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Disgaea Mafia

Lux Aeterna

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More discussion, since on day one people tend to just say "No Lynch" and stay silent. Besides, I'm not against lynching someone on day 1. I just don't want to lynch someone without a reason (which is what tends to happen with day 1 lynches).

Well that's good. But, yeah, unfortunately usually the same people tend to ignore these facts and blindly give mafia a kill advantage every single game.

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Not really but adds suspicion onto him Weapons always pushes for early lynches, whether he's town or mafia. How does that make him suspicious? I meant if Raymond dies

If the vig must kill every night, this will allow him to make a somewhat educated guess rather than kill someone at random. What kind of Vigilante must kill every night? Besides, if I were the Vigilante I would be shooting at the people who jumped on the bandwagon first.Vigilante with restriction has been seen (i.e. kill ever odd night, and you must kill.) Anywho, either way, the vig still has more information from which to make a desicion rather than a bunch of No lynch post only.

Randomly lynching a mafia, eventhough it has a really small chance of happening if there is no bussing, would allows to know a townie. In my opinion, this chance is small enough that I don't want to bother. I see your point, but this also creates a rather untalkative and uneventive (i might be making up words here) day.

Very useful, and mafia would most likely go for him, we can always play wifom with this however, (doctor be on him, maf go for someone else, but maf knows town would think like this so they target womc anyway.) Thats why i didn't say doc only, watcher is also there, as well as tracker. I dislike arguing wifom scenarios (wifom is pretty useful and interesting, though).

And bussing this early can be seen as A) unecessary or B)pretty smart, you wouldn't expect maf to bus day 0 so town would assume he'd be a trustable person, with whom everyone with information will most likely go to. Remember, the Mafia needs to equal/outnumber the town to win. Sacrificing someone who's under no suspicion just to try and clear someone else (despite the fact that that person (Weapons in this example) would probably be investigated anyway) is a horrible idea. It has its uses though, what if there is a godfather? Suddenly you have an innocent looking mafia which won't be killed most likely, unless he trips.

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Read the flavor if you want a little bit of extra notice.

I recommend you read this flavor, as it reveals a few things that I don't blatantly announce. Not necessary to know, but helpful.

The night was a quiet, eerie one. There was a strained tension hanging in the air as no one knew who they could trust any longer. A few brave souls decided to take action that night.

Mid-Boss lurked around in the shadows and found the one he suspected: Arion, the items salesman. Was he really with the Netherworld? Mid-Boss took a closer look at him, and then a white aura surrounded him. Arion was undoubtedly aligned with the Netherworld. Mid-Boss sighed in relief. As he turned to leave, he saw Arion talk to a shadowed figure. He couldn't catch all that they were saying, but he listened in closely.

In another area, Laharl and Plenair were travelling together, deciding to trust each other for this night. They saw a suspicious figure lurking about...

"Plenair, who is this?"

"Let me check, Sir..." She squinted and began analyzing his movements, his posture... everything. She gasped. "He's an avenger!"

"He's one of Celestia's!?" he exclaimed.

"Shh, quiet!" Plenair chided. "Let's follow him around for a bit, and see what he does." Laharl nodded in agreement.

After a bit, they came to the same clearing that Mid-Boss was hiding in. The avenger crept up silently, and the duo watched him intently.

Suddenly, as Arion turned to leave, a laser came from the trees and hit him in the square of his back. He collapsed to the ground, gasping for oxygen that he just couldn't find.

"Here..." he whispered weakly. "I know you're worthy of this power..." He waved his hand, and suddenly a white light encased the figure. After that, he gasped and breathed no more. Post mortem, his blood spilled out to form the word Anouleth.

The unknown figure fled the scene after that.

Flonne came out of the bushes and saw Anouleth's dead body.

Tears welled up at her eyes. "No... I'll... I'll bring you back! Hold on!" She started chanting, and a golden light started to surround her. He was moments before coming back.

Out of nowhere, the avenger leaped out of his hiding place, wielding twin kunai knives. He twirled them around for a moment, and lunged at the figure. Flonne's eyes widened as she heard the sound of flesh getting cut and felt a burning pain. It was unimaginable. As her vision blackened, she apologized to Laharl for failing. She then collapsed, and didn't get up. Her robe had the word "Psych" sewn into it.

The avenger nodded, then started to flee.

"No! You're not getting away! You killed her!" Laharl yelled. He emerged from the bushed and jammed his sword into the avenger's heart, a sickening squelching sound echoing through the night air.

With his final breath, the Avenger whispered "even death won't stop me..." Laharl could swear he caught the ghost of a smile as the avenger's eyes closed. The avenger's soul fell into the abyss of darkness... A check of his helm and one would find the word JBCWK engraved on it.

After that, everyone but the figure fled the scene. Death was fresh in the air, promising to bring a chaotic day come tomorrow.

Anouleth has been killed! He was Arion, Netherworld's role distributor!

JBCWK has been killed! He was an avenger! Celestia's... avenger!

Psych has been killed! He was Flonne, Netherworld's resurrector!

And with that, I have an announcement to make: I may extend the night phase to 36 hours from now on, as Astra raised a fair point to me about our global players being at a disadvantage. This should be right.

I don't know why part of it is bold, sorry.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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What exactly does a 'Role Distributor' do? I assume that the Avenger only takes someone with him when he's lynched? And did Psych actually revive someone before he died (it doesn't seem like it)?

I've got a lot of questions, but no answers...

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I just noticed... If each Mafia faction started with 4 members (most likely scenario, in my opinion), then right now it's 7 Netherworld (townies) vs. 4 Humans vs. 3 Celestia. Which means we need to force crossfire between the two Mafias in order to have a chance.

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I was going to revive someone proving my innocence, then have everyone claim to me and unite the town.

Good plan... if you didn't apparently mention out loud that you were going to do this.

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I just noticed... If each Mafia faction started with 4 members (most likely scenario, in my opinion), then right now it's 7 Netherworld (townies) vs. 4 Humans vs. 3 Celestia. Which means we need to force crossfire between the two Mafias in order to have a chance.

Whoa right here. If it was 4 mafia to a team, the game would've started 4 vs 4 vs 9, which is imbalanced and not something you would normally suspect (I've heard 25% scum is ideal for one team and 33% total is ideal for two). Looks like insider info.

##Vote: Radiant Dragon

Also, anyone pry anything from JB?

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Actually JB contacted me, this is most likely a lie but anywho here it is

Ok, see, here's the thing: There's probably about 10 town, and something like a 4/3 mafia split seeing as there's 17 players (having an SK means too many kills). As you can see, one mislynch and mafia kills put us at 7/4/3 already. The mafias should HOPEFULLY play well, and in that light I'd find it best if the 2 of us worked together. Your thoughts?
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Whoa right here. If it was 4 mafia to a team, the game would've started 4 vs 4 vs 9, which is imbalanced and not something you would normally suspect (I've heard 25% scum is ideal for one team and 33% total is ideal for two). Looks like insider info.

##Vote: Radiant Dragon

Also, anyone pry anything from JB?

3 vs. 3 vs. 11 would be too easy for the town. 6 vs. 11 maybe, but not in a two Mafia game.

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6 vs 11 clearly gives the upperhand to mafia, as two mislynches and mafia wins by night 3. As for 3 vs 3 vs 11, I got done with an offsite game that was 18 vs 3 vs 3 and was only a town vig that was suspiciously SK-like away from being considered balanced.

Also, considering if whoever killed JB had instead hit another town, it would be 4 vs 4 vs 6, which basically means town automatically loses and could do nothing about it considering day 1 is always no lynch.

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