just the inconsistency of how little exp I get from how difficult the enemy is kind of gets to me.

I'm not going to spread exp out, I choose characters I want to level and that's who I level and use. I just hate having other characters die, so I usually don't even put them in the map once I get the chance to pick units before a fight. I just had no idea what was coming to me haha

We'll see what happens with the next patch when I play through it again, I probably just expected more gold and resources to be given to me so I didn't bother restarting a map to get to that chest or steal that gem.

Really hoping that chapter 10 promo item is for my mage!

Let me say, this hack has had the best story in my opinion and look forward to more.

I do think there's too much cussing, but that's probably just me. I'm never ok with girls cussing.

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I am properly leveled, my strong characters roll over everything really. Just the inconsistency of how little exp I get from how difficult the enemy is kind of gets to me.

I do think there's too much cussing, but that's probably just me. I'm never ok with girls cussing.

They would roll over everything to a greater extent if they had more experience, what exactly are you complaining about?

Also not your choice whether or not women swear, lol, it's something you'd better get used to as time goes on.

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Women are people. Cursing is a way of self-expression. People express themselves in different ways and sometimes they curse. Get the fuck over it. Women aren't fucking little perfect little flowers acting all fucking piss-proper and shit. You got a problem with women cursing? Well bad news for you, the dev team's about 50% women, and we have no objections to cursing whatsoever.

Now, the dialogue does cut down on the overall cursing when it's unnecessary to convey the emotion of the sentence, but maybe I'll just ask eclipse to have Renair say a line of "motherfucking dipshit assholes". Just for this.

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I'd just like to put out there that a character cussing every now and again is perfectly alright when you consider the character, it would have to be in the right context.

that said there is a limit to how much cussing one can have in a story for each character, and you have to keep the insults varied and in line with a characters background or personality.

as far as DOF goes it isn't terrible with the cusses but i would say that maybe give the higher class characters more wit in there insults, just to give it more variety.

granted this is just my thoughts on the issue but everyone has a difference of opinion, but please keep the childish bickering to PM's and leave the actual topic to meaningful discussion about said topic, please and thank you.

also I want to point out that considering Renair's character, her eyes seem really juxtaposed, please give them more of a hardened look.

sorry if this sounded arrogant by the way.

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wit only works with musain, really

onduris/aukema are hardly the most posh places in terms of high class characters

i'll look into editing renair's mug a little to see if i can do anything about it

(also no progress since i bought monster hunter 3u and bravely default)

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Yeah the actual cussing has been reduced like my above post said

It's still there but not as prevalent as before

It's just that the bit about "girls shouldn't cuss" from the other post pissed me off, as a woman myself, and for the record I do agree that cussing is better used when necessary for the situation and in character and all the swearing in my last post is entirely to make a point

Edited by Thor Odinson
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wit only works with musain, really

onduris/aukema are hardly the most posh places in terms of high class characters

that's fine i guess, though I'm not saying they have to be posh insults, maybe just slightly more wit to help reaffirm the differences in class and who's educated and not, but if that's part of the world you built than go ahead don't mind me.

i'll look into editing renair's mug a little to see if i can do anything about it

that would be wonderful, its just something that's always bothered me.

Reply's in bold.

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15000 gold can do a lot, considering that an iron weapon ranges from 400-500 in price and a rapier costs 1500 last i checked. I give the player a chance to obtain enough gold, whether they actually get it is up to the player

i've already addressed this, but there will be more promotion items after the route ends. There's a promotion item in chapter 10 of each route, but they are hidden. There are promotion items in ch 12 13 and 14. You get 4 promotion items before the route, and like 10 promotion items after the routes. Spread your exp more so you don't have so many level 20's early on.

I assume when you say that you mean literally hidden like items in the desert level like the blue gem I found at the end of the hall behind the chest in Chapter 4? If so then it'd certainly be hard to find...

Edited by Fargo294
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People don't exist to be solely found attractive. Characters don't exist solely to be attractive. It'd be unrealistic to have a world of entirely of unattractive people. I don't like assholes, but they exist, and there should be asshole characters as much as there should be nice characters.

Character design isn't about what you find attractive or not. It's about how to make them feel realistically like people.

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I'll try to keep it appropriate (don't expect something Shakespearian if someone drops something on their foot, for example). Stuff-that-I-already-wrote-and-hasn't-been-released-yet is fair game for tweaking. Not much in the mood to write right now. Headaches do that to me.

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Lol, wow

That was completely unexpected.

I am not going to apologize for saying I find it unattractive when girls cuss. That's just how I feel about it.

I'm not going to go into some long explanation as to why...

But I mean come on... is there not something girls do that you all find unattractive? I mean seriously...

Or for you girls, is there not something guys do that you find unattractive?

I'm kind of annoyed at the hate I get for such a silly thing...

Then I'm not gunna apologize for thinking you're a misogynist.

You're right though, there's plenty of things that guys do that I find unattractive. That tends to involve them being sexists.

But that's why I fuck chicks. Much simpler that way.

On topic, don't expect games that you're not creating to cater to your personal biases. If you want to make a DoF without girls swearing (Dream of Five, bigot's edition!) then you can always open up the script in FEditor and change it by hand.

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Dammit eclipse now I'm attempting write a reaction to someone getting something dropped on their foot in shakespearean

I will make up my lack of writing prowess with my extensive shakespearean knowledge


prolly not

Also ^ high five yeaaaah

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You're right though, there's plenty of things that guys do that I find unattractive. That tends to involve them being sexists.

But that's why I fuck chicks. Much simpler that way.

Are we really going here? What he said was indeed stupid, but alright.

That said, I doubt he's going to attempt to bring it up again.

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