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Return of the Emblem Chapter Three: The Show


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The caffeteria's brakfast was as good as the dinner of the previous night and Maw enjoyed the breakfast meats they had to offer, as perplexed as the cooks were about the request. The dishes were returned to the kitchen staff and Maw continued trotting beside Gytha as she returned to her room, gathered her belongings and returned to the wagon. Synthia and Amon aren't around here either... Well, everyone comes around here sometime. Safest place t' wait. Maw had already claimed her usual spot on the wagon and Gytha just leaned against the land-boat's side. It certainly was strange travelling on land. You never really knew where everyone was, unlike on a ship. You also had to stay together somewhat, unlike after voyages when everyone went their own way. Traveln' th' land... Never thought I'd be doin' this.

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After Domovoi left, Veronika decided to go to bed. She woke up early, not fully rested, but her mind full of nagging worries. How her family was doing, this mysterious organization after them, where Pavel was, the fact that she was in the heart of Ursium for some reason. She shook these thoughts out of her head and decided to have a quiet meal in her room, not wanting to go down to the cafteria. After doing this she managed to find her way back to the wagon, where she noticed Amon was missing. I thought he was staying out here to guard Raquel's inventory. Maybe he got cold and went in the university or something, she thought to herself, though this now only added to her web of worries.


Noelle received a summons to Major General Selene's office bright and early in the morning, eliciting a lot of groaning from the messenger pegasus knight. She managed to get herself into her uniform and take her pegasus down to the Major General's office.

Noelle knocked on the door and Selene wordlessly opened it and gestured for Noelle to take a seat.

"You know, just because you wake up earlier than you need to doesn't mean the rest of us have to," Noelle said to Selene, more flippant than usual due to her exhausted state.

"Sloth is a weakness, Noelle. We will never defeat our enemies without vigilance. But I summoned you here for a reason. I require your services as a messenger Noelle, you're quick and you don't ask too many questions," Selene said, getting straight down to business as usual.

That's more a lack of caring than a penchant for keeping secrets, but whatever. "So what do you need, Major General?" Noelle asked, trying her best to sound dutiful and not particularly succeeding.

"Deliver this note to the soldier, Alastor. You should remember his location from previous deliveries. Do not read the contents of the letter or reveal your location to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Understood?" she asked Noelle.

The messenger nodded and took the letter, sighing as she went back out to the stables. Selene went back to studying the diagram of Central Sardius that was laying on her desk.

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Damian looked over the side of the wagon. He had just woken up, having slept on top of the wagon the past night. "Ahoy, Gytha. What are ye up to this fine mornin'?" He jumped down off the top, blades at his side.

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"Mornin'" Gytha replied, still not entirely trusting the pirate, "I'm well-rested. I assume yer doin' just fine yerself. That so?" She could tell by the weight on her belt that she head everything with her: her belt-pouch, her pistol in its holster and her blade in its sheath. She was all set if it came to blows. It looked like another was nearby as well. Veronika was approching. "Ahoy, Veronika," she greeted. The tone was surprisingly average as opposed to her usually-chipper mood, sobered by Damian's presence.

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"Morning Gytha, Damian," Veronika said, noting the pirate on top of the wagon. "I'm waiting for Raquel to arrive, I hope to get moving as quickly as possible. Did either of you see Amon last night? I thought he was staying with the wagon, but I don't see him around anywhere," she said to them. He's probably fine, but it never hurts to check I suppose.

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"I haven't seen him since I went int' th' buildn' there," Gytha replied, concern crossing her face as she stucker her thumb at the university, "And that was yesterday. Ye thin he's alright?" Concern was beginning to edge upon worry. He was probably fine, but she hated to see him hurt. It made her feel like she hadn't been quick enough to keep up and protect the thinner man. As she was prone to, the mariner had been distracted. She wasn't thinking about Damian anymore. Her attention was focussed on Veronika.

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"I haven't seen him for a while either...he's probably all right, just out doing something. Maybe he went with some of the others to the show and came back to the dorms?" Veronika suggested to Gytha. Though Amon didn't really seem comfortable doing that before. Oh, maybe I'm worrying too much, just like Maka always says.

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"Hmm. Maybe," Gytha agreed, shaking off the concern as much as she was able for the time being. Again, she found a distraction. Jumping aborad the wagon's top, Gytha took the roll of bandages and the ointment out from her bag and unwrapped Maw's head, revieling the socket where Maw's other eye had once been. Carefully, gently, Gytha began tending to the socket, putting the protective, healing salve into it before wrapping it again with clean bandages. Maw remained comepletely still durring the process. When it was done she put the supplies back into the bag strapped to her belt and closed the pouch off. Maw curled up and waited for the rest of the day to continue.

Gytha just sat there, dangling her legs over the edge of the cart, wondering what al was actually going on. And why's Damian bein' so friendly? He hasn't tried anythin' yet... I can't entirely lower me guard, though. she thought as her eyes slipped over to the pirate for a moment before returning to the ground. For now she'd just listen. Undoubtedly the quicker, lighter sword-wielders would get to talking. They at least had that in common, after all, and they hadn't really spoken to each other much in spite of Veronika being the one who insisted that Damian be allowed to join Raquel's group.

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Panicking amidst the crowd, Nanahm's worrying was interrupted by Ranyin. The only thing that came to mind immediately was, "Did you see where she went?!" He asked suddenly. Amon gave him one thing to do and he couldn't even manage that. How fucking fantastic is that...?

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"Wh...o? Who went whaa...she?!" asked a surprised Ranyin. Nanahm's look of panick made Ranyin afraid he might accidentally lash out at anyone near him. Using the crowd as a distracting cover, Ranyin tried to get himself away from Nanahm as he had the gut feeling that it was not worth his effort to follow the fiery head man. Hopefully Nanahm was to distraught and assumed I was a figment of his imagination, thought Ranyin as he allowed to crowd to sweep him away.

After gaining some distance, Ranyin rushed back to the university as fast as he could. The activities of the entire day was taking its toll on Ranyin. Between surviving Gytha and exploding baths, the rowdiness of the crowd was extremely mild by comparison. Unfortunately, it was not enough to make Ranyin feel relaxed. He needed sleep, hopefully he gets a lot of it.

By the time he reached the dormitory, he was too exhausted to bother looking out for Gytha and charged headlong into his bed. Usually he required an hour to get used to the height of which Ursium beds were compared to the floor level matresses he was accustomed to sleeping in back in Kigen. This time, he was so tired, he could have blissfully let exhaution take over him on a jagged rock. His last thoughts as sweet oblivion enveloped his senses was how the Ursium bed, being suspended by wooden legs, gave the impression that he was lying on a cloud, overseeing the vast world below.

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[spoilers]"What reserves?" asked Robin, a outright confused look upon her face. She decided to pay it no mind however, returning the staves and back to the ground. Then, she tried to pick the bag up again, only for a quick squeak of pain too shoot through her right foot. "Bron, Olga, can one of you please carry this bag? I will carry the staves, but my foot can not handle the bag. I am sorry."

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She Brings Milk

When Raquel returned she had a small bottle of milk in her hand, chilled. "Sorry for the wait, Amon. Here you go." she said handing him the bottle and he thanked her. Next she sat down at his bedside again. "So I spoke with the assistants in the hall and they said they'll get a hold of the Professor. I guess they're doing that right now. Anyway you should be taken to the estate in a little while, so don't do anything silly."

Amon listened while drinking the milk and nodded in reply to her question without stopping.

"I'd stick around but the others don't know what happened yet I'll bet. Also I need to let them know to head down to the estate. Weyland wants all of us there so best to send them over now, then I can get the trading done, and meet you guys back there."

"So you're going to the university to get the wagon now, then?" he asked taking a break with the bottle half empty.

"Yeah." she nodded. "Say, did you finish reading that book I gave you?"

"Uh yeah, but I'm not too confident about it yet. I wouldn't mind reading it a few more times befor-" "It's a two hundred page book, whaddyou mean 'a few more times'? Just use it as a reference. You don't have to tackle loads of information like that all at once, it's ... inefficient ... if I can use that word." she interrupted.

"Uh, okay I'll just reference it then." he said conceding shyly.

"Okay good. Well, I should get going. I'll see you back at the mansion." she said getting up to leave. Once she was gone, he finished off the milk in a few gulps and then lied back down staring up at the ceiling.

She Brings News

Awhile after Raquel had left the hospital, Raquel arrived at the university. Walking, and occasionally running, had her legs aching by then, but she reminded herself that exercise was good for her. She never knew when she might not have the ability to use her wagon to get around ... like that very day for example. When she arrived at the wagon, quite a few familiar faces were there. Well, where to start?

"Good morning, guys. Umm, okay I've got some news but I'm kind of in a hurry here so this is going to have to all come out at once." she said trying to prepare them. "Okay don't be alarmed but Amon's in the hospital ..." she paused to let that kind of sink in, but then went straight into the explanation she knew they were waiting for. "It's okay though, he's going to be alright. He was attacked yesterday by a woman named Silvia after the concert and taken to the hospital to recover. The Professor is having him moved over to his place for now."


"Let's just wait here until Liza and Liliya get the horses." Bron said gesturing at the twins to get to the task. He tossed them his entire bag of gold not really caring anymore, and the two were off. Kneeling down, he asked "So how's your leg?"

"See? You went too far to try to make a point and you hurt yourself. You're new so I'll explain how our little group functions on jobs. I'm the staff chick, Olga. I save the lives of the wounded, an invaluable service, and all I ask in return for this is enough money to pay my bills and to not have to lug anything around. Not too high a price what with the SAVING LIVES thing and all." Olga rambled nonchalantly. Bron just scratched his head at the explanation. He didn't necessarily disagree but he felt she was still taking advantage of the situation. He supposed it couldn't be helped. She was a mercenary so he was lucky she wasn't charging him enormous fees instead. She was actually skilled enough to warrant a much higher fee as it was. With that in mind, he didn't feel he could complain about her luggage shenanigans.

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Veronika gave Raquel a somewhat startled look at the news, but managed to regain her composure. "So this Silvia, was she some of random bandit or thief? Or was she part of this...organization that we have had issues with?" she asked Raquel. I suspect the latter, these people keep showing up like bad coins. These may not be simple thieves we're dealing with...very bold of them to attack in such a common area.

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"What's a hospt'al?" the mariner asked in confusion, "And why'd Amon go there? And why're ye makin' it sound like Amon's been badly hurt? None o' this makes sense." Why'd the proffessor want him at his place? Did he win against this Silvia lady? wondered Gytha. She was glad to see Raquel but this news was too cobnfusing for ehr to greet her properly.

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"Amon said he was trying to come warn us about her because she apparently knew Caine, that guy Gytha killed. Apparently she intercepted him. But, yeah, Gytha, a hospital is like ... I'm not sure what you'd call it on a ship but it's a place where people who get really hurt or sick go to heal ... and lose all of their gold I guess." she explained to Veronika and Gytha. "They'll be moving him to Weyland's place soon, but I have some things to do before I head back over there so I came to let you guys know what was going on, and get the wagon. I've got to do some buying and selling, etctera. Feel free to help if you want, but anyone not helping me should head over to Weyland's place too. He wants us there so he can discuss the issue with that group that's been hounding us. Once we figure out what to do next, we'll be leaving Europa."

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Once he was outside, John first went to where Gil, who was still asleep, was to grab something to eat from one of his bags, settling on fruit once more. Leaving the wyvern he went back to where the wagon was, noticing the people already gathered there.

''Morning.'' He called out when he got close enough. They were apparently in conversation, though he had no idea what was about.|

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"WHAT?!" was all Gytha said before leaping off of the wagon and bolting off. (A hospt'al's like sick bay, then, but bandits, thieves and pirates lurk there, sounds like. Stealn' from the dyn'... No honor! None at all! Amon won't suffer that! She said somethin' 'bout movin' 'im t' Weyland's. So, if I find a map o' th' city, I'll know where t' be: between Weyland's and the thieves' sick bay: Hospt'al. And Caine... So, that was'is name... That gal Silvia was 'is friend, eh? Prolly vengence. She won't get away with this!)


Maw remained on the cart as she figured she should do.

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After the concert (and the signing of a few autographs ;P) Rodrigo returned Synthia to Weyland’s estate where she had spent the night in a guest bedroom. Exhausted from the previous day and late night show she slept in way past her usual wake up time. She was awakened by a gentle rapping beyond the door.

Synthia pulled the covers over her head and groaned. Who dared wake her at such an ungodly hour, it was- she pulled the blanket off her head and stared at the window. How long had she been sleeping? With the amount of sun coming in through the window it was at least ten. Still dead tired, but not willing to waste the day lying in bed, she eventually got up and answered the door. The maid standing there held a bag in one hand and a tray of breakfast in the other.

“Er… thank you,” Synthia said, taking the tray. She rubbed the last traces of sleep from her eyes with her free hand.

“Good morning, miss,” the maid said as she had handed over the tray. She then offered the bag, which Synthia looked curiously at. “Here are your clothes, miss. Washed, pressed, and dried. I’ve also retrieved your things from Miss Raquel’s room and had them cleaned as well.”

Synthia looked down at the nightgown she was wearing. Ah, so that’s what had happened to her other clothes that morning? How... thoughtful, she supposed. She took the bag and thanked the maid again. As the girl left she closed the door before dropping the bag of clothing on a chair on her way to the bed. She sat cross legged on the bed with the tray across her lap and began to eat.

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Veronika watched Gytha bolt off with minor amusement. I'd like to check up on Amon too, but Raquel did say he was fine. I have to wonder where she finds all that energy.

She then returned her attention to Raquel. "Yes, leaving Europa soon would be the best I think...for multiple reasons. I can help you shop if you'd like. None of us should be traveling alone in this city, least of all you," she said sternly.

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Raquel reached out with her hand trying to stop Gytha with what amounted to a concerned moan, and a simple waiting gesture. "... does she even know where the hospital is ...? Oh man." Then she noticed John right there. That might be helpful. "Hey, John? Do you think you could follow after her and make sure she doesn't get lost or anything? Europa's a lot bigger than it looks once you're inside it and frankly, there's more than one hospital in this city ... more than five actually."

Then she addressed Veronika. "That's never been more true than right now. Chip's gun got completely destroyed by this girl I ran into yesterday. She had a really weird lance too. Black colored blades on both ends, and it could extend or retract on a whim. Kind of scary. Oh, uh, she's not really an enemy, she just thought I was an intruder at Weyland's place, and things got out of hand is all." she said trying not to make it sound as if there was more than one incident with their enemies the previous day. "Okay then, that stuff aside, I'm hoping we can find some really quality goods here, we're going to need them." she said looking over to the wagon. Seeing her father's wagon again she was reminded of the tank from the summit. It was pretty impressive, all that armor plating, but she realized how unbelievably heavy that would make the vehicle. It might not even be able to move after that.

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After a few hours of blissful rest, Ranyin finally woke up when he was rudely greeted by the ground. His sleeping habit of rolling on the Kigen floor high 'beds' to evade sunlight was not the least bit dangerous. However, due to the height Ursium beds were designed, this meant every morning, he would have to suffer a rude awakening.

After rubbing his thickening skull and checking to see if there was any bruise or swelling on his face through a bowl of water, Ranyin proceeded to use change back to his usual traveling blue robes. Grabbing all his belongings, Ranyin cautiously opened hs door to peek outside. Noting the hallway being free of Gytha, he quickly made his way to the cafeteria to get some breakfast.

His grumbling stomach made him pick up his pace, almost to the point of sprinting a long the hallway...until he spotted Gytha exiting the cafeteria. With reflexes that might have made a myrmidon proud, he swiftly ducked behind a pillar and watched as Gytha made her way to somewhere else. When the coast was clear, Ranyin continued his way into the cafeteria.

He was relatively unused to the cold breakfast that the Ursians were accustomed to. The hams, bread and fruits were cold. Even the eggs were boiled and then left to cool. It seemed odd to the Kigen who ate steaming hot porridge and egg with well sauced vegetables for breakfast. Either way, the mage was hungry and he could not afford to be picky. Finishing his meal, he made his way to the wagon where he had this vague memory that he should gather there at sunrise.

As he closed in on the wagon. he let out a breath of relief as he noticed Gytha speeding away from it. When he reached it, he waved his hand and greeted the standard 'hellos' to all those around the wagon.

Edited by Rothene
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I scared him off? Oh goddammit, it was a SIMPLE QUESTION. Nanahm went off to find the woman, roaming the streets to no avail. She was either too elusive and quick, or he had gone the wrong way. Both seemed to be extremely plausible answers to him at the moment, and as such, he grew tired of this chase. He'd apologize to Amon in the morning as best he could, but right now, all the fighter wanted was to go to sleep and rest. Too many things keep happening to this group, he was beginning to wonder if it was worth it in the end. He made his way back to the university, found his room again and plopped down on the bed in as graceful a manner as you could imagine.

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Waking up early in the morning, Domovoi headed to the cafeteria for breakfast, which he thought was surprisingly good. As soon as he had finished, he headed towards the stables where Miskavolv was at to fetch him and head to the wagon.

Maybe I'm being too hard on him. He hasn't had anything to eat for awhile and I didn't bring anything from the cafeteria. I hope he'll cooperate because there's nothing worse than a wyvern whose not only disobedient, but also actively works to sabotage you....probably not.

When he reached Miskavolv, the wyvern merely looked up, hoping his master would take pity on him and give him food. Seeing that was not so, he gave Domovoi a wide eyed puppy dog look and whimpered a little as Domovoi let him out of the stable.

"Come on old friend. I'll let you go hunting as soon as we get out of the city."

Upon hearing this, Miskavolv made an excited growl, still keeping the puppy dog look.

"Now stop making that face at me," Domovoi shot back at the wyvern as he finally arrived at the wagon.

"Good morning to you all. Whoever went to the show last night, did you enjoy it?"

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John watched as Gytha bolted off. 'What's with her?' He wondered. Then Raquel asked him to follow her.

''Ah... right, I'm on it.'' John replied, before starting running to catch up with her.

'Well, so much for a quiet and peaceful morning.' He thought. 'If only I could use Gil to... wait, did she just mentioned a hospital?' The fact someone ran off was connected with a hospital certainly didn't sounded like good news.

But now there was the fact he didn't knew about their locations either, or that he could catch up with Gytha. 'Maybe I should ask someone first. Now, what could sound more normal? 'Excuse me, but where is the nearest hospital?' or 'Excuse me, have you seen a woman running like mad passing through here?''

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Recalling the woman Veronika had pointed out to him as their employer the day before, Ranyin decided to approach her and introduce himself properly. Hopefully he also gives a good enough impression to be accepted to the group formally. He was not sure how long he wanted to remain with the group, with someone like Gytha lurking around all the time. Plus he was not doing his work properly, he could easily assume that his superiors did not want him to pass and sent him on a long fruitless hunt, so he might as well use it as an opportunity to seee the world from the safety of a group.

"Greetings Raquel, I am Ranyin," said Ranyin while trying to put up his winning smile,"I'm a travelling mage who would like to tag along with your band for nothing other than the protection imparted by those that travel in a group. I'm not asking you to hire my services but just let me travel alongside you all, I can pay for myself."

Maybe I spoke too hurriedly, maybe some of the sentences did not make sense, thought Ranyin worriedly, he was not surprised at how poor his speech was considering he had a full twenty seconds to come up with it and rehearse the whole thing.

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