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Integrity Plays Gaiden!


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Hi Integrity! Watch this space. It'll either be updated in a few minutes or a few hours, depending on whether or not my flight home is on time. :awesome:

since i will assume the ring you speak of is the speed ring i want it. there, you now have Luka at 9 move and 40 speed. what more could you possibly ask for. Don't give it to 'tilda, her damage would drop a lot and she'd be no good and we can't have that D:

Magic shield basically makes all magic hit against you divided by ten. Veeery nice.

... Clieve sort of needs that.

Arrow is just a strong spell actually. You could probably have Cliff doublecast it with dat speed ring. But he's not keeping it

Edited by Reinfleche
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Okay, seriously, get Dear for Silk soon. It's like level 14, or just promoted her at 12 and raise her like 1-2 levels.

Magic Shield makes all magic have like 10 hit on the person that has it. Holy Shield gives 13 defense, but only when fighting monsters. It also heals 5 HP.

Holy weapons like the bow do super damage to monsters, but I think you knew that.

Nope, Arrow is like pew pew pew. Turn on the animation for it. It has like 18 mt or something insane. But it takes a lot of health.

Magic Ring favoritism is coming up in Nuibaba's mansion. It makes all magic have 5 range, though I'm not sure of if it does it to Silk and Teeta's White magic. I say give it to Cliff, and the Speed Ring to Silk or Matilda.

Promote SIlk soon man. And move people around so that Teeta and Zeke will be in your top 10. The first ten units in the list go to the fival chapter, so remember that.

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Don't forget you can warp on regular skirmishes too. In that last confrontation you were like "I can't reach with anyone..." but you had Silk sitting around unused.

Also, I vote Quick Ring to Silk. Instantly solves the problem of her being doubled, and gives her tremendous flexibility to Heal or Warp anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Don't forget you can warp on regular skirmishes too. In that last confrontation you were like "I can't reach with anyone..." but you had Silk sitting around unused.

Oh yeah. I play Cel too much to remember I have Warp on this route. >>

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Also, I vote Quick Ring to Silk. Instantly solves the problem of her being doubled, and gives her tremendous flexibility to Heal or Warp anyone, anywhere, anytime.

She doesn't need to heal anyone except Teeta after this fight, since Teeta has Fortify. :/ In fact, she basically should just be glued to Teeta the rest of the run. I've always found that Knight or Baron makes the best use of the Quick Ring: high offense and defense at nine move and 40 speed is extremely good.

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Sages should fight, not heal. Saints should heal, not fight. Don't confuse the two. Warp and 12 magic is all Silk needs. Training her beyond that point is useless. Fortfiy is all Teeta needs. She doesn't need more training beyond that.

Either way, Silk doesn't need the Speed ring. She could use the Magic ring or something if you're that desperate for healing. The Speed ring is for people who actually fight.

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I always thought the Speed Ring would go nice on your most powerful armor since you know, you want those on your frontline to lure enemies in and dish out some nice damage in return for your other units to swoop in and finish them easy. Assuming there's not many magic users of course.

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The holy shield provides a godly 13 defense against monsters. But no defense against other stuff. Still, very fun for Claire (especially Falcoknight Claire. monsters beware of falcoknight claire!

... that made me feel so damn clever.)

When you get Teeeettaaaaaa to level 4, Silk needs Quick Ring no more because Fortify. And if you really are against giving it to Luka, then give it to Robin. Bolt Sword's going to start weakening soon, so taking it off might actually improve his offense.

Death is just a strong spell. It's Medusa you really gotta watch out for- It's like Hell from FE4.

Yeah, play Cel's route tomorrow. Party on, Integ.

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Hurry and get Celica to Doma's tower before you go past Rigel town and fight the dracozombies, or else more will spawn and stuff. Get Dear, I'm not even kidding. Do it. Now. Grind Silk till she gets it.

And Integrity, what have we learned about waterfalls from movies, there's always something behind them. *hint hint*

I also finally got to the final boss, and you're gonna want to hurry when you get down there, what with the "Jenny took 4 damage" popping up all the time.

Fun fact: Matilda is the only female that's not a mage, pegasus knight, or cleric.

Magic Ring, Magic Ring, Magic Ring, Magic Ring.

Put Teeta and Zeke in your top 10 now. Get rid of Robin and since Claire is horribly under leveled, even though you'd normally want her, get rid of Claire too.

Zeke is an NPC type and if he lives next battle then you get him.

I told you about swamps in Celica's route. And when you get to the Lost Woods, look in the bottom right hand corner of screens, and you'll either see a blank spot or a tree which tells you what square it is. Just use the map on the site here.

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I was sent into an uncontrollable laughing fit during the EPIC TURBO RUNNING scene.

I don't know why.

Also, Slayerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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I approve of the spiting.


palla and catria spam is okay yeah

Use the map on the mainsite and party of Integrity.

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Falcon Knights do super damage to all monsters. Which is why you probably wanted to promote Claire.

GET DEAR FOR JENNY AND SILK. I'll just keep yelling it until you do. I do congradulate you on the Summoner with the Dracozombies though, you finished that before the fucking over on yourself commenced.

Either check the map, or listen to what I told you about the tree in the bottom right corner.

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