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Disgaea Mafia

Lux Aeterna

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##VOTE: mikethfc

Everyone else is *pretty much* cleared.

What about RD? I still think we should wait for him to post, but as it turns out I wasn't the only one who had misgivngs about him.

Also the lack of a Laharl counter-claim means Raymond is clear, which is why I've claimed to him, it might be worth everybody else doing that.

Gogo powersheep:Wales:

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Okay, I'm seriously confused right now. Everyone seems to have some kind of legit claim, but that obviously cannot be the case, as there must still be a human (Jennifer, to be precise) and at least one Celestian (assuming - or rather, hoping - only one was ever recruited) left.

Strawman is clear, unless he was recruited. But I don't think so.

Bal and Slayer both claim to have a generic, unnamed class as a role rather than an actual character. This doesn't seem to fit into this game's theme at all, to be perfectly honest. However, it's very unlikely for the remaining mafia members to be working together, seeing how they aren't aligned with each other, and considering that they both claim the same thing, it may be legit.

mike has claimed a character that apparently doesn't appear in the original Disgaea. It seems that all other characters in this game do appear in the original Disgaea, which is a bit odd to say the least. However, considering he actually sent me his whole role PM (I don't think he's actually allowed to do that), I'm reluctant to point fingers at him and call him mafia.

And then there's Obviam. Obviam has been resurrected due to the power of a celestian, which is all kinds of odd. It makes no sense for the mafia to revive one of its enemies, and even less so a cop. Unless he were to join their faction during this process. Of course he claimed that he still was town, but there's not much of a way for him to prove it. If we assume that Obviam is mafia, then RD is mafia as well, as Obviam gave me RD's role PM (which claims another semi-generic character, but this time named - the odd thing is, I can't find that name in any Disgaea Wiki). And RD's role sounds so anti-town to begin with, it isn't even funny. It also has something "snipped" out, which did not happen when I investigated Strawman.

So this is the plan. We lynch RD today. If his role PM matches the one Obviam gave me, Obviam is still clear and can investigate someone else. If, however, RD turns out to be something else (and not a third god-father), then we kill Obviam next.


##Vote: Radiant Dragon

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Raymond the problem with that plan is that from my perspective RD is pretty much innocent. I'd know for sure we'd be wasting our lynch all day and I don't see me letting that happen.

SlayerX - Clear, or he suddenly got really good at the game

Raymond - Laharl?

Strawman the Sawman Shaman - Clear

mikethfc - Uh?

Balcerzak - Uh?

Radiant Dragon - Clear

Obviam (role checker) - Clear (look it even says what my damn role is right here)

Riddle me this: The game should have ended a while ago if the mafia wasn't somewhat cunning. There are potentially 2 mafia left if I understood that recruitment business correctly.

For the town to stand a chance we need to stop fucking up now and one way we can do that is by targeting the more devious players - the not so devious players won't be as capable of hiding much longer and on top of that the fact that the numbers are supposedly 5v2 means the game is dangerously close to ending in the favor of a mafia faction. It is pretty much safe to call this "late game" and as none of the people left on the list have been particularly silent, it's my belief that the mafia who are left MUST be players known for being above average.

That leaves, from my perspective, Raymond, Balcerzak and maybe mike.

mike, you should claim to me.

If I turn out to be super wrong then whatever, I should be dead right now anyway. That said save lynching me for after I'm wrong first. I mean, if you want to win.

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You're right about the opening post still stating your role. However, it's probably simply the last known piece of information regarding you. Furthermore, it's perfectly possible that you're still the role-checker and still the same character, but aligned with the celestians now. Wouldn't be the first stalker to be seen in a mafia game.

I see no problem with lynching RD today - it's currently a win-win situation, really. If he's mafia, perfect, we got rid of a mafia member and know another. If he isn't and his role matches the one you gave me, that absolutely clears you. You could then investigate one of Slayer, Bal and mike and our vigilante could shoot another.

mike, don't claim to Obviam. I currently don't trust him at all.

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Oh, before I forget, it's pretty obvious JB's activity keeps getting bitched at by the hosts because he's MAKING IT OBVIOUS that he planned my revival ahead of time to fuck with the town. Suspecting me is just falling for his trap.

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What good is clearing me if you're just going to kill me tonight?

Why would I kill you if you're clear? I wouldn't have any reason to, seeing how I'm not mafia.

Fucking with the town is fine, but resurrecting the town's cop for this purpose is so much beyond stupid that I cannot even express it. Unless, and I'll repeat it, you joined their team in the process.

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First of all lynching RD won't clear me anyway. He could have given me something fake to post if we were both mafia because the mafia is probably working together by now. Assuming it does clear me, the mafia will just kill me tonight.

Or the vig. Probably the vig.

Balcerzak, speak up. Raymond, don't waste our lynch.

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First of all lynching RD won't clear me anyway. He could have given me something fake to post if we were both mafia because the mafia is probably working together by now.

What are you talking about? If you were town and had indeed investigated RD, you would probably have given me the true result. So if RD dies and his role/character matches the result you gave me, you are clear.

If, on the other hand, you two are mafia, then the role you posted is obviously fake. We would find that out with a lynch and be able to safely kill you afterwards, knowing that you're mafia.

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Well it would certainly prove I have role checking abilities, but we knew that.

Either way it's a waste of a lynch. I really don't think you're mafia so I don't feel a need to argue with you. Why are you so suspicious of RD still?

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First off, can I ask Obviam to send me my Role PM? And explain why there's something snipped out? Everything else Raymond said about my role is true: it is a role that's usually anti-town, and I couldn't find my character's name on the Disgaea wiki either.

However, Balcerzak has claimed thief, and Jennifer (not only a human, but one the Disgaea wiki says can steal stuff) has stolen the role of one of our more important members.

##Vote: Balcerzak.

Lastly, does anyone know if Weapons was able to kill someone last night in addition to recruiting someone?

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Well he didn't kill anyone, I don't know if he was able to or not but I would assume not.

He killed BK didn't he.

On Bal, if somebody, besides Raymond can confirm his night action last night then that should mean he's not Jennifer but still a chance he's been recruited by WoMC.

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