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Return of the Emblem Chapter Three: The Show


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"Yeah, we left already" he answered to her, "If you're worried about your things, they should all be in here" He pointed to a bag on the floor next to her. "I uh, also got you some bread to try and tide you over. It's also in the bag. You should really be more careful about that... 3 days without food? Eugh..." I've gone maybe a day without food in my whole life, and that was painful enough! He thought. Truly this woman was some hardened veteran of not eating.

Edited by SlaveBlade
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With Nanahm looking after Chelsea, Ranyin decided that she should be fine and wandered off to see what the others were doing around the wagon. Eager to continue his discussion with Domovoi concerning wyverns, Ranyin decided to lookout for them. Not seeing any of them in the immediate area, he presumed either they were flying ahead of the group or maybe he was just bad at searching for people. That was when he heard something about how harmless were Kigen stews in a somewhat pleasant tune.

Upon recognising the voice, Ranyin cringed and let his eyes wander to the direction the sound was coming from. There was no mistaking it. Only one being in the group would fill him with such dread. Even worse, it was singing. The idea of something so terrifying singing with glee caused Ranyin to recall an old folktale of a yokai who dwelt within the dark swamps and sang strange songs to lure victims over then reveal their monstrous forms just before devouring their victims whole. Feeling the chill creeping up to him, Ranyin carefully turned around to head back to Nanahm and Chelsea, hoping Gytha or Amon did not notice him nearly appraoch them.

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"<I don't like myself though. I am a unshapen lump, only starting to get that edge which is so desperately needed to be useful. I... am unsure of myself. I can't show that I'm weak or else I risk being cast aside.>" she said in her native tongue. "<I greet people in Neviskonian, I pride myself on being what I am, and it is as much as I can do until I can show to my nation, show to my hero, that I am not without value.>"

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Wagon Shanties

Amon flinched a bit at the first verse, not sure what Gytha meant when mentioning his blood. Frankly he felt he'd lost enough of it the previous night and hoped to his goddess that she was just singing that in a completely joking manner. The second verse seemed more friendly though and guided Amon into the rhythm and rhyme of the song proper. He figured why not?, he would try a shot at the next verse, thinking of something that certainly wouldn't do him any harm.

"Ohh-a nice high scenic view wouldn't do us any harm. A nice high scenic view wouldn't do us any harm. A nice high scenic view wouldn't do us any harm, and we'll all hang on behiiiiind." These lyrics don't make any sense but I guess that's not the point. Amon thought to himself while cheerfully singing the course with Gytha again.

The heck are they doing? Raquel thought while driving. Of course it was a catchy tune and she realized she had actually been humming along with it for awhile now, about the same time Gytha began the Kigen stew verse. She was bored too she realized so quietly joined in with the next course.

"We'll ro~ll the old, charriot along, we'll ro~ll the old, charriot along, we'll ro~ll the old, charriot along and we'll all hang on behind ...~"

Ship On The Border

"Well that won't do. I mean honestly it's-" "How on earth can you be so proud and not like yourself?" Liza said interrupting Bron as she stepped over. From the sounds of things she had been listening in for at least Robin's last explanation.

"Uhh-" "Seriously, if you don't like yourself, then you're already at a dead end." she interrupted again. "I'm trying to explain that to her-" "She needs to hear this from another woman, not a man, Bron." she interrupted yet again.

He sighed, he figured he wasn't going to win, not against Liza. "Alright ..."

Pointing a finger at the archer, she began. "Look, Robin, the only person that can prove your worth is you. You shouldn't waste your time trying to show others you're useful, especially not for the country. It's Neviskotia, they already know how useful people can be to them."

"I think she's more of a patriot than you are, Liza." Bron commented quietly.

<"No shit, Sherlockov."> "My point is you treat yourself like a tool. Do, not, do that, or people will take advantage of you. Patriot or not, countries, even Neviskotia, use people up until there's nothing left, and people with no sense get the worst of it. And as for not liking yourself; if you don't like you, like Bron said, why the hell should anyone else? The last thing a woman needs is to be defined by other people's opinions. Find your worth yourself, because other people aren't going to show it to you, period."

Could she have said that, maybe a little bit nicer? Bron thought to himself, more worried about the two getting into an argument due to Liza's harsh but still somewhat normal tone.

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Veronika gave Gytha a bit of a curious look after she had just said she liked the quiet, but found herself chuckling a little at the priate's enthusiasm and decided to join in after Amon.

"Uh, not being stabbed won't do us any harm. Not being stabbed won't do us any harm. Not being stabbed won't do us any harm, and we'll all hang on behind?" she sang, significantly more quietly than Gytha.

Connor was still trying to get the monkey off his head and began rolling around the arms and armor. An iron helmet fell onto Connor's head, both blinding him and trapping the monkey within. Connor flailed rather helplessly, trying to get the helmet off.

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Being on the road again, John kept to himself as they traveled to Ursentius, flying at a high altitude. He knew he'd have to descend the closer they approached Ursentius, but for the time being, he'd take the chance while it lasted.

'If only we'd be getting out of Ursium any time soon.' He thought. 'No thanks to this war. What a mess, good thing I got out of it in time...' He shook his head. 'Well, no use thinking about it. Must focus on the current task.'

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"Oh for Raguni's sake..." The man was about to lose it, but he remained calm. He grabbed the kid to keep him still, yanked the helmet off and then began prying the chimp from the kid. "Hold still, kid." He said, not really waiting for any response. It took much more effort than he thought it would, but he managed to separate the kid and the chimp, though Chip was not pleased with this turn of events at all, instead resorting to flailing at Nanahm instead. The things I do for... other... things OW stop hitting me you piece of shit. Keeping a firm grip on Chip, he made his way to the front of the wagon, getting Raquel's attention, "You wanna, like, calm this dude down? He's causing all kinds of trouble in the back. Something's got him riled up, that's for true..."

Edited by SlaveBlade
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Ship on the border

"<What. Did. You. Just. Say?>" Robin's voice was dripping with heavy venom as she slowly stood up, a cobra-like gaze locked upon Liza. She could feel her muscles tensing up, coiling within her, wishing to throw the thief-girl into the water. For a tense second, she looked like she might even follow through on those desires. Then, a sudden relaxation came over her. <"If I am not to be controlled by the opinions of other people, then I cannot let myself be controlled by you either. I am sorry that I care for my country and I am sorry that I wish to become better than what I am now. As for my worth... I am the best archer on this boat, and I can nail a target at one hundred yards. That may not be worth much to you but... I... Its worth something to me.>"

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"HAHARR! Aye, aye, now ye've got it!" Gytha laughed, clapping her hands to the rhythm, joyous at Amon, Veronika and Raquel's contributions to the shanty. She, again, put in a verse, "Oh a salty cool sea breeze wouldn't do us any harm. A salty cool sea breeze wouldn't so us any harm. A salty cool sea breeze wouldn't do us any harm and we'll all hang on behind.~"

Figuring the wagon's crew might begin getting tired of this particular shanty soon, Gytha decided to pull it to an end with the last round of the chorus, "And we'll ro~ll the old...charriot along, we'll ro~ll the old...charriot along, we'll ro~ll the old...charriot along and we'll all~ hang~ on~ behiiiiiiiiiind.~" The last three notes were held out much longer than before, signalling the conclusion to the shanty. "HAHAHAHAHARRR! Ye see? That was fun, aye? That one'c called 'Roll The Old Charriot.' It's one we sing after we've been at sea for a long time. We begin singin' about our desires t' th' song. Since yer not seafolk, ye probably don't understand what I meant with the blood in the first verse, aye?" the question was primarily aimed at Amon, but the explaination was good for anyone who could hear it: mainly those atop the wagon along with them.

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Some large man eventually pried the helmet and the monkey off of Connor's head, causing him to breathe a sigh of relief. Then the man started speaking to Raquel as if having a monkey in the back of the wagon was commonplace.

"Wait, is the monkey your pet or something? I don't think I've ever read about monkeys living in Ursium..." Connor asked Raquel, keeping his distance from the crazed monkey being held by the man.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Uh, yeah the blood thing was definitely a little confusing." Amon admitted scratching the back of his head nervously.

Raquel couldn't keep up singing along once Nanahm brought Chip over, who quickly wriggled free and leaped onto Raquel's shoulder. "Let me guess, someone was touching the merchandise, right? Professor Weyland and my father thought it would be handy to have a monkey that could actually defend what he was trying to defend, so the Professor made a little gun that he could use and my father taught him how to use it and when. That woman, Gabbie, she sliced it in half with this really high tech looking lance so now Chip's down to his hands and feet until I can get it replaced." she explained sounding disappointed.

"As for where little capuchins come from, he's not really from the mainland. His parents were brought over from the far southeast by poachers. I don't know most of the story, but my father rescued him from them." she said answering Connor's question.


"Control? Please, I'm not trying to control you. I'm trying to get some common sense into your head before someone walks all over you." she said crossing her arms and looking away. "Not even sure why I bothered. You don't seem to love yourself anyway so why should it bother you?" she asked rhetorically.

"Ladies ..." Bron muttered, trying to cut in anyway he could, but sounding exhausted.

"Yes, yes, take your archer trophy and drool all over it if that makes you feel better." she added as a final comment.

"Ladies ..." Bron tried again, with a bit more exhaustion in his voice.

"AHOY!!!" came Olga's voice. She walked over with four bottles in hand, one of which was already open. Though she had just called out to them in the most unceremonious way she could manage at the time, she now had an almost holy aura about her. She came up to them and one by one handed them a bottle of rum, first Liza, then Bron, then Robin. After that she bowed her head, and muttered and inaudible prayer before looking up and giving a humble smile. "Amen."

"You drink rum too?" Bron asked not really expecting an answer.

<"Where has this been?> There's a cobweb on this bottle." Liza said picking the webbing off with her fingers.

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"Well, maybe it's for the best Gabbie did that. I'm not sure trusting a monkey with a gun is such a good idea if he's going to be jumping on people's heads all the time. I was just looking at what you had, I wasn't trying to steal anything honest," Connor said, not sure whether he was apologizing to Raquel or Chip or both.

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"Well ... if he was armed he probably would have just held you up instead of jumping on your head. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure he just did that because he thought you were trying to steal things. Don't worry, once we have some time I'll have you two get better acquainted so it doesn't happen again." Raquel explained keeping her eyes on the road while Chip shot Nanahm dirty looks.

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"Ah, that comes from an old tale," Gytha explained, "Figured ye'd never heard o' it if ye've never lived by the sea. There was a great sailor named Nelson, once. He was strong as a dragon and sharp as an arrow, they say -- most skilled sailor the seas ever saw. No one can live forever, though. He died on a voyage, but th' crew wanted t' bring'im back t' his home b'fore th' burrial. So, they stored'im in a grog kask t' preserve th' body. Legend had it that if ye drank his blood, ye'd gain some o' his skill. So, a lot o' th' crew kept takin' extra portions o' grog t' get stronger. Just scuttlebutt if ye ask me. Nothin' wrong with wantin' t' be as good as someone else, though. For example, Amon, yer real quick. That's somethin' I've been workin' on, though I can't say I'm as fast as ye yet."

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<"I am surprised that a cobweb has had time to grow on it. I can think of only two places they could have come from. Either Olga brought them, or the sailors had them on-ship. What are the odds of either not drinking them at first chance?"> asked Robin, wiping her bottle to free it of any offending webs before she too opened the bottle and took a sniff.

<"Oh my... Ew! I... I think I'm gonna... How can you people drink this stuff?" she asked, almost dropping the bottle as her face turned an unsightly shade of pale-green. Quickly she put the bottle down on the deck as she backed off for a moment, taking a deep breath to try and clear her lungs and body. Then, looking the bottle down, she suddenly picked it up. <"FOR NEVISKONIA!"> she said proudly, trying to psych herself up before tilting the bottle back and taking a swig.

The sharp sound of glass striking wooden deck soon followed as Robin's hands shot to her mouth, trying to cover it up as she swallowed; the sickened look on her face worsening. After a moment, she picked the bottle up again, an uneasy look on her face. It was her first hard drink, and it showed. <"How does she drink this stuff?"> she moaned out, looking at Liza and Bron.

OOC: Post based on my first drink; more or less.

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"Oh, I think I get it now." Amon said, imagining a ship and crew as Gytha explained the blood myth. "Though to be as fast as I am, you'd have to let down in some areas, I think. I'm fast I guess but, it's because I dress light, and most of my strength is in my legs. I'm not very good at blocking attacks, so if I do get hit ... it really hurts." he explained looking his outfit over and checking his boots. "Terrain doesn't bother me too much. I prefer urban places but the wilderness doesn't slow me down much." The Rexian smiled.

Holy One and Co.

"I am Olga, grand deity of Central." she said holding the bottle to her chest. "I can not be encumbered by mere alcoholic beverage, for I am immune!"

"You okay, Robin?" Bron asked, noting that the archer certainly wasn't handling the rum well. Olga quickly came up and put her free hand on Bron's shoulder and came in close.

"Right ... there's something ... I need to talk to you about."

"Uh oh. What is it? Are you increasing your fee or something?" Bron asked. Olga wanting to talk was generally a bad thing in some way or other.

"Nono, listenlisten ... I ... I gotta stay here. With Nick."

"... what?"

"The man is a GOD, and I am his goddess. We must be together."

"Look, just because the guy as a huge store of rum, you want to settle down with h-" "I LOVE HIM!" she interrupted with a weak yell. "Look, Bron, I know you're jealous but this just won't do, you can't separate me from my love over a silly mission like this."

"... you're drunk." he said confident in his assessment.

"Bron, Bron ..." she said placing a single finger gently on his lip. "Shhh ... it's not you ... it's me. I'm in love with someone else." she explained.

"... kay. I'll try to get past this. I'll miss you, Olga." No sense in arguing with a drunk. She'll probably forget about this by morning anyway. the man thought to himself.

Liza carefully tapped Robin's shoulder and leaned in close to whisper. "This ... is why I hate Olga."

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Deciding that his fear of Gytha was not as powerful as his curiosity of what it was like sitting on top of the wagon and enjoying the view from up there, Ranyin decided to risk his neck and climb to the top.

The first thing he noticed, was how hot it was. Unlike inside the wagon where it was more or less well shaded, the top was exposed to sun. He was about to leave when he heard Gytha reciting a tale about some ancient sailor caught his attention. It seemed outrageous to imagine the large girl sitting down cheerfully speak in a non-threatening manner. Deciding that he had nothing to lose as her attention was wholly on Amon as well as her tale, Ranyin sat down quietly behind them and listened to the entire story as he always did as a child when he sat down and listened to the wonderous tales from travellers who frequented his family teahouse.

When Gytha concluded the story, Ranyin sat still his interest in what stories sailors tell piqued. Hearing the conversation between the two slip away from stories saddened Ranyin but he decided to join in their conversation. Afterall, he had nothing else to do.

Addressing Amon as talking to him was less frightening than talking to Gytha, Ranyin asked following the topic, "So how well do you think you fare against magic?"

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"Magic? Well depends on their aim really. If they aren't any better than someone swinging an axe at me I've got no problem. I'm no good with meditation though so putting up any kind of decent barrier is beyond me." Amon replied.

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It seemed as though the topic had switched and so Gytha was content to listen. She was curious as to what Ranyin was getting into with this new subject. She understood Amon's weakness to magic entirely since she, too, wasn't so good at defending against it.

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"Ah, so your battle strategy is 'do-not-get-hit' now is it? Sounds like how I fight, well I doubt anywhere near as good as you do," said Ranyin sighing at his less well developed legs. He did a lot of running as a novice, ranging from running away from lessons, battle crazed fire magic using classmates, the cook as well as from the occasional pranks he do to others. Those practices helped him train his legs more than the average mage exercise steps did, and had saved his life...in a manner of speaking, hence it was the only 'combat' skill he ever bothered to 'train'. Whatever Amon went through must be heaploads more demanding than the worst I've been through, mused Ranyin after glancing at Amon's strong atheletic legs.

"And...G...Gytha how..d...do you handle you opponents?" asked Ranyin trying to contain the chill building up along his spine.

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From her tone and composure, one might have thought Ranyin had just asked what her favorite animal or color was. Gytha grinned widely in her usual, friendly manner as she replied, "Slash, thrust or shoot first and keep on it until he's dead. Drownin' works, too, depending on where ye are."

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"Ah...that sounds like a very...elegant way of putting down your opponents," said Ranyin sweeting from the heat as well as the energy build up in his legs to flee...if the need arises. He swallowed deeply before continuing and asked,"So you enjoy fighting?"

OOC: Dammit Merc, you make it so difficult for me to have Ranyin give any response other than run away from Gytha! :XD:

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"It's a good skill t' have," Gytha replied with a shrug, "Otherwise yer just another target fer the ones who can fight. I enjoy practicin' it, too, I s'pose. It is some sort of fun t' challeng yerself. It'd a good feelin' not t' be powerless, though. I s'pose that's what it boils down to."

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"What are your thoughts on magic?" asked Ranyin. He was very curious to discover if Gytha in anyway feared or despised magic. He did not want to be on the wrong end of her blades in a fight.

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