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Integrity Plays Gaiden!


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I tried resizing to 150, as well as removing the white and making it transparent, but I'm not sure the effort was entirely successful and I'm too lazy to go in and clean pixels right now.


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TAKE SONIA. SHE'S BETTER THAN DEEN. So kill Deen first, and you'll get her later. :awesome:

Brown stuff is desert. Which you'll see alot more of later.

Catria's ring also doubles level up gains, so give it to people who are close to leveling.

Make Atlas a cavalier~

If you had leveled Jenny more, she'd have Dear and you could end the monster battles almost instantly.

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I'm enjoying these videos. I'm actually playing through Gaiden for the first time now myself, and I'm a bit farther ahead than you are. One note about those zombie battles, the mummy enemies are apparently completely identical to the zombies, they look the same and have the exact same stats, but they give stupid good experience for no apparent reason. Worth looking around for them any time you fight zombies so you can feed the kills to someone who needs to level up (AKA Clerics)

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Make sure not to leave Alm behind either! He needs to get higher up in life too.

Elaborate on this. Do I have two goals to attain this chapter, one with Cel and one with Alm or does getting to a certain point with Cel stop me from using Alm any more?

Zak: Not quite the epic hotness I was hoping for, but I'll give it a go and see how it flies. Keep looking, forum.

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Elaborate on this. Do I have two goals to attain this chapter, one with Cel and one with Alm or does getting to a certain point with Cel stop me from using Alm any more?

Zak: Not quite the epic hotness I was hoping for, but I'll give it a go and see how it flies. Keep looking, forum.

At some point, either in Ch3 or Ch4, Celica's party does an Event which forces Alm's promotion. IMO, since you're not grinding, it's not a problem even if Alm "early promoted" since immediate bow access over-rides any "potential lost levels".

I'll keep looking too. I found other nice images, just nothing I could easily convert to avatar size without extensive work.

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If you find anything really remarkable that would require some work I have a workhorse looming over my shoulder right now who, I'm sure, would be happy to crop and trim. I'm lazy.

Yup, she says.

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Elaborate on this. Do I have two goals to attain this chapter, one with Cel and one with Alm or does getting to a certain point with Cel stop me from using Alm any more?

You have to get to the end on both chapters. Alm's promotion isn't until 4, fyi.

I'd personally pick up Deen, because, well, you can never have too many Demon Fighters (7 move, you get enough swords for everyone pretty quick on Cel's route, and that 15 res. That. 15. Res.). Witches are nice and all, but Sonia's not anything special and she misses out on the two best spells and promoting Witches just doesn't happen without grinding or stupid amounts of favoritism. Not sure who you got since I haven't finished vide yet, so if you already got one ignore this.

And Dear is no fun. It skips the battles entirely and you get no EXP (hello mummies), so fuck that. Jenny's really high for this point as it is.

Also, I think you missed that the Angel ring levels your stats by two when Catria leveled. XD

Oh, yeah, there's limited amount of space on your team. You can rearrange your units on the main map. Put them in the priority you want them with you. The Dark Sword is the Devil Sword. Demon Slayers don't get effected by the curse, though. It also kinda weighs a lot, but it's pretty cool.

aww i wanted the knight lance! not cleive, luka luka!

cliff gets thunder at lv 4. :P But the real gem is level 7. When you get him there...

EEEXXCCAAAALLLIIIIBBBUURRRRRRR 5 mt 100 hit 20 crit 1-2 range 1 weight (that's 2 less than fire! doubledoubledouble) -3 HP

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That dark sword is basically a devil sword.

And now you know why illusions are great bait. If May was a little higher, Aura would be good to use on them too, as would Sonia's Excaliber. Falcoknights are super effective against all monsters.

You just had too many units and Atlas didn't come. You'll start having that with Celica and I'm not sure when that happens to Alm's party. Probably when you get Dyute, cause I know Matilda comes with into the caves I think.

Those graves are useless.

Knights are tier 2, so they give more exp. Soldiers promote to them.

Witches can also warp in on you so... :awesome: Hence why it's easier to kill Deen and recruit Sonia.

Hehe Silk got 69. She learns warp at 7. >_> And Dear at 14 I think. Dear kills all monsters on a map save one.

You need to get Est in the desert fort to the right before you go to Mila's temple.

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For future reference, the Holy Sword you had on Kamui/Saber (can't recall which) is effective against monsters (as are the Holy Bow and Lance you'll find later), so using that on the dragon zombies would have been somewhat helpful. Anything that can deal more than two or three points of damage to those jerks is awesome, they're really quite unpleasant when you have to deal with more than one of them.

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For future reference, the Holy Sword you had on Kamui/Saber (can't recall which) is effective against monsters (as are the Holy Bow and Lance you'll find later), so using that on the dragon zombies would have been somewhat helpful. Anything that can deal more than two or three points of damage to those jerks is awesome, they're really quite unpleasant when you have to deal with more than one of them.

I dealt with three. :D

Good to mark for future reference.

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You made the Dozer fight way harder by going there when that cavalier/paladin/archer group hadn't moved on. Without them there, it's just Dozer and his buddies inside who care about more the woman in the prison cell (why did they put her horse in prison?) than they do about the army that's trying to kill them. Makes it easy to lure him in first and just pound him with Cliff/Thunder Sword then clean up at your leisure.

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Dora is entirely just the obligatory evil enemy only spell. There's also Slime, Death, and Medusa. The last one is like FE4 Hell except kinda suckier.

more comments as I see more of video!

The trader doesn't really need to be used like evar TBH.

already did the archers thing bro

you're using silk too much for combat dude. Healers are for healing. this will be apparent later on. sure, it's good to level them and all, but silk higher level than someone like Luka or, god forbid, Grey? what's with that integrity bro

sorry to disappoint, but there's no terrain window. However if you click on the guy it shows the terrain underneath them.

dozer's an asshole yeah. get ryuto. He is very very nice to have against him.

also, i think you missed a very very important thing silk did around 29 minutes but before Robin got owned: Double Heal. It occurs randomly at some rate I forget, but it is very nice. If you're unable to win, I think your best bet vs Dozer might be to go back to the Thief Shrine to promote. I suggest ThiefShrine instead of the Liberation HQ because Lib HQ would give more EXP so thief shrine would be less cheap. :P Or do it without the asshole brigade of the Cavs/Archers/Paladins.

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you're using silk too much for combat dude. Healers are for healing. this will be apparent later on. sure, it's good to level them and all, but silk higher level than someone like Luka or, god forbid, Grey? what's with that integrity bro

dozer's an asshole yeah. get ryuto. He is very very nice to have against him.

also, i think you missed a very very important thing silk did around 29 minutes but before Robin got owned: Double Heal. It occurs randomly at some rate I forget, but it is very nice. If you're unable to win, I think your best bet vs Dozer might be to go back to the Thief Shrine to promote. I suggest ThiefShrine instead of the Liberation HQ because Lib HQ would give more EXP so thief shrine would be less cheap. :P Or do it without the asshole brigade of the Cavs/Archers/Paladins.

Surely durability is a lovely thing~ Whether it cometh through added damage or added defence. Besides, he just got Warp. This is A Good Thing.

He's doin' fine against Dozer. And...yeah, he noted it.

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Surely durability is a lovely thing~ Whether it cometh through added damage or added defence. Besides, he just got Warp. This is A Good Thing.

It is indeed. But healers are for healing. If he's looking for good magic combat, why is he looking at silk when he has far superior options in Cliff and Ryuto? With all the levels he's been putting in Silk, he could have bigger and better forms of offense in Excalibur. I'm not saying not to use Silk at all, but just because she can attack doesn't mean it's the best thing she can be doing. Her offense is negligible: healing is not.

i want that knight lance next vid, integ! also regal sword is alm's prf weapon that kicks ass.

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It is indeed. But healers are for healing. If he's looking for good magic combat, why is he looking at silk when he has far superior options in Cliff and Ryuto? With all the levels he's been putting in Silk, he could have bigger and better forms of offense in Excalibur. I'm not saying not to use Silk at all, but just because she can attack doesn't mean it's the best thing she can be doing. Her offense is negligible: healing is not.

Warp, and the ability to not be slaughtered by everything.

Also, here's another factor, PERSONAL PREFERENCE.

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Give Matilda the eventual Holy Lance, and her late-game potential should be just fine. Her low base HP makes her a target on enemy phase, but she has very acceptable defenses, which means she can really deliver.

Also, you can reorder people so that on limited deployment maps you get who you want (Matilda, Zeke, etc.) instead of scrubs you're no longer using.

The secret to killing gargoyles are Falcoknights, Holy weapons, and Angel. Aside from that, they're pretty much the pinnacle of the monster kingdom in terms of annoying.

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Female Mages (Sonia and May) promote at level...20 I believe. Pegasus knights promote at 12, and so do clerics (Silk and Jenny).

The XP actually makes them have --.99 exp.

Get Claire promoted soon if you can XD. She'll help in monster caves. Silk learns stuff at 14 and 18, but promotion will help her level to the spell quicker.

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