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Return of the Emblem Chapter Three: The Show


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"Perhaps it would be better if those of us of...undesirable origins stay by the wagon. We should arouse less suspicion that way," Veronika said to Raquel in a hushed tone. Hopefully those military members are too busy with this summit to notice us, I could get into a lot of trouble here, Domovoi even moreso.

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Amon had been sitting on top of the wagon looking around at the campus spotting people walking around, the pegasus knights landing, the officer waving to them, and even Gytha showing up. "Oh you're back." began before pausing to answer her question as best he could. "I think this is a place of learning. Raquel and Rodrigo said the man we're looking for would be here."

"Yeah that's probably for the best. Okay I'll head inside and try to find either of them before those military fliers whisk him away. If we wait til they're trying to mount him up they'll think we're a threat. Then injuries." she said before beginning a weak run toward the entrance. She wanted to catch them before they came outside.


Meanwhile inside the university's halls, Boris sat down with his hands tied. Weyland and Rodrigo showed up close by during their talk. Weyland immediately stopped and turned to Rodrigo when he noticed the man. "Who's this fellow?"

"Part of the reason you need to talk with someone. We'll bring him along I guess. Can't leave him here like this. He'll get too much attention."

"Indeed." Weyland replied noting a few curious girls peeking from around the corner. "Ugh."

Helping Boris to his feet and then quickly and tightly gripping the man's binding's Rodrigo led him out with Weyland in tow. They didn't quite make it outside before the officer that arrived earlier found them. He stopped in front of them and greeted them. "Professor Seth Weyland, right? I'm Liutenant Colonel Miguel Taylor. I'm here to make sure you make it to the summit alright." he said giving a casual low wave.

"They sent an officer?" Weyland was obviously a bit curious.

"I needed an excuse to not be cooped up with the guard detail and so here I am. You ready to move out?" he asked crossing his arms.

"Um not quite. It seems I still have a bit of business here with Rodrigo and some friend of his."

"That friend wouldn't happen to be this guy, would it?" he replied nodding his head at Boris.

"Nah, prettier." Rodrigo clarified.

"You don't say. Well then I'll be happy to wait if that's the case. Mother Mercy I may just come with you."

"Fine. Let's go." Weyland stated, obviously getting annoyed.

As soon as the four men exited the building, Raquel slid to a stop right in front of them. Rodrigo smiled and gave a small little wave while Miguel zoned out for some reason. "P-Professor ..." she managed to get out.

"Right then. This is who I wanted you to see, Weyland." Rodrigo explained.

"Miss Valcyn. What brings you here?" he asked.

"I needed to see you ... about something important." she said keeping her hands low and together and her head down. Miguel was still mentally absent for the moment.

"I'm assuming this isn't something to speak of in public, is it?"

She shook her head. "Very well, we'll discuss it in private, but right now I'm very busy and it will have to wait until after the debut." he explained.

"I understand but ... do you think we could rent a space for the wagon from you for the night?"

"Hey, give them so vacant dorms while you're at it, Weyland." Rodrigo interjected.

"Quiet, you. Hmm. From the looks of your group you'll be needing more than just dorms. I see some mounts over there as well. Very well. Keep the wyverns out of other people's business, don't start any trouble, and I'll write the board a guest room requisition form before the summit begins. For now just take this ring. The staff knows it's mine and they'll shut up long enough for me to get the form written.

You got Weyland's Ring!

"Alright, thank you. I'll make sure nothing happens and take full responsibility." she said before glancing back at the group.

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"Undesireable origins?" I wonder what she means by that... thought the mariner, hearring Veronika's suggestion. Her words were almost troubling to the seafarer. Maybe she means Damian since he's a pirate...

"Are those the people she was lookn' fer?" Gytha asked Amon from where she was standing next to the wagon.

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'No good, huh?' John thought, after hearing about no vacancy at the inn. Setting out to the streets once more, he noticed the wagon was no longer there.

'Now where did they went now? I guess I'll have to find them.' With that, with Gil in tow, he traversed the city streets, not that he'd passed up unnoticed of course, the wyvern made him stand out. Fortunetly, he was able to avoid trouble, as the things were more occupied on the events of tonight. Finally, he spotted the group and the wagon near a big building. ''Ah, there they are.'' He said before joining them once more.

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"Tcha!" With a quick flick of her tongue, Robin let loose a short trill of a laugh as amusement flooded over her face. "That is because I am not a student, sir! My father was a hunter, as was his father before him, and as I hope to be. Already I can put a arrow into a bucks neck at a hundred paces. I came here to hunt a different quarry as it were. Instead of deer, I seek to hunt down an artifact. I just... Well..." the amusement suddenly drained from her face as she looked down, the book behind her as she idly kicked a small tuft of fuzz. "I just do not know which artifact." Then, trying to perk up a bit, she offered him the book. "This book is written in Common, and my reading skill in common is not that good. I have no problem with you using this now if I may use the other book."

Edited by Snowy_One
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Once the wagon finally arrived at the university, it took a while, but Chelsea was slowly coming to. Groaning quite loudly, Chelsea got off the floor, rubbing her head because she felt a huge headache.

"Where in the world is everyone? Where am I?"- Chelsea said as she changed into another set of clothes.....that looked the same from her original outfit.

"Welp,can't stick around and wait. I've gotta find someone to talk to."- the troub said as she exited the wagon.

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Ranyin had travelled for days in the foreign land of Ursium. He was directionless about how to deal with his search for 'Ancient' Magic that his superiors wanted him to seek. First off, he did not even know what they were. After the first few days wandering at the Kigen Ursium borders, Ranyin got word of a University that had some so-called smartest man in the world somewhere in Ursium. The excited innkeeper commented on how proud he was that his daughter was there to learn.

It made Ranyin decide to begin his search there. For the moment, he was blacklisted from most institutes in Kigen and thus could never access any knowledge concerning magic. But the strange new lands of Ursium was fair game. So far the only upside all this is bringing is Ranyin is no longer in Kigen lands, hence he no longer has to waste time on the daily training sessions where Kigen youths would spend comparing muscles and discuss their prowess. Pointless beastly activity in Ranyin's opinion.

And after yet more days of traveling, he realised he was lost. He had spent a lot of time cursing how institutes of magic nowadays focus too heavily on teaching how to cast over how to live. First off was speaking Common. If Ranyin's mother had not come from more merchant-ish background, he would not have been taught at home the Common language. Sadly no one taught him how to use a map. Maps were, as Ranyin learned the hard way, very dependant on how accuratly it was drawn and how well the reader knew the land marks. Unit scalling was also an issue as there was no universal unit, so Ranyin was merely following blind estimates. Hence it took even more days to finally get himself on the right track and actually head to Europa. It was either misfortune or racism on the Ursium people's part, or maybe some failing on Ranyin's part, but no one seemed to want a lone Kigen Mage to tag along.

Out of desperation, Ranyin decided he needed a mount to travel. And so he bought a donkey. Which again revealed yet another weakness of the mage academies, they never bothered to teach simple lessons in life such as handling animals and riding them. No longer than four days later, he tried to make the donkey run faster due to his impatience. The pissed off donkey instead swung him off and ran away, along with all his belongings. The only thing Ranyin had left was his Tome and the clothes off his back. Even the map was lost.

But luck turned for the better as a traveling merchant seeing the sorry state Ranyin was in offered to let Ranyin hitch ride to Europa as well as pay Ranyin to protect his wagon for the trip. Ranyin readily agreed.

Now standing before the university with a traveling bag, an extra set of Ursium clothing and some coins, Ranyin pondered on his next actions. While thinking, he noted a wagon carrying an odd assortment of passengers arrive and a wyvern flying towards it.

Interesting, thought Ranyin. The university was not going anywhere so he might as well just go speak to the group, a pack of strangers might be less uptight and proud as the locals.

Edited by Rothene
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"Okay so that's done ... but uh, there's just one more thing I need to take care of." Rodrigo said, indicating Boris with a slight shift in balance that had the myrmidon adjust himself.

Weyland raised an eyebrow at the man. "Put him in a cell or something until after the meeting and your little concert. Simple solution." he said adjusting his glasses a bit. "Now then, go ahead and tell your companions about the arrangement."

"Yes, sir." Raquel said bowing a bit and stepping back. Miguel finally came to and shook his head off a bit.

"You said somethin about putting someone in a cell? You mean this guy here?" he asked pointing at Boris rudely.

"Yeah, but I need to interrogate this guy later so don't lose'em."

"He'd be outta my hands but I'd be sure to let them know that he's your catch."

"Eh, good enough."

You idiots. Boris thought to himself.

Raquel and Co.

"Okay guys! Here's the deal." she began as she ran back over to the group. "The Professor is going to let us use some vacant dorms on campus if we need them. But we absolutely can't cause any trouble while we're here. Just be on your best behavior like I said before. The mounts will have to go in the stables I guess. If you've already got staying arrangements somewhere, that's fine too, just know that this is where the wagon will be for the time being."


"So are you certain you'll be able to make the debut and your little concert, Phoenix? You seem to be rather short on time, and given how little thought you put into your stunts, you likely need as much of it as you can get." Weyland asked giving the man a skeptical stare.

"Oh of course. We've got to hurry but there should be just enough time for both. I need a couple of things from you though."

"Something involving pyrotechnics, and probably a coffin, am I right? Of course I'm right." he shot back crossing his arms.

"Hold your coffins, I just need a glider and that fireproof suit of yours." he said with one hand up defensively.

"... the glider ... and a fire proof suit-good god, man! You can't just take one of the prototypes and fly around like a madman, but you have to set it on fire mid flight as well? Do you remember what happened the last time you tried this stunt?"

"I missed my landing by a hundred and forty-five feet, crashed, completely wiped out, and had to run to the stage through the crowds. The only reason I got through without them making off with me was because my shoulder was completely on fire and I didn't notice until I finally made it to the stage." Rodrigo said humbly.

"Oh yeah I remember that. That was awesome. Great show." Miguel said chuckling. "I'd come to see you blow yourself up any day of the week, Mister Phoenix. Hehehehhhhh."

"Yes well him blowing himself up is quite expensive." Weyland said looking over at the pegasi he was to be flying with. "Have they been groomed? I have allergies you know."

Looking over at the pegasus riders, Miguel replied "All the officers keep themselves clean, Pro- ... oh you mean the pegasi. Y-yeah them too."

"Very well. Shall we get going then? We'll hand your captive fellow off to one of the patrols, and you can take the both of us to my home."

"Uh ... three actually." Rodrigo chirped up.

"Three? What did you bring a date? Caterina isn't here is she?" Weyland asked before scanning the group Rodrigo came with.

"No, but I don't mind treating one of the ladies here. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm not sure if I should take Raquel or not since you already promised to speak with her after the summit-wait a second!"

Caterina isn't here so he was going to take Raquel instead? That's a bit blatant isn't it? Weyland thought to himself before waiting to see what had suddenly caught Rodrigo's attention.

"Weyland. Raquel may have forgotten since she's more concerned about the emblem itself, but you need to know that not everyone that's at that meeting is an ally." he explained with a serious face.

"We get spies from time to time that manage to sneak in, and we always catch at least half of them. It's noteworthy but rather obvious. Why would you mention that?"

"Some of the people in there are either working for the people trying to kill Raquel and her mercenaries, or are being bought off for information." he said flailing an arm.

"How do you know that?" Miguel asked.

"Guess." he said simply.

"So I'm guessing this guy is with them? And that's why you need to get information out of him?"


"Hmm. Well we'll get him behind bars and then get to investigating after the meeting. Professor, I'm a part of meeting security, but we've already done everything we can to secure the place. Any additional measures taken are up to you." Miguel told Weyland with a small frown.

"Let's get going then. Phoenix, are you taking Raquel or someone else?"

"Let me go talk with them about it really quick." he said before walking off toward the group leaving Boris with Miguel.


He grinned a bit as she explained. "A hunter ... you don't say. Well there's something we have in common. Mind if I take a look at it really quick? I just want to confirm something." he said with an open hand. She sure carries herself like someone who would shoot you in the neck at hundred paces. And what's she looking for artifacts for? Well, I'll ask once I get what I'm after here.

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"HAHARR! That's great news! The inns I tried to find a place in were all full," Gytha exclaimed happily. When she saw the man they'd been travelling with ever since the death of that quick-footed scum, the friendly mariner hailed him, "Ahoy, Rigo! Did ye finally finally toss the rubbish?" She was referring to the fact that Boris wasn't with Rodrigo, but she didn't really have a reputation for using terms everyone understood...nor for remembering names very well.

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Raquel glanced over as Rodrigo arrived and joined in the conversation. "Not just yet. I've got an officer holding onto'em for me until we can get some answers out of him. He is the only one of these guy's we've taken alive after all." he explained before going into a new subject. "By the way, we're getting ready to leave in a minute, Weyland to get ready for the meeting, and me to go get dressed for it and grab some gear for the concert at his place. I can take one person if you're interested in seeing what Weyland's cooked up this time, but decide now, otherwise I'm just going to have to go all alone ... *sniff*." he explained, feigning sorrow all of a sudden.

"I'll go if you really need someone to tag along with and no one else minds but, this is a bit sudden. Someone's got to lock up the wagon and get the horses into stables." Raquel replied.

"Well I could help with the horses I guess. I know enough to get them unhooked and untacked without bothering them." Amon said from on top of the wagon.

Looking up at him curiously she shot back "Hey, aren't you a runner or something? Where did you learn about horses?"

"I was just watching. It's been about five days now and they're interesting creatures." he said hopping down.

"I've got a book on equine care somewhere up front. If you promise to read it, you can help out with Sandrock and Riley." she said holding up a finger. That'll save lots of time.

"Uh, sure thing, but what about for right now?" he asked.

"We'll let the campus hostlers deal with it. Can you go get them for me and tell them what's going on?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay and take this too; apparently it'll help with the staying arrangements." she said giving him the ring she'd received from Weyland.


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"That is...generous of them," Veronika said, attempting to keep her face impassive. Could this be a trap? Perhaps these military officers that are associated with the Professor made the assumption that some us are Neviskotian. Multiple wyverns isn't exactly inconspicuous. I'll play along for now I suppose Veronika thought to herself, keeping her hand on her sword.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"However if I don't know what I'm doing, perhaps it's better to wait around here and let someone else from the group approach me? Yeah that sounds like a good plan for now, but if push comes to shove, then I'll have to scour the town. Anyways."- Chelsea spoke her thoughts and circled the wagon a bit. She decided to sit near the entrance to the wagon, got out her light tome, and began reading. However a question still lingered on her mind.

"What happened yesterday? That battle..... did I.....?"

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Nanahm watched Chelsea leave the wagon, but he could hear her circling around outside. Did she hit her head or something? Being the expert detective that he was, he investigated by getting out. He'd very much like to make sure his teammate wasn't broken or something. "Hey uh... you alright? You were out for a few days there... seemed odd."

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"If you have some time to waste before your concert, I know a couple of places around here. I should probably stop by my house or the guild real quick, but I'm a bit afraid too." Niles reached into his pockets and pulled out a coin pouch. He counted his money quickly, and a grim look went over his face. "I guess I forgot to collect on the fees for my last few deliveries. Rachele won't like that. I'll just...stay with you guys for now, hopefully she won't get too worried."

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'So this is where we'll stay, huh?' John thought, giving a glance at the university. 'I'd rather had stayed in an inn, but I guess with the little to no chance of finding vacancy you have to take what you can get.'

That's when he noticed that someone was approaching them.

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"No. I do not; so long as you do not take it from me." with that and a wary eye, Robin offered him the book, putting it firmly in his hand. Then, she went over to the second book she had found, and flipped it open. Inside, she noted with great pleasure, the book was written in Neviskosian. Quickly, her finger went to the list of various artifacts, running over it as she rattled off the names in Neviskosian. Then, with a annoyed sigh, she leaned back. <"So many artifacts. Which one should I hunt?"> she mused, hoping that the strange man would hear her. She doubted that he was a Ursium spy; and even if he was, as of now she was little more than a village girl with a interest in artifacts. Until she managed to set out on a hunt, she was of as much consequence as a gnat. "You have a interest in artifacts? Do you think you can help me?"

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"Oh hello Nanahm, nice to see you again."- Chelsea greeted as she turned around to face him.

"Wait.......what?.........WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?"- Chelsea yelled, surprised by the amount of days had passed.

"WhatdoyoumeanIwassleepingfor3days?"-Chelsea blurted out so fast, that it was difficult to understand what she just said.

Her cheeks were a bright red as embarrasment washed over them.

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"Whoa! Calm down, calm down! Don't cause a scene..." Oh Raguni, what the fuck have I done now?! Gah, she's going hysterical! What? 3 days? Oh!

"Yeah, you were sleeping for like 3 days. Maybe the battle was more taxing on your body then you realized? I don't know what to tell you, I'm no doctor, I have no idea why this happened, but I DO know that you need to calm down a bit, we need to keep a lower profile!" He said in vain hopes of calming the girl down. This was not going as planned, at all.

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Synthia had woken from her nap, now slightly less grumpy, in time to hear that they had rooms. That was good news; it meant she didn’t need to bother any of her father’s friends. She stretched again and looked around to place where they were before hearing something about Raquel being Rodrigo's date. She didn’t even seem excited about it. Blasphemy.

As she climbed off the wagon she chose to ignore Gytha using the incorrect name again, it happened so much she was surprised her name was remembered half the time. Synthia walked past her till was behind the merchant and “Ahem’d” loudly to get her attention. “If you have the privilege of being Rodrigo’s date, you really ought to be more… happy about it. Most Ursian girls would kill to be in your situation right now,” she said, giving Raquel a questioning look.

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"Thanks." he said accepting the book. He didn't need to go to the table of contents himself because he was simply referring to the book again for something he missed. AHA! Here it is ... he thought as he reached a page a bit deeper into the book and began skimming. The girl seemed to be asking a question, but not necessarily to him so much as to herself. He still bothered replying, and in the same language no less. <"The most expensive looking one, no?"> Then with his piece muttered just barely enough for her to hear it, he went back to fully focusing on his goal.

He hadn't found what he was looking for before she asked him in common if he could help her. "Hmm. Maybe." That was when he found what he was looking for, but it didn't have him very enthused and he couldn't help but speak out about what he had seen. "What?! How is that even possible?!" Ascension weighs two thousand pounds? Then how the hell did Lilith even pick it up?! Suddenly he remembered to keep himself composed and quiet in the library and turned to her with a small smile, somewhat apologizing for the behavior. "Heh. Heavy sword. Hmm. ... a blade so powerful it can cut through other blades like butter, a man's dream weapon, yet only that avian woman could ever wield it ... that seem right to you?" he asked being somewhat rhetorically.

"Sorry, but there's absolutely no time to waste before the show. I'm booked for the night, if you will." Rodrigo said replying to Niles before Synthia showed up and attempted to explain the significance of the situation to Raquel. "She's probably already got her heart set on some other celebrity." Rodrigo said holding his arms up in a forfeiting manner and with a defeatist grin on his face.

"I ... I'm being chased by people who kidnapped my father and are probably going to kill me in my sleep or something. I'm sorry I'm not happier about this, but I got sniped the other day and it's got me paranoid. It's hard to care who I'm on a date with when I could get shot again at any moment." she explained looking around nervously. That hurt so bad I thought my arm was going to be useless from then on. Is that the kind of pain they go through in battle working as mercenaries? That's ... really awful.

"You're not going to get shot where we're going, but Synthia, you can come with me if you'd like." he pointed out. "I'm feeling better now that I know I don't have to worry about missing my own concert." he added.

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Stupid, stupid, stupid, how could she forget that? “I’m… sorry, I guess, Raquel. I didn’t think of it that way,” Synthia said, and shook her head. She had been shot at as well, but maybe the mage had taken it better because she hadn’t been hit. Come to think of it, she hadn’t been hurt in any of the battles they fought… and she didn’t have anyone out to kill her. She’d think more before the next time she said something stupid.

But... Rodrigo had just offered to take her along instead. And she did want to go, but it seemed someone else had been preparing to leave already. “It’s up to Raquel,” she said, turning from Rodrigo to the merchant. “Do you want to go?”

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"It's okay, it's not like you knew I'm not well adjusted to being a target yet." she muttered. When it came down to her to decide, she asked decided to point out a few things, but first she wanted to confirm something with Rodrigo. "Is your concert after the meeting?"

"Yeah, less than half an hour after the meeting." he said.

"Well then I guess you'll be in an awful hurry to get to the stage on time?"

"Eh, Weyland's got it covered. I'm going to fly in." he explained. "Oh wait, I see what you're getting at. Say, Synthia ... are you afraid of heights by any chance?"

Raquel looked stunned. Was he actually considering taking Synthia up in some flying contraption? Wasn't he going to be landing on the stage like she heard he did from time to time? Oh boy, I'd have to opt out of going to the concert and just speak with Weyland about the emblem for awhile if I was going to the meeting with him. Flying on gliders and aiming at stages and ... all that attention. That's a bit much for me.

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As Ranyin approached the wagon, the wyvern rider who just arrived spotted him.

Well, might as well greet him instead, thought Ranyin.

"Well, hello there good sir," greeted Ranyin as politely as he could in Common to John, feeling very proud over his command over the language.

"That is a very nice wyvern you have there," said Ranyin while keeping an eye on Gil, in case it decides he was a snack and continued, "I find it fascinating that such a strange group of people are travelling together. I take it that you guys are not local?" .

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“Hmm? Heights? Um… Not really? I mean, I rode a Pegasus before and was fine with it, so… What does this have to do with anything?” she asked, scratching her head. As exactly what would probably happen dawned on her she gave Rodrigo a suspicious glance. "Oh... I’m fine with flying, but I’m sure that’s not all you plan on doing, that’s much too tame. What’s the other part of your grand entrance?” His acts were enjoyable to watch, but she didn't know she'd need to be a part of one till now. That was not quite as enjoyable.

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''Um, hi...'' John replied. 'He acts too much friendly for a stranger. Well, at least he dosn't seem to be from around here, considering his reaction to Gil, I guess I can safely talk to him.'

''And yes, we're not from around here. Well, actually, I don't know if anyone here is from this city, but yeah, most of us aren't. We sort of just passing through.''

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