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Return of the Emblem Chapter Three: The Show


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The mariner shrugged as she responded, "I don't go into magic. I know it hurts when it hits ye." It was a simple and honest responce. "From me experience, so long as I get the first hit in, I don't have t' worry about it either."

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Amon listened to the conversation for a moment and was beginning to wonder what was bothering Ranyin. The few times he tripped over his own words were one thing, but he was also sweating a bit too, like he was nervous. It hadn't started until he and Gytha had begun speaking too. He's ... really distracted. Does he like Gytha or something? Well, at least he's not stuttering anymore.

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"Hurt stuff?" has she no imagination, wondered Ranyin.

"Magic's more than just hurting stuff. Magic enables us to keep warm in cold weathers and warm during hot times. It's what allows healers to mend bones and stitch flesh together. Some allows one to travel over far distance in a mere moment, start fire when there's no wood, produce water in a desert. Magic is no mere weapon, it's so much more. Like with this Wind Tome," explained Ranyin feeling annoyed at Gytha's ignorance of what magic can do raised Stormcalmer and started channeling his psychic energy through the tome calling upon the power of Wind to produce a sustained gentle breeze to keep flowing around Ranyin, Gytha and Amon in order to fend off the heat from the road, "can make the surrounding cooler or," he continued opening the tome to read on how to perform a more complex maneuver which was to cause the dust caught in the breeze to align themselves in such away that when light passes through them, the refract and form the image of pidgeons flying through the viewers, "allow me to create images in the air around us."

"You've never seen much magic till now have you?" Ranyin asked Gytha and spared a questioning glance towards Amon

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"I've only seen the kind where people try t' fry me with thunder," she replied, "Either way it's beyond me. Too complecated." She was somewhat impressed, but did have the tendency to let the magic people worry about magic while she and others like her worried about the physical things.

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Veronika watched the discussion on Amon's speed and then magic with some interest. She watched Ranyin's display and cocked her head.

"Impressive display. I've never really seen magic used in such a way, Neviskotian mages tend to think of the combat applications of magic before anything else. Though I have seen my older sister Tatiana make little cubes of ice to put in drinks and such," she said, shrugging.

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"Hmm...Kigen magic is also very combatcentric at times. Especially with the Fallen reportedly ravaging the south western borders. Fire mages are all the rage these days for it's reputed effect on those demons," said Ranyin with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

"But in battle, not all personel are for combat. You have those who tend to the wounded, the ones who create the weapons, the ones who fill in logistic roles or something like that. Mages are first and foremost scholars, not soldiers in a sense. Only the best and most disciplined Kigen mages actually go out to fight alongside the army from my academy. That's because students aren't many and it's common to lose mages in battle, hence the best stand a better chance to survive than the less battle-spirited ones. The average mage would spend more time trying to keep food from spoiling by controlling the temperature with magic as well as heal the wounded, sepparate clean water from tainted ones and so fort. These I read are vital for military support even though the mages never fight the enemy directly. No ammount of bruteforce can efficiently purify water as fast as a full fledged mage...don't the mages of Neviskotia not apply magic for tasks that are too difficult for the soldiers to handle?" Ranyin asked Veronika.

He decided to withhold some facts he read about how some mages could use magic to manipulate the weather, transport whole armies across miles of land in a blink of an eye. Such knowledge might be best kept in Kigen, he thought.

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"We don't have that many mages in Neviskotia really, many military divisions are completely magic-free from what I know. Sometimes magic is employed for healing, but soldiers are instructed on how to take care of their own wounds. Though it is true that many soldiers fall victim to disease and malnutrition, almost as many as fall to Ursian troops. Using magic to promote better health among soldiers is an interesting idea," Veronika replied to Ranyin, putting her hand on her chin.

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"<Your hatred is justified. How does that woman remain a priestess when she sleeps around so much?" asked Robin, trying to speak while keeping herself from teetering about. She wasn't drunk. She could tell that and she doubted a small little swig could actually make a person drunk. However, the taste of the rum and the uneasy feeling it brought with it was slowly growing inside of her, churning about.

"<OH GODS! OUT OF THE WAY!>" she suddenly screamed, rushing to the side of the ship as the desire for the obvious reaction finally overcame her. A moment later, she stepped away, cold sweat running down her cheeks. "<I... I hope you are happy tonight Olga. I will sleep easy knowing that your morning will consist mainly of that. Liza..." she stumbled over to the shorter thief, trying to take hold of her for support. "Don't move. I really don't think you want either of us to move.>"

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Lady Aisha almost never did anything miraculous or magical any of the times I saw her, but I know that as I left Sanctuary, she was watching over me. Nothing else could have explained that storm. Amon thought to himself, thinking back to the beginning of his journey. The young Rexian had been walking through the desert of hours and hours, but for most of that time, he could see nothing beyond the walls of swirling sand that surrounded him. Aside from that, magic in Sanctuary was generally performed by the maidens, and those serving in the military.

Ranyin's explanation about Kigenese magic soon had him thinking about the fallen again, no surprise as they were mentioned as the primary prompt of militarize magic in the nation from the sounds of things. He still had the files Weyland had handed to him too now that he thought about it. Hmm, Raquel didn't ask for those when we left. I guess that means she trusts me? ... or trusts Weyland I guess. he thought to himself reaching into his coat to retrieve the files. Once he had them, he opened up the folder and went straight to the section involving the fallen. There were notes about their capabilities, almost all of them Ranyin had already mentioned, but there were a few more, some outrageous and hard to believe, and others that seemed possible. Before any of those notes was a disclaimer explaining that all of this was gathered data and that indeed some of it was indeed junk. It bore Weyland's signature as well.

They're pretty close neighbors of ours but I don't know much about them. All I knew before this was that they looked like human birds, were evil, and couldn't reach Sanctuary due to Aisha's protection over us. the Rexian thought while looking them over. He could suddenly understand why Weyland needed a live one. There was no use trying to build weapons to combat enemies that could supposedly phase through walls, regrow lost limbs, and heal by eating live victims. Something to combat that would bankrupt the military. Most of it had to be non sense, or the Kigenese couldn't last against them, right?

Bron and Co.

"I don't know if she actually does that or not, but I do know that she- huh?" Liza paused as Robin ran over to the edge of the ship.

Olga was amused but also a little offended by what Robin said to her. "You'rrrrre just a lightweight. Puking is for newbies. Now if you'll excuse me, I must return to my love." she said before strolling off.

"... I wonder if she knows we're not spending the night on this ship ..." Bron commented.

While Robin held onto Liza, she spoke to Bron, somewhat distracted and annoyed b being anchored to. "Just carry her off if you have to. It's way too late to get another staff chick now."

"I know, I know." Bron muttered sighing. "Besides, Olga's the best staff user I know. The least professional but I guess that's just one of the many trade offs of talent ... and alcoholism. Speaking of which, Robin, you might want to try building up a slightly better tolerance to alcohol. You never know when that might come in handy."

"Forget it, she's hopeless." Liza said wondering how one swig finished the archer off.

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A glare shot from Robin's eyes to Liza's face. "<Hand me that damned bottle.>" she said before stooping down to pick up what was left in her bottle. Then, she promptly brought it to her lips and tried her best to down the drink. "<Never let it be said that I stepped away from a challenge!... *gulp* ugggg... Tastes like dirty water.>"

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Bron and Co.

"Err, it was more of a friendly suggestion than a challenge. Honestly. Well for now I'd say just relax until we get close to shore. We couldn't take the horses with us so it's going to be a long walk from here." Bron explained. "Once we get close to a village we'll lay out the final stages of the plan while we gather up more information."

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Though it didn't looked like they were already close to Ursentius, John decided to start descending in altitude. He figured it would be better that way. He ordered Gil to descend enough, though still keeping quite the amount of distance to the ground.

''Seems they're passing the time well, eh Gil?'' He said, giving a look at the wagon. ''Well, not like up here there's much to do to pass time.'' He took a look around. ''Though, there was that other wyvern rider.'' Gil let out a grunt. ''Well, we are bound to spend a long time with them, I guess being more social would be more convenient in the long run. Then again, you don't have to worry about it anyway.'' He laughed, Gil merely grunted again.

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"<I wish you had said that before I finished off the bottle.>" said Robin, holding the now-empty bottle high up in the air. Then, putting it down carefully, she took her weight off of Liza and tried to slowly walk away. "<Liza, I'm sorry for that outburst earlier. I just... It makes me so mad to have people think I am a tool.>"

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Ship on the River

"Uh, sure I guess." Doesn't she get it? Anyone who's not out for themselves IS a tool. If you put others before yourself, even country, you're just going to get used until there's nothing left, and all you might end up with are a few medals, and a supposed hero's burial. The thief thought to herself.

Bron looked out over the edge of the ship. He couldn't see the shore yet, but it was almost pitch black out, so it wasn't at all surprising. That didn't change the fact that they would reach that shore long before sunrise, and they would have to be in order to evade the patrols. Daytime would increase their chances of being caught exponentially.

OOC: This is probably my last post of Chapter 3 since I'm getting ready to put up Chapter 4.

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