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Integrity Plays Gaiden!


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Magic RIng gives all magic 5 range. And Dyute killer. >_>


oh man oh man oh man which mage to favorite

And fuck you, Lu. I'm gonna get that Quick Ring and leg it as FAR back as I have to to give it to the trader to give it to Kamkam. So HA.

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Hah. Well, it'll come as a bit of a nasty surprise if you do that, just to warn you. [spoiler=why]you stop controlling celica's party until The Very Final Battle after you get to the tower

Also, Dute just might be savable. I'm not sure, but you might be able to revive her at The Fear Shrine since even though you didn't recruit her, she still died. Try it!

aslo mage ring to cliff


also yeah, Dora is literally the exact same thing as Fire. Slime has no direct PC counterpart, neither does Death (though Arrow is very close to death it's not teh saem)

Also, if you ever randomly find a Gradivus, Star Lance, Sun Lance, or Moon lance, and you give Kam the Quick ing anyways, I want those. Because they are winmazing.

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Also, Dute just might be savable. I'm not sure, but you might be able to revive her at The Fear Shrine since even though you didn't recruit her, she still died. Try it!

I'm actually going to go try that RIGHT NOW.

EDIT: Rrrrrriiight, the Revival shrine was on Cel's side. Now I see why you said Fear Shrine.

EDIT2: Can't you revive characters to the other side anyway?

EDIT3: If you can revive dead people from the other team (Cliff to Cel, etc) then I can't recover poor Jyute.

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Yeah, but you're more likely to use her on Alm's side.

Before you go to the final chapter and fights and stuff, I suggest you take:





Python if you can't revive Dyute


Ryuto if Cliff doesn't get Arrow in time/Promote soon













10th slot

Your first ten in each party will go to the final chapter, and when Alm first enters the temple you'll have to walk through black walls again.

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Alright, damn, thought it might work.

Bring Cliff over Ryuto regardless of what spells he learns, as it seems that your Cliff is better than your Ryuto. Feel free to take my opinion as lightly as you like though. Also, you should be able to promote Kamui soon. If you were to go into the Dragonshrine first thin tomorrow, he'd probably get a level off one of the Dragon's and boom. Demon Fighter get.

You can't revive Dyute if it didnt work for Cel, so bring Python. Matilda is possibly replaceable by Mycen (since you looked up all the character syou know you can get him so not spoiliering. Psych's suggestions are good for the most part, but you might not want to take Est at this rate- Saber's good if you don't bring her. For that last slot it's really up to you, but Leo's probably your best bet.

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Actually, now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever used Dyute for anything that's not replaceable when playing efficiently... mostly she uses Ragnarok, and that's fun. I guess you're really not missing much Integ. Just, get her other times. :D

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I love how the same people criticising you for training Silk are the same people who are going "NOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU KILLED DYUTE", when...Warp exists.

She comes with Auto Aura, and while I've never gotten her high enough for Ragnarok, she gets Angel.

Integrity was having quite a bit of trouble with monsters and isn't training the clerics high enough to get them Dear.

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Gaiden is nevar filler. Anyways, moving on in life! Watch this space.

Spot on about spells have hidden weight. For the spells you have, Excalibur has 1 (the lightest of any spell), Lighting has 5, and Fire has 3. Angel is in between Fire and Lightning at 4, and Aura weighs in at a hefty 10. Ragnarok is the heaviest spell with 20 weight, but it also packs 24 might, so it's very good to have against some of the more painful fights later on... if you ever get Cel to level 20 unpromoteed (or in your case, level 13 unpromoted. Forumla for learning spells after promotion is [spell level learned - current level] +1).

Silk doesn't ever get Fortify, sadly. Teeta, on the other hand, starts with it (but never has- wait for it- heal.) What you do is have Teeta use Fortify, and then have Silk use Heal on her. Bam, infinite combo that helps everyone. It's why I don't train Silk too much- since all she needs to do is recover 12 HP (Fortify's cost). You could probably never use her for combat again and be fine.

Yeah Lightning witches are annoying :< someone like Tilda is usually best against them, but that one on a woods was a special annoying case. They usually give decent EXP though and since they warp right into the middle of you you can give the kill to a lot of people.

Slayers. Soon Kamui will be among their league of people who double relentlessly and are mostly immune to magic. Would be helpful in witch battles... except for the fact that the witch battles are all on Alm's side. Here's a potentially good but probably boring and most likely to end in failure idea for you, Integ: get Kamui killed off and resurrect him in the Fear Shrine. Is it worth it? Probably not since it'll butcher Cel's offense. But it's possible.

party on, Integ~

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So maybe it would be a good idea to kill off Boey or Dean for the Fear Shrine? Cel's team's pretty powerful as is, but Alm's? Well, I guess when Force promotes it'll be almost okay, but...

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Tier 3 promotions are at level 10.

Cleric and Mages promote at level 12.

Sage heals 5 HP each turn which you'll like since it helps with the Excalibur cost. They'll also learn Recover.

Saint heals adjacent allies for 5 HP each turn as well as gaining the Angel spell so they no longer have to settle for Nosferatu's poor accuracy.

Bow Knights get 1-5 range, I think this benefits the enemies more than it does you since your archers have that with bows equipped while enemies don't... so yeah, you'll love fighting those.

It has probably been said already but female mages promote at 20. Their promotion boost is garbage, all they get out of it is Recover.

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And a sword. They get a sword, too. They become Celica's old class :D

Anyways, watching. watch this space!

naa, Dyute doesn't get heal till she promotes at level 20. You get Teeta soon though. Or maybe you got her and I'm just not that far yet.

... Yeah, Sirius covered everything else. After that battle you get fun stuff like a magic ring that has Cliff's name on it, a speed ring I want, and even more goodies. Party on, Integrity~

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The yellow stuff in the Shrine was Swamp, which is coming up soon in Celica's route. They damage any non flying unit by 5 HP each turn. Be careful of them, and get your units out of it. Just send the peggies on Celica's route to kill the swamp bosses cause that will get rid of most of all the units. (Hint: Lots of summoners. :awesome:)

The Shrine is a huge gaunlet of fights to get you to a chest. There's like...6 or so. Also, when you see the chest, go around it. Don't go in front.

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We need a sacrificial mule to open the chest. We need a man so worthless his blade will not be missed by anyone. We need a man so unnotable that I can barely remember his fucking name!

We need...


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