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Return of the Emblem Chapter Three: The Show


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Synthia sighed as Rodrigo ran off to catch up with Weyland. “Sure, why not,” she replied to Shadrak and started walking down the path to the entrance. “He didn’t say exactly where it was, did he? I suppose we can ask one of the guards.”

This place was huge, she thought as she entered the building. Her eye traveled from the exquisite molding and well kept floors to the several paintings and tapestries lining the walls, stone columns, and the high vaulted ceiling from which hung a golden chandelier. It reminded her of the homes of some of the higher ranking nobles in Ursaea, though while she would describe most of those as garish, this home seemed more elegant. A few doors lined the walls, the largest of which directly across from the entrance, and two hallways broke off from either side of the main room. A dual staircase led up to the second floor, where there was another hallway and a few more doors. Synthia had no idea which of the halls may have led to the library, and looked around for someone to ask.


Carla was wet, cold, her clothes were slightly burnt, and she was in no hurry to move. She laid there on the stone for a while before breaking into a fit of coughs that reverberated through the portions of metal vent that still up and into the bath room. This was a bad day, one of the worst days she’d had in a long time, and she just wanted it to end. Screw finding her contact, she just wanted some place to curl up and take a nap.

She got up onto her hands and knees and dragged her soggy self through the stone wall tunnels trying to find somewhere slightly farther way to exit. If she found the professor on the way, awesome, otherwise she was finding the nearest exit and getting out of this damn school.

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Zach and Thomas

"Ahah!" Thomas shouted.


"I saw something in the pool, something still alive, and quite human." he explained.

"Well where is it?" Zach demanded.

"Um ... how to put this eloquently ..."

"Spit it out."

"Well, you see, I saw it a moment ago, but it isn't there now, heheh."

"Then what the hell was the 'Ahah!' for, huh?! What ... it actually took you ten seconds to figure out that what you saw was human?!" Zach shot back.

"You came in here expecting to see a corpse, and so did I." Thomas said with a grimace.

Zach smacked his face with his palm and sighed.


"Hmm. I think you should let me have a look at that first." the woman said standing up and leaning over the desk with the staff. A moment later, she had healed the sore spot on Tim's back. "Eh, habit. See an injury, heal it. Not too concerned with how minor it is." she said sitting back down and putting the staff away. "Okay then. Oh I know. You said some of the students were running around naked, right? Help me out with that and go fetch enough towels to cover them up in. I'm positive they haven't all made it back to their dorms yet."

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Niles walked through the halls of his old school, looking for the mess hall. It had been a while since he had been there, but he easily remembered where it was. He walked through the doors of the cafeteria, and looked out upon the various tables. Some students were eating, others studying, but the majority of the tables were empty.

Niles sat down at a table, and took out a small book from his bag. Leaning his face on his hand, he started to yawn. Even after a nap he was still tired. He'd probably go home, since concerts weren't really his thing, but he was unsure. Hopefully he wouldn't run into Rachele there.

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''If you say so...'' John said. To be honest, he wasn't really set on it either, not considering that the place may still not be safe. As he planned if to return or not to his room, he saw Gytha examining a map.

'The galley?' He thought. 'But, this isn't a ship. Why would she be looking for one...?'

''Eh... don't you mean the cafeteria?'' He asked.

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"Kaffehwhodawa?" Gytha responded, looking quizically at John. She'd never heard the word before. "I'm lookin' fer the place t' eat at," she ellaborated before showing him the map, "I don't see a galley."


"Thanks, and sure thing" Tim replied, grateful for the healing. Without hesitation, he headed back towards the mens' bath so he could grab some towels for those who'd been scared into streaking. I should get properly clothed myself while I'm there, too. he decided as he hurried down the halls.

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''Well, yes, there is no galley.'' John answered. ''And that's because this is no ship.'' He then pointed where 'Cafeteria' was on the map. ''You see, in here, the place to eat would be the cafeteria.'' He told her.

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"Why don't they just call it a galley like normal people? Ah well. Nothing for it," she replied, shrugging and beginning to lead the way -- according to the map -- towards the caffeteria. ... galley. "Lets get somethin' t' eat. I'm hungry and I'm sure ye are, too, since we haven't had anything t' eat fer a while now." she suggested, grinning back at John.

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''N-normal people....'' John rolled his eyes. 'That sounds almost insulting.' He thought, but decided to not say further.

''Hm, yeah, let's go and eat.'' Due to the latest events, he had forgotten he actually brought food with him, but not like it mattered that much.

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Ranyin slowed down after nearly running into another student along the hallway. A comforting smell to his left caught his attention, and he proceeded to investigate. He turned into the room and found himself in the cafeteria. It was probably the most familiar sight to him as it was equally spacious as the one in Kigen and full of students going around getting their food.

After making a mental note to stop by there later, Ranyin turned and headed down along the hallway towards the baths, hoping his short distraction did not cause him to lose track of the rest of the party members.

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The Library of Port Sergei

Almost as soon as the strange man had finished his question, a loud and resounding THUMP! echoed through the library halls as Robin put the book down as fast as she possibly could. She looked the man in the eyes, her own locked with his in as strong a gaze as she could muster. She could almost feel a fire burning within her heart as she reached around to her bow. Holding it to her chest, her knuckled shone white with pressure as she spoke. <"I am a citizen of Neviskotia. As such, I will do anything I can to protect the motherland. I am as committed as any woman can possibly be to a cause. Is that the answer you seek? Because I do not wish to engage upon a rant or oath proclaiming that I will journey through wind, rain, or dark of night in order to serve her. But know that I WILL reclaim a relic for Neviskotia or I will give it my all when I fail.">

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On their way to the eating place, Gytha saw the unmistakable, short, feminine man who'd most recently joined their party. "Ahoy, Ranyin," she greeted with a wave, "Jack and I were just on our way to the calf-in-tears for some food. Want to come? And do ye know what all's goin' on 'roud here?"

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By the five dragons, what is wrong with my luck today, thought Ranyin when Gytha caled to him. She is a 'nice' person, I simply just need to avoid physical contact.

Ranyin waved back to her and forced a smile on his face and greeted,"Hello Gytha and hello John."

Then he added confused,"Calf-in-tears? What do you mean what's going on around here? Wah?"

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'Jack?' John thought, noticing Gytha got his name wrong again. 'Oh well...'

''Ah, she meant to say cafeteria.'' John answered. '' She's didn't knew what it was, and apparently has trouble saying it. And she was talking about the explosion of earlier. Do you know anything about it?'' He asked.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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"Oh, cafeteria. And about the explosion...heh..."said Ranyin as he looked away and started ruffling his hair.

"Well, I was in the baths when suddenly a vent broke and someone fell in the pool along with various objects. Then there was a huge explosion and next thing I knew, I was helping the injured to the infirmary. Somehow I have this impression that the 'person' who fell in was a woman. But the strange thing was, after the whole explosion thing I checked the point where she dropped and saw nobody there. Must be some powerful magic or something. If she were blown to bits, she'd have left a stain or blot of her self...or at least pieces." reasoned Ranyin as he explained from his point of view what happened.

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"Crazy story," was Gytha's only comment about it. She believed it somewhat, but it was still so out-of-the-ordinary that she dismissed it, not really wanting to give it much thought. They reached the caffeteria in short order. "Go find somewhere t' sit, if ye'd like. I'm goin' to look at what they've got," she mentioned to the other two before hurrying off to the food distributers: that counter with the window where the lunch ladies gave you the options of which foods you wanted from what was available.

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"You go ahead and get something John, I'll secure a place first," said Ranyin. He intended to get his food after Gytha got hers.

With that, he started looking for a place where they would be forced to sit on one side of the table. That way, as long as either him or Gytha did not take the centre space, he would not need to watch out for his arm.

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"Very well," Selene said, taking the note and placing into her knapsack without looking at it. "And with that I will take my leave. Good bye Boris, I suspect we will not meet again," she said, walking out the door. Not the first one to die for this cause...and he certainly won't be the last.

She walked briskly towards the outside of the prison, where Gorgotha was patiently waiting to be ridden once more. Her human was always off doing something or other and Gorgotha found she rather enjoyed the peaceful solitude compared to the din of battle. The Major General mounted her grey pegasus and sped off towards where the meeting would take place.


"Yes, I think I know what you mean," Veronika said, a bit surprised that the woodsman used the phrase 'plausible deniability'.Perhaps he is less simple than he appears. "I will return to my room...I just don't feel comfortable wandering around here. Feel free to do as you wish Nanahm," she said, exiting the hallway and heading back to her room.

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For herself, Gytha selected a simple bowl of shreded beef with a simple sauce drizzled onto it for the main meal. For side dishes and drink, she selected a cup of water, some bread, an orange and a "salad" (which was more like a few leaves of lettuice.) When she saw where Ranyin was sitting, she walked over and sat down next to him. "Ahoy," she greeted in a friendly manner, "Not hungry?"

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''Alright then.'' John said before going to get some food. He didn't felt like eating much, so he just got a chicken leg, a couple oranges, and some water. After paying for it, he looked over trying to find Ranyin, and noticed Gytha was there as well, and went over and sat opposite Ranyin and began eating without saying a word to either.

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Ranyin stared in horror as Gytha sat next to him. Her greeting to him seemed almost surreal.

Quietly, he stood up and gave her short bow and sped off to the counter to get his meal. He had a vague memory of saying,"I...I'll get my food now, take my place~" before leaving Gytha.

At the counter, he sighed as he noticed there was not a single trace of rice to be found. He had not eaten a single grain of rice for a few weeks already. That would be the longest he had gone on living without rice. At least by now he had gotten used to it...somewhat.

He started demanding the lady behind the counter to pick the meats with the least fats for him as well as give him an apple and a cup of water. He took the bread graciously from the fuming lady and avoided any vegetables as they did not loook the least bit healthy.

As he turned back, he walked slowly to give him more time to formulate a plan or idea on how to make Gytha sit further away from him. He knew his life depended on the success or failure of such plans.

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Gytha didn't pay much mind to either of the guys from Raquel's wagon. Instead, she focussed on her meal and began eating. Though she ate more vigorously and somewhat more noisily than most, it wasn't really a gross way of eating. It was claen, but casually hurried as her attention went from one food to the other on a whim. She didn't speak or even look up. After all, nothing particularly exciting was going on, so why would she bother?

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In the end, Ranyin failed to come up with any reliable plan or scheme. Besides, he was feeling stupid over fearing the powerful girl. Thus far her approach to him had been non-threatening, even good natured. Maybe he should stop fearing her and get to know her better.

Fear was an obstacle that prevent bonds from forming, that bars the way forward. They should be burned away as his masters had thought him about the way of the Fire. Hopefully all his misfortune up to now shall be repayed in gentler manners, he thought as he prayed that he would be able to finish his meal with all his bones intact.

"Hey there Gytha, sorry for running off so suddenly earlier. I was very hungry," lied Ranyin as he opposite of her, "So, what type of meat do you enjoy?"

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"Just about anything I can get me hands on, really," Gytha replied, "If I'm that hungry." It was a simple enough answer for the simple question. She hadn't even looked up from her food and now jabbed her fork into the shredded beef and shovelled it into her mouth, the sauce threatening to drip a bit from her lib before her tonge quickly swiped it back into her mouth without missing a beat. After swallowing that mouthfull, she picked up the partially-eaten roll and bit into it, ripping off part of it and again using her tongue to pull what she'd torn off into her mouth.

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Hearing Gytha's reply was one thing. Watching her eat was another. Having both together at once sent a very primal chill up Ranyin's spine as he subconciously sat straighter and leaned a bit further back from Gytha.

He looked at his hands that would be the closest things in his possesion to the girl and the mental imagery of them in place of the rolls in her hands was not the least bit helpful in assuaging his fears. Suddenly, his appetite dropped drastically and the shredded meat on his bowl just seemed to look bloodier than it should. Slowly he started eating the meat in silence as he knew not what to say to this...frightening creature sitting before him.

Humans throughout the ages have offered some form of gifts or sacrifice to appease monsters and gods to insure some kind of protection from them, maybe I should do the same, thought Ranyin looking at his bread.

After mustering some courage from the energy the food was giving he offered his bread with visibly shaking outstretched hands to her and said,"I can't finish this, do you want it?"

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"No thanks," Gytha replied rather bluntly and she pulled the remaining piece of her roll into her mouth then proceded to drink some of her water. A bit of it dripped down her chin, but Gytha was able to just wipe that away with the back of her hand before setting the cup down again and crunching on her salad.

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