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Haze plays Path of Radiance Hard Mode



29 members have voted

  1. 1. Ena or Nasir?

  2. 2. Laguz Royal?

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So this will be my second PoR run, and will be in Hard Mode. For fun I thought I'd let SF(and one friend) decide my fate and pick my units for me. One unit per person;

1. Ike(Mandatory)

2. Ena/Nasir(Poll)

3. Soren(Friend)

4. Rhys(Emerald Jealousy)

5. Marcia(Pet Pikachu)

6. Bastian Zihark(Excellen burning in hell Browning)

7. Titania(Krad)

8. Ilyana(Psych)

9. Oscar(Mikethfc)

10. Mist(Metal King Slime)

11. Lucia Brom(Red Fox Troll)

12. Gatrie(Ken Zomg)

13. Tanith(Generic Officer)

14. Astrid(Radiant Dragon)

15. Laguz Royal(Poll)

One unit per person(and I'll probably catalogue how I'm getting along with whatever frankenstein's monster of a team I get.)

Be gentle.

Edited by Tangerine
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I'll change Bastian into Zihark, because Zihark will make Haze's team work much better than Dear old Bastian.

I take back all the terrible things I thought about you.

I'll start later tonight.

[spoiler=Support chains]

Ike: Oscar A, Titania B

Oscar: Ike A, Tanith B

Titania: Mist A, Ike B

Tanith: Marcia A, Oscar B

Mist: Titania A

Marcia: Tanith A

Gatrie: Ilyana A, Astrid B

Ilyana: Gatrie A, Zihark B

Astrid: Gatrie B

Zihark: Brom A, Ilyana B

Brom: Zihark A

Rhys: Bench A, Watercooler B

Soren: Staves A

Edited by Haze
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[spoiler=Progress]Prologue - 4 Turns(4).

Standard fare, to my knowledge.

Chapter 1: Legend of Ike: Four Swords. - 3 Turns(7).

Boyd goes to the corner and trades his Fighter Band to Ike.

Ike moves up, attacks fighter, Oscar follows and finishes. Titania runs past them and kills the Brigand on the right.

Titania kills the boss and heads towards the angelic robe house, oscar kills the Myrmidon blocking Ike and moves up towards the top right corner, Ike heads towards the goal and kills the two weakened fighters on enemy phase. Northwest brigand commits suicide by Titania.

Turn 3 Oscar kills the second Myrmidon, Titania gets the Angelic Robe, Ike seizes.

Chapter 2 - 4 Turns(11).

Oscar goes to fight the northwest enemies and Ike goes east and attacks the Fighter. All 3 northwest enemies attack Oscar. Turn 2 he kills the Myrmidon and runs back to receive a heal from Rhys. Both Fighters pursue him and die.

Meanwhile Ike pushes on while the Fighter he hit on Turn 1 tries to run away, he weakens the other Fighter and Brigand with counters.

Turn 3 Titania arrives! Titania runs right and kills one of the weakened enemies. Oscar gets another heal from Rhys and runs right. Ike moves into a thicket and heals. At thise point there are two low hp Fighters trying to run. Ike kills the closer one, and Oscar kills the further one before cantoing back. Titania kills the Brigand directly next to her and runs towards the boss, sweeping him and his guards on EP.

Chapter 3 - 4 Turns(15).

Ike attacks the Brigand on the left, Titania kills the right fighter and cantos towards the ship. Various death and destruction happens on EP, the right Brigand decides he wants to kill Shinon and mvoes towards him, can't blame him. I pull Shinon out of range to the left, Ike heads towards the ship, Titania kills the archer and cantos onto the ship deck, Gatrie finishes a brigand. Ike finishes the Myrmidon on the enemy phase.

The brigand starts heading towards Shinon again, even though Gatrie is in range. So I have Gatrie attempt to ORKO him, and of course he promptly misses both of his attacks. Of course.. Titania kills the Hand Axe Fighters and cantos towards the boss, Ike moves to the boarding plank.

Shinon is attacked by the Brigand on the enemy phase, good thing this is just LTC and not a draft. Gatrie visits the house for the Elixer. Ike talks to Marcia and attacks the Brigand afterwards(and levels up from it no less). Titania hand axes the boss, who attacks her again and dies.

Chapter 4 - 2 Turns(17).

Titania kills the Myrmidon and cantos west, Gatrie follows and kills a Soldier. Rhys and Shinon move up, Ike and Soren hold their positions. Enemy Titania kills a bunch of stuff and everyone lines up for Gatrie. Soldier and Fighter attack Ike, unfortunately I'd forgotten to equip him with the Regal so my strategy was messed up a bit but I didn't feel like restarting for the 5th time after I'd finally gotten Titania to not be blocked by 3 archers.

Ike weakens the fighter some more, Soren kills it, Rhys heals Ike, Gatrie kills the soldier, which also prevents all but one archer being able to hit Rhys, saving him an ugly death. Titania runs up and hand axes the boss. Most of the remaining enemies in the south get hung up on attacking Gatrie, a couple get through, Ike kills one and weakens another, Rhys gets hit by an archer but lives. Titania kills the boss.

Chapter 5 - 6 Turns(23)

Boyd and Shinon to the east, Titania and Ike go for the west entrance, Oscar, Soren and Gatrie take the front. Rhys stavebotted.

Turn 4 or so Titania and Ike go to the front while Oscar runs out the west entrance to fight the reinforcements instead. Boss died to Titania's axe on Turn 5.

Chapter 6 - 7 Turns(30)

I hate this chapter. Turn-by-turn:

Turn 1 Titania kills the archer, Oscar weakens the javelin soldier(who tries to run away during the enemy phase). Ike moves east a bit but stays in the thicket, Soren stands behind him, Boyd moves up, Rhys stays behind Ike and Soren.

Turn 2 Titania kills the Poleaxe Cavalier, Oscar chases down and kills the javelin soldier. Soren and Ike kill a soldier each.

Turn 3 Titania kills a mage, Oscar runs to Rhys for healing, Ike and Soren move towards the bridge.

Turn 4 Titania runs across the bridge and kills the priest. Ike and Soren attack the Knight, Oscar positions himself on the bridge.

Turn 5 Soren finishes the Knight, Rhys heals Ike, Ike runs down the bridge and is picked up by Oscar. Titania starts killing everything around her.

Turn 6 Titania attacks the boss, who did some big boasting before getting killed in one hit by a critical, Oscar runs over with Ike, Rhys heals Soren.

Turn 7 Titania escapes, and Oscar escapes with Ike.

Chapter 7 - 8 Turns(38)

More hate.

Oscar, Soren and Rhys hold in the bottom right to wait for the soldiers, Titania runs up and blocks the Javelin Soldier while killing the handaxe fighter, Ike follows her, Boyd hides. Turn 2 Mia self-recruits, Gatrie and Shinon arrive. I suddenly remember this isn't a draft so I have Shinon soften the archer up for Gatrie to kill.

Titania kills the javelin soldier with the chest key then runs just out the left door with the hammer equipped. Ike goes to attack the soldier and archer in the north, Soren and Oscar continue killing soldiers.

Gatrie and Titania kill enemies that rush to them one by one, once Soren and Oscar are done they run to the middle to clear out Titania's scraps while she kills the second chest key holder, Shinon softens the thief up with an arrow, Ike starts making his way towards the boss and his cohorts. Meanwhile Mia and Boyd are having a duel at dawn in the armourslayer room. Incidently Mia also got the armourslayer after grabbing the chest key from Titania earlier.

Oscar runs towards the boss and Elixers, Titania kills the thief and gets a Ward Staff, then cantos towards the boss. Oscar kills the priest, Shinon chips the Knight, Ike finishes the Knight and gets a (near) perfect level up(no def). Oscar kills the boss on Turn 8.

I probably could have done better, but I don't care, I got through the chapter and no one died, I'm happy.


Oboy Base Access!

BEXP: 1530.

Ike supports Oscar.

Soren alocates 33 bexp for a level.

Oscar does the cooking.

Titania was crying so she gets 2 bexp to level (and cheer) herself up(even though she was 4.99 damn bexp ripoff)

Rhys does bro things.

Boyd and Mia start the "Sirs and Madams not appearing in this run" Club, they expect Rolf to be joining shortly.

No forge.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  Band
Ike   	 	Ranger      	09.11  25  09  03  11  12  09  08  03  Fighter
Soren    	W. Mage      	06.00  20  00  09  10  10  06  02  10  Thief
Oscar    	L. Knight      	09.54  30  09  02  10  11  06  10  11  Paladin
Titania   	Paladin      	05.00  37  14  04  15  15  13  12  08  Knight
Rhys     	Priest      	05.81  23  00  10  08  05  08  00  15  Priest

BEXP: 1494.

Edited by Haze
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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks good, can't wait to see what happens when you get Ena.

And here I thought you'd have just given Ena 99999999 votes. I guess you went with something more subtle.

[spoiler=Progress]Chapter 8 - 8 Turns(46)

Fixed turn, let's see how much exp I can grab though. Boyd and Mia are busy with club-related activities and are not deployed.

Rhys Wards Titania who goes to the east entrance with Soren, Ike takes the west , Oscar takes the south.

You know what sucks? Enemy Priests. They all need to go die.

Unsurprisingly the only one who had any trouble was Ike.

Titania and Soren killed the boss(Soren finishing blow). Ike was barely able to recruit Ilyana on Turn 8(who was given the Mage Band and zapped a low hp Knight). No Pure Water for Haze. ;-;

Chapter 9 - 8 Turns(54)


Soren gets 30 exp to level, Ilyana gets 2 levels. Near broken weapons are sold and replaced. Red Gem sold.

Ilyana gets the speedwing.


Lethe and Mordecai are dispatched to the beach since really I had no one else to send. Everyone else rushes the boss, Ike hangs back a bit to recruit Marcia. Ilyana and Soren are able to work together quite nicely to deal with a number of enemies, and Ilyana's ability to double Knights with Elthunder despite it seriously weighing her down provided entertaining results. Mist and Rhys are busy stavebotting.

Once Marcia self-recruits, she picks up Ike and catches up with everyone near the boss, where she drops Ike and picks up the 1hp boss kill on Turn 8 for a very tidy 77 exp. Ike seizes.


BEXP: 1698

Ike, Oscar, Ilyana and Rhys finish their current levels with bexp.

Everything else is used in conjunction with the Seraph Robe to genetically engineer Marcia.

Ike supports Titania.

The Sirs and Madams not appearing in this run Club welcome their new Laguz overlords(and some kid too).

Forged a Max Might/Hit Iron Lance for Marcia, named it Disco Stick and made it purple.

Name    	Class   	Level  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  Band
Ike        	Ranger      	13.00  28  11  03  13  14  10  10  04  Fighter
Soren    	W. Mage      	10.18  22  00  12  13  12  07  03  13  Thief
Ilyana    	T. Mage      	10.00  22  02  10  11  12  08  03  12  Mage
Rhys 		Priest      	08.00  24  00  12  10  06  10  01  17  Priest
Mist 		Cleric      	01.56  16  01  04  04  07  06  02  07  
Oscar    	L. Knight      	14.00  33  11  03  12  13  08  12  02  Paladin
Titania   	Paladin      	05.90  37  14  04  15  15  13  12  08  Archer
Marcia   	Peg. Knight    	19.23  35  13  02  15  20  09  12  09  Knight


Chapter 10 - 4 Turns.

Deployed Ike, Titania, Oscar and Marcia.

Oh, and hired Volke.

Marcia Disco Sticks the nearest guard. Ike moves next to Titania and is rescued and carried onward. Oscar follows behind Titania. Marcia goes north and finishes the second guard that Titania weakened.

Titania keeps rushing, Oscar takes a key from Marcia and follows. Marcia crit kills a knight during the enemy phase, Titania gets a near perfect levelup(no luck) and kills all 3 soldiers in the process.

Oscar equips his short spear, opens Nephenee's cell(just because), and cantos towards the Halberdier. Titania runs up and attacks the Halberdier. Marcia finishes her guard genocide and cantos towards Brom and Kieran's cell. Danomill and his buddies attack Oscar. Oscar counter kills both archers. Netting us an extra chest key. Marcia opens Brom and Kieran's cell. Oscar finishes the Halberdier with his last short spear, Titania escapes with Ike.

All in a nice tidy package of 4 turns. ..I feel accomplished.

BEXP: 320

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No stealth in chapter 10. I want a refund. :mellow:

But seriously, nice turncounts so far. I don't see why everyone voted for Ena however. It's much more satisfying to kill BK. I mean, it's not like Nasir is significantly better than Ena and worth effort. Which makes it all the more satisfying. :awesome:

Edited by Kinata
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No stealth in chapter 10. I want a refund. :mellow:

But seriously, nice turncounts so far. I don't see why everyone voted for Ena however. It's much more satisfying to kill BK. I mean, it's not like Nasir is significantly better than Ena and worth effort. Which makes it all the more satisfying. :awesome:

Stealthing would have taken me around 9 turns since I had no one to rescue Mordecai for the 5 turn strategy(and by no one I mean Oscar wasn't promoted). That extra bexp would have been nice though.

They didn't. *Points at Tangerine*

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