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is it wrong to not want to keep things?

Claude C Kenny

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im kind of the opposite of a hoarder. meaning, when I determine that I no longer need something, I get rid of it, whether its a deck of cards or a video game, if I don't use it or need it, I toss it. my mom seems to think I have some sort of problem, but I want to see what you guys think.

now, I don't get rid of everything, mind you, there are some things i'll never part with.

Edited by Claude_C_Kenny
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Some of us are just born that way.

I'm the opposite of you, basically, I never through things away. I have clothes from when I was 5 (although only the one) and all of my old games which I never play anymore.

Also, I never throw away cards, as I feel like I made someone waste their time writing it.

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im kind of the opposite of a hoarder. meaning, when I determine that I no longer need something, I get rid of it, whether its a deck of cards or a video game, if I don't use it or need it, I toss it. my mom seems to think I have some sort of problem, but I want to see what you guys think.

now, I don't get rid of everything, mind you, there are some things i'll never part with *hugs FE collection*.

Well yeah, I think you have issues, but those issues have nothing to do with this topic.

It depends on what you are throwing out, if you are going to throw out a video game which you bought for like 40$ then I'm pretty sure its normal to assume there is something wrong with you. You could just be a clean freak of some sort that likes to have a lot room but your mother is probably right to worry. Just watch what you throw out, if its still in good condition and can be used, donate it. There are people out there that aren't as fortunate as you and don't go around throwing out items that still have value.

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As far as items go, I never throw something away until it physically breaks. Packaging is history from the get-go unless it's not all torn up and useful for something. When it comes to games I typically trade in the ones I know I'll never play again, especially if I can get a little store credit for them.

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I generally don't like throwing things away unless I'm absolutely sure I will never want them again. This include books, games, toys, CDs, movies, etc. Of course, I'm quite fine with getting rid of furniture. Sometimes if I have some for quite awhile it develops sentimental value, but I don't find it difficult to throw away since it's being replaced by something that does its job better.

I'm actually disappointed a lot of the time after I have situations where I just have to trade in or get rid of items. Were I rich, I would probably have a shitload of stuff in storage at any given time.

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I like keeping things. Specially things that I found interesting. even though they're normal to you guys.

Because I kinda regret throwing them away, since they must have something that I like. I only toss things that are really old and useless, broken, or I don't need them any more, I get bored of it. However, that doesn't happen much.

So that's why spring cleaning is always a pain to meeeee.

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I just like being organized. I get rid of what I don't want or use anymore. Unless it's a video game, or other electronic. I usually don't do anything with them, except keep them organized, of course.

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im kind of the opposite of a hoarder. meaning, when I determine that I no longer need something, I get rid of it, whether its a deck of cards or a video game, if I don't use it or need it, I toss it. my mom seems to think I have some sort of problem, but I want to see what you guys think.

Toss it? As in actually throw it in the garbage? Cuz like if so, YES YOU HAVE A PROBLEM! What is that problem? Being bloody wasteful! If you actually give your games and things like that away to someone who can use them or trade them in for stuff, then, thats fine. But if you are throwing away things in the literal sense, you a wasteful person. If its an item of some value and not ruined in some way, freaking give it to someone who can use it. Argh! I mean no offense but i really hate it when people are wasteful.

I tend to hang on to things and if i dont need them anymore and those things are not ruined, i give them to the Goodwill or to someone who can use them.

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You're like my mom. But i think her is more of a keeping the house clean kind of thing and not paying attention to what she is throwing away. Like not taking time to distinguish whether something is trash or needs to be kept. But she definitely doesn't hesitate to throw away something that isn't used anymore. I don't think you have a problem, its just your personality I guess.

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Yeah I usually get rid of things only if they've broken or if it's old papers from school I don't need anymore. Old old toys, well... I just store them away in my closet or give them to my younger brothers because more than half of my toys are more boyish toys. I hated dolls and makeup and other things like that xD

And some school things I keep if I feel there are things I need to remember in the future cause I'm real bad at remembering things.

The other things I don't need and don't throw away... that's just me being the lazy person I am. =D

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