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Return of the Emblem Chapter Three: The Show


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The mariner made turn after turn somewhat blindly, but occasionally looking up to the sun to tell which compass direction she was headed in. She only slowed when she saw a cartographer's shop. It was in that store that she stopped, looked at a map of Europa, mentally went through the turns he'd have to make to get to one of the many hospitals in the city and was off again. Seeing as she didn't take the map with her, there was no reason for coin to change hands.

The first hospital she entered had no idea what she was talking about but asked if she thought she should stay for a while. Calling them a thief-infested, phony, layabout lot of liars when they suggested this nearly got her forcably removed from the building with only her continuing on her way of her own accord stopping their actions. The second hospital hadn't heard of anyone named "Amon" either. Those two establishments had been relitively close together, but even so, with all this running, Gytha was getting tired. When she trudged into the third hospital, it was all she could do to ask the lady at the front desk, "Do ye have anyone named Amon in this'ere hospt'al?" She was leaning heavily on the desk and trying to catch her breath. Maybe running that much had been a bad idea... It was hard to see straight.

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Another one? Well, I guess it would be fine if he's willing to help out but ... "I guess it makes sense to want to travel in numbers for protection, but it might not be a good idea if you've got any particular destination in mind. I'm not sure where we're going to end up. I also can't guarantee we won't end up in some really dangerous situations." she explained, trying not to scare him off, but also trying to be up front about the danger.


A woman at the front desk looked up at Gytha a little surprised. The woman had clearly been running or something. "Amon? Let me see here ... Amon, Amon, Amoooon ..." she had begun running her finger over some names in a rather large book. "Let's see, is this it?" she asked herself looking closer. "Uh oh ... looks like he died of a stroke last night." She paused wondering what the woman would do now. Suddenly she realized she was on the wrong page. "Oops, that's Damon. I'm in the D section, sorry." she clarified before going back a few pages. When she found the name Amon, she placed her finger directly on it. "Ahah! There it is. Seems he was admitted for a severe stab wound and several fractures and broken bones last night. He's scheduled to be released tomorrow." I REALLY need to find my glasses before I do something really stupid.

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Raquel's response pleased Ranyin, aside from the part that mentions about potential danger. Since he had no particular place to go and he was a dead man walking alone anyway, he figured whatever dangers the group encounter, he might encounter those alone anyway. He was blissfully oblivious to the real dangers that the group could potentially encounter.

"I have no particular destination anyway, so I have no problems with the group going in erratic directions. Dangers will always find its way to travellers, irregardless of whether they travel alone or in a group. And from my short experience, it's very hard to deal with dangers alone which makes traveling in a group more desirable," said Ranyin. Unless some of the dangers come from a particular group member, he thought thinking of Gytha.

Edited by Rothene
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Gytha's emotions took three sharp turns in those short moments. At first she was beside herself in disbelief. Then she realized it has to be the wrong person since she said he'd died last week and the last time Gytha saw Amon was the previous day. Then she heard about Amon's present condition. "Whereis'e?" she blurted, lurching forward and sort of getting into the poor secretary's face in her enthusiastic conern, "I need t' find 'im b'fore the pirates an' thieves get t' 'im!" She certainly looked and sounded serious. That was because she was serious, not really knowing any better.

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Uh, I meant there's an evil organization trying to kill us and they come at us every so often without warning. "Uh, well ... if you don't mind any potential danger ... " We really need some more manpower ... "... welcome to the team, Ranyin." she said smiling, the only sign of her thoughts, a single bead of sweat coming down the side of her face.


"Pirates and thieves? Wha-uh never mind, he's in room 2-12. That's the second floor, and room number twelve." she said leaning back in her chair nervously.

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Immediately Gytha was off to find the stairs. Once on the 2nd floor it wasn't hard to find room 12. She barged in uncerimoniously and unannounced, cocking her pistol as she opened the door and scanning the room for enemies. "Don't ye lay a hand on 'im ye thieving scum!" she threatened, keeping a sharp eye on the group around a rather battered-looking Amon.

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Ranyin felt proud of himself for percieving himself as being successfully convincing. With that, he turned around and pondered on what to do, then he asked Raquel,"Any idea where was John heading?"

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What It Looks Like

Amon had already been briefed by the people there. His legs were fine so he was free to walk out to the small carriage they had waiting, but he would need an escort just to be safe. That was when the door flung open and Gytha appeared with a pistol. Amon was too dumbfounded to say anything until after everyone else in the room put their hands up. "Uh, Gytha? Did Raquel send you or something?" What does she mean by thieves? Does she think they're robbing me or something? You know, for once she'd be kind of right there. Okay don't giggle, this isn't that funny, sheesh. Amon thought, keeping a blank face.


"I sent John to find Gytha before she ... does something rash." she explained. For some reason, she wasn't sure why ... it felt like it was already too late. Would John catch up to her in time?, she wondered.

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John went after Gytha, thought Ranyin worriedly, ah well, those two won't be needing me. Ranyin proceeded to sit in the wagon and observe the other group members.

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"She told us ye were hurt real bad by a lady named Silver er somethin' and that that blasted thief from b'fore was called Caine and that ye was in a place called a hospt'al, which is like sick bay 'cept it's full o' bandist, thieves an' pirates that loot the sick and injurred. Don't worry, though, Amon," she replied, her deadly eyes slowly scanning the people with their hands in the air, "Now that I've found ye, I won't let'em mug ye. We're teammates and friends, after all." To the people she was threatening, Gytha's tone was deadly as opposed to the somewhat-casual tone she'd taken when speaking to Amon. "Now, if any o' ye try anythin', ye can bet I'll put a hole in yer head, put away th' pistol and take out me sword. Now listen t' me. Start headn' fer the main entrence slowly and keep yer hands where ye have'em: above yer heads." Gytha was dead serious. She was going to bring these guys out into the street in front of the hospital, then she was going to wait for whoever Weyland was sending so these criminals could be properly dealt with.

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"Hmm ..." Amon thought about Gytha's version of what was happening and figured out what she was getting at, and why. "Uh, maybe I should explain ... you see, these are people who work here at the hospital. They were just going to help me get over to Weyland's home. They're not actually thieves. I think what Raquel meant was that places like these charge an awful lot of money for their services. Have you ever heard the term 'That's practically robbery!' or anything like that? It's one of the places that might have people saying something like that, but it's not entirely serious. I mean, I've already racked up a six thousand gold bill, but they're not holding me to the sword for it or anything like that. Apparently Weyland's covering the bill anyway." he explained casually as the staff members looked at him.

"So umm ... since you're here, maybe you can just escort me instead? Then they can focus on other patients that need it." he suggested.

"That's fine with us so long as nobody gets hurt." one of them said in a stern tone of voice born of fear.

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"Oh, I get it now. Sorry 'bout that," Gytha appologized as she put her gun back into its holder and offered a cheerful smile to those present, "Fine by me. Ye need any help there, Amon?" She walked over to him as though nothing had happened, though she planned to start asking questions and give him a bit of a talking-to once they were away from the shady doctors.

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"Oh, we can't forget my real clothes. I can't change into them until my arm's feeling good enough to be out of this sling. Uh, is it okay if I keep these clothes for now too, and just send them back to you once I'm done with them?" he asked the staff members who had just begun to let their hands come back down.

"Yeah, sure." the same one said simply, his voice not quite having the same level of strength behind it as before. The tension didn't just die down for him either. Amon almost felt like chuckling at the misconception. As dangerous as it seemed at the time, nobody was hurt, only severely startled. It was becoming a bit more humorous to the Rexian than before. He wondered if he would look back on all of the mariner's misconceptions this way eventually. Time did have a way of making even a catastrophe seem funny down the road.

"Here you go." the same staff member said handing Gytha a bag with Amon's clothes in it. Amon's right hand was suspended in a sling, and the left one was thoroughly bandaged and taking note of that, Gytha was the only decent choice for handing the Rexian's things off to.

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"Alright, no problem," Gytha mentioned as she took Amon's things, making a note that she already had her duffelbag packed and in Raquel's wagon, "C'mon, Amon." With that, she turned around and began walking towards the door. If she had to, she could likely carry Amon, too, or at least help support him. Though when she'd asked, they'd made no implecation that he needed any help. So, she just assumed he'd be fine on his own.

OoC: Feel free to TS to the carriage waiting for them, Phoenix.

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Robin turned her leg to Bron, showing what damage had been done. A light red swelling along with a hair of dark discoloration was visible above her shoes. She quickly removed them, revealing the rest of the discoloration. "It hurts." she said, prodding it softly. "If I were smart, I would not use it for walking. I can move my toes well enough though, so I will be fine. It does not need a healing staff, just carefulness on my part." She sat down upon the ground, her fingers going to massage the wounded flesh. She could feel sharp jolts of pain as her fingers kneaded her brushed body, but did not let up. It was oddly pleasing for her. After a moment, she sighed in relief as the pain started to subside. Then, she stood up, being careful to keep her weight off of the wounded foot. Turning her shoulder to Olga, she looked at Bron. "It won't be a problem, I swear. I can try to make a splint if it is really a issue."

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John had no luck so far in finding Gytha. Even though he had found a hospital or two already, no one could tell him about a woman recently entering or something of the sort.

'Maybe I should've asked back at the wagon for more details...' He thought. After some more walking around, he found another hospital. 'Here we go again.' And with that, he entered the building.

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Amon didn't need carrying, but he was still careful with his steps as he and Gytha left the second floor. One the way out John came into view. "John? Are you here to check up on me too?" he asked.


Once Raquel had figured out who was coming with her and Veronika, she retrieved the horses from the stables and got them ready to go. Fortunately the hostlers had taken good care of them during most of the early morning and they were ready for work. With that done, she instructed those staying behind to get over to Professor Weyland's mansion right away, and then she and the others left.


"So you carry steel weapons?" she asked fellow merchant. He seemed to own an entire armory and she felt that she might be here for awhile.

"Yep. Military grade steels. Perfect for skirmishes or just being of better quality than any bandits you happen to come across. They're pretty much standard in Ursium now, even for privates. Not that it isn't getting expensive for them." he explained casually and with a smile on his face.

"My father typically carried a silver sword." she commented with a hand on her chin.

"Must've been an officer or something then. Lieutenant, higher?"


"Ah, yeah I see. Yeah higher ranking officers can't resist those silvers-they pack a helluva wallop. Expensive as hell though." he explained.


"So these make it easier to hit enemies?" she asked.

"Yeah, and all without sacrificing any power. They're pretty handy." the man explained.

"Would have been nice to have these when that Caine guy was wailing on Gytha and Amon." she muttered.


Next she found herself speaking with a merchant who was overstocked with magical items. "El tomes increase attack power on about the same level as steel weapons do versus iron ones. Shield tomes increase resistance ability by providing extra energy for people's barriers." the man explained.

"That'll come in handy. Hey, what's this bracer thing?" she asked eying a barrier bracer.

"Umm, think of it as a magical version of a shield." he began. "Those little bracers provide a lot of raw magic power that wielders can use to boost their barriers."

"Magic shield. Cool." she commented smiling.





Steel Weapons

El Tomes

Precise Weapons

Shield Tomes


"Why not just let me heal it and save us the trouble?" Olga commented when Robin began talking about splits.

"She's got a point. We've got a healer, so we may as well use her." Bron added.

"Use me, use me, BUT, don't abuse meEeEeEEEEE~" she sang jokingly before looking through her staves and picking out a healing one. "You know it bugs me how similar this old warp staff is to this physic staff. I mean if I had bad eyes, it'd be the difference between healing a wound and sending you to Stubbsgrit." she comment, half serious.

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"Oh, hello, Jessiabel," Gytha greeted as she and Amon met up with John before waiting for him to answer Amon's question. She was calm and casual on the surface, though the emotions from the information about Amon's adventure was building up for when she could finally have a private chat with her teammate.

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Veronika watched the crowd vigilantly for any signs of Silvias or Caines or other sorts of people that seemed to swoop upon the group and stab them. If they were there, they did not make themselves known. She paid a bit more attention to the discussion between Raquel and the merchant while she was buying weapons. They sounded fairly useful, though Veronika had grown rather attached to her family longsword over time and did not feel the urge to change arms quite yet.

She decided to approach Raquel after she had finished shopping about something she had heard earlier. "So, what's this about your father being a military officer? Seems like an odd occupation for a merchant," she said, trying to sound casual.

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''Finally, I catch up with you. And my name is not...'' John began, but then figured he could correct her later... again. ''Wait, what happened to you?'' He asked Amon. ''How did you end up in a hospital?''

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"Uh, yeah about that ... I was trying to get back to Raquel or someone to warn them about this woman, and she caught up to me. I couldn't beat her so ... here I am." he ended shrugging.


"Oh, well he used to be in the military. He retired though and started up this business I'm trying to save." she explained. "I guess you could say working with the mercenaries and traveling so constantly is saving the business, but right now it really isn't worth it for me unless we save him too. I'm not even sure if I should be doing this at all without him, but the group needs all the supplies they can get so ... " she stopped early. Strange. I want to just drop everything and go save my father but I need the mercenaries' help to do that, and they need to be supplied for any kind of engagements we get into if they're going to win. So I need to keep the business running just to save my father ... that's ... really strange. "oh man, I'm becoming an arms dealer ... almost all of the conventional items are gone. There's mostly just weapons now." she said sighing.

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''Wait, so you were attacked?'' John asked, surprised. ''Then, does she happens to be related to the guys we've been fighting?''

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Nanahm awoke early that morning, grabbing a light breakfast then his gear and heading out to the wagon where apparently there were tons of people gathering already. He had not expected this for some odd reason... The group seemed to be on the move, so he said nothing as he got in the wagon and sat there, still trying to wake himself up. "Stupid sun..." he mumbled to no one in particular, watching the road roll behind him.

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"Weapons aren't a bad market, especially in wartime. Even you aren't providing for the military, the threat of an attack usually inspires people to defend themselves. Speaking of defending yourself--have you ever considered taking up the sword or magic or something? With a number of people aiming to kill you it would probably be useful to be able to fight back," Veronika said to Raquel as the wagon lumbered towards Weyland's manor.

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Amon nodded. "Yeah she was with them. That's why I was trying to warn Raquel. Didn't work out the way I hoped though." he explained while visualizing the whole incident. "Well ... luckily she didn't seem to be exceedingly powerful or faster than the naked eye. I think two or three of us could take her if she stuck around to fight." he assessed.


"I-I'm ... really not a fan of violence as it is. I mean, it's not like I can't even bare to look at a fight, but ... killing someone is just ... I would hate to have to do something like that." Raquel replied putting her head down. "That's kind of why I liked that Chip had a three shot pistol and knew how to use it. I could focus on my work and he could protect me and the merchandise. It wasn't as foolproof as I thought though if that girl at Weyland's place was all it took to break it. Even if I get a replacement for him it could still be a problem someday." Oh man, I knew this might come up eventually ... she thought to herself, with some worry on her face.

The Estate

Once they got into the carriage, the driver took Amon, Gytha, and John over to the estate grounds. Once parked, the three were let out onto the grounds where they were met by a couple of guards and about four maids. "Hello there. I hope the ride over wasn't too bumpy, Amon."

I don't mind bumps, it's all the waiting. That took half an hour. We could have gotten here faster running. he thought to himself. "It was fine."

"Well then come on inside and we'll have our doctor take a look at you while we wait for the others."

"Uh, sure ..."

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