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The Great Serenes Forest War.


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Anything between me and Songbird? J/K

Seriously I hope I have a line or two in this.

Nope for the first part.

But I'm gonna try to make every character have some sort of important role in this.

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This is pretty cool so far! But now i finally have a full blown team masu! Mabye they could play some kind of role in this....like the neutral team who has noting to do with this but gets dragged in.

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This is pretty cool so far! But now i finally have a full blown team masu! Mabye they could play some kind of role in this....like the neutral team who has noting to do with this but gets dragged in.

Team Masu in this consists of only Masu.

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(Not to disrupt the B-Team meeting but here's my new episode:)

*Lyle sits in his room on his bed.*

Lyle:.......I think it’s been long enough. *He gets up and walks down to Bianchi’s room. As he’s walking down, Claire turns a corner and their eyes meet.* Hello.

Claire: Hello General.

Lyle: That’s a lot of spite you have there. You sure you can carry it all?

Claire: *Walks up to him and pokes him in the chest.* Listen you. I don’t like you in the least.

Lyle: I can see that.

Claire: Just know, as soon as you screw up as General, I’ll be there to pick up the pieces. I will become general, even if I have to kill you myself.

Lyle: And why do you want it so bad?

Claire: I don’t need to explain myself to you.

Lyle: Yes you do. I’m General of this army. Whether I want to or not. If you don’t like it, you’re welcome to leave. We have plenty of soldiers. You’re strong, but not so much that we couldn’t survive without you.

Claire: Pah. *She walks away.*

Lyle: *Once she’s out of earshot* Geeze what a pisser. *He walks further and reaches Bianchi’s room.* Bianchi? It’s Lyle. Can I come in?

Bianchi: *From in her room.* ....Yes....

*Lyle opens the door. Bianchi is sitting on her bed and looking out the window. She has been crying.*

Lyle: *Closes the door behind him.* You alright Bianchi?

Bianchi: *Sniff.* Yeah....

Lyle: *Sits next to her on the bed. Then puts his arm around her. She turns and cries on his shoulder. They sit in silence for several minutes. Lyle finally breaks the silence.* Listen.......I’ll fight this battle for you. But are you sure you want to go to war?

Bianchi: I don’t want to go to war........but I can’t let her get away with this.......

Lyle: Are we certain she did this? Maybe there’s another explanation......

Bianchi: Her army has already formed. *Rubs her eyes.* She has no intention of denying it.

Lyle: Who sent them the declaration of war?

Bianchi: I’m not sure. I asked Songbird to get someone to.

Lyle: Okay. *They have another moment of silence.*

Bianchi: Lyle......

Lyle: Yeah?

Bianchi: Thank you for doing this for me.

Lyle: I’d do anything for you Bianchi.

Bianchi:*Smiles.* I’d like to be alone now though.....

Lyle: Of course. If you need anything, just call me.

Bianchi: Kay.

Lyle: *Leaves the room. Closes the door behind him.* Man.....I really am not looking forward to this war...*He heads for the exit where he’s greeted by Emerald Fox.*

Emerald Fox: Hello General.

Lyle: Lyle’s fine E Fox.

Emerald Fox: Very well Lyle. I just wish to share some peculiar information about Hanz’s death.

Lyle: Peculiar how?

Emerald Fox: Well, as you saw I only came back with his sword. His body was incinerated.

Lyle: Really? How?

Emerald Fox: The killer had used lightning magic.

Lyle: I see. So we’re looking for a sage. Though it doesn’t rule out Fox herself. But it doesn’t sit right with me that she would actually do something like this.

Emerald Fox: I understand your scepticism. But I’m certain of what I saw.

Lyle: I trust you, I just don’t see any motive for Fox to have in killing Hanz. I know someone who can look into this though. If you’ll excuse me.

Emerald Fox: Of course General.

Lyle:*As he’s walking away.* I said to call me Lyle!

*He reaches the main hall where he sees Princess Kilvas.*

Princess Kilvas: Oh! Lyle.

Lyle: Hey. Have you seen Fireman?

Princess Kilvas: Not since the meeting. I’m going to see Masu and tell him the news now. Do you want to come?

Lyle: Well........Actually that’s not a bad idea. I’m in.

Princess Kilvas: Okay.

*They walk outside the palace.*

Lyle: So, why exactly did Masu decide to start his own team anyway?

Princess Kilvas: Well, you know Masu. He always tries to make himself seem big in some aspect.

Lyle: True. Though that could be borderline too much info.

Princess Kilvas: How so?

Lyle: Nothing. Is this the place?

Princess Kilvas: *Sigh* Yeah.

*They look upon a wooden shack that looks like it’s about to fall over. It’s labeled in red paint: MASU’S TEAM BUILDING!!!!!*

Lyle: ......You sure it’s safe to be in that?

Princess Kilvas: Not really....*She walks up to the door and knocks.* Masu? It’s me. And Lyle’s here to.

Masu:*From inside the building.* Open the door gently!!

*She complies. They walk in to see Masu standing on a counter holding a corner of the roof up.*

Lyle: Well. Good to see you’re keeping busy Masu.

Masu: Hey, um it’s good to see you guys. Listen, I’ve been like this for the past few hours. Like 5, can you give me that hammer and some of those nails? I’d get them myself but if I move this whole place will collapse.

Princess Kilvas: *Sigh.* *She gets them and hands them to Masu.* Here.

Masu: Thanks. Oh and uh, watch that spot right there. *He points to a spot on the ground.* Any further weight on it and it might collapse. *He starts hammering away.*

Lyle: *Steps away from the spot.* Uh listen Masu, the B-team is going to war with Fox.

Masu: Really? That’s not good. What happened?

Lyle: She had Hanz killed. Though it’s not actually clear how.

Masu: So you came to find aide in Team Masu?!!?

Lyle: Well....not really....we just thought you ought to know.

Masu: Oh......

Princess Kilvas: But if you want we could open it up to you! Right Lyle?!

Lyle: Eh? We don’t really need him- *She nudges him* I mean, if you’re offering your services Masu, we’d be happy to have you.

Masu: .......I’m not interested in joining the B-team. I’m perfectly happy here. *A plank of wood drops on his head.* OW!

Princess Kilvas: *Nudges Lyle again. Whispering.* Lyle, come on, you know he can’t survive here.....

Lyle: *Groans.* Well Masu, we’re not forcing you to join the B-team. We just want your......skills. We can offer you a room in Bianchi’s palace for as long as you want. It won’t be as.....homey as this place, but it’ll be nice and private.

Masu: .....Okay. *He jumps down, the roof collapses around them, but as it hits them it falls apart and doesn’t hurt at all.*

Lyle: Huh. I somehow saw that as being more painful.

Masu: Alright, Princess will show me the way to my room. Right Princess?

Princess Kilvas: Of course. You coming Lyle?

Lyle: Not yet. There’s someone I need to meet.

Masu: See ya later then. *The two of them walk off.*

Lyle: You can come out now Fireman.

Fireman: *Emerges from the shadows.* How’d you know I was here?

Lyle: I didn’t. Every time I’m alone somewhere I say that just in case you’re there.

Fireman: .....Oh.....

Lyle: I need you to look into something.

Fireman: I’ve got news for you first.

Lyle: Really?

Fireman: Yeah. You employed me as your second in command, so I have to serve the army.

Lyle: Neat. Alright then spill it.

Fireman: Guess who’s leading Fox’s army?

Lyle: CGV?

Fireman: Nope.

Lyle: Really? Raven then?

Fireman: Nope. You’ll never guess.

Lyle: Then why’d you make me? Who is it?

Fireman: Metal Rabbit.

Lyle: .......I shoulda known. Here’s 20,000. Who is it really?

Fireman: *Takes the gold.* I’m serious. It’s MR.

Lyle: No way. Fox would never do that. Hey! That’s my money.

Fireman: Get over it. It’s Metal Rabbit. No doubt.

Lyle: She must know something about him that we don’t then.

Fireman: Probably. Now what is it that you wanted me to do?

Lyle: It’s probably better you stay at this point. I have a feeling the battle is going to start soon. I’m gonna need your help. The newbies are good, but they don’t have too much battle experience.

Fireman: No problem. It’ll be hard to go up against Fox and co. They are our friends after all.

Lyle: Don’t remind me.

To be continued.

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Awesome! It's very easy to see the different atmosphere from this one and TQftHH. Though there are still some codemic moments, it's still really serious. It feels just like a FE game! XD

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to your next update. =D

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(Fox's castle)

MR: Go!

*he throws another dart*


*??? comes in*

???: Are you Head General Metal Rabbit?

MR: *throws another dart*

Yep, whad'ya want?

Raven: I'm general Raven, I've been assigned to work directly under you.

MR: Mkayz.

*throws another dart*


Raven: ...You don't seem to have a dart board on that wall, or in this room at all.

MR: Yeah...

*ignores the wall full of hundreds of darts*

Raven: So, the mission is to find where their base is.

MR: Already found it.

Did Fox really send you to babysit me?

Raven: No... I mean those weren't her exact words...

If you know where it is then tell me sir! We'll terminate the foe immediately.

MR: Nope.

Raven: Why?

MR: I said I knew where it was, but they've since moved.

The one I found was their former base.

*throws strawberry at wall*

Raven: You really work fast... don't you?

MR: It's why I'm not so popular with the ladies.

*throws pie at wall*

Raven: Alright... well where was the base?

MR: I'll tell you a story instead.

*throws rubber ball at wall*

Raven: Is it relevant to the mission?

MR: Do you take me for some kind of idiot?

*the ball bounces back and hits him in the head*

Raven: ...

MR: Shut up...


MR: Haven't been down this area of the forest in a long time...

Random person: Hey, there's a B-Team meeting tonite!

Random person: I know, they're going to discuss their strategy for........

MR: Hey you two!

Random person: ?

MR: Keep it down, will ya?

I'm trying to have a monlogue here!

Now... where can I go to find info about this B-Team?

Masu: Hey mister!

MR: The hell? You almost scared the crap out of me!

Masu: Sorry... I have that effect on people.

So you're interested in the B-Team's cause, right?

MR: Yeah.

Masu: It just so happens that I know alot of their higher ups.

MR: Really?

Masu: Yep.

We're going to eradicate Fox and her evil army!

MR: Lol, Fox is evil...

*remembers time he swapped her "pills" for sweet tarts, but we don't have time to hear that story now*

Masu: You wanna know more?

MR: Sure!

Masu: Let's go back to my place...

*they walk for a while and reach a cruddy looking building with "Team Masu" painted on a sign*

Masu: Here we are!

MR: This place is the B-Team's base?

Masu: Who said anything about them? This is Team Masu's base!

MR: Yeah, I got that. I thought you were a member of the B-Team, and you were going to tell me more.

Masu: I can certainly tell you more about Team Masu! But... I'm no longer a member of the B-Team...

There was this girl... and... I really don't wanna talk about it.

MR: This is some team here...

*it's empty*

Masu: And you can fix that! Come on! Join Team Masu and we will defeat the evil queen!

MR: I'm actually kinda part of this other group, so I can't have my schedules conflict.

Masu: That's okay, we can work around your schedule!

MR: Um... I'm interested in the B-Team specifically...

Masu: We're just as good though!

MR: ...

Masu: Plz join my team! I'm so lonely!

*grabs MR's legs*

MR: O_o

I'm leaving now!


Masu: *cries*

Maybe... I should visit Bianchi and Lyle tommorow.


Raven: I'm sorry, but I don't see the point...

MR: I'm getting to it. I just thought that guy was hillarious now that I look back on it.

Raven: Um, when you said the queen's "pills", you meant

MR: They're not birth control pills if that's what you're thinking. They're crazy pills.

Who the hell would want to bone her?

*Raven glares a bit*

Raven: Just get on with the story...

(Yesterday, continued)

MR: I'm lost now... I think I already passed that tree.

*it's marked "MR wuz here lolz"*

???: Understood, I've taken care of the old base.


Hanz out.

*he walks torward MR*

MR: Hi.

Hanz: ?

MR: You wouldn't by chance be talking about the B-Team, would you?

Hanz: Why do you want to know?

MR: I'm interested.

Hanz: Well most of the people living on the edge of the forest are going to their meeting tonite.

Why couldn't you ask them?

MR: People?

Hanz: I see what's really going on...

If you're looking for the team then you're either a great idiot or you're one of Fox's dogs!

MR: I'm a rabbit, not a dog... (although Fox may think differently)

I'm not one of Fox's...

Hanz: I see right through you! You're lying through your teeth!

MR: What are you, a wannabe human lie-detector?

*Hanz draws a sword*

Hanz: Since you aren't with anyone, you must be a high-ranking member.

This will be sweet.

MR: I see the lust of battle in you. I can see that kind of stuff.

I'm also good at predicting what people look like nude... and right now you're making me feel inadequate...

Hanz: Die!


MR: ...

*takes out bat-wings and dodges*

Hanz: You're ability to fly won't save you!

*fires off a wave from his sword*

MR: Gyah!

You can actually hurt me. This is interesting afterall.

*flies in close and sucker-punches Hanz*

Hanz: Knave...

*they go on exchanging blows and dodging*

MR: Enough already...

*he fires a blast of light and knock's Hanz's sword out of his hands*

Hanz: I don't think I can take him on my own, I need to call for backup...

MR: Can't let you do that...

You're going to die here alone because you were stupid enough to challenge me.

Hanz: You're wrong...

*he lunges and grabs his sword a few feet away and before he swings...*

MR: Tsk.

*unleashes a fatal electric shock*

Hanz: ...



MR: I need to get going...

I'll be back for that base though.


Raven: So noone else knows about what happened last night?

MR: By now they should, and they should know that it was Fox behind it.

Raven: How can you be so certain?

MR: Because Raven, they have a worm in their midst and they don't realise it yet.

I told this person what to say to their leaders.

Raven: What!? If you have an agent in there then why are they not destroyed?

MR: We just met today.

Now I'm going back to my room, this place is filthy.

Don't follow me.

*starts to leave*

Raven: I thought this was your room...

MR: Nope, it's Fox's.


Raven: I can't tell if he's a lucky idiot or a true genius...

But it's for certain that he's no pushover on the battlefield...

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