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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 81


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You mind explaining that in a bit more detail?

Someone you would hang out with. Someone who has your back. Someone who would never let you down. etc.

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Wow, Gareth is so bad I forgot he even exists. I'll change my vote for worst to him.

While I'm bandwagoning, I'll also nominate best/worst bro.

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I nominate Best/Worst Best/Worst answers.

That's nothing to do with Fire Emblem.

Best: Shinon

I suggest that you go read the rules again.

Nominate: Best/Worst Half-breed

Racist, much?

Nominating Best/Worst Bro. Partially because it makes sense.

And does it make sense, exactly? :facepalm:

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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