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Disgaea Mafia

Lux Aeterna

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Hey everyone!

Sorry for my inactivity. It has been a busy past couple of days.

I can't believe I missed the whole night phase, grrr. School is dumb.

Also, sorry I can't really add anything to the discussion at this point. I'm really just kind of shocked/confused that 3 people died on night 0.

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Looking at things from a different view, Eclipse doesn't look so suspicious anymore. I'll be taking my vote back for the time being.


##Vote mikethfc

You haven't said anything at all yet. Say something.

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Actually JB contacted me, this is most likely a lie but anywho here it is

Ok, see, here's the thing: There's probably about 10 town, and something like a 4/3 mafia split seeing as there's 17 players (having an SK means too many kills). As you can see, one mislynch and mafia kills put us at 7/4/3 already. The mafias should HOPEFULLY play well, and in that light I'd find it best if the 2 of us worked together. Your thoughts?

I could be overthinking this, and I have nothing against anyone posting correspondants, but just coming out of the blue with a pm from a deceased mafia member that talks about working together is a tad suspect.

You seem like the most likely suspect thusfar(or what Raymond said, it's always the quiet ones.)

##Vote SlayerX

Edited by Haze
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I'll be back here after making the rounds with some of my private contacts. Last night (realtime) was me sleeping off the results of an all-nighter, and basically missing the initial splash of the aftermath, but things definitely turned up interesting.

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