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Anime Real Time Strategy


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Hi guys, skitarii here.

I was wondering if any of you know if Anime RTS exists, like maybe a Anime version of Age of Empires, Command and Conquer, Starcraft, etc. I know RTS isn't popular in Japan, (same with FPS...), but there has to be a few titles floating around somewhere?


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I'll bet you there is one. And it involves Touhou.

The masses of Touhou fans would not allow any kind of game to escape being touched by Touhou-ness. They made a goddmamn Touhou-Fire Emblem. There's an RTS hiding somewhere in the midst.

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Isn't Sengoku Rance a H-game....?

But but I like my RTS....although TBS is pretty good too.

It is indeed an H-game. For manly men that can handle H-games.

FWIW you can avoid many H-scenes by not being a rapetastic douchebag, but you would suck if you did that.

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Why do you want an anime RTS anyway? there are plenty of good non-anime ones. Granted, Gundam style robot RTS would be damn cool, but Supreme Commander already has that covered and more.

The closest thing I can think of would be Red Alert3, it's not amine but a lot of the Empire's units are heavily inspired by it.

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Why do you want an anime RTS anyway? there are plenty of good non-anime ones. Granted, Gundam style robot RTS would be damn cool, but Supreme Commander already has that covered and more.

Just wondering. It'd look pretty funny.

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I'll bet you there is one. And it involves Touhou.

The masses of Touhou fans would not allow any kind of game to escape being touched by Touhou-ness. They made a goddmamn Touhou-Fire Emblem. There's an RTS hiding somewhere in the midst.

Hit the nail on the head.

Loathing sarcasm aside, there IS something akin to an RTS made with that source material, made by Twilight Frontier, who made the official fighting games as well as Higurashi Daybreak (which had 2 PSP releases). Patchcon Defend the Library. There's keyboard controls, but everything can be handled with its very simple point and click interface.

It's a very small game revolving around using little mass produced squeaky clones of the characters from 6 through 10. Each character has a type: melee, bullet, and float, which have a triangular effective relationship- in addition to their own stats and special skills which increase as you purchase upgrades for them. The objective in any game mode is just to defend a bookshelf from any enemy horde approaching it- the shelf has 20 books, which function as a life meter for you. Lose all 20 points and it's game over. Waves of enemies will come at various time intervals over 12 hours of game time (represented by a clock in the top right corner of the screen), and you need to destroy them before they can get to the books. You can prematurely summon the next wave to acquire a score multiplier, the quicker you invoke them the higher it gets. You additionally have a set of spells, each one time use, to help prevent you from failing, though using one instantly ends your score multiplier. Difficulty settings increase the number of waves per game "hour" as well as adds in other effects like obscuring who the incoming horde is.

I find that Patchcon is pretty fun in its simplicity. There are a number of alternative modes to alter the basics of the gameplay, including a Tower Defense mode, even a boss rush mode, where you fight nothing but the enormous boss class enemies. You shouldn't have any problem finding it and the English patch made for it, not that there's all that much text in the game in the first place. It's not anything like what one would normally consider an RTS since there's no real campaign or anything like that, but it's a good little time killer. Then again I still don't quite understand why one would specifically want an RTS presented with an anime-esque style over something else that delivers the same thing but lacking that aesthetic. I rarely care what the game looks like or is based on if it delivers what I want out of it, but to each their own I guess.

Edited by GTF234
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