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Integrity Plays Gaiden!


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There's a ring later in the game at either Nuibaba's mansion or I think Sonia comes with that makes the range of all spells 1-5. There's also a Speed ring will increase move by 5 and give someone 40 speed.

That's why I said you need to feed Silk kills. Mages level up to gain different spells, and promoting them early is...confusing to explain unless you go look it up on the site. Just don't. Like, wait till 15 for them all, sometimes later. Like Silk learns Warp at level...7 I believe.

Group exp goes to the lowest level person I believe, but don't quote me, I've never seen it actually count for them.

You've now seen where FE8 comes from. And you can only use those Lion head statues 3 times each. So one twice and one once, or one three times. Also, Falcon Knight attacks are super effective against all monsters. So definiatly promote Palla, Catria, Est, and Clea and take them to the final, cause it's a lot of monsters.

And I noticed you've been ignoring those other commands. Assualt will move all people towards enemies and attack if possible. Gather brings everyone to Alm.

And you can't open doors for later. Trust me. It's annoying. >_>

Feed Silk 2 defense and 1 power. :awesome: Favoritism!

There's probably more I want you to know, but I can't remember....OH

At the end of Chapter 3's Celica route (the desert) you have to get to the mansion way out on the left and inside is Est and a priestess. If you talk to the priestess, Celica promotes, so don't do it before you're ready. And in Chapter 4 after the floodgates, Celica goes to the Mysterious Woods! And a Sage in there promotes Alm, so don't talk to him if you aren't ready either.

You can also recruit that guy at the entrance of the Liberation HQ so do it before you leave.

Edited by This Wheel of Colors
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You told me to feed Silk? Must've missed it.

I tried all those commands in episode 1. I haven't been using them since, but I suppose I could for some of these ultra trash fights.

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They're best for the zombie fights in the caves and things.

Later when Matilda fights with you in the jail, go back and you can recruit her, and don't fight Zeke until you save Teeta from Nuibaba's Mansion.

Palla and Catria will be in Sophia Port after their battle, and the three knights for Celica are in the Pirate fort after battle. There's a lot of people that are easy to miss.

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You don't need to promote Est, to be honest. She's ncie and all, but you're not grinding, so she's trash.

I'd say give Claire a str, Robin a def, and then feel free to do whatever you want with the last one (most likely give someone a def. Grey, Cliff, or Python are good choices.).

Promote Alm and Celica as early as possible since you're not grinding. You want the stat bonuses (and in Alm's case, the bow!) more than the levls since you probably won't level cap anyone.

Oh yeah you can go get Python.

Edited by Haruhi Suzumiya
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Episode fourfive is up, in which I completely disregard everything I was told. Seriously, guys? Seek DEFENSE? Pshaw. Edited by Integrity
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Yay, you beat chapter 1! few comments.

1- There are 5 chapters. Chapter 5 is actually just endgame though.

2- You just taught me more about German than I ever knew before.

3- The 'Knight Lance' is basically a Ridersbane, not a Heavy Spear.

4- Chapter 2 you get a mostly female party, the mage-fighter-lord Celica, and Boey. I like the first two. I cannot say the same for Boey. But to each his own.

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Lightning has 2-3 range, yeah. Saber's a cool guy. I think you'll be glad to know Celica learns the best spell in the game (also the heaviest, but nobody cares when you're awesome). The Dragon Zombie shouldn't be too bad, honestly. The Shaman is odd. You'll see what he's the precursor to soon.

I think you get a cool sword soon. Give it to Saber- he's pretty good.

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Make sure to thoroughly explore the Dragon Shrine when you go there. This won't be the only place in the game where looking a little deeper than the obvious will net you great rewards, but I do think it is the first.

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Make sure to thoroughly explore the Dragon Shrine when you go there. This won't be the only place in the game where looking a little deeper than the obvious will net you great rewards, but I do think it is the first.

I presume you mean the Sea Shrine?

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Got the ChinaFE remake of FE2 and I'm enjoying it a lot so far. FE4/5 graphics make it look a lot less dated. Differences I've noticed are that movement is controlled by events, you can't counterattack on enemy phase (actually kind of good, balances the game out a bit), mages can't counterattack, and some minor changes like weapons, etc.

You can also click during an attack to up the chance of a critical hit XD I think you can even summon them on will with the right timing.

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See what I mean about Shamans not being what you'd expect? They're the precursor to Summoners. You do get something similar- unfortunately said something similar costs a lot of HP, and Jenny's version of it sucks. Teeta the saint's version is marginally better but it comes far later than when it would've been useful. Silk's version rocks, but it comes at a really late level. Hers is probably the only good one.

Moving on, yay, Integ beat DragonZombie! It's a shame Jenny promotes suckishly late, though. And you sorta do have Soldiers- Knights are promoted soldiers. :awesome: Anyways, soon you get more cool characters and stuff. As for Angel, unfortunately it is not always that awesome- it is just effective vs. Monsters. Promoted Clerics (Saints) have it as their auto-equip magic, which not only slows them down but it means they don't use Nosferatu on EPhase which sucks. Anyways, good luck moving on!

That Holy Ring is the worst of the rings. It recovers 5 HP each turn. It's not bad, but the others are far better. You get a lot of them in the "Fear Shrine" on Alm's route in Cahpter 4. Celica's version counterpart is the Lost Woods...

you'll probably need a map for that.

Edited by Haruhi Suzumiya
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It may be a +/- kinda thing determined by the stat, but it does cap at a definite amount when all the stats are capped. It might not work the same for enemy units, who seem to either be limited in the total amount sent out (a limited reserve), or by the total unit amount allowed on a map.

Edited by Celice
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I love how the Merc crit Catria's 40 luck, which would laugh at the crit rate in any other FE game.

Anyways Angel Ring is the first of the epic super broken rings you get that makes a stat 40. More commentary as I progress further into the video.

lol palla stole bosskill

Hand Spear = Javelin pretty much. But it has mt.

Palla can't promote till like lv 12 actually. Sniper animation is gr9. Watch it at least once.

Make Atlas a Cavalier. Horsies are fun.

Make sure not to leave Alm behind either! He needs to get higher up in life too.

Edited by Reinfleche
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