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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 81


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I suggest that you go read the rules again.

Racist, much?

And does it make sense, exactly? :facepalm:

With regards to Shinon, I think it's safe to say any mention of him being 'Best' gameplay-wise refers to FE10.

Fictional species, much?

Why, yes! Who's the man you'd most trust at your back, who would you want to fight side-by-side with. Example; Best: Dieck, Worst: Lifis.

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Why, yes! Who's the man you'd most trust at your back, who would you want to fight side-by-side with. Example; Best: Dieck, Worst: Lifis.

Damn straight.

I'm changing my nomination to that too.

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I'm pretty sure it's the same as what EJ is proposing...

Well, you are the host at the moment. You could fix that the way you want. I think.

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I believe definition 6 is the one they want.

I knew that. I just think it's a stupid suggestion.

With regards to Shinon, I think it's safe to say any mention of him being 'Best' gameplay-wise refers to FE10.

Still, rules are rules and I won't make an exception for anybody (not even myself)!


Best: Shinon (FE9)
Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I knew that. I just think it's a stupid suggestion.

Still, rules are rules and I won't make an exception for anybody (even myself)!

Well, we disagree, hence the Nominations.


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Well, I suppose there's no accounting for taste...

I know. It's simply disgraceful anyone could disagree so arrogantly to such a simple petition.

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Do not question Die Führer, Furet!

Honestly, is this a democratic process or not? As silly as Best/Worst Bro sounds, if Emerald is serious about it and explained what it meant, then why not include it as a nomination. Otherwise, you might as well change the rules to "NOMINATIONS ONLY ACCEPTED IF I, LORD NINJAMONKEY, DEEMS IT FIT" with an addendum saying that anyone who suggests it again is summarily executed.

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Do not question Die Führer, Furet!

Honestly, is this a democratic process or not? As silly as Best/Worst Bro sounds, if Emerald is serious about it and explained what it meant, then why not include it as a nomination. Otherwise, you might as well change the rules to "NOMINATIONS ONLY ACCEPTED IF I, LORD NINJAMONKEY, DEEMS IT FIT" with an addendum saying that anyone who suggests it again is summarily executed.

Der Fuerher, I -think-. But Die is feminine. Das is neuter, so that could work too.

And yeah, that.

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Best: FE10!Shinon

Worst: FE1!Vyland. When you start as a low-level non-promoted class and still end up being outclassed by people like Jeigan, you know something's HORRIBLY wrong.

Dishonarable mentions to Gareth, Roy and FE12!Matthis (who's basically a compilation of all the reasons a unit can suck: bad growths, already outclassed the moment you get him, MAJOR competition within his class, [FE12 has, like, THE most Cavs in any game in the series, several being among the best units in the game, plus one CRAZY pre-promote Paladin] hard to recruit despite being not worth the effort... But still, he doesn't quite edge out Vyland.)

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Honestly, is this a democratic process or not? As silly as Best/Worst Bro sounds, if Emerald is serious about it and explained what it meant, then why not include it as a nomination.

Fine, whatever!

Otherwise, you might as well change the rules to "NOMINATIONS ONLY ACCEPTED IF I, LORD NINJAMONKEY, DEEMS IT FIT" with an addendum saying that anyone who suggests it again is summarily executed.

I like the sound of that.

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