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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 80


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Ross: "Oh... So you have a grandmother. What is she like?"

Lute: "She's like an elegant goldfish that's been sun-dried with a wildflower."

Worst: Sue's death quote. I'm not being unimaginative, it's just not that great.

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Ike: How should I know? Shinon wouldn't tell me he smelled smoke if I was on fire!


Dandelion Gang - now, I haven't even played whatever FE game this name comes from, but if that is the name of a gang of thieves, then...

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Best: Soren's "Rose of Tellius" line.

Worst: Dandelion Gang. That name does Pahn and his thieves no justice. >_>

Dishonorable mention to the "Oceans of Grass" line.

Nominating Best/Worst released Fire Emblem fangame (complete or demo).

If that is not allowed, then I'll nominate Best/Worst Fog-of-War map.

Edited by BLS
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Haven't played RD yet, but Soren ladykilling sounds highly amusing.

Best: Soren's "Rose of Tellius" line.

Worst: Any Sacaen saying oceans of grass.

It's grass for christ's sake.

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How is this related to plant-life?

Sheesh sorry... I misunderstood :(

I guess I meant

Best: Tree in a skirt

Worst: Dandelion Gang

Edited by xanatha
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Best: Tree in skirt!

Worst: Sain's field of flowers deathquote, I dunno what's up with that unless flower is some kind of euphemism

Sain's death quote is: "Lady Lyndis... I...was...so happy..."

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