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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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I've never played Valkyrie Profile, but I do have inspirations from both Thor and Sif in the recent Thor movies. Norse stuff I guess?

Patch work will be a thing again once summer break starts. Unfortunately, school is still a thing at the moment.

Looking forward to patch whenever that comes out. Also, I just remembered that FEE3 is right around the corner.

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Remember when I was complaining about how I thought Bellona wasn't as good as Juan? I didn't know what I was talking about. I started using her in one of my runs and she turned out fantastic. The immediate higher skill helps out with hitting more imo. And the partisan helps too.

Aside from that, will there be some way to transfer our current game data over to the next? I really want to keep my incredibly blessed Arcus and Crowe. Arcus, for some reason managed to get 16Skl and 15Spd, capping out his Str and Def all naturally. Crowe capped his Str and Skl, Seren might be one of my new favorites with how quickly she annihilates everything, and Kolbane turned out to be a good Kolbane, promoted with over 20 speed. It'd be a shame to see them all go.

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Remember when I was complaining about how I thought Bellona wasn't as good as Juan? I didn't know what I was talking about. I started using her in one of my runs and she turned out fantastic. The immediate higher skill helps out with hitting more imo. And the partisan helps too.

Aside from that, will there be some way to transfer our current game data over to the next? I really want to keep my incredibly blessed Arcus and Crowe. Arcus, for some reason managed to get 16Skl and 15Spd, capping out his Str and Def all naturally. Crowe capped his Str and Skl, Seren might be one of my new favorites with how quickly she annihilates everything, and Kolbane turned out to be a good Kolbane, promoted with over 20 speed. It'd be a shame to see them all go.

To be honest I found bellona's growths to be underwhelming. Her bases aren't incredible, either.

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In my experience Bellona's decent, but she's generally outclassed by Juan because of damage issues, especially against Wyverns. D Lances also hurts her because she can't use Killer, although if FEE3 is anything to go by that's been bumped up to C. At least she's better than Kanus, who lacks a clear niche (all the other lance classes get a special lance they can use) aside from "I have C Lances and aren't weak to bows".

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Bellona have received a small buff in the next patch. I forgot what it exactly was, though, was a while ago.

I think Kanus got one too. Probably a few others. Character adjustments were a thing.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Bellona have received a small buff in the next patch. I forgot what it exactly was, though, was a while ago.

I think Kanus got one too. Probably a few others. Character adjustments were a thing.

Yay rebalancing!

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a lot of characters in onduris had buffs in those middle chapters, kanus had a stat buff of like +4 in total or something and bellona too. Both refreshers had buffs so they didn't die in one hit to everything as well. Bellona/kanus also had buffs to their growths

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Heh. I found both wyvern riders very useable, mainly because of their high defence growths. It made a nice change from near everyone else going squish in about three hits. Admittedly Bellona wasn't as strong as Juan, but I remember her pulling her weight nonetheless.

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a lot of characters in onduris had buffs in those middle chapters, kanus had a stat buff of like +4 in total or something and bellona too. Both refreshers had buffs so they didn't die in one hit to everything as well. Bellona/kanus also had buffs to their growths

I approve of people not dying horribly to dracoknights! seriously tho that boat chapter why

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there should be no problem transferring saves, levels should be about right (maybe a bit lower than usual) and you should get most equipment.

Thank goodness!

a lot of characters in onduris had buffs in those middle chapters, kanus had a stat buff of like +4 in total or something and bellona too. Both refreshers had buffs so they didn't die in one hit to everything as well. Bellona/kanus also had buffs to their growths

That's good! I'm glad I'll be able to use Kanus without worry and not have Lienn be such a liability in Chapter 10B.

I remember Astra saying he wasn't too sure of Vixenk's ability in the FEE3 video, do you have any plans to fix him or just leave him be?

Edited by Fargo294
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I don't think any of us has playtested up to 14B yet on the current version of the patch (classes etc). Vixenk's abilities will be judged then.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Gah, I'm such a goof. I kept leaving the Ancient Blade behind because I was just going to continue with the test runs. Now my good run will be without the super sword in the future. I hope my next Onduris run can compare to the Musain run.

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i haven't been in this topic at all and this is a really old post, but i feel it deserves addressing:

the problem in this hack with quality>quantity is that it will then require me to make enemies that are then 4hkoed or more. Early on in the game, you 3hko and once you get to the middle or late game, you will orko or 2rko most enemies. By lowering the amount of enemies, it will cause me to buff defences and speed more, and as many people have stated in the past, they don't want to be bogged down by having to hit the same enemy more than twice.

you don't need to have durable enemies in order to have quality enemies. i think FE12 demonstrates this wonderfully.

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