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Return of the Emblem Chapter Three: The Show


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"Tch, she's not in love with'em. She's a survivalist, if you've got body heat, you're useful. That's all." Liza said putting her arms behind her head as they walked.

She makes it sound like I'm treating people like ... less than people. I'm not really. I figure there was some mutual exchange going on. I get to stay warm, and Bron gets to feel like he's not single until the rain stops and my clothes dry. It just seemed fair is all. Liliya thought to herself.

OOC: There aren't many relevant points to TS to until after the main party is done with Weyland so I'll move the next part up to them meeting Olga.


"Hmm, well I guess that makes sense. You're better equipped for this than I am. I guess I can go to the show." Amon said, one bit at a time.


"Thank you, Connor, and now then ..." Weyland went on.

Backstage, Gabbie was still in the same spot as before, and in the same position no less. "Hey, can you ... uh, with enough research, make stuff besides just shields? Like maybe a lance or somethin?"

"For the last demonstration, you'll want to hold onto your seats, there's going to be a bit more rumbling around here." he explained, and as he said those words, a rumbling did begin, far less than that of the wall coming down, but still noticeable. From beyond view, something rather large was rolling around. From outside the mansion a very large vehicle finally came into view ... it was covered almost entirely in steel plating. On top of its frame were two strange looking bunkers. The one in the front housed cannon, the other, was more open to view and somewhat vulnerable but housed a special ballista, and both bunkers could rotate.

"Ladies, and Gentlemen, I give you, the UM-6B Recusant Mobile Armor. The U and M stands for Ursian Mobile-Armor ... and yes this is the sixth model we've tried. The B will be explained momentarily."

The Recusant Battletank

The vehicle before them was around twenty feet tall at its highest point, and over thirty-five feet long. It rode on six iron wheels, each heavily obscured. The two in the front, and the two in the back seemed capable of changing position to allow for a very small turn radius. The armored sides of the vehicle were covered entirely in sloping armor, and the men manning the ballista and cannon were wearing very decent armor of their own. They looked like knights to the untrained eye.

"Now as you know, the plague of the tank is that nothing short of another tank can kill it, but the Recusant here is a bit different from the vanguards in that it will take no less than five direct hits from a standard cannon to destroy it unless it is struct from behind, in which case it can survive roughly three hits. The reason for this is the escape hatch in the back for the drivers. A necessary precaution, but any commander who would place a tank facing the wrong direction doesn't have my sympathy for losing it. Now you'll want to direct your attention to the main gun up front. This is a variant of the long nine with range better range and accuracy. This gun will put down anything short of a vanguard with just one direct hit. A vanguard will take at least two, unless the gunner places the shot right through the view port, in which case the dragon will die from the headshot wound, and the rest of the vehicle will be stuck in the mud with no engine. No need to waste anymore shots after that, better to just send a squad in to rush the vehicle and kill or capture the remaining crew." he explained as the main gun rotated with a somewhat noticable series of rapid clicking noises.

Suddenly the cannon aimed at the left shed and opened fire! The shot rang so loudly that people in the back of the conference room had their ears covered. The left most shed was struck and blown from its position on the ground. It was horribly disfigured by the shot and flew off into the field tumbling like a flying cylinder. It came to a rest only after traveling two hundred and ninety feet.

"Now the second weapon in the back is a hex ballista ..." he began.

The Hex Ballista

Hex Ballista

Raw Stats:

HP:8 STR:5 MAG:0 SKL:0 SPD:0 LCK:-# Def:4 Res:2

Simplified Stats:

HP:24 MT:+5 Hit:+0 AS:-0 Evo:-all luck Def:+4 Res+2

Hex Ballistas may launch up to three attacks per phase against up to three separate targets. Targets must all be in the same combat team however, and attacking the same unit will result in a reduction of 25% hit each time until the start of the next phase. Hex ballistas gain a 25% boost to hit and mt versus Wyvern riders, pegasus knights, dragons, avians, and Fallen. Like normal ballistas, Hex models may only attack from siege range and may only begin attacking previously engaged units again once they have spent a full turn with no engagements with that unit or its combat team.

Note: Normal ballista stats:


HP:8 STR:6 MAG:0 SKL:0 SPD:-2 LCK:-# DEF:2 RES:1


HP:24 MT:+8 Hit:+0 AS:-2 Evo:-all luck Def:+2 Res:+1

"This is primarily for vehicle defense. Since the Recusant is designed to be operated behind enemy lines, it needs all the anti air protection from wyvern riders and dragons it can get. With a Hex model the gunner can engage up to three targets simultaneously for unsurpassed anti air defense. Now this current weapon set up is optional. We call this a UM-6B if you recall. The B is the Battlefield model designed for versatility. It comes with the advanced long nine and the hex ballista. There are three other configurations, the A version with two hex ballistas for stationary aerial defense, the D version, which carries two cannons, and the C layout. It is only equipped with the cannon and the rear station is empty carrying only extra ammunition. This version cannot counter airborne resistance but can be deployed for longer periods with adequate protection." He explained before pausing a moment to let all of that sink in.

"Lastly is its propulsion. The Recusant can reach about twenty miles per hour on favorable terrain. Mainly roads. Grass, even grass on flat land will cost about thirty percent of its speed, so that should be noted."

"How can something that heavy move so fast?" Miguel blurted out a bit shocked. Langley would have reprimanded him if she hadn't been caught up thinking the same thing. The thing clearly weighed more than four tons so it being propelled by equines was out of the question.

"All I can reveal in this meeting is that it is not powered by any animal. The meeting is secure, but not secure enough to reveal the exact locomotive power the Recusant uses. If this information fell into even civilian hands there could be problems. If the Recusant patent is purchased by the military, all of its secrets will be released into their hands, as will the consequences of failing to keep those secrets." He explained in an almost intimidating tone. Langley suspected there was some veiled warning in his words and expression which had her thinking.

"But if a Recusant gets destroyed in battle, won't the enemy find and reverse engineer the tech?" Miguel asked. "That's what they always do, and what we do to them."

"Normally yes, but the beauty of this 'tech' as you put it is that it can't survive the tank's destruction. Special instructions will be given to the Recusant crews after the purchase to ensure that, should you choose to invest in this weapon. Mind you, while this weapon platform is expensive to mass produce, the fielded units will if properly utilized, guarantee a total shift in the direction of these wars."

"Does that mean we'll finally see the end of this constant struggle to hold onto Central Sardius?" Capaberra asked standing up.

"There are updates and advancements on the way, the Recusant and the K-series weapons are the first step in the final push to bring your forces to Kievan Rus once and for all. I do hope you won't waste it. It's only a matter of time before Neviskotia develops new weapons of its own, just like they did when we started fielding rifles. What did they do? They threw the armored dragons at us and we lost Central for nearly thirty years. Before we developed a counter to the knights, the vanguards rose up to replace them. Our only saving grace is that they are still in very limited numbers and now you have the opportunity to begin getting Viscerals and Recusants distributed to your front line forces."

"I see ... hmm." Capaberra uttered as he sat back down.

"Are there anymore questions or should I call this meeting to a close?" Weyland asked the room full of observers. Once the meeting is over I'll discuss the prices for the patents. I should be making quite a bit tonight, and with it I'll continue with my research into the Providence. That is the beginning of the future ... I'm certain of it ... he thought while waiting for any questions. While he did this, the Recusant began moving again, it rolled to the other side of the stage and back out of view.

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"I can't make a lance out of nothing, I just change what's already there. Although the properties of transmutation could apply to weapons as easily as shields and armor I think. I haven't done any weapons research yet, but maybe that should be my next step....where is your lance anyway?" Connor asked Gabbie.

After examining the destruction of the sheds with some approval, Selene got up to ask a question. "Your weapons seem to have been designed with the Neviskotians and their dragons in mind, which is certainly practical. Have you given any thought on how to combat the Fallen? Wrath knows those dragon-worshipping heretics down south won't hold them off forever,"

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''So, everything's settled then.'' John said. He was about to begin walking, but stopped immediately. ''By the way,'' he added. ''Some of the guys back inside also wanted to go. Should we wait for them as well?''

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The group of relic hunters eventually reached the Yasnygrad. Once there, it wasn't long before another one of Bron's associates arrived to meet them outside a local tavern. She had been held up inside for most of the day, and it was now the late afternoon. She strolled out of the tavern with Bron to meet the twins and Robin, who had been asked to wait around.

"Robin, I'd like you to meet Olga. She's our resident staff user and heavy drinker ... ... in fact I think that's all she does now that I think about it." Bron said.

"... ellooo~"

"Don't just stand there, you two say hi too. Don't be rude." Bron casually demanded.

"Hi, Olga." the twins said together, both sour tones matching perfectly.


"Maybe we should go pick them up and then go instead of waiting. If we wait around and they don't show up, we might be late." Amon replied.


"The Professor took it cause I accidentally ... uh ... I accidentally kicked the crap out of onena his guests." she answered, making the most crucial part of her explanation just barely audible against the background noise. "So like ... if I got a bunch of scrap metal together, you could alchemy that crap into a new lance that I could use in the meantime, roight?"


"Ah, the Fallen. Indeed I have, though before any special units are fielded to combat them, we'll need more data. Currently there is a mess of information about the Fallen we have archived and less than twenty percent of it can possibly be true. Until we peel through the layers and get some actual facts to base our designs on, anything we put together to combat them might be based on some inaccuracies about their anatomy which will lead to either ineffective units, or costly ones. I assume some of you remember that extinct cult of light magic enthusiasts who insisted Fallen could be instantly killed by touching them with overcharged light runes, and went into Corvus hoping to test their 'truth' in the field? There are two issues with fighting the Fallen. We don't want to come at them unprepared when the time comes, but we also don't want to swat a fly with a long nine ... being facetious there, mind you. The best option is to use what time we have to develop the proper tools to use against them. The Recusant alone will cost around nine hundred thousand gold per unit with just the C configuration, and it obviously isn't meant to fight Fallen units. Something built to combat Fallen on the assumption that they grow back lost limbs and can move through walls would be so costly to invest in that we would be fortunate to be able to field the required number of them and still fund the rest of the military. So to sum it all up, I've given it much thought, but we have mountains of hogwash to sift through before we commit to any designs. We want our response to the Fallen to be a balance of potency and cost efficiency. I hope that answers your question Major General." He explained.

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After following the trail doggedly without accidentally bumping into any students, Ranyin finally reached what appeared to be the arts faculty. Brilliant, he thought as he started looking to his left, then his right. In that brief sweep, a girl caught his attention.

She seemed to stand out in the entire area. First, she was carrying a huge bucket of paint that was the job of the menfolk. Second, she looked oddly familiar, was she the girl Nanahm talked to near the wagon when I first arrived, thought Ranyin. Lastly, she was not wearing any uniform, neither the ones students nor university staff wear.

Without wasting anymore of his precious time, Ranyin approached her and reached his arms out to take the paint from her clearly tired hands while saying,"Hello there, are you by any chance from Raquel's group?"

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"If one of those scraps is at least mostly like a lance, with a shaft and a blade and all, then I think I could give it a go. I really only know the rune for turning things into iron though at the moment, so giving me a bunch of silver won't do any good," Connor said, mostly ignoring the part about how she lost her lance as he couldn't hear it very well anyway. The prospect of new weapons research was too good to pass up over some technicality with some guest.


"Well, at least you have considered the possibility. I would suggest asking the Kigenese for information, but they are probably too busy painting themselves with dragon's blood and dnacing naked under the moonlight for that happen," Selene said, her face entirely serious though she was half-joking. "But I digress, my questions have been answered Professor," she said, taking her seat once more.

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"What if I tear out one of those metal bars from the Tank lift? Could ya maybe use that?" Gabbie asked, feeling that only three bars remaining wouldn't be a guaranteed collapse. Though even she would have to admit that she knew absolutely nothing about the weight and balancing issues of objects designed to lift tons of hulking metal. "I'mmm sure it'll be fiiine. So could ya?"


"Alright, well then if that's all, then I shall call this summit to a close." Interesting, no one in here was a spy, not an idiotic one at the very least. On the other hand, Colonel Langley and her soldiers did put in quite a bit of effort. More than I'm used to. Still what Rodrigo and Raquel mentioned earlier about that OTHER group. No telling who's with them. Can't be helped at the moment though, I'm afraid. Best to simply fain ignorance for the time being. he thought to himself. "Generals, if you'll be so kind as to meet me in my officer in a few minutes, we can begin discussing the patents and pricing, same as usual, you know the drill." he said growing impatient with his own statement, and immediately heading off the stage.

He came up to Rodrigo and Synthia's row as it was beginning to empty out. "So then are you two ready? You'll need to get dressed very soon ... we're counting in seconds here, not minutes, mind you."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I know! Come on, Synthia, it's time for a nighttime flight! We get dressed, get to the roof, grab a glider, and perform our flawless stunt, landing on the stage, and then you get to dance along with me during the first number!" Rodrigo said excitedly.

"Amazing how you can make things sound far less suicidal than they actually are." Weyland commented unamused.

In her seat, Raquel was wondering what to do now. Some things were obvious. She wouldn't be making Rodrigo's show. She had more important things to do anyway. The whole reason she was here was to see Weyland, but he was still going to be busy for a little while, helping Rodrigo with the stunt, dealing with the generals about the patents to the designs he was selling ... something else might come up too, and it was already past nine o'clock. She was spending the night at the estate and she knew it. But just how long would she have to wait? Til morning? She wasn't one to stay up too late and managed to keep a decent schedule ... normally. On the other hand, discussing the issue over breakfast wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, provided it wouldn't come with any consequences. I guess for now I just need to wait for an opening to talk with him about it. she thought, lightly bopping Chip's hands as the little monkey tried to get at the bag the emblem was in again. "I told you it might be dangerous, now stopit."

She sighed looking at the bag herself. Of course it's dangerous, they're going to kills us over it. Forget that it might have weird effects on people and animals. These guys are willing to cut us all down just like that.

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"Err, the metal bar could work as the shaft I guess, but we'd need something sharper for the head. Without that you'd just be swinging a big iron bar around, which wouldn't be entirely ineffective, but probably not what you're used to," Connor said to Gabbie, putting his hand on his chin.


The Professor had announced that there would be meetings to discuss the patents and headed over towards...Rodrigo Vasquez? That woman with him...is that this "Raquel" that Boris spoke of? The Emblem could be right here in this room...too risky to take it with everyone else around though. Still, I can confirm an identity here.

"General Capaberra, I assume you can handle the business of dealing with the patents yourself. I have matters I must attend to, excuse me," she said, getting up out of her seat and briskly walking over towards Rodrigo and his female friend.

"Vasquez, I wish to congratulate you on your apprehending of those bandits earlier," Selene said, wasting little time with small talk. "The military has been so focused on the Neviskotians that we have not had the resources to deal with many of the problems within our own borders. Your lady friend looks unfamiliar, is this perhaps that merchant...Raquel I think the name was, that helped you deal with these bandits?" she asked, scanning Synthia's face.

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"Ya can't just like, shape the tips to make'em sharp or somethin? Awww. Now we're just talkin about gluin things together. Wait, I got it! The suits of armor holding the replicas in the hallway by the library! I'll take one of the replicas, and you can turn it into a battle ready lance! Weyland'll never know it's missin." Gabbie said pretty sure of the statment.

Other People

General Capaberra nodded at Selene's statement. He had no intention of letting the patents slip by him. The Ursian military wouldn't miss a chance to use these weapons if he had anything to say about it.

"It's not suicidal. It's ... oh, hello." Rodrigo paused to greet Selene. "Uh, sorry but this isn't Raquel. She's the one over there with the monkey. This is Synthia, my date for this evening." As he spoke he was wondering about the encounter in Urquium, and also the events after Ursaea. I should be a bit more careful. Secure meeting or no, we can't trust everyone just because they've got a uniform. I mean, there's no way in hell they brought a high ranking officer into their fold, but that doesn't mean there might not be more like me, who're just being paid for information that will give them an edge. Can't help it now though. What's said is said. I've just got to hope any informants around here are too busy focusing on the presentations to bother with Raquel or her friends.

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"Those probably are sharp enough....Ok let's do it! Uncle will be too busy discussing his new inventions with those soldiers to notice us taking stuff and we can have you a lance in no time," Connor said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.


Vasquez has another girl. Surprise, surprise. Selene thought to herself. "A pleasure to meet you Synthia, I am Major General Selene in case you did not know already," she said, giving Synthia a curt nod. "I suspect you have many preparations to be made for the...frivolty later Vasquez, so I should not keep you," Selene said, eying the girl with the monkey out of the corner of her eye.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Sweet!" Great. I get a temporary replacement, Connor here gets to practice, and what Weyland doesn't know won't hurt'em. Everybody wins! Gabbie thought to herself.

Somewhere in the Vicinity of Rodrigo

"Yeah, you're right, we do need to be going soon. Damn if I'm late for my own concert, right? Heheh." he replied scratching his head some. Of course the hero actually was in danger of being late to his own concert at this rate, and kept that fact at the forefront of his thoughts.

"I'm just going to make sure you two don't crash right after take off. The ignition system is in place like we discussed. After that, you're own your own." Weyland said bluntly.

"Merz, you make it sound like we're going to burst into flames or something."

"Sixteen percent probability is higher than one might think." Weyland shot back crossing his arms, the same look from before on his face still.

Rodrigo could only mumble in response that that. Numbers and odds weren't his thing. He felt that if he just gave it his best shot, things would just work out.

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"Kak vy Pozhivayete." Robin extended her hand in greeting to the woman, a warm smile upon her face. "How do you do?" she then repeated in proper common before seizing Olga's hand in a furious handshake. "My name is Robin. I am a country girl from Ohka. You are city folk I presume, Ms. Olga?" she said before taking a step back to look the fellow woman over, her eyes glancing for signs of her skill. She already knew the woman was a wielder of the staff and a fairly skilled one from what she had learned talking to Liza on the long walk over, but she was unsure of just how skilled the fellow woman actually was. However she could not spot a sign as to how skilled the woman was. Rather, even if there had been a sign, unless it was obvious, Robin could not identify it. "I have heard you are skilled with the staff, Ms. Olga, I am curious, just how so?"

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Turning her head, she noticed a mage that was calling out to her.

"Oh, um yes, I'm with Raquel's group. Is there something you need from me."- Chelsea asked the stranger.

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"Hi there," Olga started off, barely recovering from the handshake. Her balance wasn't even on par with a normal person's. "I'm actually bar folk. If cities are the only places with bars then, yeah, I guess that'd make me a city girl ... or something."

The twins just stood there silently watching.

"Uh yeah, I can do lots of stuff with staves. Heal people, put them on rooftops, put them on the wrong rooftops, beat them over the head until they pass out or die, stab their toes, strangle them, trip them so they fall into the most clumsily disguised traps ever made, you name it." she trailed off. "Don't have a staff with me though, I don't need those for what I was just doing. I'll have to go back to my house to grab one if we're going to be doing ... stuff. You an archer?" she asked scratching her head.

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Selene frowned a bit at the mention of a sixteen percent probability of bursting into flame. A rather foolish risk, for seemingly no gain. Still, the people adore him, so it is best to give him leeway I suppose, as long as he ultimately serves Wrath's will. Sheep are more easily herded by a shepard they trust after all. she thought to herself, casually slipping away from the conversation and walking towards the pink-haired woman with the monkey.

"You are Raquel, are you not? Rodrigo Vasquez told me that you helped him apprehend a group of bandits recently, congratulations. It is a rare civilian that takes it upon themselves to help with matters of local law enforcement," Selene said casually to the woman, attempting to ignore the monkey and gauge her reactions.

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Cecelia grimaced a little at the Major General's description of the Kigenese. She's acting a little abover her station.. she noticed, Weyland did specify that he would be meeting with the generals, not the major generals. Putting those thoughts away, Cecelia returned to the hope that Weyland had made plausable. We might end these wars once and for all... I can hardly believe it. Her distant gaze and the smile she wore indicated that she was daydreaming again. She didn't really care about the Fallen. As far as she was concerned, the Kigenese could take care of them.

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"Excellent, I'm Ranyin, a newcomer to the group and am pleased to meet you. Allow me to carry that bucket for you," said Ranyin as he proceeded to take the bucket of paint from Chelsea.

"I so happen to be looking for paint for a fellow group member Nanahm. I'm sure you know of him at least?" asked Ranyin. Drat, red, who's ever heard of a red duck, thought Ranyin in dismay upon further inspecting the colour of the paint in Chelsea's bucket.

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Chip didn't have a gun to threaten the bigger people with anymore so when Selene showed up, he chose traditional tactics instead. Standing up on Raquel's shoulder, wrapping his tail partially around her hair and neck for support, he puffed up his chest, put his fists at his waists and gave the Major General a dominant stare. The monkey wanted the woman to know he was no push over, and would climb all over her and pull at her hair, bite, scratch and other unpleasant things if she tried to do anything to Raquel. He hadn't noticed the blade she was carrying ....

"Oh uh, hi. Yes, I'm Raquel." she began. It's not really like I did anything all that important. The others did all the work, and I barely avoided getting shot again. "Thanks, though I didn't really do any fighting myself. The mercenaries did all the real work. I'm ... just a merchant-err merchant's assistant, standing in for my father. He used to be in the army. Major Valcyn, maybe you knew him?" she asked hoping to keep the subject focused on something more comfortable for her.

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Robin nodded in response to Olga's question, pointing to the unstrung bow upon her back. "To be more accurate, I am a hunter. I specialize in accurate shots to take down large animals and trying to remain undetected. I have not done combat archery yet, and I am not part of the military, so I do not think I could be called a archer properly. I am curious though. While I can understand healing and putting people on wrong rooftops, stabbing peoples feet? Strangling them?"

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"Oh, well then suit yourself. Oh and nice to meet you, I guess."-Chelsea answered, a little bit stunned by the newcomer, but she managed to compose herself. She handed Ranyin the can of paint.

"Oh yeah I know Nanahm, he's in the same team as I am. You know where he is? Then could you please take me to him?"- Chelsea asked of Ranyin.

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"Yeah, I know where he is, come with me and I'll bring you to him," said Ranyin. As he held onto the paint he thought, well at least it isn't green. Suddenly he realised some formal procedure was missing. He quickly asked Chelsea,"By the way, you did not tell me your name while I have already mentioned mine."

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"Oh, excuse me, where are my manners. My name is Chelsea Liton, I'm a troubador under Lady Raquel's service. Speaking of which what can you do, and how did you get accepted into our merry band of adventurers?"- Chelsea asked Ranyin, curious of his answer.

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"Ah, I happen to be a mage. I offered my services to the group as well, it's unwise to travel alone, especially for spellcasters like us. I'm not really sure if I have been formally accepted yet or not. So I'll be hanging around till I get told to leave. I was supposed to get a full explanation about the exploits of this 'merry' band," said Ranyin, the last word making him think of Gytha,"from one of the members, Veronika if I'm not mistaken, but I have unfortunately not heard it."

Feeling as if he was being interrogated, Ranyin decided to start heading off to find Nanahm to pass the paint to him. He asked Chelsea as he started walking,"Shall we go to Nanahm now?"

Edited by Rothene
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Selene gave the monkey a disapproving glare before returning her focus to Raquel. "Valcyn...the name sounds familiar, though I doubt he was in my unit. So, did you fight those bandits out of self-defense? Or did you and your mercenaries take it upon yourselves to remove them?" she asked, returning to the original line of questioning. I see little reason for that Boris fellow to lie about her involvement and it's all matching up thus far. She might have the Emblem on her right now, but it's too risky to take it with so many people around. Still, I now have enough information to provide a proper description at least.

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