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So, I just got in a car accident.


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We were going down the road, and was all like "So like, we're going here next weekendandhoLYCRAPWTFISTHISASSHOLEDOING". He was going like 45-50 from an ally way. He stopped for a sec and we were like, "Oh thank god he's coming"


He stopped to assess his own damage, then sped back down the ally way.

We hit his mirror though C:

Now start feeling sorry for me.

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I got rear ended recently by some possibly drunk chap. It was in the middle of heavy traffic, and when traffic started to move, he couldn't perceive that the line wasn't moving that fast, and WHAM, right in my bumper. He claimed he was distracted by his dog (a little white dog of some poodle variation). Odd thing is, his car was busted up in the front, and my car got nothing. Well, maybe a slight scratch in the paint. Praise the Lord for Jeeps being durable!

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alil longer than recently

i got T-boned, by some guy who was speeding in his new car, hit us and made us spin out of control at 2-3 house lengths, i was lucky enough to take all the damage :P

Glad no one was hurt though :)

Edited by Yourself
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I don't know about yous. but my car accidents have SUCKED.

The first time I rear ended someone on the highway and totaled my family's brand new car. Whoops.

Then I accidentally ran a red light and sit some woman that was turning. No car totaling that time though. I'm really not a bad driver though.

Both times made me really afraid of other cars though.

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alil longer than recently

i got T-boned, by some guy who was speeding in his new car, hit us and made us spin out of control at 2-3 house lengths, i was lucky enough to take all the damage :P

Glad no one was hurt though :)

Oh, around 3 years ago I got T-boned. It was when I still had my permit. Oddly enough, it was a teacher from my school that hit me.

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Hmmm... I've never gotten into an accident, but does it ever annoy anyone else when people merge right in front of you WITHOUT using their turn signal?! Or is it just me? Seriously, it's like they're asking me to run right into their rear bumper.

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Hmmm... I've never gotten into an accident, but does it ever annoy anyone else when people merge right in front of you WITHOUT using their turn signal?! Or is it just me? Seriously, it's like they're asking me to run right into their rear bumper.

HEY! Thats how I totaled my car! Except she did that after she had basically stopped in the other lane while I was going 50(the speed limit) in the left lane. Theres no way to avoid rear ending someone in that situation.

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Oh, around 3 years ago I got T-boned. It was when I still had my permit. Oddly enough, it was a teacher from my school that hit me.

That tends to be a sign.

If golf carts are anything similar to real driving, I will probably avoid doing so as much as possible because I tried to drive one once and it was miserably bad.

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This thread makes me relieved that I have yet to experience a car accident.

And I hopefully never will...

Same here. Well, pretty much. Once I was in the bus to school. A pretty large truck was parked on one half of the road, and our bus driver wasn't skilled enough to actually pass it. So the truck lost its mirror, and the truck driver started bashing in the windows of the bus with some metal stick. Luckily there were cops nearby. Stupid thing cost me another 90 minutes to get home.

But yeah, I also hope I never get into a 'real' car crashing scenarios. The problem is, you often can't do anything about it if you're the one driving properly.

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