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Event Assembler Questions Thread


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what is it that you're trying to do exactly? maybe there's a simpler way, like I've seen people despawn a group of units and re-spawn them (or an otherwise identical group) with aggressive AI and that worked better

Edited by CT075
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Well, essentially what I want to do is have a TURN, AREA or LOCA event cause a group of enemies to start chasing after you, like how FE12 has enemies that aggro in groups so you can't lure them out one by one.

It does seem that it would be a lot more feasible to use that despawn-respawn technique...although going by the EA language file, you can't DISA units at a given coordinate in FE8, which complicates things.

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(God, i hate that ive had like 3 questions in 2 days)

1. How do I remove Pent's A support with Louise?

------I'm assuming I change the "Initaial support count #1" in nightmare to 0.


2. Would I have to do this with both Pent and Louise? (Change to 241 into 0, i mean.) (Again, I'm assuming so.)

3. How do I let Pent and Matthew support?

Edited by MasterKeeperâ„¢
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So I am making a Fire Emblem hack for the first time and I had a small question.

How do you create events (or cutscenes) on a different map, then have the game go to another map where your units fight?

Ex. A king talking to his generals in his castle. After the cutscene it goes to the main hero who just entered the desert.


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Yo, just checking in with a quick question.
I've got a door problem, basically, it's like in Chapter 2 of Lyn's story where the door is only necessarily there for scenic purposes. I have a door that's open at the start of the events yet at a point in the opening scene I want a guard to close the gate. There's no way at all that the door can be opened as it's the first chapter and no keys or lockpicks are available. It's a horizontal door of two tiles wide, how would I go about doing this?

Thanks in advance.

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Well if you used TILED and formated it correctly then I'm pretty sure that all you have to do is use the MAC1 code when you want the door to change, like if you gave the map change an ID of 7 it would be:




MAC1 0x00 0x07


More stuff.

The 0x07 is the ID number, so if it were 8 it would 0x08 and so on. Also if you want to reverse that tile change, IE close/open the door again then you use:

MAC1 0x08 0x07

I think.....

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Hey got a problem that I'm sure is obvious and I'm just being stupid but here it is.

I'm trying make a village visitable so I put in


with the event

Tex1 0x0816

but when I go into my game to test it the game doesn't come up with the option to visit the village. What am I doing wrong?

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TEX1 not Tex1

Also, you forgot REMA

It should be:


I almost put a semicolon at the end

I hate it when that happens

(In the location events)


TEX1 0x0816

Also, you should probably put a FADI and FADU as well as backgrounds.

BACG 0x??
TEX1 0x0816

Background List:

[spoiler=Backgrounds]0x00 - Lyn's Tent Background
0x01 - House with fireplace
0x02 - Village (Garden)
0x03 - Village (Garden) (Night)
0x04 - On a Road to a Town or Village
0x05 - On a Road to a Town or Village (Night)
0x06 - On a Road to a Town or Village (Sunset)
0x07 - On a Road to a Town or Village (Partial Dark)
0x08 - On a Road to a Town or Village (Lighter Thing?)
0x09 - Destroyed Village (Originally 0x02)
0x0A - Sea Port
0x0B - Ship
0x0C - Ocean Coast with Rocks
0x0D - Hotel/House
0x0E - Outside of Palace (One in Bern)
0x0F - Outside of Castle (Special)
0x10 - Inside of Castle (Bluish-Green Pillars)
0x11 - Same as 0x10, Darker
0x12 - Room in a Castle (Used in Laus and Caelin?)
0x13 - Same as 0x12, Darker
0x14 - Castle Room (Used in Bern)
0x15 - Castle Hall (Light-Colored Walls)
0x16 - Same as 0x15, Darker, Purple Walls
0x17 - Caelin Castle Garden (used in end of Lyn's Tale)
0x18 - Castle Garden with Bushes
0x19 - Castle Hallway, Door in Front
0x1A - Same as 0x19, Darker, Purple Walls
0x1B - Prison/Cell
0x1C - Outside, Forest on Left (Grass)
0x1D - Plains with Hill and Mountains in background
0x1E - Same as 0x1C, Sunset
0x1F - Same as 0x1C, Dark/Night
0x20 - Same as 0x1C, Foggy/Cloudy
0x21 - Same as 0x20, More Fog
0x22 - Plains
0x23 - Outside, Forest and Mountains Background
0x24 - Same as 0x23, Part Darker
0x25 - Same as 0x23, Fog
0x26 - Same as 0x23, Sunset
0x27 - Same as 0x24, Darker/Night
0x28 - Same as 0x24, Lighter
0x29 - Forest/Grass with Mountains (Special)
0x2A - Forest with Tall Trees
0x2B - Forest (Special)
0x2C - Forest (Different)
0x2D - Forest with Light out of Corner
0x2E - Forest of 0x2C (Foggy)
0x2F - City (Bulgar)
0x30 - City (Bulgar, Golden)
0x31 - Outside of City Gate
0x32 - Same as 0x31, Sunset
0x33 - Same as 0x31, Darker
0x34 - Same as 0x31 (???)
0x35 - House/Hotel with Bed
0x36 - Outside of Castle/Fortress (Brown)
0x37 - Outside of Castle/Fortress (Gray)
0x38 - Same as 0x36, Night
0x39 - Outside of Castle/Fortress (Different) (Brown)
0x3A - Outside of Castle/Fortress (Gray)
0x3B - Same as 0x39, Different Palette
0x3C - Castle/Dungeon (Inside)
0x3D - Same as 0x3C, Night? (Purple)
0x3E - Same as 0x3C, Sunset?
0x3F - Outside, Abandoned Fortress Background
0x40 - Same as 0x3F, Sunset
0x41 - Same as 0x3F, Foggy
0x42 - Inside Abandoned Fortress (Brown)
0x43 - Inside Abandoned Fortress (Purple/Dark?)
0x44 - Dragon's Gate Hall/Chamber (Brown)
0x45 - Dragon's Gate Hall/Chamber (Green)
0x46 - Dungeon Hallway (Brown)
0x47 - Dungeon Hallway (Blue)
0x48 - Dungeon Hallway (Green)
0x49 - Shrine/Alter
0x4A - Athos Shrine/Alter
0x4B - Athos Shrine/Alter (Darker)
0x4C - Shrine Hallway
0x4D - Shrine Hallway (Darker)
0x4E - Shrine Hallway (Purple)
0x4F - Shrine/Alter 2 (Brown)
0x50 - Shrine/Alter 2 (Golden)
0x51 - Desert
0x52 - Desert (Sunset)
0x53 - Dragon's Gate (Green)
0x54 - Dragon's Gate (Dark/Night)
0x55 - Fire Pit/Underworld
0x56 - Shrine/Alter 3 (Durandal?)
0x57 - Cave
0x58 - Shrine/Alter 4
0x59 - Sky
0x5A - Camp/Tent with Weapons
0x5B - Black Background
0x5C - Dragon's Gate (Close-Up)
0x5D - Dragon's Gate (Close-Up) (Lighter)
0x5E - To Be Continued
0x5F- Game Over

Replace 0x?? with the one you chose from the list.

Edited by MasterKeeperâ„¢
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I don't understand the error here.

UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level (1, Enemy, true) [7,3] (Handaxe) NoAI
UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level (1, Enemy, true) [8,8] (Handaxe) NoAI
UNIT Bandit Mercenary Batta Level (1, Enemy, true) [2,7] (Ironsword, vulnerary) [0x03]
UNIT Batta Brigand Batta Level (2, enemy, true) [1,1] (Steelaxe, Handaxe) [0x06]
UNIT Empty

However, I get this error in line 22 (first brigand) at the column 28 (which is where Level is) so I dunno what is happening

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Don't put a space between Level and and the bracketed information. Don't put spaces between the individual parts of the level data. Don't put spaces between the items listed in a unit's inventory. Make sure to capitalize Vulnerary, and also use HandAxe and IronSword, not Handaxe or Ironsword (unless of course you've changed the FE7 Definitions file).

Do it like this:

UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level(1,Enemy,true) [8,8] (HandAxe,Vulnerary) NoAI

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oh, alright.

UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level(1,Enemy,false) [7,3] (HandAxe) NoAI
UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level(1,Enemy,false) [8,8] (HandAxe) NoAI
UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level(1,Enemy,false) [12,9] (IronAxe,Vulnerary) NoAI
UNIT Batta Brigand Batta Level(2,enemy,True) [1,1] (SteelAxe,HandAxe) [0x06]
UNIT Empty

However, this gets me another error, it is between the bracketed info and the location numbers of the third brigand. Really weird.

Edited by RPGamerVX
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Ok now because this will have tons of space...

UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level(1,Enemy,False) [7,3] [HandAxe] NoAI
UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level(1,Enemy,False) [8,8] [HandAxe] NoAI
UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level(1,Enemy,false) [12,9] [ironAxe,Vulnerary] NoAI
UNIT Batta Brigand Batta Level(2,enemy,True) [1,1] [steelAxe,HandAxe] [0x06]
UNIT Empty

UNIT Eliwood Monk Eliwood Level(1,ally,false)[9,2] [Light,Shine,Vulnerary] NoAI
UNIT Hector Fighter Eliwood Level(1,ally,false)[10,2] [HandAxe,SteelAxe,Vulnerary] NoAI
UNIT 0x03 Soldier Eliwood Level(1,ally,false)[11,2] [ThinLance,Javelin,Vulnerary] NoAI
UNIT Empty

In all lines it says. Incorrect parameters in code UNIT........

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You need two sets of coordinates. The first one is for where the unit will appear, the second one is where the unit will move to just after appearing on the map.

An example,

UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level(1,Enemy,False) [7,3] [7,3] [HandAxe] NoAI
UNIT Bandit Brigand Batta Level(1,Enemy,False) [8,8] [10,3] [HandAxe] NoAI
UNIT Empty

The first bandit will appear on [7,3] and remain there. The second one will appear on [8,8] and move to [10,3] after loading.

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How can I make it so that villages can only be destroyed once. As my file stands now, the villages can be destroyed infinitely but can only be visited once.

my village event:

BACG 0x02
TEX1 0x957
MONE 0x00 2000
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