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Disgaea Mafia

Lux Aeterna

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Being inactive is pathetic. Play the fucking game and quit griefing the host.

I don't blame the host at all for my own incompetence <____<

I'm sorry for the inactivity, I got busy at an unexpected moment. I was saying, you should have at least given me time because I'm actually free now. It was only for a day and your impatience just irks me. That's all. I should have notified everyone that I was going to be busy and that was my fault--I apologize. When did I ever get on the host for it?

(okay, you'll hear nothing more from me

let's not continue this, it's dumb and just ignore me)

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Erm... The night phase should have ended 75 minutes ago.(5PM EST) The inactivity has also really bugged me. It seems like nobody's been talking to anybody. A shame, really.

Did we give up hope of winning or something?

EDIT: edited in the second line because I didnt want to double post for it

Edited by Excellen Browning
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The Netherworld continued their march, ever closer to Earth. But the further they moved, the smaller their numbers became, and the more wary they became of others. It was a vicious cycle: if they didn't figure something out fast, there would be no army left to fight Earth with.

And yet that night, the Netherworld would lose one extremely valuable asset on its force.

Moving on to a snowy landscape in between realms, the army set up its tents. Two of Celestia were still parasites in its ranks, and one human lurked about the shadows. Both of the parties would take a life, and together, no less.

Lena sneaked away from the group arrived at a secluded, yet spacious snow-covered area. The moon bathed her figure in white light.

Then, one angel crept up: Lamington. He simply decided he would be doing the job that night.

On the opposite side, Jennifer, the last human, crawled through the snow. She looked at her with spite. She despised all demons at this point, since both of her friends were dead. She felt no remorse as she took pulled out a knife (so did Lamington).

Both of them inched towards Lena. Suddenly, like snakes, they both shot forward and stabbed her. But as they stabbed at her, a white forcefield surrounded her, and try as they might have to bring her down, every blow was just bounced back. Eventually, they gave up, and fled into the night.

In a cave, Maderas the vampire, savored the darkness--he despised the light. He finished his incantation to change a certain person's action.

Etna crept up. She was suspicious of Maderas' true alignment, so closer and closer she came. Then down came her spear, impaling Maderas straight through the back.

He moaned, and his last word was Pariah as he too fell into the snow.

As Etna escaped, Laharl checked her ability just to be sure. She was the vigilante, just as he suspected. He nodded, satisfied, and walked off back to camp.

In a secluded area, a thief came up upon an unsuspecting Prinny, and stole its power...

I got lazy because someone came online that I wanted to talk to.

Pariah was killed! He was Maderas, Netherworld ... carriage driver (ya know, the guy who redirects moves)

This should be right.

Again with the bold. >_>

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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I can confirm that SlayerX is a netherworld denizen. The prinny, in fact. I stole his role. If he wants to confirm this, he can start a PM conversation with me, and I will tell him exactly what the moderator told me a prinny can do, and then he can post to the main thread. Congratulations town, we have another pair of clears. :newyears:

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