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Return of the Emblem Chapter Three: The Show


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“I’m just tagging along with Rodrigo and Raquel, one of Weyland’s guests. I’m not sure why he’s here,” Synthia replied, pointing over her shoulder to the shaman. If the soldier had no more questions she was going back to her book.

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The flacoknight raised an eyebrow at the other woman's coment. Turning her attention to the man she was with, she asked, "And why are you here?" She was beoming a bit suspicious, though the woman's story could quite easily be checked with Colonel Langley. Surely she would know the guestlist since they were transporting them to the summit.

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Robin chuckled as she picked up the two books, putting them back on the shelf where she had found them. <"I'm not a idiot Bron. You clearly know what you are talking about and have done your research. Even if it was vital for me to know details, it would be easier for you to explain them to me as we traveled than it would be for me to sit down reading books and possibly missing something and lacking elaboration from other sources."> She picked up her quiver after quickly putting everything back, then with a happy smile, she stepped around Bron and started to head towards the door. <"I am ready to go!">

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Eventually, common sense took over and Ranyin abandoned all thoughts of vengence. The university was a place of learning, pranksters may exist in it but that does not mean he must be one. At least not now.

After leaving the library behind, a flash of red caught his attention. It was the other red haired, big axe using mercenary from the wagon Ranyin noted speaking to a girl earlier when he met the group. The guy was an imposing sight, looking well muscled and tall. He somehow reminded Ranyin of Gytha. As Ranyin was about to duck into a corner and hide, he spotted a small duck figurine in the man's hands. Either it was carved by someone or by him, thought Ranyin.

The gentleness by which Nanahm was handling the figurine gave Ranyin the impression that despite the tough exterior, perhaps the frightening man was a gentle soul. And so Ranyin walked casually towards Nanahm and waved his hand saying,"Hello there, you're part of Raquel's band right? I'm Ranyin nice to meet you."

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Nanahm looked at the mage, a little confused until he introduced himself, "Oh yeah... Yeah I remember you. Didn't get a chance to talk to you outside there. Nice to meet you, son. Name's Nanahm, by the way" he said, holding his other hand out to shake.


"That's good enough for me, sir." Perfect, my instincts win out yet again... He thought as he absentmindedly looked about for people to hand towels to. He was still surprised at how lax this guy was. If it had been anyone else with a more cautious inclination, he'd of had to resort to drastic measures. Although now I need to go exploring further. She won't stay here for long, and it's a huge assumption of mine to think she's still even here!

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"Ah, did you carve that duck yourself?" asked Ranyin hesitating before shaking Nanahm's hand, and noted the strength at which Nanahm gripped and shook his hand. Or rather, how weak his own grip was. People in Kigen bow, shaking hands was something Ranyin was getting used to in Ursium.

He seems...nice,decided Ranyin and added,"What would you be wandering the university with that figurine of yours for?"

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"Oh this? Yeah, I carved it. Kinda random, I know, but it's... fun and relaxing. Plus it builds character!" he jokingly pointed to the bandages on his hands, giving a slight laugh. "Anyway, getting back on track, I was just gonna see if by chance they had any spare paint I could borrow, give this carving some life, you know? Plus, maybe I can sell it for more than usual!" Oh man, I might get TWO meals out of this! he thought to himself before he pushed that ludicrous thought back into the 'not happening' zone.

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<"Alright then, let's get going, shall we?">

OOC: There isn't much else to do here until they actually get on the move, but we can talk about that via pm.

The Big Debut Nears

Once Raquel had gotten something to eat in the kitchen, she headed over to the library. About an hour had passed and so it was now dark outside, though the slightest bits of blue were still present for the moment. She didn't quite arrive there before Rodrigo showed up. She felt almost like she'd been intercepted. "Hey, what are you doing over here? Are you going to the library too?" she asked.

"Yep. Actually I was on the way to get you folks. The rest of the guests are here and the sun's down so we're about ready to get this show on the road. We need to get to the show room as soon as possible, or we'll be watching from the back row ..." he finished dejectedly.

"Okay let's go get Synthia and Shadrak then."

Once they arrived at the library, Rodrigo strolled ahead of Raquel and waved to the two magic users. "Hey, it's time to go."

Elsewhere within the estate, Weyland was making his final preparations for the debut, mainly checking over the state in the conference room while some assistants wrapped up their work setting up all the rows of chairs they needed.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Alright, then. I didn't catch your name. I'm a hall monitor named Tim. Are you new here?" the friendly hall monitor asked as they continued down the hall. When one of the guys ran by, Tim stopped him and offered him a towel. The man was still panicked but took the towel before running off again. "You should probably go back to your dorm!" Tim called after him. He grimaced, hoping the panicked student had heard him. "Well... As you can tell this isn't your run-of-the-mill school," he half-joked, now wearing an awkward smile.


"Oh, already? I'd better hurry then," the woman mentioned only offerign a wave to the other two before hurrying to place the book she'd been reading back to where she'd found it.

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"That's... certainly true. In many ways." Derik added on the last part. When asked for his name, he had a small panic attack. What if he contacts the authorities? Oh shit, what if they catch me here without permission, no no NO! Shhhhh, calm down, just... give him a name! How the hell is he gonna know the difference?! He's never met you before, and you sure as heck don't remember him! "Erik's the name, by the way..." He slapped himself mentally for the terrible cover up, but he still doubted the man would catch on. He gave out a towel to another guy running by, probably the previous one's friend, "You should uh, go back too, yeah."

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"Nice reason to make them, well, don't mind if I follow you as you search for paint?" asked Ranyin looking at the bandages on Nanahm's hands, he added pointing at the bandages,"So...does it hurt a lot?"

This guy might help me stave off boredom, as well as allow me to get to know him better, thought Ranyin, would be good to know more about the individuals I'm travelling with.

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"Well, good to meet you, Eric," Tim replied with a cheerful grin, "What sort of classes are you planning on taking here?" He was simply making conversation, oblivious to the panic he was causing in the one he was walking beside.

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"Eh... Not as much as it used to, anyway. You get used to it, and eventually you can kinda just ignore it. Was a bitch to deal with when I was a kid, but practice makes perfect as they say." He imparted, nostalgia hitting him slightly. "But yeah, if you wanna look with me, that'd be fine. I have no idea where any of their supplies would be, or if they'd even allow for that, so... eh."


"Oh! Uhhh...." FFFUUUUUUUUUUU- Who IS this guy?! "Oh you know... the usual? I'm uh... I'm here because my parents sent me here, t-this place doesn't interest me... as much as I think it should." Technically a truth from Derik. After all this school, prestigious as it was and is, holds nothing of interest learning-wise.

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"Yeah, some don't even know where they're supposed to take their baths." said Ranyin sarcastically, thinking about the group who had pointed him in the wrong direction not too long ago. As an after thought, Ranyin added,"Hey, don't mind making a wyvern figurine? I'd pay for it."

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"Ohh, I see. Well, then... What classes did they sign you up for? Do you have your schedual yet? This school is so varried in its opportunities that you're probably signed up for more than just the language courses or the mathematics classes. You sound like you just arrived not too long ago; perhaps you've only been in Europa for a couple days," Tim questioned further, curious about the "new student's" schedual. The hall monitor figured he could show Erik the best routes to his classes once he knew where they were at the very least.

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"Hmmm...you offer a good point," said Domovoi, taking the pen and crossing off the sections she mentioned. "You're right. This is probably going to be easy to intercept. We might go deeper into Ursium for awhile so...hmm...well either way, might as well hold off on sending this till we get to a neutral place. Hmm....I'll rewrite later I guess with the corrections and additional information. Thanks for the help."

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Veronika shrugged. "Maybe. I'm not sure we can really go any deeper than this though, considering how this city is crawling with army members right now. Well I suppose in theory we could end up at an Ursian military base proper, though hopefully there won't be any need for that. I've had more contact with the Ursian military than I'd like already. We've been lucky so far, but sooner or later they might catch on which would undoubtedly cause problems. I'll breathe easier when we're out of here," she said to Domovoi.

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"Gah, I'm so freaking bored, but I really can't do anything. THIS SUCKS."- Chelsea said out loud, quite irritated at the fact that she was very bored.

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After thinking it over for a few minutes, John finally decided. 'Might as well go.' He thought. 'Could be interesting to see.' He rose from the bed and headed to the door.

'I wonder if anyone else is also going...? Might as well ask...' And with that, he headed outside once more...

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"A request? Yeah, sure! Just give me any specifications like size, color, what kinda pose you want for it, etcetera, alright? It might take a while, just so you know, and I generally don't like to take on multiple projects at the same time, but it's not like I'm super busy to begin with so it shouldn't be that long." Cha-ching!


Oh my god, why do I KEEP DIGGING?! He's just wasting my time at this point! "Look, Tim, was it? I hate to cut and run here, but I actually need to be somewhere very soon here. Uh... nice chatting with you, best of luck, bla bla bla, you get the picture." He said as he took off like a helicopter to go search for the crazy lady.

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The mage that had been watching the wagon with Amon flinched when he heard a voice from somewhere close by, but he didn't see anyone. "I guess Chelsea's awake." Amon commented.

"Who?" the mage shot back.

"She's been sleeping for huge amounts of time in the back of the wagon." he explained.

"Was she drugged, perhaps?"

"That's a good question, but I honestly don't know. I hope not." he added.


With everything set up, and a route prepared for the audience to venture right out back for the final revealing, Weyland cleared his throat while standing on the stage, and looked over a few notes while a young assistant waited for him to finish, so she could receive the notes back, and destroy them. "Yes. Yeh ... yeh ... yes. Right. Alright then, that's enough of that. Here you are, Carol." he said handing over the notes, which were actually a fairly thick stack of paper. She nodded and immediately set them ablaze with a fire spell. She let them fall from her hands and they were nothing but ashes before they reached the floor, and even the ashes were broken down by the residual energy. What was left was a bit of dust at her feet that she knelt down to wipe up with a cloth, before taking her leave. Heheh. Hard to steal records when they only exist in one's memory. Though I do feel guilty sometimes about all the parchment this household has gone through over the years.

It wasn't long after that before the military attendees and their trusted assistants began to enter from the two doored entrance. The doors had been held open with about six guards running security for that part of the room. Weyland took a seat on a chair that had been placed on the stage just for him, and he began waiting for everyone to show up so he could begin, while those backstage scurried to get ready for what they would be doing. Outside the mansion, the entire estate was still surrounded by forces from the Eastern Special Tasks Unit.

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"Alright, then; goodbye!" Tim called after "Erik." After a moment, the towel-passer-outer noted to himself, "... Strange fellow."


Cecelia had taken her place just before the guests began to arrive. I was cutting it a bit close... That was uncharicteristic. Miguel can handle his position well enough, I assume. Now, where is... Ah. the thoughts ran through her head as the captain spied her superior and approched her. "Colonel Langley, Captain Cecelia reporting," she greeted with a salute.

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Ranyin was a bit unnerved by Nanahm's enthusiasm. It made him have second thoughts about what he had said. But seeing that cheerful...or was it greedy look on his face? ranyin could not help but carry on with the conversation.

"I personally favour green in colour, but that would look wrong on a wyvern so I leave it up to you to pick a colour. Oh and it would be nice to have it small enough to fit..." explaining slowly Ranyin looked at Nanahm's hands,"...your palm posing like it's about to take flight." finished Ranyin seizing with his mind's eye, the very first image of a wyvern that crossed his thoughts. Then he wondered, looking at his pouch, about how much coins he actually had left...

Edited by Rothene
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A young teenager of about 14 with messy hair and wearing a pair of thick goggles ran from the back area onto the stage, tugging on Professor's Weyland's sleeve.

"Thank Mercy you're finally here Uncle, most of those guys wouldn't know a blowtorch from the back end of a wyvern. My presentation is still on right? With the transmutations?" he asked, giving the Professor a hopeful look.

Major General Selene landed on the grounds, leaving Gorgotha with the handlers as she had done many times before. She walked briskly and with purpose to the estate, finding the meeting room easily. She selected a chair near the front, a bit displeased with herself for not arriving more promptly as was the norm.

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Once Colonel Langley arrived at the meeting room, she silently cursed herself for how busy she was. It wasn't her fault that her troops were thinly spread, but she didn't give herself any room for little errors and if Weyland caught a spy at the meeting this time too, she wouldn't be able to live it down, regardless of how regularly it happened. The thought of not being able to keep just one summit spy free herself where others had failed was upsetting. That train of thought derailed when her Captain saluted her. "Captain." Langley replied with a nod. Miguel was behind her, and leaning in whatever direction he happened to be looking, trying to take in the room.

When she realized Miguel was right behind her, she turned to face him for a moment. "Where is the Lieutenant?"

"Still taking care of some things with security. Honestly, any spies we'll find are already inside or frothing at the mouth just out of sniper range." Miguel replied resisting the urge to yawn and opting to stretch a bit instead. He was bored with all the precaution, most of which could be accredited to Weyland for insuring the military that they would be shown extremely valuable designs that could counter Neviskotia's heavy units.

"We should save him a seat then, in case he's late." she said simply before turning back to Cecilia. "Are we ready here, then?"

Over on the stage, Weyland was thinking a few things over when a familiar young man appeared from backstage. Thinking about what the teenager had asked him, Weyland grinned a bit, bending down just enough to comfortably reply. "Why yes it is., so make certain that you're prepared. Oh and ... if Gabbie tries to sneak her way into the tank crew, please stop her, I'll be too busy to handle it myself." he explained, his grin fading into a slight grimace. He was actually expecting her to try something like that.

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