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Okay, it's either the program or me.



Events end at offset $E473A0

19 errors encountered:

File: customprologue.txt' date=' Line: 5, Column: 1: No code named EventPointerTable(0x00,Prologue) found: EventPointerTable(0x00,Prologue)

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 37, Column: 1: No code named Text found: Text [0x00,0x921']

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 41, Column: 1: No code named DefeatBoss[EndingScene] found: DefeatBoss[EndingScene]

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 42, Column: 1: No code named GameOverIfLordDies found: GameOverIfLordDies

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 70, Column: 1: No code named REDA found: REDA [3,7] 0x5 0x00 0x20

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 73, Column: 1: No code named REDA found: REDA [15,8] 0x5 0x00 0x10

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 76, Column: 1: No code named REDA found: REDA [8,13] 0x5 0x00 0x10

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 86, Column: 1: No code named TEX6 found: TEX6 0x5 [0,0] 0x0664 //"Triannos Castle"

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 103, Column: 1: No code named TEXTSHOW found: TEXTSHOW (0x090D, 0x22) // "Princess! This way! I can see..."

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 112, Column: 1: No code named CURF found: CURF [0x01,60]

File: customprologue.txt, Line: 119, Column: 1: No code named Text(0x0907, 0x0x22) found: Text(0x0907, 0x0x22)

NoAI is not a valid number.

NoAI is not a valid number.

NoAI is not a valid number.

NoAI is not a valid number.

NoAI is not a valid number.

NoAI is not a valid number.

NoAI is not a valid number.

NoAI is not a valid number.

I've tried like 15 different text codes AND formatted them in every way possible, but it's still telling me there's so such code. I even copy/pasted the text commands from Chapter 1 and it gave me an error. (Hence the TEXTSHOW error message)

or maybe I'm misunderstanding the program, and it doesn't automatically pick up the definitions in the EA Standard Library folder? Do I have to make it do so manually?

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Got another question. I'm trying to script 2 tile changes for 2 villages in the same chapter, but for some reason, the second village refuses to close. Here's my script:

#ifdef _FE7_

#define TileMap(TCN,X1,Y1,L1,L2,TilePointer) "CODE TCN X1 Y1 L1; CODE L2 0x00 0x00 0x00; POIN TilePointer"


org 0xC9C9CC+(4*0x0E)

POIN TileChanges

org 0xD12500





CODE $00

CODE $00


CODE 0x80 0x00


CODE 0x80 0x00

Do I have to restart from a fresh file for tile changes to take place, or should they still work regardless? Or do I just have a variable screwed up somewhere?

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Can you tell me why the reinforcements won't work?

//UNIT ID Class Lder Misc [X,Y]Flags Byte1 REDA *pointer* Items AI 
UNIT 0xAA 0x5B 0x68 0x04 [16,1] 0x00 0b 0x01 Baddie_Move1 [0xB1,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI
UNIT 0xAA 0x5B 0x68 0x04 [16,1] 0x00 0b 0x01 Baddie_Move2 [0xB1,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI
UNIT 0xAA 0x5B 0x68 0x04 [16,1] 0x00 0b 0x01 Baddie_Move3 [0xB1,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI
UNIT 0x68 0x3F 0x68 0x04 [16,1] 0x00 0b 0x00 0x00 [0x1F,0x00,0x00,0x00] NoAI

//   X/Y	Spd Resc Delay
REDA [3,7] 0b 0x0 0x10 0

REDA [15,8] 0b 0x0 0x5

REDA [8,13] 0b 0x0 0x5

It says there's no such code as REDA. :/

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In FE7, does anyone know the macro for thieves to warp in and out?

It's not in the current release, but will be in the next:

#define FancyAssasinEntry(X,Y) "_0xE3 0xCB401C [X*0x10-1,Y*0x10-1]; SOUN 0x2F6"

#define FancyThiefEntry(X,Y) "_0xE3 0xCAE5F8 [X*0x10-1,Y*0x10-1]; SOUN 0x2F6"

I have something to add to that.

Assassin Entry Palette options: CB402C (Default "0x0B" = Enemy Palette)

Changed to "0x0A" for Player Palette, 0x0C for NPC Palette

Don't remember where it was for the Thief one.

Edited by shadowofkitty
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Are the coordinates correct? Where's the destruction tile changes? Also, I recommend you use Tiled instead of EA to make tile changes.

Coordinates should be correct, only problem would be if the byte should be 0x13 or 0x0D.

There are no bandits in this chapter, so no destruction tiles are needed.

what is Tiled, and how does it work with tile change events?

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First off, are you sure you're counting the tiles right?


The tile my cursor is on is (0,0).

Also, why do you have two different tile changes that both do the same thing? Why not just direct both of them to Village1?

Edited by CT075
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Okay, so I finally just excluded all the REDA and simply loaded the units normally, but now I have a new problem. (Even though Event Assembler told me there was no errors...)

It's supposed to load the Outside Castle Renais map first, show the lord and guy next to him in front of the castle, then display the text scene. After that it's supposed to fade out the screen, load the prologue map, load the units at the correct coordinates and fade back in.

MUS1 0x52
LOMA 0x40 //Loads Renais map
TEX8 0x0664 [0,0] //" Renais Castle"
LOU1 GoodGuys
CUMO 0x01 //flashes cursor on Ryen before convo
Text(0x0907) // "Franz, ride ahead and..."
FADU 10 //Fade-in with white
DISA 0x01
DISA 0x02
LOMA 0x00 //Loads prologue map
LOU1 GoodGuys2
FADU 10 //Fade-out with white

However, when the map loads, it loads PROLOGUE'S map, no units appear and the conversation comes up anyway. After the text finishes there's a flash of black and then the game resets. :(

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First off, are you sure you're counting the tiles right?

Probably not. But I also had the wrong byte anyway.

Also, why do you have two different tile changes that both do the same thing? Why not just direct both of them to Village1?

They're for 2 different villages that both close after visiting. Problem is, I don't know if I even have the second one set correctly. I thought I did based on Arch's video, but apparently not. Also, the first village closes despite only scripting the gate tile. I have no clue why he scripts the tiles for the entire village When just closing it, unless someone points out that would be causing the problem.

@ Magickitty: You need to set coordinates for your loaded map. LOMA 0x40 [0,0], with the [0,0] being the upper-left corner of the map. And that can be used to load at any part of the map, whether it be the middle or bottom or whatever. I am terrible at explaining things, so if someone could explain deeper, that would help.

Edited by Scott Pilgrim
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Dude, that doesn't matter. I could have one village, or a million, and as long as all the tiles changed to the same thing (IE, the finished tile is the same for all of them), then I can just point them all to the same thing.

For example:

#define Tilemap(TCN,X1,Y1,L1,L2,TilePointer) "CODE TCN X1 Y1 L1; CODE L2 0x00 0x00 0x00; POIN TilePointer"

ORG 0xC9C9C8+(4*0x14) // - Pointer to tile map changes (change the 0x59)

POIN TileChanges // - puts a pointer to "event" TileChanges

ORG 0xDA08E0 // - where to place the data for tile changes

TileChanges: // - name of event
// - (Insert as many as you need)
CODE $FF // - Needed to end a list of tile changes, do not remove these 3 CODE things
CODE $00
CODE $00

ChestOpened: // - name of list of tiles to replace old tiles
CODE 0x04 0x00 // - tiles to use (use the CODE to just insert hex, get the tile #s from reference tilesets or some other method)

MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset

Four different chests, one actual change.

Edited by CT075
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Hate to be a pain, but that still didn't do it. I still think it's because I keep restarting the chapter, but no one has disproven that yet. Here's what it looks like now:

#ifdef _FE7_

#define TileMap(TCN,X1,Y1,L1,L2,TilePointer) "CODE TCN X1 Y1 L1; CODE L2 0x00 0x00 0x00; POIN TilePointer"


org 0xC9C9CC+(4*0x0E)

POIN TileChanges

org 0xD12500





CODE $00

CODE $00


CODE 0x80 0x00

The coordinates are correct after re-checking, although I noticed you have 0xC9C9C8. In the video, Arch uses 0xC9C9CC. Which one is current/should I be using?

Edited by Scott Pilgrim
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I think you should be using $C9C9C8. It's just a difference of where the table is pointed to, IIRC. If the list you're going off of has the prologue events at 0x06, use $C9C9C8. If it says 0x05, use $C9C9CC.

Try doing it the way Arch does it, since I think the village tile change event calls for the entire village being changed.

EDIT: And restarting the chapter should do absolutely nothing.

Edited by CT075
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Nothing as in I won't see the changes, or as in it shouldn't matter as long as I insert the event?

I'll try C9C9C8, since my prologue events do start at 0x06. If that doesn't work, i'll go back to scripting the whole village again.

EDIT: Well, i'll be. It worked! Thank you CT!

Edited by Scott Pilgrim
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The only other problem I would have is figuring out how to make conditions for gaiden chapters. I don't need one yet, but some info on how to get the conditions to work would be helpful, as I haven't seen anything about them mentioned yet.

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It's fairly simple. Just set up a condition, and if it's triggered go to one chapter, if it's not go to a different one.

Like so:

IFTT 0x0A 0x10 //Turn 16
MNCH 0x12 //chapter 11x
MNCH 0x13 //chapter 12

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