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Event Assembler Questions Thread


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Hey guys, could I get a little help with Macros?

The ones that came with the editor work (I think), but other than that nothing I customize seems to have any effect.

So say I put #include myhack.txt, with a few edits in there, and upon assembly all of the new stuff is wrong, sure, but it also says that I need another parameter with #include myhack.txt. I've looked everywhere, and haven't the slightest clue what that could be.

And then quite a few other things haven't worked, things I've gone as far as to copy directly out of tutorials to no avail. So, I redownloaded Event Assembler, and I must've gotten some older version before, because now I have EAstdlib Macro and Command List.txt. That's helpful and all, but I don't understand how to "manually include" them like it says at the top of the file. Or any Macros not originally included with the download. Where am I supposed to put them? In the library? Anywhere BUT the library? I don't get it.

And something that's confused me from the start: where are and aren't there spaces? Are there as few as I think there are?

EDIT: Ok, so I figured a few things out: the custom .txt file can't be in the EA Standard library, and can't be an edit of the existing definitions, because you get an error message for every instance where the same definition exists in two separate files. Oh, and I was't putting quotes around the filename.

But regardless, I still don't understand why commands like "AttackerMiss" and "Text (0x04, 0x0813)" are coming up as errors.

Edited by bigmac909
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Why do I seem to always have the weirdest problems.

Here's my next problems, I have 2 sets of Reinforcements loading before the players next turn, and it causes all ally unit positions to reset to their starting positions. Also, engaging in combat with the boss causes the game to go to Lyns ending sequence despite not seizing the gate.


#include EAstdlib.event


org 0xD11870


POIN Turn_events

POIN Character_events

POIN Location_events

POIN Misc_events

POIN BallistaData BallistaData

POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad

POIN Good Good Good Good

POIN Opening_event Ending_event


UNIT Cameron Paladin 0x00 Level(3,Enemy,False) [2,10] [2,10] [Halberd,HandAxe] [0x03, 0x03, 0x09, 0x20]

UNIT 0x67 Soldier Cameron Level(4,Enemy,True) [2,10] [14,10] [ironSpear] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x67 Soldier Cameron Level(5,Enemy,True) [2,10] [15,10] [steelSpear,Vulnerary] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08]

UNIT 0x67 Cavalier Cameron Level(5,Enemy,True) [2,10] [16,10] [ironSword,SteelSpear] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x67 Cavalier Cameron Level(4,Enemy,True) [2,10] [17,10] [Javelin,SteelSword] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x67 Mage Cameron Level(3,Enemy,True) [2,10] [1,11] [Thunder] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x68 Sage Cameron Level(3,Enemy,False) [2,10] [0,13] [bolting] [0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x20]

UNIT 0x67 Mage Cameron Level(4,Enemy,True) [2,10] [1,11] [Fire,Elfire] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08]

UNIT 0x67 Fighter Cameron Level(5,Enemy,True) [2,10] [12,10] [HandAxe] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x67 Fighter Cameron Level(4,Enemy,True) [2,10] [12,11] [ironAxe,HandAxe] [0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x67 Fighter Cameron Level(5,Enemy,True) [2,10] [11,12] [ironAxe,HandAxe] [0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x67 Fighter Cameron Level(4,Enemy,True) [2,10] [11,13] [steelAxe] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x69 Fighter Cameron Level(3,Enemy,False) [2,10] [11,15] [swordReaver] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x67 Shaman Cameron Level(3,Enemy,True) [2,10] [12,15] [Flux,Vulnerary] [0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x67 Archer Cameron Level(4,Enemy,True) [2,10] [11,16] [shortBow,Longbow] [0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x08]

UNIT 0x67 Archer Cameron Level(4,Enemy,True) [2,10] [12,16] [steelBow] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT Empty


UNIT 0x67 Cavalier Cameron Level(4,Enemy,True) [2,10] [5,11] [steelSword] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT 0x67 Cavalier Cameron Level(4,Enemy,True) [2,10] [4,10] [Javelin,IronSpear] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]


UNIT Lyn LynLord 0x00 Level(7,Ally,False) [14,0] [14,5] [ManiKatti,Vulnerary] [0x00, 0x60, 0x02, 0x40]

UNIT Erk Mage Lyn Level(5,Ally,False) [14,0] [14,3] [Thunder,GoddessIcon,Vulnerary] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT Rebecca Sniper_F Lyn Level(1,Ally,False) [14,0] [14,4] [silverBow,WhiteGem] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT Fiora PegasusKnight Lyn Level(5,Ally,False) [14,0] [13,0] [ironSpear,Javelin] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT Guy Myrmidon Lyn Level(4,Ally,False) [14,0] [13,2] [KillingEdge,Vulnerary,EnergyRing] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT Lowen Cavalier Lyn Level(4,Ally,False) [14,0] [13,5] [steelSword,IronSpear] [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]

UNIT Empty
















LOU1 Good



BACG 0x02




LOU1 Bad



BACG 0x02









CAM1 [2,10]

LOU1 Reinforcements





MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

//The map for this chapter is at offset: 369750

Chapter 13 map is being used, with no tile changes. I haven't wrote up any text yet either. Also, you might have noticed, I used Arch's reinforcements pointers as reference just to make it a little easier.

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Space. You have a space between Text and the parenthesis.

Oh thanks, and still that wasn't the problem (though I'm sure I'd need to know that eventually).

I've narrowed down the errors quite a bit, but I'm still being told "No code named _____ found" for:







That's why I'm assuming it has something to do with Macros/commands/definitions.

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Why do I seem to always have the weirdest problems.

Here's my next problems, I have 2 sets of Reinforcements loading before the players next turn, and it causes all ally unit positions to reset to their starting positions. Also, engaging in combat with the boss causes the game to go to Lyns ending sequence despite not seizing the gate.


For the boss quote, go into the "unspecified boss quote editor" or something named that in Nightmare, and change the evID from 0x01 to 0x02. Also, what the fuck is this code supposed to do?


As for the player units resetting, you're missing a few of these:

UNIT Empty

Oh thanks, and still that wasn't the problem (though I'm sure I'd need to know that eventually).

I've narrowed down the errors quite a bit, but I'm still being told "No code named _____ found" for:







That's why I'm assuming it has something to do with Macros/commands/definitions.

Show us the entire file, but I'm guessing it's because you messed up the parameters.

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Very well... here's what I've got...

POIN Turn_events

POIN Character_events

POIN Location_events

POIN Misc_events

POIN BallistaData BallistaData

POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad

POIN Good Good Good Good

POIN Opening_event Ending_event


UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [10,20] [10,20] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [19,13] [29,13] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [15,15] [15,15] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [12,31] [12,31] [Handaxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [9,27] [9,27] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [22,25] [22,25] [steelAxe] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [24,15] [24,15] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [24,17] [24,17] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

UNIT Batta Brigand Batta Level (7, enemy, false) [4,30[ [4,30] [steelAxe,Handaxe] [0x00,0x22,0x00,0x00]


UNIT Eliwood Mercenary Eliwood Level (3, ally, false) [13,0] [13,0] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

UNIT Lyn Archer_F Eliwood Level (2, ally, false) [12,0] [12,1] [ironBow,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

UNIT Hector Mage_F Eliwood Level (2, ally, false) [14,0] [14,2] [Fire,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]


TurnEventPlayer (0x00,opening_event,1)











LOU1 Good

LOU1 Bad


MUS1 (0x004C)

Text (0x04,0x0813)

MUEN (0x05)


MUS1 (0x0032)

MOVE Eliwood [13,12]

MOVE Lyn [12,11]

MOVE Hector [14,10]

FIGH 0x88 Eliwood Fight1










ITGV SilverSword




MNCH 0x??




MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

//The map for this chapter is at offset: ????????

And the errors...

19 errors encountered:

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 20, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [10,20] [10,20] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 21, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [19,13] [29,13] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 22, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [15,15] [15,15] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 23, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [12,31] [12,31] [Handaxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 24, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [9,27] [9,27] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 25, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [22,25] [22,25] [steelAxe] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 26, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [24,15] [24,15] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 27, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT 0x88 Brigand Batta Level (4, enemy, false) [24,17] [24,17] [ironAxe] [0x00,0x04,0x01,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 28, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT Batta Brigand Batta Level (7, enemy, false) [4,30[ [4,30] [steelAxe,Handaxe] [0x00,0x22,0x00,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 31, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT Eliwood Mercenary Eliwood Level (3, ally, false) [13,0] [13,0] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 32, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT Lyn Archer_F Eliwood Level (2, ally, false) [12,0] [12,1] [ironBow,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 33, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT Hector Mage_F Eliwood Level (2, ally, false) [14,0] [14,2] [Fire,Vulnerary] [0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 55, Column: 1: No code named Text found: Text (0x04,0x0813)

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 62, Column: 1: No code named FIGH found: FIGH 0x88 Crono Fight1

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 66, Column: 1: No code named AttackerMiss(00,00) found: AttackerMiss(00,00)

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 67, Column: 1: No code named DefenderCrit(30,01) found: DefenderCrit(30,01)

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 74, Column: 1: No code named MUNI found: MUNI

A LOT of error wouldn't surprise me, but what perplexes me is how the error messages reference only those specific words, making it sound like those are the problems.

Edited by bigmac909
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It is the code for Lyn Mode's ending.

...then that's why it's jumping to the Lyn Mode ending.

@Bigmac: For the UNIT and Text errors, there's no space in the Level(blah) and the Text(blah) macros.

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...then that's why it's jumping to the Lyn Mode ending.

I know that, it's just the game doesn't let me actually seize the gate or even beat the boss before loading lyns ending. I'm not too worried about the boss having battle and death quotes unless that is contributing the problem. Either that, or I need to load Lyns tutorial data, which I just now thought about.

and **** how did I miss UNIT Empty AGAIN!?!

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...then that's why it's jumping to the Lyn Mode ending.

@Bigmac: For the UNIT and Text errors, there's no space in the Level(blah) and the Text(blah) macros.

Alright sweet, so the other guy was even more right than I thought about Text (I forgot to fix one of the two durrr).

As for UNIT... well, this is what made me start to be space paranoid in the first place. Look at these errors, particularly the latter half:



Events end at offset $D801FD

19 errors encountered:

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 28, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT Batta Brigand Batta Level(7, enemy, false) [4,30[ [4,30] [steelAxe,Handaxe] [0x00,0x22,0x00,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 62, Column: 1: No code named FIGH found: FIGH 0x88 Eliwood Fight1

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 66, Column: 1: No code named AttackerMiss(00,00) found: AttackerMiss(00,00)

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 67, Column: 1: No code named DefenderCrit(30,01) found: DefenderCrit(30,01)

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 74, Column: 1: No code named MUNI found: MUNI

4*8+enemy*2+false is not a valid number.

4*8+enemy*2+false is not a valid number.

4*8+enemy*2+false is not a valid number.

4*8+enemy*2+false is not a valid number.

Handaxe is not a valid number.

4*8+enemy*2+false is not a valid number.

4*8+enemy*2+false is not a valid number.

4*8+enemy*2+false is not a valid number.

4*8+enemy*2+false is not a valid number.

3*8+ally*2+false is not a valid number.

2*8+ally*2+false is not a valid number.

2*8+ally*2+false is not a valid number.

opening_event is not a valid number.

0x?? is not a valid number.

Edited by bigmac909
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I know that, it's just the game doesn't let me actually seize the gate or even beat the boss before loading lyns ending. I'm not too worried about the boss having battle and death quotes unless that is contributing the problem. Either that, or I need to load Lyns tutorial data, which I just now thought about.

I'm not totally sure about this, but maybe it's because Seize events should be under Location events rather than Misc events?

As for UNIT... well, this is what made me start to be space paranoid in the first place. Look at these errors, particularly the latter half:

Proper spelling and capitalization is needed for event files. For EA,


is different than


EA won't recognise the second code.

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I'm not totally sure about this, but maybe it's because Seize events should be under Location events rather than Misc events?

Proper spelling and capitalization is needed for event files. For EA,


is different than


EA won't recognise the second code.

Huh... I guess that's something I should've known. Well thanks! I'm going to go mess around with that stuff for the remaining errors then.


Down to ONE error now! It's the FIGH one. Does anyone know if it's possible that generic units can't partake in scripted fights?

Edited by bigmac909
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I'm not totally sure about this, but maybe it's because Seize events should be under Location events rather than Misc events?




Events end at offset $D801FD

19 errors encountered:

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 28, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT Batta Brigand Batta Level(7, enemy, false) [4,30[ [4,30] [steelAxe,Handaxe] [0x00,0x22,0x00,0x00]

opening_event is not a valid number.

0x?? is not a valid number.


The second Batta should be 0x00. Krad already mentioned enemy and false. Note that one of your [ is reversed.

Capitalize the O in opening and the A in axe. 0x?? should be replaced with the offset of your next chapter.

That should help unless i'm late with this message.

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File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 28, Column: 1: No code named UNIT found: UNIT Batta Brigand Batta Level(7, enemy, false) [4,30[ [4,30] [steelAxe,Handaxe] [0x00,0x22,0x00,0x00]

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 62, Column: 1: No code named FIGH found: FIGH 0x88 Eliwood Fight1

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 66, Column: 1: No code named AttackerMiss(00,00) found: AttackerMiss(00,00)

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 67, Column: 1: No code named DefenderCrit(30,01) found: DefenderCrit(30,01)

File: 1stAssembly.txt, Line: 74, Column: 1: No code named MUNI found: MUNI

The following macros exist:


And the following codes:

  FIGH Attacker Defender *Battle data pointer* *Battle parameter 1* *Battle parameter 2* *Battle parameter 3* *Battle parameter 4* 
  FIGH Attacker Defender *Battle data pointer* [battle parameter 1, Battle parameter 2, Battle parameter 3, Battle parameter 4] 
  FIGH Attacker Defender *Battle data pointer* *Battle parameter* 

MUNI doesn't exist at all. Do you mean MUSI?

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The following macros exist:


And the following codes:

  FIGH Attacker Defender *Battle data pointer* *Battle parameter 1* *Battle parameter 2* *Battle parameter 3* *Battle parameter 4* 
  FIGH Attacker Defender *Battle data pointer* [battle parameter 1, Battle parameter 2, Battle parameter 3, Battle parameter 4] 
  FIGH Attacker Defender *Battle data pointer* *Battle parameter* 

MUNI doesn't exist at all. Do you mean MUSI?

Hahaha yes I figured that out last night apparently I managed to individually mess up 20 or so Macros in different ways.

But the one thing that I do still wonder: Is it possible to make a Fight Script between an ally and a generic unit? Like by putting in the coordinates for the generic unit?

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Yes, you can, but the coordinates thing won't work. Atleast not with any known code. You can always make a special event character with unique ID, since there's plenty of character slots.

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So I figured out that it works if I enter 0x88 as attacker, and put the guy I want him to fight as the first unit loaded. But, the guy doesn't die, he just sits there with 0 hp. Once I attack him, he takes no damage, but dies. Also, there's some crazy animation stuff going on in the lower right.

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Use the KILL command. Either KILL char or KILL [x,y]

And what NL was referring to before was just take another character slot in the NM character module and give it all the same attributes as the other generics so that it looks the same but has a different character slot than the other generics. That way you can just call up that specific generic whenever.

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I have two Questions.

1st Question:

In FE8 is it possible to have a seize all castles mission like chapter 25 of FE7 or is that locked to FE7?

2nd Question:

Can it be possible to have a player select a seize point that lead to route splits? For example if there are two castles and player seizes clastle A lead him/her to go to route split 1 but if he/she seize Castle B they go route 2. Or is it just locked to Villages? (like FE6)

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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I'm not sure (mostly because I can't hack my way out of a paper bag) but those would be location events that once all activated end the chapter, or location events that move to a certain chapter. To give a split, you'd just have two different events so they move to different chapters.

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I have two Questions.

1st Question:

In FE8 is it possible to have a seize all castles mission like chapter 25 of FE7 or is that locked to FE7?

I'm not sure (mostly because I can't hack my way out of a paper bag) but those would be location events that once all activated end the chapter, or location events that move to a certain chapter.

Ch 25 doesn't use seizing, since seizing is restricted to main character. It uses AREA codes. Disassemble Ch 25 to learn how it does it.

2nd Question:

Can it be possible to have a player select a seize point that lead to route splits? For example if there are two castles and player seizes clastle A lead him/her to go to route split 1 but if he/she seize Castle B they go route 2. Or is it just locked to Villages? (like FE6)

To give a split, you'd just have two different events so they move to different chapters.

Just disassemble the chapter in question and see how it does it.

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I have two Questions.

1st Question:

In FE8 is it possible to have a seize all castles mission like chapter 25 of FE7 or is that locked to FE7?

2nd Question:

Can it be possible to have a player select a seize point that lead to route splits? For example if there are two castles and player seizes clastle A lead him/her to go to route split 1 but if he/she seize Castle B they go route 2. Or is it just locked to Villages? (like FE6)

1. Yes. Although I don't know if it's a "Seize" or more of a "wait on this tile." You basically have three AREA events that all lead to the same place.

2. Yes as well. You set them both as location events, and have one point to something that leads to one chapter, and have one point to a different chapter.

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I haven't tested this, but it should, in theory, work.

AREA Event_ID ProtectedZone [X,Y] [X,Y] //Replace Event_ID and the coordinates with the ones you want to use
AFEV 0 0xCA749C EventIDToTriggerGameOver //Replace EventIDToTriggerGameOver with the Event ID you want to use

IFAF ConditionID 0x7A2F1 //This will check if the active character is an Ally or Enemy, found by Mariobro IIRC
ENUT EventIDToTriggerGameOver //Has to be the same one as in the AFEV in the Misc_events
//Maybe add some text here like "The castle has fallen!" or something stupid like that
ELSE AnotherConditionID //A different ConditionID than the one in the IFAF
ENIF ConditionID //Same ID as in the IFAF
ENUF Event_ID //The same Event_ID that the AREA event uses
ENIF AnotherConditionID //The same one that you used in ELSE

This doesn't make enemies head for the protected space, but should make them cause a Game Over if they, by chance, were to step on that tile.

A couple of question about the code as I seem to get the chapter to reset the game instead of loading, which means I made a mistake somewhere.

The second AREA code is it supposed to be by itself or is that just saying, continue on with the code?

The IFAF ConditionID is that an ID supposed to be used somewhere else?

And with the AnotherConditionID, should I have it load a condition id used somewhere else?

Thanks again for the help.

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I tired a tile change, but got an error saying tilemap wasn't a valid number.

#ifdef _FE7_

#define TileMap(TCN,X1,Y1,L1,L2,TilePointer) "CODE TCN X1 Y1 L1; CODE L2 0x00 0x00 0x00; POIN TilePointer"


org 0xC9C9C8+(4*0x0E)

POIN TileChanges

org 0xD11930




CODE $00

CODE $00


CODE 0x9C 0x0C 0xA0 0x0C 0xA4 0x0C 0x1C 0x0D 0x20 0x0D 0x24 0x0D 0x9C 0x0D 0x80 0x00 0xA4 0x0D

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