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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Posted · Hidden by Florete, February 12, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, February 12, 2014 - No reason given

Women are people. Cursing is a way of self-expression. People express themselves in different ways and sometimes they curse. Get the fuck over it. Women aren't fucking little perfect little flowers acting all fucking piss-proper and shit. You got a problem with women cursing? Well bad news for you, the dev team's about 50% women, and we have no objections to cursing whatsoever.

Now, the dialogue does cut down on the overall cursing when it's unnecessary to convey the emotion of the sentence, but maybe I'll just ask eclipse to have Renair say a line of "motherfucking dipshit assholes". Just for this.

70% chance of being fat

Criticizing the cursing itself isn't a problem. The problem we had was not so much a critique and more or less an unwanted shoving of preferences down women when we don't need people telling us what they find attractive or not. It's especially bad because in real life, women are overwhelmingly valued for their attractiveness over their other merits by society, and it's something many of us are really sick of dealing with.

Make that 85%

Then I'm not gunna apologize for thinking you're a misogynist.

You're right though, there's plenty of things that guys do that I find unattractive. That tends to involve them being sexists.

But that's why I fuck chicks. Much simpler that way.

On topic, don't expect games that you're not creating to cater to your personal biases. If you want to make a DoF without girls swearing (Dream of Five, bigot's edition!) then you can always open up the script in FEditor and change it by hand.


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70% chance of being fat

Make that 85%


I don't think you should egg them on...

Anyways, is Driscoll supposed to be this good?


He held up really good in Onduris. He could double enemies, deliver stunning blows, dodge like a boss, and he could actually hit.

I vote him best Fighter of the year. Definitely promoting him when I have the chance.

EDIT: Real smooth Parrhesia xD

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I once had a Driscoll with capped Str/Skl/Spd as a level 20 Fighter on my first Musain run. Wrecked everything he came across and was instrumental in taking on the Dracozombies. Sadly I goofed up with copying save states and overwrote that set of files. :facepalm:

Still, 20 Skill/19 Speed is very impressive, Strength's a little low but nothing a Steel Axe can't solve.

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yes driscoll is supposed to be like that

he's been compared to raven except with axes

I think that's a good way to put it. I think he and Kolbane are big competitors for the first Bladed Crest.

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Not to beat a dead horse, but the support with Karen and Seymour had the same problem with Vixenk and Seymour's. I would assume that you already know about this due to what you said before, but wutevs. Since I figured one problem wouldn't be enough for a single post, I looked at Kanus's bio and saw this:


And that's the bio for Vixenk when I checked.

Lastly, the minorest of minor gripes, I feel Gabriel's battle sprite looks too similar to Canas's. This doesn't necessarily need to be changed (and most likely you did this knowingly), I just felt this should be brought to attention.

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P sure those are fixed now wrt descriptions

Astra you should probably post a list of known issues in v4 (and ones fixed in v5) and post to OP since it's understandable people don't want to read through 200 pages of backlog

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P sure those are fixed now wrt descriptions

Astra you should probably post a list of known issues in v4 (and ones fixed in v5) and post to OP since it's understandable people don't want to read through 200 pages of backlog

Is there a v5 out? The link in the first post is to v4 (sorry if it's posted in the topic, I haven't read through it, and I'm new here).

Also, when this hack is completed, how many chapters will it be?

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v5 is not out. Probably won't be for a while considering a real life is a thing, but we're very slowly making progress.


I'll let Astra get back to you on the exact numbers if he wants them out (because I don't know if it's classified or not and really, I forgot the number lol), but V4 goes to roughly the halfway point.

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v5 is not out. Probably won't be for a while considering a real life is a thing, but we're very slowly making progress.


I'll let Astra get back to you on the exact numbers if he wants them out (because I don't know if it's classified or not and really, I forgot the number lol), but V4 goes to roughly the halfway point.

Okay, thank you. I wasn't trying to be rude or impatient by asking about the patch, I just misunderstood you and thought the OP wasn't updated.

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your tent will stay a tent (she's a wagon in v5) but if you level her up enough she can still turn wagon (it's just really hard unless you take extra tent-guarding precaution now since it's balanced around a wagon)

everything else is fine.

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Should be unless they make some whack changes to the game to change it, but that rarely happens.

Safest option would be to wait but generally speaking (can't speak for DoF specifically) hacks don't have their save data format changed so you should be good to go *shrug*

EDIT: whoops ninja'd sowwy

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your tent will stay a tent (she's a wagon in v5) but if you level her up enough she can still turn wagon (it's just really hard unless you take extra tent-guarding precaution now since it's balanced around a wagon)

everything else is fine.

Couldn't you just edit the class data to make the tent into a wagon? Although I guess that would make some wacky shit with promotions or whatever.

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45ish chapters, the next patch should have like 25 done or soemthing

Wow that's awesome. ALso, is it safe to assume that the 5 characters in your banner are the main characters? So far all I have is Renair and Garath (from the banner), I'm only on chapter 2.

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Isn't Garath the equality of Seth in term of importance and opness? So one can't really argue that Garath is the main character... But then again, he causes a game over if he dies anyway.

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Isn't Garath the equality of Seth in term of importance and opness? So one can't really argue that Garath is the main character... But then again, he causes a game over if he dies anyway.

I think there's a chance he might show his true colors as a main character in the next patch.

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For some reason the RNG in this one realllllllllly hates me. My peggy knight always gets hit with 30ish% and my Chester got hit by two brigands with an 11% chance and died... >_>

At least it's not FE4 bad RNG.

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