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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Hm, I think I know which strat you took. Alas, I have accidentally used up my chest keys, so I can't pull off it due to the deployment of Chester takes up that of a second fliers. But I have a vague idea.

Either way stuff is gonna be changed around.

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My party for that map was Renair, Kolbane, Amelia, Kanus, Lumi, Juan, Illanice, Chester, Crowe, and Seymour.

Turn 1 involves sending Lumi and Seymour to deal with the Myrm. They don't kill him, but block him from reaching Karina. Crowe and Chester take out the top Merc. Kolbane takes out the bottom Merc, Renair moves beside him onto the forest. Amelia kills the Short Spear Soldier, Kanus follows right behind (he gets some damage in on the other soldier and baits the ballista on enemy phase). The two fliers go south to pick off an enemy. You probably know how the gambit with the pirate and dancer (I haven't committed their names to memory yet, sorry) goes. Enemy phase, some dudes make attacks, including ballista fire going after Kanus. He's pretty hurt, so he gets healed on turn 2, eventually backtracking to help Seymour and Lumi. Crowe and Amelia kill the two most pressing Dragon Riders, and the rest proceeds from there in a pretty obvious fashion. Illanice plays cat and mouse with the Swordmaster, sparing his life so she and Juan can meet up with the main group.

Edited by Elliot Gale
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Okay. I replayed it again with the strat I thought up last night. 7 turns, got everything. Theoretically it could've gone 6 turns Enemy Phase if I baited with Lumi + Killing Edge and she landed a crit, but that's unlikely.

Party: Renair, Furet, Kolbane, Lumi, Crowe, Chester, Juan, Gabriel, Amelia, Lia, Seymour, Kanus.

Sent Seymour and Kanus to guard the tent. Renair, Furet, Crowe, Gabriel, Amelia, Lia, Chester go through the middle entrance. Lumi, Kolbane (A support with each other), and Juan go down south to take the two myrms and a soldier. Kolbane positions himself to bait the Thunder Sword SM, and the three kill him, while the main group kills the Hero. The main team then splits further, with Renair, Gabriel, and Chester up top to the chest, Furet, Amelia, and Lia going down the set of stairs after Juan baits and teamkills the Killing Edge SM (Kolbane grabbed Wyrmslayer on the way), and Crowe doing some shopping. Furet shoots the soldier over the wall and baits Nikita on turn 6. Turn 7 Balder (with Lienn rescued) meets up with Crowe and sells Blue Gem. Juan goes shopping. Furet, Amelia, Lumi, and Kolbane teams up on Nikita, for a 7 turn clear.

Though, lowturning this chapter is not advised, for there is something that pretty much everyone missed. Not going to say much more on that matter, though, unless I want Dan to kill me.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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So I'm almost done with my A route playlog. I just need to replay the last chapter, since I want to see what happens when I free all the NPCs, instead of just leaving them to rot in their cells. In the meantime, I did find a bug. In Chapter 8A, I managed to kill the boss, Ducann. However, he talks on Turn 10, despite the fact that I murdered him earlier. He also shows up again in 10A with Stolypin.

On a more fun note, Juan is a serious badass. Like, holy crap.

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So I'm almost done with my A route playlog. I just need to replay the last chapter, since I want to see what happens when I free all the NPCs, instead of just leaving them to rot in their cells. In the meantime, I did find a bug. In Chapter 8A, I managed to kill the boss, Ducann. However, he talks on Turn 10, despite the fact that I murdered him earlier. He also shows up again in 10A with Stolypin.

On a more fun note, Juan is a serious badass. Like, holy crap.

I didn't get anything for saving them, though that might be because the patch ends after.

I kinda wanted Tent Girl to start as a wagon. ;/

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I didn't get anything for saving them, though that might be because the patch ends after.

I kinda wanted Tent Girl to start as a wagon. ;/

Ahhh. Good to know! Btw, did you get weapons for Enjo & the Christmas cavs anywhere? Or do I have to buy some?

And yeah, Karina starting in a stationary tent freaked me out, because the augury was all "move your ass this chapter." I was worried that floods of cav reinforcements would show up and kill her right away. "Is Astra trolling me?" I wondered. I mean, he did put those shops in range of that effing siege tome. But luckily, it was fine. I hope it doesn't take too long for her to level up and get a wagon.

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Enjo can talk to Astra for his PRF tome. You'll have to bring Christmas Knights their stuff, though since by the time I get them I'm almost done with the chapter, I use them to ferry Chester from one side to another. :P

you don't get a reward in items for NPCs freed, but you do get free bait. Which is useful.

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10A was a blast. I cleared it right when the little surprised showed up if you take to long. That was not cool but I cleared the map so I'm not complaining. 9A was pretty good also I liked that everyone showed up as the did though Amelia and Ilanice was kinda at a disadvantage because of those dragon knights in the area.

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That is what I did but I had to ferry a potion to her because they both did not have one on them. But I was hurting because of that abyssmal speed she had. Taking two turns to take out dragon knights are no fun. Also I didn't think to get Gabriel another tome and his broke that chapter.

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There are two potions in chapter 2 you can steal from the enemies.

Yeah, your Amelia is definitely unusual. Her speed growth is pretty good.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Played through chapters 1-9 and I really like this hack.

But, I did find some glitchy/odd things. I don't know if these things happen because I'm using the patch that was released on 7/29 but I'll post them anyway.

-In Chapter 3, when you visit the village, the recruitment theme starts playing.

-The level up music stops almost after it starts playing for most of the characters.

These are in chapter 10.

-I chose not to read Renair's journal in chapter 10 and the cutscene of chapter where the one where the tactition leaves started replaying and the game freezes.

-The game makes that screeching sound and the screen the black turns black when I press the R button on the halberdier to the right.

-After the first enemy attacks, the game makes that screeching sound followed by a black screen.

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-In Chapter 3, when you visit the village, the recruitment theme starts playing.

-The level up music stops almost after it starts playing for most of the characters.

These are in chapter 10.

-I chose not to read Renair's journal in chapter 10 and the cutscene of chapter where the one where the tactition leaves started replaying and the game freezes.

-The game makes that screeching sound and the screen the black turns black when I press the R button on the halberdier to the right.

-After the first enemy attacks, the game makes that screeching sound followed by a black screen.

There are no villages in Chapter 3, and if you mistook it for chapter 2, I don't play music in those villages.

This is due to too many tracks playing, can't do much about this.

All of those are fixed on the most recent patch.

EDIT: Forgot to address this

In the meantime, I did find a bug. In Chapter 8A, I managed to kill the boss, Ducann. However, he talks on Turn 10, despite the fact that I murdered him earlier. He also shows up again in 10A with Stolypin.

Ah, crap, forgot to add a if Character dead, I'll fix that. Dunno why he appears in 10A, I may have to use a different condition, oh well.

Anyway, an update!


Hopefully, this won't have to be tampered with any longer.

Thanks to Nintenlord for having a patch that has the bar under the "FIRE EMBLEM" and the text over it.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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I can't finish chapter 3 without someone dying QQ and I'm running out of potions. Which way is safer left or right? and Furet killed Crowe before recruiting him :S

right now I only have Renair, Furet, Ilanice and Chester alive and all of them at low hp, that sniper boss is brutal :< *restarts*

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Neither, Astra reinforcements spams you in every chapter so you move your ass and must finish everything efficiently.

I mean, I sent Chester, Furet, and Amelia to the left, and the other three to the right with a chest key so they could get chests on the right.

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I tried sending 3 and 3 to both sides and they all died 1 by 1

and now I send them all together and they're still dying 1 by 1 :sob:. I was thinking about blocking a chokepoint with disarmed Furet while everyone goes for the boss(es), but I don't have enough potions.

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splitting up is dumb, there's no reason to do it

edit: also you can stop reinforcements from spawning by covering the tiles

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