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Return of the Emblem Chapter Three: The Show


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Rodrigo was able to convince the guards that everyone in the group was with him, but he was unable to convince them to let them go immediately, as the captain wouldn't overlook the chance to get some help preparing the bodies for burial. After some hours of exhausting work, the group was let go, and the patrol left. Raquel eventually forced Niles to ride on the roof where it would be easy to keep an eye on him, and more people than usual were made to ride inside the wagon due to the extra four passengers, Rodrigo, Mister Blue, Miss Jenny, and Boris. Rodrigo took a seat in the front with Raquel and Synthia for most of the ride.

By nightfall, it was time to rest. They hadn't gotten nearly as far as Raquel would have liked. A campfire was made with some of the firewood she had left, and the group rested through the night.


The next day was horribly rushed, by not only Raquel, but by Rodrigo, who had a concert to perform and barely two days to get ready for it. Rodrigo spent a short bit of the morning trying to get Boris to explain some things to him but the man stayed silent hoping Rodrigo would simply kill him. Instead he opted to try again instead of making any rash decisions and made sure no one else would either. And so the party, barely having time for breakfast got back on the long road.

By nightfall, they had to stop again. Raquel wasn't pleased, and neither was Rodrigo. Weyland's summit was the following night, and so was Rodrigo's concert which word had already gotten around about. The man didn't bother interrogating Boris that night, now he was a bit too focused on how to make up for lost time. Neither Mister Blue nor Miss Jenny could offer any helpful suggestions for him. That night passed about as slowly as the previous, with Raquel's sour mood being completely overshadowed by Rodrigo's.


The party was rushed onto the road again, and it was a long day of very reckless driving, but by the late afternoon, the city Europa came into view. Europa was a massive city with tall buildings of stone and overlooking towers dominating its central areas, and endless suburbs going out in all directions for miles. Unlike normal however, the city was much more crowded than usual, and the presence of military units was suspicious. Around the edges of the city, many platoons were seemingly camped out, while others had reserved entire inns. There weren't as many places left to rent as one might hope.

If that wasn't surprising enough, the through traffic was backed up as well. They found themselves waiting in a long line of wagons, carriages, carts, and trailers a ways outside the city with a bit of a line forming behind them. By the time they reached the checkpoint into the city, another hour had passed. When it was their turn to get by, the guards questioned Rodrigo first and foremost, which made things easier, but the group as a whole was ... strange. Fortunately for them Rodrigo was known to hire a lot of strange help for some of his more wild shows. This wasn't one of those shows but they didn't need to know that.

Once Raquel presented her trading license, that was the end of stalling, and the group was let by. From there though ...

"Ugh ... that took forever." she said nearly slumping over in her seat.

"Alright, I need to get over to Weyland, pronto." Rodrigo said.

"Well, we all do, sorta." she replied looking back over the group. "But isn't his estate on the outskirts of town? You said he would be in the city about this time. And also, don't you have a show to do?"

"I'm going to do the show right after the meeting, and I've got the perfect plan to pull it all off. Thing is I need to see Weyland first or this can't possibly work." he explained crossing his arms and speaking matter of factly. "Weyland's probably down at the school. He's got that huge meeting with the military bigwigs tonight, but that doesn't stop him from teaching at the university. Um, the rest of you might need to find something to do." he added.

"Let's see, I've got to talk to Weyland, get some trading done, and the summit isn't until tonight so ... uuuugh, we're going to be here awhile, guys." she said, finally dropping back in her seat. She wasn't even sure where to park the wagon. The place was a nightmare of through traffic. Last time I was here, things were hectic ... but this. Is. Ridiculous. "So do any of you have any plans while we're here or are you just going to follow me around and help out with work?" she asked everyone as a whole.

"Hmm." Rodrigo began eying the rest of the group. "Alternatively you could do some sight seeing. It's a bit crowded but the museum, libraries and such aren't bad to check out. Also the cathedral's a nice place to visit too. More so for the architecture than for the praying. Obviously my concerts tonight, and you can come for free if you behave yourselves. It should also go without saying but traversing the rooftops isn't legal so don't do it just to beat the crowds. They've got enough guards wandering around up there for just that sort of thing. They spot you up there, they'll kick you off ... probably literally. Screw around too much and they'll just shoot you."

"Who around here would hang out on rooftops?" she asked feeling the warning was a bit meaningless.

Amon lowered his head somewhat hiding himself. He didn't think it was all that strange, but suddenly he felt like an oddball.

Edited by Phoenix
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Veronika rolled her eyes a bit upon entering the city and Rodrigo's description didn't really help matters. "Great, we can go to a museum or library or cathedral and be lectured about how blessed the Ursian people are by their precious holy pantheon or we can go to a rally where you will inspire countless people to burn the dragon-loving heretics at the stake. Joy of joys," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I'll just stick by you and try and get our business here completed as quickly as possible. Sooner we're out of this gaudy cesspool the better," she said to Raquel. This place feels so wrong; it's not home at all. I can't imagine Pavel would want to come here either, but it is a big city...

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Well someone certainly wasn't all that enthused by his suggestions. "Well when you put it that way ..." he began. "Look I know cheering on our side and damning the other is pretty much the same thing, but I'm not going around preaching that Neviskotians should be burned on stakes."

"You do hate and kill dragons though." Raquel chimed in quietly.

"Only two ... so far ... and I HAD help. We only take down dragons when they show up in Ursium. Any others just die in the war." he explained. "And, ladies ... one thing. I kill the enemy when it's prudent to do so, but do not hate them. It's not in my nature." he said wagging his finger back and forth.

The only dragon I can ever recall is the great shadow. A terrible evil that still exists ... somewhere. Amon thought to himself. He wasn't familiar with any other dragons.

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"Perhaps your words have some merit, you have shown yourself to be an honorable man so far. If all Ursians were more like you, there might not be a need for a war. But the fact remains that Ursian troops have been hunting dragons in Neviskotia for glory or righteousness or whatever. The powers here in Ursium refuse to let the people of Neviskotia live their way of life. Until they realize that they cannot subjugate us, this war will not end," Veronika said somewhat defiantly to Rodrigo.

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I try to stay out of politics. All I really take note of is that there are places where I can go and see dragons, and there are others where I won't, and this is just another one of those places. Raquel thought to herself.

"Yeah we wouldn't be picking fights with Neviskotians so constantly, that's for sure ... though admittedly too many mes might lead to us fighting over entirely different reasons." he said putting his hand on his chin. I mean let's face it, Ursium full of Phoenixes? We'd have to spread out over Neviskotia and Kigen just to give each other the space to shine individually. "Well anyway, I guess I should be getting down to Weyland. Raquel, are you going to do your trading, now or later?"

"I would have preferred to do it now, but with this crowd, I'll be working into the night. It's probably better if we try to get our staying arrangements settled first. With that big meeting going on tonight, it's probably best to handle actual business tomorrow. Besides everyone looks tired to some extent and that's reason enough to settle down and take stock." she explained.

"Right, I'd better do something with the swordsman, then. You can't go around town with him tied up in the back. Looks suspicious." he noted.

"Well it's less suspicious with you around, so maybe you can take him off our hands?"

"Maybe, but ... I'd really like to speak with Weyland first. Ugh, never mind. Priorities." the man said going into the back of the wagon and hauling Boris out. He set the man on his feet and walked him around to the front.

"Have you decided to put me down yet?" he asked snidely.

"Shat aaap." Rodrigo said giving him a smack on the back. "You and I have one more chat. After that, it's up to the police how they want to deal with you." he explained with a smile.

"You have no idea how we work ..." he shot back under his breathe.

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The wagon was awfully quiet. ... Far too quiet. Maw was curled up on the wagon at first but she didn't like all the noise and people. She had thusly long since gone into the wagon and curled up in a dark corner away from Chip's box (by some good fortune). A certain, noisy mariner, however, was nowhere to be seen. She'd left as Rodrigo had been talking with Raquel and was, by now, searching the various inns for vacancy, starting with the closest.

She walked up to the innkeeper's desk and waited for him to notice her. First thing's first. With a place this overcrowded, I need to find a place to stay the night. Last time we got our own rooms so this time's likely the same. If they have room, great. I'll unload me dufflebag and get Maw in here. The sooner she gets indoors the better.

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Day 4-5

Damian had been quiet for the few days, only talking with those who spoke to him. He spent more of his time browsing the wares in the wagon, fingering his money.He went over to the swords, and grabbed a defending weapon, testing the heft of it. "Too heavy. Although I could see Gytha with a sword of this caliber." Then he saw the knives. "Too small. I need the reach of a normal blade." Then he saw the slim weapons. "This is perfect." He grabbed one, 40 coins, and went up to Chip. "I assume... that I leave the coins with ye?" He placed them in a bag that he saw full of coins, and then placed 10 more in the bag for a vulnerary. He informed Raquel.

Also on Day 4-5

Veil and the pirates were following Damian and Raquel. "Let's wait for them outside Europa. Take a position around the town. Stay in the bushes."

Day 6

When the group arrived, Damian was just as quiet as ever. He listened to whatever Raquel was saying to the man they helped.

Veil and the pirates were in position around the town. They knew what the wagon looked like, so they were ready to jump it.

Edited by 13thshadow
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After departing towards Europa, John had stayed mostly mounted on Gil as they made thier way. He wasn't that enthusiastic with the idea of entering Europa, not with how things were. There was a reason he avoided the bigger cities while on Ursium, but now he'd have no choice if he wanted to remain with the group. He'd figured it would be best to get to a calmer place... if there could be such thing in this crowded city.

So once they were inside, it'd be a good idea to find an inn, so he went along with Gil, which proved no easy task due to the people, not to mention the fact of having a wyvern around this deep into Ursium wasn't exactly a good idea. Still, he managed to reach an inn at the end, and went inside as he counted his remaining money to see he had enough to stay for at least one night. 'Might as well just stay here during the night if I manage to find vaccancy here.' He though. 'Not exactly looking forward for tonight...'

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OOC: I guess I will just ignore the TS. If I goofed up, just PM me.

IC: Robin strode through the dusty rows piled high with tomes upon tomes. Each step that she took sent shuddering echos throughout the hallways of the library. With each reverberation, a feeling of looming dread grew ever stronger within Robin's young frame. Just how many books did they have within this collection? It sounded as if the entire library was as large as a massive cavern. Though, as Robin noted with a slight feeling of disgust for herself, having never been inside any building larger than a simple home, any building of any size larger would seem like a cavernous affair.


She looked up at the sides of the shelves. Each was marked with a series of numbers used to sort the books into various categories. The librarian at the front had suggested that she consult things called 'reference cards' to try and figure out exactly where the book she was looking for was, but Robin herself did not know that. It took a bit of prying, but at last, she had found out that the books with relics in them were marked as being in the 215 section. Her finger running over the spines of the books, she noted in mild annoyance that, while many were in Neviskotian, a decent amount were also in common.

<"214.12, 214.45, 214.89, 215.">

A smile slid across her face as her finger came to rest on a small series of books. The very first book in the series, marked lovingly in Neviskotian, was titled 'Relics, Artifacts, and Magic; A Scientific Observation'. Sliding the book out, she started to head back to find a table to read when a second book caught her eye. The title was in common, but still, her hand had come to rest upon the binding already. Pulling it out, she stacked it with the other and went to find a table.

Finding one that was unoccupied, she placed both books down, and pulled the one on top closer to her. It was the one in common. Sighing in annoyance, she flipped the cover open, her finger going up to the words on the first page. "Taaable... o-of... C-conten..ts?" she gave a audible groan. Though she could both speak and read common, it was much harder for her to read it that it was for her to speak it and she still had to sound out the words when she spoke, lest she not understand what was written. "This is going to be hard."

"Maasa-m-mune, V... Vipar... Am-u-let, Lilith's... Sword..." Robin stopped as she read the last one. The name sounded vaguely familiar to her, tickling some abstract memory in the back of her mind. Had she heard of that one before? She didn't know. Noting the page number, she decided to check it out.

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Shadrak had been sitting inside the carriage, tired after all the long hard days of travel and work. He spent what time he could trying to overhear people's conversation and learn about others as best he could, woulg he heard someone out front mention Weyland, many times.

Shadrak swung himself outside of the carriage and hung over the side as he addressed Rodrigo and Raquel who were sitting at the front. "Excuse me, but did you say you were meeting Professor Weyland?" He half yell over the sound of the moving carriage, and tried not to fall off.

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Everythng is so gaudy and so fancy and so...wasteful. Needlessly wasteful. Domovoi resisted the urge to make a face as he entered the city. He had been riding on Miskavolv for most of the trip, but did not let him eat anything that he had or that the others had and forced him to hunt for his own food. Domovoi decided doing this for awhile would be good for the wyvern as not only would he learn his lesson but would also hone his flying and hunting skills. Plus he might beg for people food less.

That wyvern is more people than wyvern Domovoi reflected.

He wasn't looking forward to the trip when he learned they were going to Europa. From what he had heard, the people were snobs, they were weak, and everything was in excess. Raquel suggested that he and the others go to a museum or a library while she conducted her business. He was thankful when Veronika stepped in expressed both their views on the suggestion. As a short talk between Veronika and Rodrigo took place, Domovoi listened in deciding not to comment.

Why would those fools hate dragons? That religion of theirs has to be nuts to promote people to crusade against beings beyond most of their power and persecute an entire country's way of life. They're zealots and they're dangerous and they're going to need to learn their place.

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For the past few days Synthia had been nothing but grumpy and sore. Traveling all day on a merchant’s wagon was not fun, the only good thing she could think happened the whole time was her getting to sit next to Rodrigo. However, even talking with her idol got boring after a while, especially when he was in as bad a mood as she was.

As soon as they had stopped in the inner parts of the city she was off the cart stretching trying to work the soreness out of her limbs and back. Veronika’s discussion with Rodrigo had gone pretty much ignored. Once they started talking about politics Synthia tuned them out. She eyed all the people leaving and climbed back on her seat, she really didn’t want to walk anywhere right now.

“I’m tired, and I don’t need to find an inn, so I’m staying right here. I’m not lifting anything this time either, so you better find someone else to help you with your merchandise,” she muttered, directing the last part at Raquel. She was going to sit right there and take a nap. Woe be to anyone who bothered her.

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The last few days passed in the blink of an eye for Nanahm, his exhaustion getting the best of him. When they entered the city, he was greeted with hustle and bustle, tons of noise and people EVERYWHERE. With nothing extremely important on his end to do today, he decided to help out with the merchant business this time. If Veronika had something important he needed to do, she'd have no trouble telling him so, he figured.

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Raquel and Co.

Looking back to Shadrak Raquel replied saying "That's the whole reason we came here. Professor Weyland's the person I was talking about. I need to talk with him about all of this." then she turned to Rodrigo again. "How long do you think we have before he has to prepare for the meeting with the military?"

"It's almost six o'clock so I'm sure he'll be heading back to his estate to prepare at any time. I'll be lucky if I catch him, yet alone you." Rodrigo said with a slight grimace. "We should hurry." Looking at Boris again, he gave the myrmidon an annoyed look suddenly remembering his responsibilities. "I've got no time so you're just going to have to come with for now, Boris."

"You could have saved yourself the trouble earlier." he muttered.

"Yeah, but I've got this funny feeling that with the right kind of prodding, we can get some info out of you." Rodrigo said before dragging the man off. He waved back at Raquel and the others. "Miss Jenny knows about the show arrangements. Ask her to bring you by if you change your minds. Oh and don't forget, I still need a date for the summit tonight."

"... man this is going to be a busy night." Raquel said sighing. What do I do with the wagon for now, and how fast do I have to run to reach Weyland in time?

The Library

While the young woman browsed through the book she had taken, a man clad in a trenchcoat and heavy gear walked down the same isle she had been in. He followed almost the same path of browsing she had until arriving at the empty space where two books had been. "..." Next he looked to each end of the isle seeing if the person who had removed them was around. The isle was empty now though so he grimaced and silently left the isle.

As he carefully looked around, he began to feel it was pointless to keep looking. I only needed a reference. I should have known some idiot would stroll in here at the most inopportune time and walk out with that book. I should have memorized the details. he thought to himself as he made his way past a woman looking through a book at a table. Out of mere curiosity he tossed her a glance and then had to do a double take due to the familiarity of the book she was reading. That stopped him right in his tracks and he stealthily looked over her shoulder. Huh. Now see my luck's not so bad after all now is it? "Curious about artifacts now are we?" he said in a dubious tone.

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A cold shudder crawled down the back of Robin's spine, a sickly feeling lurching up from her stomach as the voice of another person, a man, came from behind her. Pulling away from the book slowly, Robin turned about to see whom it was that was behind her. A man, dressed in thick and heavy clothes and seemingly carrying a small armories worth of gear upon his body stood behind her; a grin she took to be questioning with possibly a hint of scorn upon his face.

"Izvinite? I do not know who you are; but my business is my own." Her own voice was cautious and defensive. She wasn't sure of this man or his intent, but if he meant her harm, she was at a great disadvantage as long as she was sitting. As she slid out of the seat, trying to keep her eyes locked on his own, she kept her hand on the book to obscure it from him. "Why is it of interest to you what my curiosities are?"

Edited by Snowy_One
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Sunlight streamed down on Niles face, having been asleep for most of the journey. The carriage rode over a bump in the road, and he awoke with a start. "Hmm? We there yet?" Niles stretched his arms and rubbed his face. Time to go get chewed out by Rachele again. Might as well get another delivery.

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Shadrak's eyes lit up as she said that they were off to meet Weyland. "May I come to? Having a chance to talk things over with THE Professor Weyland would be an excellent additive to my research!" he asked, the excitement plain as day on his face about how important this was too him.

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"Unless your research involves 'ways to kill Neviskotians and their allies', I'm not sure his inventions will be all that relevant to you," Veronika replied to Shadrak, narrowing her eyes. "Weyland's one of the reasons Ursium is still in this war. Perhaps he is not a terrible man, but his weapons have done some rather terrible things. It would be wise to remember this."

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Even after the battle Chelsea showed no signs of waking up. Her Horse, Nesha, simply walked along with the group with a sour mood evident to all who approached him.

Days 4, 5 and 6

Chelsea still showed no signs of waking up, even during the night. No matter what the group tried, she would not awaken from her slumber. However she would ocasionally mumble a few words, although they were incomprehensible and for the most part, really had no meaning whatsoever. Still, it was an improvement. As of the 6th day she would still not wake up.

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"Oh, sure, you can come along if you want, Shadrak." Raquel replied, still trying to figure out what to do with the wagon, and still wondering if they would even make it on time. Rodrigo had a fair head start, and even he was in danger of missing the Professor. She hung her head and sighed. Oh what's the point in even thinking about it? We'll never make it at this rate.

"Um, Raquel?" Amon chirped up.

"Yeah, Amon?"

"What are we going to do with the wagon? This place is overcrowded compared to Ursaea."

"I'm trying to figure that out myself." she muttered keeping her head low. "There's got to be a parking space somewhere that we can rent for the night but, it would have to be close to a vacant inn, and finding either in this mess is going to take hours at this rate."

"Would the ... university have any available spaces?" he asked, curious.

"... m-maybe?" She wasn't sure, but it hadn't occurred to her before. Perhaps with Weyland vouching for them, they could keep the wagon at the university. When she came to think of that, she also got tempted to try for a little extra. The city was crowded, yes, but the number of students for that time of year was surely around average, which meant empty dorm rooms. She kept thinking about it and thinking about it over the next minute.


"Now now, I'm fairly certain I asked first." he began leaning away a bit. "It's okay if you don't mind sharing something like that but ... I am going to have to ask to take a quick look at that book when you're done with it. There only seems to be the one in this library."

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A pique of curiosity passed through Robin's mind, curious as to what the man's interest in the book was. "I am curious in learning about artifacts, yes." she said, answering his first question from before. Her hand went down to the cover of the book, closing it in an attempt to hide where she had been in the book; even though it had been nothing more than the table of contents. "Why do you need the book? Are you looking for artifacts as well, common-speaker?"

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Shadrak fist pumped he was so happy, he whirled himself back in the wagon with a brilliant grin on his face. This would be big news for him, and he couldn't wait! He quickly pulled out his journal and began writing down questions he would ask Weyland, and dedicating pages and various sections to certain topics and the like.

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As John finished counting his remaining money, he figured he'd have enough, if only for that night. As he finally looked up to go to the counter, he noticed someone was already waiting at the counter.

'Isn't that...?' He thought as he approached. 'Yeah, she's also with our group. Looks like she's also staying at an inn.'

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"Alright then!" Raquel began raising her voice just enough so that even the crowds weren't obscuring her voice from those further away. "We're heading over to the university just like Rodrigo. We're going to try to catch Weyland before he heads off to his estate. If the meeting is happening there like Rodrigo said then it's probably completely surrounded and blocked off by the military by now. If we miss him before he goes home we're kind of screwed so ... back on the wagon! We're heading over." she ended, getting back into position and taking up the reins.

Once they were mounted up or in their places aboard the wagon, Raquel got the wheels rolling and they began to pick up speed as she navigated through the city. She had to avoid the narrow roads which had her dealing with a lot of other wagons along the way. The results were constant slowdowns, and the fact that she never once saw Rodrigo before they reached the university had her thinking that perhaps they were going to slowly to possibly catch up. Her only hope was that the man had at least gotten there in time and had the Professor busy.

The University

A very large room full of students of only slightly varying ages was quiet and at attention as a man at the podium addressed them all. The lecture seemed to have been drawing toward its conclusion.

"Now then, the Kestrelii language is quite simplistic but stems from the old Avian tongue, which wasn't. The language is actually an over simplified Avian dialect with the differences being some reapplied meanings, some added ones, the exclusion of all redundant or unnecessary words, and the omission of some exceptions. They go to great length to keep their language from being deciphered fully, but from what we know, the language most likely contains little more than ten thousand words or so." he explained.

"Um, sir? How do they convey more complex meanings with so few words?" a student asked after raising his hand.

"Any other meanings that need to be established or conveyed are probably made through combinations of existing words or phrases. Unfortunately all we know of their innermost culture comes from what few slaves have managed to be freed over the past few hundred years. Fore more information on the Kestrelii you'll have to refer to the new text books that were printed. I'll expect a fifteen page essay on this week's subject by the start of the new week. Please do consider that while planning for your silly Ascension Festival get togethers." he concluded closing a book he had open and turning to the exit.

"Class dismissed."

"Man, Teach has been cramming us full of Crow for the whole week. I'm kinda missing the anima lectures." a student muttered to a friend. The friend nodded with a grimace.

Just as the words came out of his mouth, the door leading into the class room opened up and Rodrigo came jogging all the way down to meet Weyland at the podium. The students that were getting ready to leave stood perfectly still in shock for a moment before turning to each other to gossip about what was happening. Rodrigo didn't just randomly appear in places ... well he did but not their class ... of all classes.

"Hey there!" Rodrigo said happy he caught the man on time.

"Bloody hell, what are you doing here, Vasquez?" he asked, giving the man a slightly alarmed look. "Tell me you're not here trying to recruit me for another daring stunt."

"Sorry for barging in on you like this but I need your help again."

"... daring stunt I assume. Can we talk about this later? I've got a debut to prepare for." he said looking unamused with Rodrigo making gestures.

"It won't take long, I already know what I need for this ... also there's someone you need to speak to and preferably before the meeting."

He sighed. "OUTSIDE, man. Come on then, let's go and get this over with. As for the rest of you, I don't know why you're staring, he's just a man, not a legend."

"Ow." Rodrigo muttered.

"Now get going. Go on, shoo, shoo." he said prompting the students to get moving.

Raquel and Co.

The wagon pulled up to edge of the road in front of the enormous campus and stopped with a bit of a slide. Raquel hopped down and took a look around. The place brought back a few memories for her. Mostly sad ones. I ... really wanted to ... attend here. Ugh get a grip! You're on a mission here.

"I need to ask those of you with mounts to not let them act up around here ... and everyone just be on your best behavior in general. Oh, and don't talk about being Neviskotian or speak the language. There's some serious bias from some of the morons in these parts."

As Raquel finished giving her warning, three pegasus knights landed nearby. The lead one had a male passenger, a swordsman from the looks of him. Stepping down from the pegasus, he smiled up at the rider. "Oh how I love riding with you, Sergeant. I'll be back. Gonna go fetch the Professor."

"Very good, sir." she said simply keeping a serious posture.

As he began walking toward the front entrance of the main building, he slowed his pace to toss the group a glance. He gave a distinct looking wave with his hand and grinned before heading inside.

"... there are officers here too? Maybe they're here to escort the Professor? Oh crap that means we just barely made it on time!" she exclaimed.


"As a matter of fact I am. Curious that you are though. You don't look like a student with a report due." he said squinting his eyes at her a bit. So how long are you going to be reading there? I'm just looking for a passage that I can't get info on anywhere else."

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"Thank ye," mumbled Gytha as she finished speaking with the innkeeper. Turning around, she spotted...Johan? Johalva? Jimmy? Jo? Probably. "No vacancy," she repeated to the man before passing him up and...getting rather lost in the flow of foot traffic. It was quite the adventure for her. She would up at the marketplace looking through several rare items and foods, getting lost in various alleyways, taking down a locaol gang...and winding up at a school. She didn't know it was a school, though. All she knew was that she saw people she recognized. "Where're we?" she asked Amon as she came up behind him, looking at the large building.

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